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** Bane from ''The Dark Knight Rises'' also qualifies. Being a [[Genius Bruiser]] of epic proportions and possessing gifted eloquence, Bane was able to challenge Batman in ways that not even ''the Joker'' was able to do before him. This is emphasized during their first fight, in which Bane recites a segmented "Reason You Suck" Speech while effortlessly breaking poor Bruce in both body and spirit. He then goes on a literal reign of terror over Gotham by toppling the city government and inciting a (faux) class revolution that would have made Vladimir Lenin envious, all in order to spiritually torment Bruce further (Bruce can see everything that's going down in Gotham on a conveniently placed television set in his prison hole) just before the city gets wiped off the map by a bomb that's set to be detonated by his partner in a matter of days. The most magnificent part is that he accomplished everything the Joker set out to do, minus the horrific end goal of endless chaos, halfway through the film!
** Bane from ''The Dark Knight Rises'' also qualifies. Being a [[Genius Bruiser]] of epic proportions and possessing gifted eloquence, Bane was able to challenge Batman in ways that not even ''the Joker'' was able to do before him. This is emphasized during their first fight, in which Bane recites a segmented "Reason You Suck" Speech while effortlessly breaking poor Bruce in both body and spirit. He then goes on a literal reign of terror over Gotham by toppling the city government and inciting a (faux) class revolution that would have made Vladimir Lenin envious, all in order to spiritually torment Bruce further (Bruce can see everything that's going down in Gotham on a conveniently placed television set in his prison hole) just before the city gets wiped off the map by a bomb that's set to be detonated by his partner in a matter of days. The most magnificent part is that he accomplished everything the Joker set out to do, minus the horrific end goal of endless chaos, halfway through the film!
*** Selina Kyle and {{spoiler|Talia al Ghul}} are contenders as well. Selina, aka The Catwoman, is an attractive and charismatic woman who's a thief, a trickster, a Manipulative Bitch, and an ass-kicker. Despite her having stolen the necklace that belonged to Bruce's mother, his keepsake of her from when she was murdered, Bruce finds himself fond of her and even attracted to her...even after she steals his car by passing herself off as his wife on her way out of a party. She's a [[Noble Demon]] with a strong honor code and sense of fairness. Meanwhile, {{spoiler|Talia is the charming daughter of Ra's al Ghul, partner and lover of Bane, and for a while, Bruce's girlfriend AND proprietor of Wayne Enterprises. All of Bane's actions can be traced to her, as she secretly had a hand in all of it and concocted the entire evil plot with him. But she added the extra touch of seducing Bruce so that she can reveal her true colors to him right before killing him, in a literal twist of a knife, to break his heart - all for revenge for her father, whom she blames Bruce for taking from her.}}
*** Selina Kyle and {{spoiler|Talia al Ghul}} are contenders as well. Selina, aka The Catwoman, is an attractive and charismatic woman who's a thief, a trickster, a Manipulative Bitch, and an ass-kicker. Despite her having stolen the necklace that belonged to Bruce's mother, his keepsake of her from when she was murdered, Bruce finds himself fond of her and even attracted to her...even after she steals his car by passing herself off as his wife on her way out of a party. She's a [[Noble Demon]] with a strong honor code and sense of fairness. Meanwhile, {{spoiler|Talia is the charming daughter of Ra's al Ghul, partner and lover of Bane, and for a while, Bruce's girlfriend AND proprietor of Wayne Enterprises. All of Bane's actions can be traced to her, as she secretly had a hand in all of it and concocted the entire evil plot with him. But she added the extra touch of seducing Bruce so that she can reveal her true colors to him right before killing him, in a literal twist of a knife, to break his heart - all for revenge for her father, whom she blames Bruce for taking from her.}}
* ''Batman: Assault on Arkham'': Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, is a highly efficient assassin and master marksman. Employed by Amanda Waller as the leader of Task Force X, aka the Suicide Squad, Deadshot organizes an infiltration of Arkham Asylum to acquire stolen information from the Riddler. Throughout the mission, Deadshot displays his cunning and tactical genius as he repeatedly improvises when faced with numerous setbacks by his more reckless and untrustworthy allies, Batman and the Joker, and even fearlessly stares down the latter at gunpoint and bluffs him into wasting his only bullet. Managing to escape via helicopter in the midst of a prison riot while his allies are either killed or detained, Deadshot then single-handedly defeats the Joker in combat, withstanding multiple near-fatal injuries in the process. In the end, Deadshot achieves his true goal of reuniting with his daughter, and spends the last few moments of the film scoping Amanda Waller a distance away with a sniper, intent on making her pay for using him.
* ''[[L.A. Confidential]]'': The film version of Captain Dudley Smith is a charming, witty corrupt police officer who tries to get control of all criminal activity in Los Angeles after the fall of gangster Mickey Cohen leaves a power vacuum behind. He chases away or kills off all criminal opposition in the city. When officer Dick Stensland and private bodyguard Buzz Meeks try to get more out of a major heroin deal they made with him he kills both of them, one in a diner massacre that leaves a dozen innocent people dead. He frames a trio of rapist criminals for the massacre, and orders them killed during the arrest by his associates to make sure they won't talk. After manipulating the entire department, he later begins eliminating loose ends and even sets up his young rival Edmund Exley sleeping with his muscle Bud White's girlfriend to trick Bud into killing Edmund to get rid of them both. Coming within an inch of victory, Dudley embodies both the charm and corruption that a police badge can conceal.
* ''[[L.A. Confidential]]'': The film version of Captain Dudley Smith is a charming, witty corrupt police officer who tries to get control of all criminal activity in Los Angeles after the fall of gangster Mickey Cohen leaves a power vacuum behind. He chases away or kills off all criminal opposition in the city. When officer Dick Stensland and private bodyguard Buzz Meeks try to get more out of a major heroin deal they made with him he kills both of them, one in a diner massacre that leaves a dozen innocent people dead. He frames a trio of rapist criminals for the massacre, and orders them killed during the arrest by his associates to make sure they won't talk. After manipulating the entire department, he later begins eliminating loose ends and even sets up his young rival Edmund Exley sleeping with his muscle Bud White's girlfriend to trick Bud into killing Edmund to get rid of them both. Coming within an inch of victory, Dudley embodies both the charm and corruption that a police badge can conceal.
* Addison De Witt from ''[[All About Eve]]''. You know you've met a larger than life character when he has "wit" in his name. A [[Deadpan Snarker]], [[Upper Class Wit]] and Chessmaster, De Witt is a theatre critic with astonishing power and influence. He can destroy the reputation of top actresses in a single column. [[Smug Snake]] Eve Harrington makes the mistake of crossing Addison and suffers a [[Villainous BSOD]] when he gives her a [[Hannibal Lecture]].
* Addison De Witt from ''[[All About Eve]]''. You know you've met a larger than life character when he has "wit" in his name. A [[Deadpan Snarker]], [[Upper Class Wit]] and Chessmaster, De Witt is a theatre critic with astonishing power and influence. He can destroy the reputation of top actresses in a single column. [[Smug Snake]] Eve Harrington makes the mistake of crossing Addison and suffers a [[Villainous BSOD]] when he gives her a [[Hannibal Lecture]].