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* In ''[[A Series of Unfortunate Events]],'' the character Violet uses her skills as an inventor to create gadgets off-the-cuff with available materials, often in dire situations.
* The characters in most [[Cormac McCarthy]] novels. Could be considered [[Author Appeal]].
* In ''Circumference of Darkness'', the main character is locked in a barn along with some friends. Using a broken tractor, some copper tubing, and some other random items, he builds a fully functional [[Awesome but Impractical|giant tesla coil]] inside the barn. This also leads to a [[You Have Failed Me...]] moment from the mooks responsible by their [[Genre Savvy]] boss.
* [[Ciaphas Cain]] is not only a '''[[Fake Ultimate Hero|Hero of the Imperium!]]''' but apparently also the MacGyver of the [[Warhammer 4000040,000|41st millennium]]; in ''Death or Glory'', while escaping from a large mass of pursuing Orks, he takes shelter in an abandoned warehouse. Using AdMech-sanctioned cleaning fluids in a non-sanctioned way (apparently learned from pulling pranks back at the schola), he constructs a firebomb in a truck to go off in the Orks' faces when they follow it, and another bomb to blow up any Orks who burst in the building's back door. The second one is powerful enough to drop the warehouse roof.
* Also, the classic, [[Older Than Radio]] example called ''The Mysterious Island'', where a few people build a civilization on a remote island with nothing but two watches and a metallic dog collar.
* Ragnar Benson has written multiple books on how to make deadly weapons from stuff lying around the house. These are ''encrusted'' with warnings that doing so before the [[Day of the Jackboot]] will land you in prison, hospital, or the morgue.
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** Lampshaded in another episode. When a woman {{spoiler|who has access to pretty much all iris scanners in existence is kidnapped, she eats blood pressure medicine she finds in the kidnapper's bathroom in an attempt to alter the blood vessels in her eyes, thus blocking her ability to unlock iris scanners.}} Abby's comment: "It didn't work, but A+ for the [[MacGyver]]!"
* In an episode of ''[[Chuck]]'', Casey handcuffs Chuck to a counter in a frozen yogurt shop (long story). After failing to get the [[Action Girl]] to come free him, he freezes the chain with some kind of nefarious yogurt device and breaks it in two. His quip afterwards was something along the lines of "all those years of watching MacGyver finally paid off."
* The [[Myth BustersMythBusters]] often refer to MacGyver as their patron saint. So, for their 100th episode, they did a MacGyver special, consisting of several of Mac's myths, followed by Tory and Grant putting Adam and Jamie through their own "MacGyver obstacle course". Though both the myths were busted, Adam and Jamie managed to go three for four on the obstacle course.
** No, saying three out of four does not do it justice. {{spoiler|1=In true MacGyver fashion, they managed to escape the first part of the obstacle course, then had to use items found at a campsite to signal for pick up by the helicopter. The original plan was that they would build a [[Improvised Weapon|Potato Gun]], instead, they built a kite out of the same materials, plus [[Chekhov's Gun|the rope they were tied up with at the beginning of the segment]].}}
** The one task they failed was because they lacked the scientific knowledge to develop a roll of film. The apparatus they set up would have worked had Adam been able to remember one key aspect of the process.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'': nearly ''everything'' ever made by tinker gnomes, from ''[[Dragonlance]]'' setting (and spread in ''[[Spelljammer]]'' 'verse) qualifies.
* In ''[[Genius: The Transgression]]'' a [[Mad Scientist|Genius]] can "kitbash" a Wonder together in hours, minutes, or even ''seconds'' if they're powerful or have bought the right merit.
* ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' is not devoid of this kind of stuff either, strangely enough. [[Our Orcs Are Different|Da orkz]] build a majority of their own inventions from random scraps of junk, including most of their firearms and vehicles. Ironically, due to the generic mindset of the whole race, most of their inventions work simply because they [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|''think'' it will work]].
** Ork players have been known to construct vehicles using strategies ranging from "leftovers from other vehicles" to "grab all the spare parts, put them in a box, pour in glue, and stick wheels on whatever comes out".
** Although it's not like non-Ork players don't get in on the action either. Because of [[Crack is Cheaper|the price]] of the hobby, any 40k player (or indeed, wargamer) worth their salt will have a [[Name's the Same|bitz box]] wether they are Orks, Humans, Eldar, whatever. It is the most efficient way to go about doing things and anyone who has played for a long time will have closets full of hoarded spare parts that they can cobble together into just about anything.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* ''[[Alone in Thethe Dark]]'' demands that the player combine odd items (without pausing, even during battle) in a way that [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|would be cool yet MacGuyveresque]]. Usually, however, those brave enough to make an attempt have little success except for those who cheat and read the tips for good combinations of items, or worse, using trial and error.
* The main character in the ''[[Tex Murphy]]'' games is all about this. It's necessary to advance past dozens of puzzles throughout the games.
* Another video game example would be any of the ''[[Monkey Island]]'' games where Guybrush Threepwood has to use all manner of wacky items to save the day {{spoiler|One is in ''Curse of Monkey Island'', where you have to pour cooking oil on a guy's back so he'll get sun burnt and you can then peel off the skin on his back which just happens to have a map tattooed on to it}}.
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* Parodied in ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]]: Love For Sail''. When you try to combine random objects, the announcers says something along the lines of, "Larry, sometimes you try to mix two things together, but what do you always get? An ass".
* [[Built With Lego|Any]] [[Lego Adaptation Game]].
* ''[[EarthboundEarthBound]]'': Jeff Andonuts. He's the [[Badass Bookworm]] that can make anything from a Slime Generator from a broken iron to a Gaia Beam from a broken antenna.
* Fotbar Laboratory in ''[[Choro Q]] HG 4'' allows you to make powerful parts out of spoon, wrist strap, piece of cloth, paper bag, and others. The strongest chassis of the game is happened to be made of eraser.
* [[Professor Layton]] has a habit of this: