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== ''[[Babylon 5]]'' ==
* Alfred Bester epitomizes this trope. He combines ruthless scheming with an infuriating charisma that drives the heroes crazy even as they are forced to respect his skill.
* Speaking of ''Babylon 5''... Londo Mollari!
** ''[[Babylon 5]]'s'' characters tend to evolve with such complexity that nobody knows just who is going to be the bastard at any given time. Londo careened between comic relief, [[Magnificent Bastard]], and [[Tragic Villain]] countless times throughout the series.
*** Londo was always a Magnificent Bastard at his core. Case in point: A meeting between himself and one of his allies of the moment, Lord Refa. Londo invites him out to Babylon 5 to discuss recent Centauri military activities (re: starting twelve wars and depending on the Shadows for assistance). Londo does not approve. He offers Refa a drink, and runs down why this plan is a disaster waiting to happen. When Refa asks why he should do anything Londo says, Londo replies "Because I have asked you. Because your sense of duty to our people should override any personal ambition. ''And because I have poisoned your drink.''" He goes on to describe how the poison comes in two parts, one of which was in Refa's drink. If he does not comply, one of Londo's agents in the Royal Court will introduce him to the second half of the poison. Finally, Londo lifts his own glass while Refa is sitting there ashen-faced and [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|jovially proposes a toast to Refa's health.]]
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** Nikita herself, in her dealings with Division, Oversight and Gogol. Her former handler/teacher and lover, Michael, shows some signs of this as well. Her adversaries - Percy, Amanda and, to a lesser extent, Ari Tasarov - are this as well.
* Torrence, the [[The Charmer|charismatic]] [[The Sociopath|sociopath]] played by Eddie Izzard in 2009s [[The Day of the Triffids]] starts of as a pretty Magnificent Bastard but suffers [[Villainous Breakdown]] when his plans start to go awry, revealing himself to be more of a [[Smug Snake]], albeit a very high-functioning one.
* ''[[Sanctuary (TV series)|Sanctuary]]'' has an intermittent [[Magnificent Bastard]] in Nikola Tesla. Yes, ''that'' Nikola Tesla. The {{spoiler|vampire one}}.
* Alex Russo from ''[[Wizards of Waverly Place]]'' often has her moments as this due to how sly and manipulative (and good at it) she can be.
* Morgan Pendragon from the Starz television series [[Camelot]] is the [[Self Made Orphan|daughter]] of [[Complete Monster|the former king]] and the [[Succession Crisis|legitimate heir]] to the throne of England. [[Ambition Is Evil|Ambitious]], [[Insufferable Genius|intelligent]], ruthless and a [[Manipulative Bitch|great manipulator]] with a talent for the [[The Plan]], she'll stop at nothing to become queen and gets most of the English people on her side, given the fact that in this show, [[The Scrappy|King Arthur]] is apparently useless. Morgan is seemingly intended to be a villain but her incredible [[The Charmer|charisma]], the fact that she's actually more relatable than the supposed protagonists and being played by [[Eva Green]] mean that most of the fans are cheering her on. In fact, most of the people on the show are even cheering her on.