Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis: Difference between revisions

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'''Mana Khemia: Alchemists Of Al-Revis''' is a Fantasy RPG video game, a spinoff of Gust's [[Atelier Series]] of games based on the concept of alchemy. In this case, the focus is on Al-Revis, an [[Wizarding School|academy for alchemists.]] Probably inspired by the popularity of [[Harry Potter]], though it doesn't feature any obvious [[Captain Ersatz|captain ersatzes.]]
The main character is one Vayne Aurelius, a [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]] with a [[Mysterious Past]] that he himself is unaware of, since he grew up without company except for his [[Familiar|Mana]], Sulpher, a talking black cat. Vayne is found by one of Al-Revis' professors and is invited to join the school. The game follows his attempts to fit in it (complicated by the fact that his timidness and desire to help others make him a [[Extreme Doormat|doormat]]) and the slow discovery of his personal past.
Playable characters besides Vayne include:
* '''Jessica Philomele''', a [[Rose -Haired Girl|pink-haired]] [[Genki Girl]] with a [[Stuff Blowing Up|penchant for explosions]];
* '''Flay Gunnar''', an older student with a literal [[The Cape|superhero complex]];
* '''Nikki Mimi Tithel''', an impulsive and flirty yet down-to-earth [[Catgirl]];
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* [[Arch Enemy]]: Spoofed twice; once with Tony and Flay; the other pairs Flay again with {{spoiler|Vayne, at the end of Flay's character quests and ending.}}
* [[Ash Face]]: A recurring part of Jessica's character arc.
* [[Awesome but Impractical]]/[[Slap -On the -The-Wrist Nuke]] : Summon Meteor and Heaven's Gate. Summon Meteor does exactly as it sounds, but takes 300 sp, where in late/endgame the characters' sp can't reasonably afford casting it. It's slow to take effect, and the wait time after using it is pretty long; not worth the damage it does. Heaven's Gate has a pretty nice animation, an awesome name, and takes out a set percentage of hp. Problem is, by the time you can synthesize things with Heaven's Gate, [[Useless Useful Spell|it's useless on most enemies,]] who are either resistant/immune/not worth using it on.
* {{spoiler|[[Babies Ever After]]: Nikki's ending.}}
* [[Bad Bad Acting]]: Flay's first character quest...
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* [[Bonus Boss]]: Second playthrough and onwards, you can fight several bonus bosses, who are cameos from Gust's other games.
* [[Bonus Dungeon]]: And related to the above trope; the dungeon that these cameos are found in. Complete with game breaking equips inside.
** [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword]]: The [[Bonus Dungeon]] also has recipes/copies (depending on which version you're playing) of better armor, weapons, and accessories than those found in [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]], and far better materials. [[Game Breaker|Some of these equips have ridiculously broken stats.]]
** [[Game Breaking Bug]]: Good luck completing it, though, without the game crashing at the start of every battle...
* [[Boss in Mook Clothing]]: They get their own battle theme and overworld sprites to boot!
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* [[Familiar]]: The Mana, which are [[Elemental Embodiment|Elemental Embodiments]] of their respective element.
* [[Faking the Dead]]/[[Faux Death]]: Vayne, run far away should Flay ever come up with an idea he won't explain to you.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Mana were experimented on loooong ago. One that breaks free ends up fighting the party out of revenge. {{spoiler|Also, in the last chapter of the game, upon discovering that [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|Vayne is a Mana, everyone but his friends fears/hates him/blames him/accuses him/etc etc etc.]]}}
* [[Fetch Quest]]: if the side missions don't involve fighting optional bosses, they would fall into this category.
* [[Finishing Move]]: The aptly named Finishing Bursts. Which range from looking awesomely pretty/shiny, to... somewhat strangely hilarious (Ruler's Prison anyone?), to... kinda bland. (looking at you, Flay)
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** Also, Anna's Finishing Burst fuses her with her mana, making her older. (Symbolic in that hers is the mana of dreams/illusions.)
* [[Game Breaker]]: Amazingly, the Party Switch mechanic ''will'' save you a lot from the hard-hitting enemies in the [[Bonus Dungeon]].
** See, it's because a character's [[HP to One|Guts Ability]] has a 100% chance of being activated if said character switches into the battle. So, no matter how powerful the enemy's attack is, Guts ''will'' keep the switched character from being killed by said attack. And with most enemies in the [[Bonus Dungeon]] (specifically the [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Delinquent-types]]) having attacks so powerful that they're practically [[One -Hit Kill]], and said Delinquents [[Marathon Boss|take a]] ''[[Marathon Boss|really long]]'' [[Marathon Boss|time to beat]].
** Once Vayne learns Over Realm, you can set up an infinte chain of attacks with it for as long as your SP restoring items can last. On the downside, this tactic will burn "LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH" and "STILL I'LL FINISH THIS" into your mind.
* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]: Aversion: The game's chapters are divided in the form of a curriculum.
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** Also played straight; Some of the character sidequests seem to clash with the main storyline, for being too absurd (like Muppy's, who at one point {{spoiler|holds the Principal and Jess hostage and threatens the World, but is [[Easily Forgiven]] (!)}}) or contradicting later events (like Jess's, where {{spoiler|the characters find she's dying, but later when confronting Isolde, seem unaware of it.}}) It's very likely they might not be intended to be completely canonical. Certainly, it is not possible for the [[Multiple Endings]] (which conclude the quests) to all occur.
** Even Jess [[Lampshade Hanging|has a problem]] with Muppy's third character quest. "Everyone's okay with this kind of resolution?!"
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: Used at least twice, once from Ernentraud to Bernard ("Get a hold of yourself. You're the principal.), and once from Flay to Vayne... {{spoiler|while [[Bad Ending|One More Ending is playing.]]}}
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: the target of Lorr's last (Chapter 11) lesson.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: In a cutscene by visiting the workshop, Jess offers Roxis a potion to give him more energy. It worked. A week later, it's still working. ''Very well''.
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** Funny to note that, Jess even manages to pull ''Muppy'' himself out of the bag. Vayne was the only one in the scene who found this weird, aside from a shocked Muppy himself.
** Bonus points for one of her specials actually being to pull a hammer out of the bag. The hammer is noticeably much longer than the bag could possibly hold.
* [[Hey, You]]: Muppy and Nikki barely refer to each other by their names.
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: But it doesn't last very long before you get yanked back to the overworld map to see a cutscene unlocking a new ability for use in battle, allowing you to proceed to beat the crap out of the boss.
* [[Hot for Teacher]]: Zeppel thinks Vayne is into this when the latter asks him about Nurse Melanie's favorites in food as research for an assignment. [[Hello Nurse|Can't blame him for thinking that, though.]]
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* [[Idle Animation]]: Both in and out of battle.
* [[If I Can't Have You]]/[[Taking You With Me]]: Spoofed in a Character Quest, where an [[NPC]], thinking that Nikki and Vayne are going out, tries to do Nikki in. Of course, they weren't in any sort of danger, comparing the workshop's strengths to the NPCs...
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: {{spoiler|the ''Final Boss''}}
* [[Impossibly Cool Clothes]]: So...these are uniforms?
** [[Custom Uniform]]: Oh wait, they're customized...this counts as slightly?
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** Tony's English-voice is particularly hammy, sometimes to the point of reminding this troper of a stereotypical "gangster."
** Fairly typical, but the Emcee for the trivia contest.
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: Pamela can't remember her own personal past, but remembers a lot of other things.
** Who says she's not lying? Though, it's implied that she's been a ghost so long she's forgotten...
** Vayne can't remember anything about his life before meeting Sulpher. {{spoiler|Not that there's much to remember.}}
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** Speaking of lethal cooking, Pamela and Jess's potions technically count. Bonus for Jess actually having lunch that is...purple...and moving.
* [[Loads and Loads of Loading]]: Sadly, the PSP port on UMD is riddled with this but according to [[RPG Fan]]'s review of the PSN paid download edition, the loading times were reduced, thus making that version tolerable.
* [[Load -Bearing Boss]]: Final castle falls when you defeat the last boss. Justified, in that it's a castle created by wishes.
* [[Luminescent Blush]]: the female characters are often shown having these.
* [[Meta Guy]]: Flay and Muppy occasionally make references to things like RPGs, B-movies, and anime.
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{{quote| '''Nikki:''' Someone be on my side!}}
* [[Otaku]]: Nikki gets a fan club filled with these.
* [[Paper -Thin Disguise]]: Seriously, Flay's disguise is so horrible that it's clear immediately that it's him... and Pamela still can't tell, if you talk to her.
* [[Party in My Pocket]]: In a lot of scenes (but not always), Vayne will walk up to somewhere, and everyone is shown walking out of him.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Moritz, manager of the Athanor room. [[Lampshaded]] ''many times'' during the group's first visit.
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* {{spoiler|[[True Final Boss]]: See the first entry in the [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]] article. Without enough [[Relationship Values]], the [[Final Boss]] will be the ''main character'' instead}}.
* [[Turns Red]]: One optional job sideboss plays this trope straight. It's a glass dragon that literally turns red when you hit it with a fire element move... and when you do so, it gets several consecutive turns and severely boosted stats. Use ice on it after that, however...
* [[Two -Teacher School]]: Subverted. Classes are recycled only through five teachers (six counting the Vice-Principal on one occasion), but the storyline introduces other generic teachers. [[Double Subversion]], seeing as they don't make too much of an impact anyway...
* [[Underground Monkey]]/[[Palette Swap]]: Your characters even get skills that do extra damage against certain types of creatures, usually recolors of each other.
* [[The Unfought]]: {{spoiler|the [[True Final Boss]] in the Bad ending, which was just ''right behind Vayne'' when you fight the latter. While the Boss does help Vayne in the aforementioned battle, it is never fought directly.}}
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* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: The [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]], despite being relatively powerful, have a particular trait that renders them particularly weak to Flay's Demon Striker normal attack, as opposed to most other lategame bosses, who don't have traits, period.
* [[Wham Episode]]: The end result of Anna's 4th character quest if you tell her the wrong answers. You ''will'' feel her hate.
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]]: The character endings.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Subverted, pretty much the only part of the description Vayne fills is the "white hair" part. {{spoiler|"The other Vayne," on the other hand...}}
* [[Wiki Walk]]: Anna Lemouri. Frequently launches into mental monologues that result in strange (and often violent) reactions to perfectly normal events.
* [[Wizarding School]]: Once again, setting of the game.
* [[You All Look Familiar]]: Lots of [[NPC|NPCs]]. Like Kevin in the Resource Center who is obsessed with glasses, Oratorio in the classroom who is the archetypical studious bookworm, to... ambiguously gay Ronnie in the boy's dorms, who all share the same sprite.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Jess has pink hair and Anna's is sort of a teal. Pamela's hair is purplish, but that might be because she's a ghost. Flay is a redhead, but it's darker than in real life. Vayne, of course, [[White -Haired Pretty Boy|fits another trope]]. Blondes [[Dumb Blonde|Nikki]] (with her [[Expressive Hair|Expressive]] [[Idiot Hair]]) and [[Blond Guys Are Evil|Roxis]] ([[Rapunzel Hair]]) are comparatively normal.
* {{spoiler|[[You Lose At Zero Trust]]: The bad ending is gotten if you don't make any [[Relationship Values|character like you enough]].}}