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== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' has Ako, Natsumi, and Akira selling themselves into slavery shortly after their arrival in the magic world to pay for a very ill Ako's expensive medicine. Tosaka abuses them on occasion, but their actual owner (a literal [[Mama Bear]] who's in charge of a tavern) beats the crap out of him for it. Even then, Tosaka only looks down on them because he was once a slave himself (and so was Mama, who knows him from these days). {{spoiler|Negi eventually manages to buy their freedom, and that fires Tosaka's envy since it took him ''twenty'' years to buy his own freedom.}}
** Several recent{{when}} chapters reveal that {{spoiler|the reason Jack Rakan is so crazy powerful is because he spent pretty much his whole life fighting as a gladiatorial slave, before winning his freedom and starting to fight in wars.}}
* Recently in [[Vinland Saga]] Thorfinn has become a slave working in Jutland.
* Used in ''[[+Anima]]'' when they go to sailand all of the four main character's are made into slaves Senri is the only one sold at a slave market though.
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* In [[James Swallow]]'s short story "The Returned" Tarikus remembers his [[Backstory]]: being captured by the Red Corsairs and sold like cattle to Fabius Bile.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "[[The People of the Black Circle]]", threatened to Yasmina:
{{quote|''"But for all your stupidity, you are a woman fair to look upon. It is my whim to keep you for my slave."''
''[[Royal Blood|The daughter of a thousand proud emperors]] gasped with shame and fury at the word.''
''"You dare not!"''
''[[Break the Haughty|His mocking laughter cut her like a whip across her naked shoulders]].'' }}
** Octavia's [[Backstory]] in "[[The Devil in Iron]]"
** Olivia's [[Backstory]] in "[[Iron Shadows in the Moon|Shadows in The Moonlight]]"; of [[Royal Blood]], she had refused an [[Arranged Marriage]].
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* In one episode of ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise]]'', nine ''Enterprise'' crew are captured by Orion slavers. One (T'Pol) sells for a high figure, presumably as a sex slave. Before her new owner can even complete filling out the paperwork, the ''Enterprise'' attacks.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]''
** In the episode ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S18/E05 Warriors Gate|Warriors' Gate]]''", the Tharls had enslaved people in the past -- "The weak enslave themselves"—and now are slaves themselves. The Doctor gives them an [[Ironic Echo]], and one concedes the justice, but they have suffered enough.
** Then there are the Ood {{spoiler|enslaved and [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|mutilated by humans.]]}} [[Tear Jerker|Poor Ood.]]
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S9/E04 The Mutants|The Mutants]]''", Ky complains this has been done to his people.
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S15/E05 Underworld|Underworld]]''", most of the people on the planet are enslaved to labor. They think the "sky falls" (tunnel collapses) are done to keep their number low, just enough to labor.
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S21/E03 Frontios|Frontios]]''", to captured humans.
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S6/E01 The Dominators|The Dominators'']]", the Dominators enslave the Doctor and Jamie.
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S3/E06 The Ark|The Ark]]''", between the two time periods, humanity has been enslaved.
** In ''"[[Doctor Who/Recap/S10/E04 Planet of the Daleks|Planet of the Daleks]]''", the Spiridons.
== [[Oral Tradition]], Folklore, Myths and Legends ==
== Religion and Mythology ==
* [[Greek Mythology]]:
** Heracles/Hercules was basically forced to do whatever Hera told him to do during the Twelve Labors. One of the actual labors was cleaning out the manure from a stable, a menial task which was meant to humiliate Heracles. This didn't work out, as Hercules ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|diverted a river to flush the stables like a giant toilet]]''.
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** In the 4th Edition guidebook ''Monster Manual 2'', Slavers are one of several varieties of humans that are outlined as possible antagonists. The Lore section states "Slavers are themselves slaves to greed and power", which is true, more often than not.
== TheaterTheatre ==
* [[Euripides]]'s ''The Trojan Women'' showed the princesses being divvied up among the victors.
** In ''Andromache'', Andromache is the victim of her master's jealous wife, Hermione. Who was a Spartan—at the time of the Athenian-Spartan wars. Naturally, Andromache comes off well.
* In the [[Backstory]] of ''[[Othello]]'', this is how Othello won Desdemona.
{{quote|''Wherein I [[The Storyteller|spoke]] of most disastrous chances,''
''Of moving accidents by flood and field,''
''Of hair-breadth ’scapes i' th' imminent deadly breach,''
''Of being taken by the insolent foe''
''And sold to slavery, of my redemption thence''
''And portance in my traveler’s history.'' }}
* Happens to Marina in [[Shakespeare]]'s ''[[Pericles, Prince of Tyre]]''. She manages to talk her way out of her [[Fate Worse Than Death]], however.
* A standard plot in the plays of the [[Ancient Rome|Roman]] playwright [[Plautus]]. This being the best way to ensure that the ''[[Upper Class Twit|adulescens]]'' can make a legitimate marriage with the "[[Is That What They're Calling It Now?|flute girl]]" he's fallen for: she turns out to have been captured by [[Pirate]]s at a young age and is revealed to be the [[The Ingenue|long-lost daughter]] of the next-door neighbor.
== Video Games ==
==Video Games==
* The player character in ''[[Age of Conan]]'' starts out as a slave.
* Rhen is kidnapped from her village and is sold into slavery in ''[[Aveyond]]''.
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* In ''[[Our Little Adventure]]'', [ the life of a raised wight until its creator is killed.]
* In ''[[Sinfest]]'', [ the aliens' plans for humanity.]
== Western Animation ==