Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's/Characters: Difference between revisions

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==== Tropes associated with Hayate: ====
* [[Adaptational Badass]]: In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|The Battle Of Aces]]''. Compare the TV version, who claims she can't even beat [[White Magician Girl|Caro]] in single combat to the ''Battle of Aces'' version who goes toe-to-toe with copies of [[Badass Crew|her friends]] and kicks ten types of ass in her own story mode. Her final stage is a practice fight with the real Nanoha, which she wins, despite Nanoha's attempt to Starlight Breaker her. Justified since in that continuity Reinforce is teaching her to use the Tome more effectively. Hayate also mentions in the introduction to her story mode that Shamal, Reinforce, Nanoha and Fate have been training her.
* [[The Atoner]]: Is driven by a desire to make up for the Book of Darkness incident.
* [[Beam Spam]]: Her basic ranged attack in ''The Battle of Aces''.
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* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Acts this way at times, as Shamal notes that she hides her pain from her family.
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]: Has incredibly powerful bombardment magic, but that takes a long time to cast and has little use in close-quarters combat.
** To the point that she says in the supplementary manga that she might be able to beat Caro in a fight. If Caro didn't have access to either of her dragons. ...then she realises Caro's been training under Nanoha, and says she wouldn't win anyway.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: So far the champion of this trope in all of ''Nanoha'', considering she was the mother figure of her adoptive family ''at the age of nine''.
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* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: In ''[[Nanoha Force|FORCE]]'' Ch. 20, {{spoiler|Signum finally raised from her hospital bed and put on her knight clothes}}. And what's the first thing the Blazing General does? {{spoiler|Engages in a sparring match against [[Game Breaker|Tohma]] "[[Story-Breaker Power|Divide]] [[Anti-Magic|Zero]]" [[The Juggernaut|Avenir]]}}. Only Eins knows what's going on inside her pink head.
* [[Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like]]: In the space of a single episode, says she won't thank Fate for saving her from a monster (because she destroyed it and the Linker Core she wanted to collect), and is outraged when the [[Mysterious Protector]] intervenes by ripping out Fate's Linker Core (presumably because of Fate being a [[Worthy Opponent]])
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Becomes sort of this during [[Striker S]] but specially to Fate, Vice and Alto. In ''Force'' she seems to be heading to be this for {{spoiler|Tohma}} as {{spoiler|she feels responsible for not being able to save him(see [[Failure Knight]] below)}}. More or less confirmed in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|The Gears of Destiny]]'' [[All There in the Manual|PSP game]] where {{spoiler|Tohma}} calls her ''Signum-neesan''.
* [[Defeating the Undefeatable]]: Though her fights tend to end in a draw, she's never lost a battle as far as we know, until chapter 7 of ''[[Nanoha Force|Force]]'', where {{spoiler|Cypha of Huckebein nearly kills her}}.
* [[Does Not Know Her Own Strength]]: The can't do smaller tasks variation. Once she refused to heat up water for bathing because of that. Also breaking your own freakin sword with the sheer force of your attack is a truly impressive proof of your strength.
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* [[Worthy Opponent]]: She views Fate as this in season 2.
{{quote|'''Signum:''' Had we not met like this, we could have been good friends.}}
* [[You Will Not Evade Me]]: Laevatein can be used for this in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|TheBattleOfAces]]''.
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* [[Big Eater]]: Partly because of her being a Belkan knight, which tends to result in users having to eat more than Mid-Childian mages. However, she also eats a fair amount even when she was living with Hayate and not fighting, and claims that it's because she's growing.
* [[Bring My Red Jacket]]: Tends to get badly wounded and bleed all over her red barrier jacket.
* [[Determinator]]: She is quite possibly an even bigger determinator than Nanoha, or at least it ''looks'' more impressive since she has [[Made of Iron|insane endurance]]. Near the end of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'', she is fighting through hordes of combat machines, {{spoiler|getting stabbed right through the chest}}, and upon realizing that they was the same type of drones that {{spoiler|injured Nanoha}} she completely flips and wrecks them all. Then she arrives at the ships engine heavily injured, tries to destroy it with no success, only to be greeted by automatic defense systems. And her response?
{{quote|'''Vita:''' [[Bring It|Bring it on.]]}}
* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]]: Her Barrier Jacket is covered in them.
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* [[Jerkass]]: During much of her existence, she refused to let the other Wolkenritter get close to her, and was almost constantly angry and rebellious out of combat.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: After her [[Heel Face Turn]], her temper and manners are less than perfect, but she cares for those close to her.
* [[Just a Kid]]: Even after becoming aware of her [[Artificial Human|true]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|nature]] and [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|true age]], Nanoha still often treats her like a kid, addressing her as "Vita-[[Japanese Honorifics|chan]]", petting her on the head, and in one case carrying her in her arms when she's asleep, because she didn't want to wake her up, much to her annoyance.
* [[Know When to Fold'Em]]: During her third encounter with Nanoha, she decides to retreat because as she cannot absorb her Linker Core again, fighting her would be a waste of energy.
* [[Let's You and Him Fight|Let's You And Her Fight]]: Attacks Fate during Fate's route in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|BattleOfAces]]'' while mistaking her for a Memory.
* [[Little Miss Snarker]]: Quite willing to point out when she thinks someone is being stupid, especially with regards to the forwards.
* [[Made of Iron]]: She may very well have the most endurance and fortitude out of all the main characters.
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* [[Tempting Fate]]: She guilty for this in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's|A's]]'' and ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|StrikerS]]''. Suposedly she wises up in ''[[Mahou Senki Lyrical Nanoha Force|Force]]''
** In her second fight with Nanoha, Nanoha surounds him with a lot of [[Magic Missile]] and she perform [[Beehive Barrier|Panzer Hidernis]] to protect herself while saying: "Are you stupid?! There's no way you control all these bullets!" A moment later, [[Improbable Aiming Skills|the bullets start speeding up]], and the Panzer Hidernis slowly took damage. [[Sarcasm Mode|Good job]].
** In her third encounter with Nanoha, she was using Eisen Geheul to distrat Nanoha, giving her time to escape her. After a while, she muses, "OK, this is far enough...." Cue Nanoha charging up [[Wave Motion Gun|Divine Buster]]. {{spoiler|She was saved by a third party intercepting the beam and bind Nanoha.}}
** In ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|StrikerS]]'', "I'm almost there. I still have cartridges. I'm fine. It'll be easy." Cue invisible [[Elite Mook|Elite]] [[Mecha Mook]] stabbing her through the back and her having to prove just how big a [[Determinator]] she is.
** Several episode earlier, she boast, "The Knight of the Iron Hammer, Vita, and the Steel Count, Graf Eisen. There's nothing in this world we can't destroy." {{spoiler|Yes, she manages to live the reputation,}} But it is clear that [[Determined Defeatist|she was]] [[Game-Breaking Injury|on her last leg]] {{spoiler|[[Combat Breakdown|while acomplishing it.]]}}
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* [[Barrier Warrior]]: Excellent at creating barriers for various purposes and blocking attacks.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Nanoha mentions in Sound Stage M3 that she can be very scary when she wants to be, such as when her patients don't do as she says.
* [[Blow You Away]]: ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|TheBattleOfAces]]'' video game reveals a variety of wind spells she could use when she needs to fight.
* [[Combat Medic]]: While Shamal normally keeps out of combat, she's ''hardly'' helpless in other fields. She has the ability to ''stick her hand through you and rip out your magic''. From a ''mile'' away. Or at least she did back when they still had the Book of Darkness.
* [[Conspicuous Trenchcoat]]: [[Subverted]] -- she tries to disguise herself when spying on Nanoha and Fate, but Dr. Ishida recognizes her immediately.
* [[Expy]]: She looks like what [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Ritsuko Akagi]] might look like if she were in the Nanoha-verse. This is especially apparent with her first appearance in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'', when she's wearing what appears to be a white doctor's coat. Considering the number of mecha anime shout outs in ''Nanoha'', it could be intentional.
* [[The Face]]: Of the Belkan Knights. Look at the contrasts between her and her fellows: the most feminine, the one who can't cook, the [[Team Mom]]. She's also [[Mission Control]] because her magic is focused on communication and teleportation.
* [[Feminine Women Can Cook]]: [[Inverted]] -- Shamal is the only member of the cast who is shown to be a [[Lethal Chef|bad cook]], while [[Action Girl|Action Girls]] Nanoha, Fate and Hayate are quite skilled at cooking.
* [[Healing Hands]]
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* [[Big Badass Wolf]]: Unlike Arf, he prefers going around in this form unless he's teaching children martial arts.
* [[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]
* [[Counter Attack]]: While everyone in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|TheBattleOfAces]]'' has one in melee range, Zafira also has one in ranged mode.
* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Loses some of his screentime in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Striker S]]'' but really gets hit hard in the Sound Stages. In the first and second sound stages of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's|A's]]'' and ''StrikerS'' he's either away for most of the story or absent for some reason. On the other hand, in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid|Vi Vid]]'' where he's the trainer of Miura [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Rinaldi/Linard]], he appears more frequently and talks more than in his entire screentime on ''StrikerS''. Still a support character but with a much better treatement.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Once again not really "evil", but he is one of the antagonists for season two and pretty much a [[Distaff Counterpart|male version of Arf]], made especially blatant when they fight in their animal forms.
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* {{spoiler|[[But Now I Must Go]]}}
* [[Elemental Punch]]
* [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower]]: In one route of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|TheBattleOfAces]]'' {{spoiler|Hayate acts as a unison device for her}}!
* [[Extremity Extremist]]: Only uses her hands in melee combat.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: As {{spoiler|Unison Reinforce}}.
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* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Not fast enough to be a [[Lightning Bruiser]], way too powerful and resilient to be [[The Mario]].
* [[Mission Control]]: Often serves this role in ''Battle Of Aces''.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]] / [[NoWon't SellWork On Me]]: Reinforce doesn't appear to even notice some of the stuff Nanoha throws at her, and no-sells the rest.
* [[Number of the Beast]]: The Book of Darkness has 666 pages.
* [[Overly Narrow Superlative]]: "I'm the happiest magical tome in the world."
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Redemption Demotion]]: Much less broken on the good team in ''The Battle of Aces'' than when still on team evil.
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Cast]]: Lives in ''The Battle of Aces''.
* {{spoiler|[[Snow Means Death]]}}
* [[Sweater Girl]]: In ''[ The Battle of Aces.]''
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* [[Too Many Belts]]: In evil mode.
* {{spoiler|[[Too Powerful to Live]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Brought Down to Normal]]}}: The option presented in the PSP games {{spoiler|as she started slowly but surely loosing her powers as a consequence of being separated from the defense program and by the time of the [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha AsA's Portable|2nd game]] she's considerably weaker, still a capable mage but nowhere close to the titanic powerhouse she used to be}}.
* [[Up to Eleven]]: Takes copied spells and makes them even more powerful.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]