Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven: Difference between revisions

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Thomas "Tommy" Angelo is an ordinary taxi driver working in the city of Lost Heaven during [[The Great Depression]]. One evening, he is caught in a wild car chase involving thugs of two [[The Mafia|rivaling mobs]] in town [[Mob War|trying to kill each other]]. Forced to side with one party, he soon faces retribution from the other and has no choice but to start working for [[Benevolent Boss|Don Salieri]], whose men he saved earlier. This turns out to be a wise decision, since [[Black and Gray Morality|the other family is]] [[Bad Boss|much worse]]. Thus begins Tommy's ascension from a simple cabbie to the best [[Career Killers|hitman]] in the entire mob.
''Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven'' (2002) is a [[Third-Person Shooter]] developed by Illusion Softworks (later renamed 2K Czech), which combines an [[Satire, Parody, Pastiche|affectionate pastiche]] to the classic mafia movies (''[[The Godfather]]'' and co.) with the ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]''-like gameplay to produce a sweeping storyline with many sudden revelations, intense gunfights, and adrenaline-laden car chases. The sequel, ''[[Mafia II]]'', came out in August 2010 and features the new setting of Empire Bay, a new protagonist and a supposedly [[Darker and Edgier]] storyline. ''Mafia II'' was then followed by ''[[Mafia III]]'', which marked a stark departure from the series by putting players in the shoes of African-American [[Vietnam War]] veteran-turned-mobster Lincoln Clay along with the Civil Rights Era setting and social commentary towards white supremacism and criticism of the Vietnam War.
The game featured many unique features for its genre and time, including storing the aftermath of player actions in the city, even if the player left the location for a long time: e.g. if you shot at a car in Free Ride, it is possible to run into that same car later on in a different part of the city; abandoned cars and weapons stay where they are, instead of disappearing after a while as in ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'', etc. The game was noted for exceptional graphics for its time and a sophisticated police AI. However, despite being originally released for PC, the game is probably known to many for its god-awful PlaystationPlayStation 2 portand Xbox ports, which, due to a significant drop in processing and programming power, lost many of these unique perks in favour of simplified gameplay and truncated level design.
An eight-generation remake of the game, subtitled ''Definitive Edition'', was announced for [[Microsoft Windows]], [[PlayStation 4]] and [[Xbox One]] in 2020, developed by Hangar 13 and published by 2K as part of the ''Mafia Trilogy'' compilation which comprised of re-releases of all three games: the aforementioned remake of the first game, a remaster of the second and an update for the third game. The ''Definitive Edition'' is due to be released on September 25, 2020; it was originally slated for August 2020 but was delayed citing complications brought by the [[COVID-19 Pandemic]].
Not to be confused with the [[Parlor Games|card/roleplay]][[The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow|ing/mind game]].
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* [[Back Seats Are Just for Show]]
* [[Bad Boss]]: Don Morello
* [[Barbie Doll Anatomy]]: Two of the missions see Tommy encounter naked women in the game, namely Sarah and Michelle. Except that not only were their private parts obscured by a [[Scenery Censor]], attempting to view them through hacking or by importing the .4DS files in a modelling tool such as 3DS Max or Zmodeler would yield Sarah and Michelle lacking nipples and other private bits. This perhaps saved Illusion Softworks the trouble of potentially being slapped with a harsher M rating descriptor for nudity.
* [[Battle Butler]]/[[Two Shots From Behind the Bar]]: Luigi, the bartender, packs a shotgun behind the bar, and will not hesitate to gun you down if you attack any of your allies in the mid-mission stages.
* [[Benevolent Boss]]: Don Salieri ({{spoiler|who turns out to be [[Not So Different]] from Morello, in the end}})
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* [[Career Killers]]: Tommy, Paulie, and Sam
* [[The Consigliere]]: Frank
* [[Cool Car]]: Most of the bonus cars in the freerideFreeride mode.
* [[Dashed Plotline]]: The original game is a collection of various episodes of a long [[Mob War]] spread over the years, recounted by the [[Player Character]].
* [[Deadly Distant Finale]]: See [[Downer Ending]] below.
* [[Discretion Shot]]: At the end of an early level, The Running Man, there is one after the two mafiosos that have been chasing you go into [[Benevolent Boss|Salieri's]] bar.
* [[Downer Ending]]: {{spoiler|Tommy finishes telling his story, testifies against the family and gets 80 gangsters thrown in jail, with some getting the chair and Salieri himself getting life in prison. The police then gets him and his family new identities, moves them across the country to a good looking neighborhood and a respectable job for Tommy. Basically everything seems to have worked out great...then we flash forward 20 something years, where we see an aged Tommy watering his lawn when a couple of thugs show up. One of them calls Tommy by his real name (which was changed by the fedsFeds) and the other says "Mr. Salieri sends his regards" while he blasts Tommy in the chest with a sawn-off shotgun. The game then ends with his thoughts as he lies bleeding on the lawn}}.
** In ''Mafia II'', {{spoiler|[[Player Punch|Vito and Joe are revealed to be the hitmen.]]}}
* [[Enemy-Detecting Radar]]: Oddly enough, but only for cars.
* [[Every Car Is a Pinto]]: Cars are a ''lot'' less explosion-prone than most other games in the genre, but they'll still go up in a fireball if you put a hundred rounds or so into the engine, or shoot the fuel tank a few times.
* [[Game Breaking Bug]]: A minor one, but Gangsters with shotguns in FreeRide, who start off driving a car, occasionally have a glitch where their shotguns rapid fire until they need to reload, which is deadly in close range, but not too much of a problem farther away.
* [[Genre Shift]]: For some levels, ''especially'' "Happy Birthday!", the game turns into a [[Stealth Based Game]]--specifically, and appropriately, ''[[Hitman]]''. "Visiting Rich People" is also stealth-driven, and can be somewhat compared to ''[[Splinter Cell]]'' in terms of mechanics and objectives.
* [[Gotta Catch Em All]]: The cars in the game, which you need to collect to be able to access in other modes, and the Bonus Cars, which include a tank, Batmobile Expy, a hippie-mobile, and a fragile taxi that can go from 0 to 90 in less than a second.
** That'd be the [[wikipedia:Phantom Corsair|Phantom Corsair]]. As most other cars in Mafia, it is a real car with a few details changed and sans the marque name.
* [[The Great Depression]]: The whole plot of the first Mafia, except the final scene of the epilogue, takes place between 1930 and 1938, dead smack in the middle of it.
* {{spoiler|[[The Hero Dies]]}}
* [[Hide Your Children]]: Semi-averted. What appears to be a young boychild shows up in the opening FMV, and a mission had Tommy {{spoiler|rescue Frank Colletti's daughter Alice along with her mother.}} Don't expect them to roam the streets in the main game and Freeride, though.
** You can actually shoot and kill Alice and her mother in "Omerta" (whether by accident or deliberately), though it would unsurprisingly lead you to a game over.
* [[How We Got Here]]: The entire story is a series of Tommy's flashbacks, as he relates his criminal past to Detective Norman.
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Adverted. While Tommy can hide quite a few pistols in his coat, he can can only conceal one large gun at the time while carrying another in his hands. Picking up a third large weapon will prompt Tommy to drop the one he is currently carrying. The sequel plays this trope straight.
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* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: The [[PlayStation 2]] port is the primary offender of this trope - it takes up to 5-10 minutes for a mission, a cutscene or Freeplay to start up. Add additional time to load up the New Ark/Hoboken district when crossing the Guiliano Bridge and the countryside (in some missions). Expect to clock half your game time waiting for the damn game to load. Averted with the PC version though - it omits loading screens in between map changes and only uses them for mission startups or cutscenes (and the time it takes is at least 10 seconds).
* [[The Mafia]]: Where do we start?
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Thomas '''Angel'''o from the city of Lost '''Heaven''', eh?
* [[Mob War]]
* [[No One Should Survive That]]: Sergio. Four times. In the end Tommy decides to just chase him down and kill him rather than being discreet about it
* [[One Bullet Clips]]: Mafia is one of those games that averts this trope, so be prepared to lose unused ammunition in your magazine when you reload. Oddly, this also applies to sawn-off shotguns, which are supposed to be fed with individual shells.
* [[Only One Name]]: Played straight with the original, as most of the principal characters were only known by their first or last names. Salieri's full name wasn't revealed until the second game, and it wasn't until the ''Definitive Edition'' where said primary and secondary characters are finally given surnames, courtesy of collectable cigarette cards with their portraits and backstories: Paulie Lombardo, Sam Trapani, Sarah Marino, Luigi Marino...
* [[Roof Hopping]]: Rooftop escape after blowing a hotel.
* [[Stop Helping Me!]]: Though they are usually pretty intelligent, the main character's partners (especially Sam, for some reason) will occasionally get a bit too enthusiastic and run straight into trouble.