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And of course, sometimes it's not a mixed race marriage, but a mixed ''[[Interspecies Romance|species]]'' marriage. All of the above applies ''plus'' [[Fantastic Racism]]. On the plus side, the kid is likely to be [[The Chosen One]], a [[Half-Human Hybrid]], a [[Dhampyr]], or perhaps even a [[Hybrid Monster]] with really cool powers. [[Blessed With Suck|That makes up for it, right?]]
Some examples of interracial marriages that earn disapproval can be found in [[Asian Gal With White Guy]], [[Black Gal On White Guy Drama]] and [[Where Da White Women At?]]. For mixed species marriages, see also [[Vampire -Werewolf Love Triangle]].
In [[Real Life]], mixed-race marriages can be everything from completely accepted to something you only do if you've got a death wish. Thankfully, in most places it's skewed towards the "completely accepted" end of the spectrum, and a great way for someone to reveal himself as a severe jackass is to show bigotry towards a mixed couple. Mixed-race marriages seem to be one of the last bastions of racism. Many opponents of interracial marriage will claim to oppose all other forms of racism and [[Some of My Best Friends Are X|have friends of other races]]. Their most common argument is that [[Tragic Mulatto|mixed-race children]] are subjected to prejudice and identity crises. In general, mixed-race children tend to have about the same level of trouble that their parents have, or less if they look like one race or the other instead of an obvious mixture. Mixed-race children are also likely (though not guaranteed) to be considered [[Cursed With Awesome|beautiful]], due to having features both sides can find attractive.
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== Literature ==
* From the ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' [[Virgin New Adventures|New Adventures]] novel ''Lungbarrow'', Leela and Andred's relationship. The other Time Lords find it rather embarrassing that Andred is with a 'non-Gallifreyan'. Leela and Andred, however, don't mind at all.
* In the [[Timeline-191]] series by [[Harry Turtledove]], Achilles Driver marries Grace Chang, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, much over the objections of her parents. Said parents refuse to speak to either of them for years. Achilles says this is because he is black, but Grace says they would have reacted the same way had he been white; the important issue is that he's not Chinese.
* [[JRR Tolkien (Creator)|JRR Tolkien]] has Beren and Luthien, the original mixed pairing, as well as Idril and Tuor, and [[Star-Crossed Lovers|Aegnor and Andreth]] - the only human/elf pairing that didn't work out because of the consequences of this trope. A few generations later, there's also Aragorn and Arwen, but they got off easy.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Helo and Athena from ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]''. Interestingly, no one in the show raises an eyebrow at other mixed race couples (Billy and Dee) or gay couples (Felix and Hoshi... well, Tigh does raise the ''one''). But mention that Helo is in love with a Cylon, and everyone thinks he's crazy. It might have something to do with her race having nearly wiped out humanity, but hey, their kid is ''soooo'' cute! {{spoiler|And the Mother of Us All. Do I detect [[An Aesop]]?}}
* An episode of ''[[Reno 911 (TV)|Reno 911]]'' featured a KKK member who proposed marriage to his African American fiance. The joke of course was that the two were somehow so madly in love that the woman's race and the man's bigotry were made completely irrelevant.
* In ''[[Charmed]]'' Piper [[Bodyguard Crush|fell in love]] with her [[Lowest Cosmic Denominator|whitelighter]]; this was initially forbidden, but Piper managed to out stubborn the [[Powers That Be]] into accepting a marriage. Throughout the series, the problems with this marriage kept coming up.
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* As if to show that old attitudes die hard, [ a small Kentucky church] banned marriages and some other services for interracial couples after a longtime member became involved with a Zimbabwean man.
** [ A somewhat similar incident] occurred in New Orleans.
* Virginia's ban on mixed-race marriages led to the arrest of [http://en.[ and Richard Loving|Mildred and Richard Loving]] which in turn led to a landmark Supreme Court decision with a hilariously appropriate name: [http://en.[wikipedia:Loving Virginia|Loving v. Virginia]], which declared bans on mixed-race marriages unconstitutional.
* Diane Farr of ''[[Numb3rs]]'' and ''[[Rescue Me]]'' fame married an Asian man and got hit with a bit of this early on from his family. She also [ spoke] with friends on the issue. She found that many parents forbid their children from having interracial romantic relationships while otherwise preaching racial tolerance.
* [ This Louisiana judge] refused to give a marriage license to an interracial couple.
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