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As more episodes were added, a [[Cerebus Syndrome|subtle storyline slowly developed,]] though what it all means is one of the most heavily disputed subjects in the fandom. At its very base, the story is something like this: the protagonist ("Hank J. Wimbleton") wants to assassinate the The Sheriff for some reason or another. And he's willing to kill countless random goons to do so. He enters the Sheriff's building of operation, slaughters everyone in sight, but is anticlimactically shot in the head by Jebus, who seems to be the Sheriff's right hand man.
Hank is then brought back to life somehow, and tries his hit on The Sheriff again, who seems to be very willing to hit the big red button on the [[HitchThe HikersHitchhiker's Guide to Thethe Galaxy|"Improbability Drive"]] and send the world into chaos, just to save his own skin. Hank ends up dying again, although he takes Jebus and The Sheriff with him. Oh, and an Insane Zombie clown works his way into this mess somehow.
The later episodes tend to revolve around Hank attempting to kill Jebus and The Zombie Clown With Super Powers ("Tricky"), for some unknown reason. [[The Matrix|Matrix]]-inspired fights, ludicrously violent deaths, non-sequitur like moments and a much darker feel follow the latter part of the series. All because of the Improbability Drive, and its insane effects on everyone and everything. Or something like that. Yes, it's all that vague, though all three major characters appear to have been killed permanently after {{spoiler|the Improbability Drive was finally deactivated. That is, until two NEW protagonists revive Hank}}.
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** The same could be said for the M203 grenade launcher in ''Madness: Project Nexus''; the game even lets you know that you can damage yourself with it by saying in the description that the grenades have no safety feature. It's also the only weapon that has friendly fire, which doesn't bode well when you have a squad of six teammates in Arena mode.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Pretty much everyone, but Tricky takes the cake.
* [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Hank has died 7 times over, Tricky has a grand total of 6 deaths to his name, and Jebus has gone out 4 times. And that's not even taking the countless Zombie Mooks present in the series...
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: Sanford and Deimos in 9, 5.5 and 6.5, then Hank and Sanford in 10.
* [[Bad Boss]]: The Auditor.
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* [[Badass Back]]: Attacking Hank from behind usually just means you'll die ''faster.''
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Eventually, [[The Hero|Hank]] and [[Ascended Extra|Deimos]].
* [[Badass Normal]]: Hank at first, before going through numerous [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|resurrections]], and now Sanford and Deimos fit the bill, being the only protagonists thus far without having some kind of power or mutation. {{spoiler|Well, maybe just Sanford.}} The two mooks that are forced to accompany the auditor ''would'' count, being able to {{spoiler|outshoot Sanford and Demios}}, but they're superpowered.
* [[Badass Preacher]]: [[Captain Obvious|Jebus]].
* [[BFG]]: The Auditor is fond of these, as are any [[Giant Mook|Mag Agents]] on the field. In the latter case it's justified as they're pretty big themselves.
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'''<small> {{spoiler|Auditor:}} NO! NO! NO!</small>'''
'''<small> {{spoiler|Tricky:}} YES! YES! YES!</small>''' }}
* [[BLAMNon Sequitur Episode]]: Tricky Madness 2 and [[Will It Blend|Incident:001A]].
* [[Bling Bling Bang]]: Every gun in ''Madness: Project Nexus'' has a gold palette swap.
* [[Bulletproof Human Shield]]: Dead enemies usually come in handy as these. Hank's dead body in Aggregation is also used like this by Deimos, and {{spoiler|he later does it Deimos when he's killed.}}
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* [[High-Pressure Blood]]: A mook in Avenger gets his face blown off. A literal FOUNTAIN of blood spouts out of his face-crater, flooding three quarters of the room to WAIST HEIGHT.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Hank has suffered a couple of these; Tricky {{spoiler|has repeatedly stabbed Hank with the signpost that originally killed him}}, and Jebus {{spoiler|finished Hank off with the infamous [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice|stab, lift, and headshot]] from ''Apotheosis''}}.
** {{spoiler|As of Abrogation, this has happened to the Auditor. Remember kids, [[Monster Clown|Monster Clowns]]s are NOT part of a healthy diet!}}
* [[Hollywood Silencer]]: played straight in ''Redeemer'' (second episode), justified in ''Apotheosis'' (fourth episode), and finally averted in ''Depredation'' (fifth episode).
** Then played straight again in ''Aggregation'' (ninth episode).
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* [[Implacable Man]]: {{spoiler|Jebus didn't stop chasing after the Auditor in Madness 8}}.
** Incident:0011A has one of the MAG Agents as its protagonist and this.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: Most notably Hank in Avenger. Tons of [[Mook|Mooks]]s meet the same fate on regular basis, including one memorably badass moment in Apotheosis when Hank gets hold of his first katana and uses it to skewer one of the mooks and lift him up before unloading a submachine gun into his face.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Tricky's main weapon is a road sign that he uses as a staff, a spear and an axe. Sometimes all at once.
* [[Informed Flaw]]: Hank's mental retardation from episode 9 onwards. After his transformation and resurrection, he uses intelligent tactics ([[MacGyver|MacGyvering]]ing up a bomb and tossing it at [[Elite Mooks]] after distracting them with the corpse of {{spoiler|Deimos}}), uses the environment to deploy traps, hangs back to let Sanford take care of enemies armed with guns, makes use of martial arts, and [[Genre Savvy|keeps his gun trained on the exit when riding an elevator]]. He also adapts quickly to the Auditor's changing tactics. If anything, he's more careful than before his resurrection.
* [[Interquel]]: Madness Combat 5.6, 6.5, and 7.5.
* [[I Will Fight Some More Forever]]: The heroes never stop trying to damage the Auditor, even after it's made very clear he can become intangible, though it's justified by the fact that when he becomes intangible he must either drop his weapon, teleport to safety, or both.
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* [[Splash of Color]]: Mostly red (and now [[Alien Blood|yellow]]) in the midst of that colorless world.
* [[Standard Snippet]]: You can hear Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" in Madness Combat 3's main theme.
* [[The Scrappy]]: [[Invoked Trope|An interesting example.]] The creator himself has often and openly displayed his hate for The Sheriff -- probablySheriff—probably the reason he got the honour of being [[Killed Off for Real]].
* [[The Starscream]]: Tricky could be interpreted as this.
** {{spoiler|As of Abrogation, this has been confirmed. Posthumously. It got to the point where Tricky defiantly deserted just to battle Hank, and the Auditor threatened anyone who was "caught posting paraphernalia in regards to that god damn clown" with instant death.}}
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* [[Throwing Your Sword Always Works]]: Ever seen someone's skull being pierced by a police baton from ''[[Crazy Awesome|across the room?]]'' Hank does this with a gun, a sword in the intro for ''Apothesis'', and Jesus at least once.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: The grunts in Incident:011A try to stop [[Giant Mook|Mag-Agent: Torture]] by hitting him with nightsticks.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Hank gets a lot better at fighting over time.
* [[Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth]]: {{spoiler|The Auditor absorbs Tricky's corpse. Tricky then decides to overload the Auditor, causing him to explode.}}
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Jebus has his longsword with "316" in binary on it and a S&W500 Revolver. The Auditor has his twin blades and (arguably) is the only character to utilize heavy weapons (Rocket launcher, minigun). Tricky also likes to use traffic sign with exclamation mark on it. Sanford seems to be fond of his hook and .357 Ruger. In several episodes Hank uses a piece of piano wire to dispatch mooks and Agents. Everyone uses different weapons throughout the series.