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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has book ''The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries'' [[Defictionalization|defictionalized]] as [[The Merch|extra material]]. It gotwas extraavailable layers of annotationswith [ extra layers of annotations] :
{{quote|The boxed text contains the maxims themselves. The text below that is "schlolarly commentary" which, as suggested by the excerpt above the image, is going to be all over the map.
The red-pen notes are from Karl Tagon, who acquired this book as an enlistee in 3044. His sergeant at the time told him he should use it as a journal of sorts, and so we'll get an unordered series of snapshots of his military career. Paging back and forth to put the notes in order will be part of the joy of having this in hard-copy.