Magnificent Bastard/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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* In ''Star Vs The Forces Of Evil'' we have the evil, slick, cool-headed [[American Psycho|Patrick Bateman]]-esque lizard monster known only as Toffee. First he gets [[Big Bad Wannabe|Ludo]] to hire him simply by making him believe that he ''did'' hire him, and proceeds to advise a fairly competent [[Evil Plan]] that's clearly truly intended to test the capabilities of both Star and her wand. He then skillfully [[The Chessmaster|manipulates the events]] of "Mewnipendance Day" resulting in Ludo firing Buff Frog. Furthermore, he [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulated Ludo's army into throwing Ludo out after a situation arranged as to make Ludo look especially bad]], and becomes their leader instead. And it's implied that he'd been waiting a while for Ludo to put on the display of weakness he needed to convince the monsters to rebel. During all this time he also made sure to stay out of Star's way so that she wouldn't notice him, and the fact that Marco and Star aren't even aware of his existence until the Season 1 finale proves he's [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|savvy enough to keep himself a secret until his presence needs to be made known.]] At the end of Season 1, {{spoiler|Toffee gets what he wants: the wand is destroyed, and is only partially reformed thanks to a heroic unicorn, but with one broken shard still the grasp of his hand!}}
* In ''Star Vs The Forces Of Evil'' we have the evil, slick, cool-headed [[American Psycho|Patrick Bateman]]-esque lizard monster known only as Toffee. First he gets [[Big Bad Wannabe|Ludo]] to hire him simply by making him believe that he ''did'' hire him, and proceeds to advise a fairly competent [[Evil Plan]] that's clearly truly intended to test the capabilities of both Star and her wand. He then skillfully [[The Chessmaster|manipulates the events]] of "Mewnipendance Day" resulting in Ludo firing Buff Frog. Furthermore, he [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulated Ludo's army into throwing Ludo out after a situation arranged as to make Ludo look especially bad]], and becomes their leader instead. And it's implied that he'd been waiting a while for Ludo to put on the display of weakness he needed to convince the monsters to rebel. During all this time he also made sure to stay out of Star's way so that she wouldn't notice him, and the fact that Marco and Star aren't even aware of his existence until the Season 1 finale proves he's [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|savvy enough to keep himself a secret until his presence needs to be made known.]] At the end of Season 1, {{spoiler|Toffee gets what he wants: the wand is destroyed, and is only partially reformed thanks to a heroic unicorn, but with one broken shard still the grasp of his hand!}}
** Season 2 makes him an even bigger example of this trope: it's revealed that {{spoiler|Toffee had his spirit sealed within a space linked to the split shard of the wand's crystal, and he used it's magic to create a new wand for Ludo to find. As Ludo exploited the wand's corrupted magic all while Star was having trouble with her own wand, it created a "fritz" where all magic in Mewni began getting drained and absorbed into Toffee, and were he to become all powerful with Mewni's magic, the dark magic spell cast at him by Queen Moon long ago would lose effect and there'd be no one else who could wield magic to use against him. Star's wand had also been tainted and it re-created his missing finger that he hoped to restore to his hand. Speaking to Ludo through his wand, Toffee had Ludo swipe Star's magic spellbook along with it's genie, Glossaryk of Terms, and told Ludo to read from the Eclipsa chapter to enact a dark spell that allowed him to overtake Ludo's mind and possess his body. With this, not only does Toffee transform the wand into a new arm and hand for himself (with the crystal shard grafted into it) and use his new magic power to dominate Queen Moon and the Magical High Commission in battle, but he takes ownership of the spellbook away from Ludo, fully counting on Ludo getting so enraged by his inability to use the book that he burns it, ''which is exactly what ends up happening.'' Afterwards he has Ludo ravage the kingdom of Mewni with his rat army and take over Butterfly Castle, luring Star to them so that the wand can be cleaved back together and give Toffee all of Mewni's magic, but when Star instead casts the Whispering Spell to destroy Ludo's wand, sealing herself into the space where Toffee is, Toffee improvises and, speaking through Ludo, coerces Queen Moon into giving him back his finger so that he can fully regenerate himself, but he doesn't return Star to life like he promised he would. With no more magic to be used against him and his revenge on Moon seemingly taken, Toffee would now presumably raise a new army of monsters to conquer a land already in shambles from his actions. Had Star not come back more powerful than ever and destroyed Toffee for good, he would have ''won.''}}
** Season 2 makes him an even bigger example of this trope: it's revealed that {{spoiler|Toffee had his spirit sealed within a space linked to the split shard of the wand's crystal, and he used it's magic to create a new wand for Ludo to find. As Ludo exploited the wand's corrupted magic all while Star was having trouble with her own wand, it created a "fritz" where all magic in Mewni began getting drained and absorbed into Toffee, and were he to become all powerful with Mewni's magic, the dark magic spell cast at him by Queen Moon long ago would lose effect and there'd be no one else who could wield magic to use against him. Star's wand had also been tainted and it re-created his missing finger that he hoped to restore to his hand. Speaking to Ludo through his wand, Toffee had Ludo swipe Star's magic spellbook along with it's genie, Glossaryk of Terms, and told Ludo to read from the Eclipsa chapter to enact a dark spell that allowed him to overtake Ludo's mind and possess his body. With this, not only does Toffee transform the wand into a new arm and hand for himself (with the crystal shard grafted into it) and use his new magic power to dominate Queen Moon and the Magical High Commission in battle, but he takes ownership of the spellbook away from Ludo, fully counting on Ludo getting so enraged by his inability to use the book that he burns it, ''which is exactly what ends up happening.'' Afterwards he has Ludo ravage the kingdom of Mewni with his rat army and take over Butterfly Castle, luring Star to them so that the wand can be cleaved back together and give Toffee all of Mewni's magic, but when Star instead casts the Whispering Spell to destroy Ludo's wand, sealing herself into the space where Toffee is, Toffee improvises and, speaking through Ludo, coerces Queen Moon into giving him back his finger so that he can fully regenerate himself, but he doesn't return Star to life like he promised he would. With no more magic to be used against him and his revenge on Moon seemingly taken, Toffee would now presumably raise a new army of monsters to conquer a land already in shambles from his actions. Had Star not come back more powerful than ever and destroyed Toffee for good, he would have ''won.''}}
* La Sombra the river pirate in ''[[Hey Arnold]]'' ''The Jungle Movie''. {{spoiler|He took over the group that Arnold's parents' friend Eduardo worked for in order to arrange the [[Rigged Contest]] for the San Lorenzo field trip, naming the PS-118 class the winners when he sees Arnold is with them. He impersonated Eduardo himself to take the kids on his riverboat, manipulating Arnold into confiding in him and keeping the knowledge of La Sombra being after him a secret from his friends, and when a boat carrying men working for the real Eduardo came in pursuit, he claimed they were La Sombra and his crew and that he was changing course to get the class to safety when it reality he was luring them into his pre-arranged trap. When Arnold, Gerald, and Helga escape from their imprisonment, La Sombra had anticipated this happening and had already placed a tracking device on Arnold. As he and his crew followed the kids' trail, La Sombra anticipated all the booby traps and had his crew members take all the blows instead. He very nearly succeeded in taking the Corazon of the Green-Eyed People for himself, even narrowly averting a [[Disney Villain Death]] (at first) and prolonging his own death by poison just for one last shot at taking it.}}