MacGyvering: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Tintin]]'' tends to resort to this after being kidnapped by the villain-of-the-week. Interestingly, while they're still ingenious a lot of his inventions are surprisingly plausible.
* ''[[Batman]]'', of course, has pulled this off several times, usually on those rare instances where he is without his utility belt.
** Many members of his [[Rogues Gallery]] show this talent too, a result of the guards at Arkham being complete morons and letting them have access to things they shouldn't have. [[The Joker]] alone managed to escape by ''building a hot air balloon'' and there was one story where Dr. Arkham himself put him on janitorial duty, giving him access to the chemicals he needed to make his Venom. It's little wonder that Batman and the Arkham staff don't get along.
* [[Spider-Man]]'s enemy the Vulture once escaped Riker's Island by destroying the wall of his cell using a tractor beam made from a headset radio, using his expertise in the field of electromagnetics. Then, as the alarms were going off, he flew away with wings tinkered together from bedsheets, wooden rods, and duct tape; he knew they'd only last a few minutes, at most, but luckily for him the crooks he had hired to have a boat waiting were there.