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{{quote|''"We would parade across the rooftops in the still of night, making naught but a whisper. By the time they realized there was a parade it was already over..."''|'''Karashi''' (on [ ninja marching bands]), ''[[Adventurers (Webcomic)|Adventurers]]''}}
In shows which feature martial arts heavily, there are a lot of different styles found in [[The Verse]]. This is [[Truth in Television]] somewhat as there have been many martial arts developed throughout history often based on local needs. For example [[wikipedia:Okinawan kobudo|Okinawan weapons]] were developed from household and farm implements.
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*** There was also a Martial Arts Marriage Contest,\ in the second movie.
** It also seems that every mundane task in [[The Verse]] gets not only a martial art, but specific fighting moves in Anything Goes. Crouch of the Wild Tiger, anyone?
* And then of course there's ''[[Bobobo-boBobobobo Bo-boboBobobo]]'', which lives on this. The main character uses "Fist of the Nose Hair", which is basically [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin]]. That is only the beginning of the martial arts madness. There's a full list [ here].<br />It must be noted that, although the Finishing Attacks of each school do indeed fit the theme indicated by the name, most of the actual fighting in the series, no matter the formal school used, boils down to confusing the enemy to the point where they can't defend themselves against that finishing attack. Bobobo at one point laments that, aside from a basic hand chop and the "confuse them" strategy, he really only has a single special attack.
* In ''[[Cromartie High School]]'', Masked Takenouchi masters the art of pillow-jutsu, in which he softens a pillow by beating it with a stick according to the desires of the pillow user. [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|He takes out a whole bike gang with this type of combat.]]
* Every school club in ''[[Futaba -Kun Change (Manga)!|Futaba Kun Change]]'' seems to have a martial art based upon whatever the club's focus is. Including martial arts calligraphy.
* The chainsaw-fu that protagonist Fumio in ''[[Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo]]'' uses on her classmates was originally meant to aid her when she inherited her grandfather's lumber company.
* The ''[[Naruto]]'' filler brings us Ninja Chefs and Ninja Postmen. Self-explanatory, really.
** In canon, they have Ninja Medics, Ninja Puppeteers, and at least one Ninja [[Art Initiates Life|Painter]].
* As a variation, in ''[[Lone Wolf and Cub]]'', one story deals with a samurai <s>postman</s> messenger.
* Koetsuji the jiu-jitsu master in ''[[Kenichi: theThe Mightiest Disciple]]'' normally keeps to standard techniques, but when up against a speed-sculpting Russian Sambo master, he responded in kind. [ Martial arts] [ sculpture battle, anyone?]
* ''[[Gunnm]]'' gives us hypersonic knitting. Yeah.
* Leave it to ''[[Samurai Champloo]]'' to have some of the best swordsmen in Japan use their skills.... To play baseball. Yeah it was only once, and the game was a compromise, but COME ON MAN!
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* In ''[[The Long Kiss Goodnight]]'', the protagonist become really good in the kitchen shortly after a car-crash. She thinks her memories are starting to return after six years of amnesia, and that her great skill with knives mean she used to be a chef. She's right about the first part.
* ''[[Shaolin Soccer]]'' is centered on this trope. Stephen Chow's character believes that martial arts can be used for every day tasks. To promote the usefulness of kung fu, his [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|ragtag group]] of former shaolin monks use their kung fu superpowers to play soccer. We also see kung fu used to trim trees, park cars, and fetch objects from high shelves. Tai Chi is also used to cook.
* Stephen Chow's earlier film ''[[God of Cookery (Film)|God of Cookery]]'' featured Shaolin-style cooking, complete with an over-the-top martial arts contest.
* In ''[[Hero (Filmfilm)|Hero]]'', one's skill in swordsmanship directly crosses over into skill at calligraphy. Nameless studies Broken Sword's calligraphy to get a better impression of his warrior skills. This is actually a reference to some Samurai beliefs -- the way you hold a brush and the way you hold a sword have a symbolic relationship.
* In ''[[Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon]]'' one of the protagonists comments on the princess' calligraphy skills, comparing it to swordplay. She tries to [[Obfuscating Stupidity|act dumb]], but [[Action Girl|her secret]] is clearly out. Tiny [[Anvilicious|anvils]] begin to rain as she goes on to comment on how her name looks like "sword".
* In ''Kung Fu Dunk'', the main characters uses a [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|special martial arts technique]] in the finals of a basketball game to ''travel through time'' in order to make the winning basket. In the same vein, his [[Mentors|Masters from Kung Fu School]] show up to play after the most of his team is incapacitated by the opposing one. [[Hilarity Ensues|Projectile weapons are thrown, over-the-top slow motion is used and pressure points are hit]].
* In the first ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Filmfilm)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' movie, Leo puts his swords by slicing up a pizza and distributing the slices to the plates. The last one ends up falling on Splinter's head!
* Examples from classic kung fu movies:
** ''[[Shaolin Soccer]]'' was somewhat predated by the 1983 Hong Kong movie ''The Champions'', where Yuen Biao and Dick Wei use Football-Fu on each other.
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** Jet Li repeatedly does Kung Fu Healing People in the ''Once Upon a Time in China'' series.
** Almost anywhere you find a training scene in an old kung fu movie there's likely to be something like this -- the 'student learns some kind of Everyday Skill Fu and eventually gets bored of it, protests to the master and is finally shown what the meaning is' routine. Some examples are Jackie Chan learning Martial Arts Walnut Cracking in the original ''Drunken Master'', Chin Kar Lok being taught Noodle Cooking Fu by Lau Kar Leung in ''Operation Scorpio'', and Austin Wei in Shaw Bros' classic ''Five Superfighters'' unknowingly being taught Kung Fu Labouring.
* ''[[The Karate Kid]]'' has the infamous "[[Wax On, Wax Off|wax on, wax off]]", not to mention "paint the fence", "paint the house" and "sand the deck". Nothing for Crane Kick, except getting free pizza from the delivery guy. Another example of kung fu healing.
** Everything is kung fu.
** The Next Karate Kid included the 'Kata Waltz'.
* ''[[Gymkata]]'' featured the deadly combination of ninjitsu and... ''gymnastics''. It also completely fails at both. To be fair, pommel-horse fu is scary... if you're within two and a half feet of a pommel horse.
* ''[[Dreadnaught]]'', a 1981 Hong Kong film directed by Yuen Woo Ping, may prove to be the [[Trope Codifier]]. This martial arts comedy (with dashes of horror) contains all of the following kung-fu applications: Medical treatment, Lion Dancing, being fitted for a custom-made suit, and a kung-fu serial killer using Chinese Opera motifs. But the biggest example from this movie is Yuen Biao's character, whose family's unorthodox ''laundry'' methods turns out to be the fabled Eagle Claw. He didn't even know it was Kung Fu until Master Wong Fei Hung saw him using it, and he ended up using it to defend himself against the aforementioned serial killer. Chris O'Donnell's laundry scene in ''Batman Forever'' is a shot-for-shot homage of Yuen Biao doing his laundry work in this movie.
* ''[[Bloodsport (Film)|Bloodsport]]'' -- From Muy Thai and Sumo to Karate and Jungle Style fighting
== Literature ==
* ''[[Discworld (Literature)|Discworld]]''
** In ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'', Lu-Tze dismissively describes ''tung-pi'' as "bad-tempered flower arranging".
** ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Making Money|Making Money]]'' has a brief demonstration of ''sloshi'', Martial Arts Clowning, in which ballistic pie throwing, "[[Plank Gag|battle-planking]]" and lethal balloon animals all feature.
** A throwaway one-liner in some supplementary material indicates that in the Discworld's equivalent of Wales, "choral singing has been elevated to the level of a martial art".
** ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]'' has a group of Morris Dancers who manage to fight off attacking [[The Fair Folk|Elves]] with their dance routine. ''[[Discworld (Literature)/Wintersmith|Wintersmith]]'' reveals that this is in fact what Morris dancing (and its secret midwinter [[Shadow Archetype]], the Dark Morris) was originally designed for.
* Deconstructed in the ''Age of Discovery'' trilogy by Michael Stackpole and done entirely seriously. A true Martial Artist may achieve true magic and potential immortality by completely mastering his style. But then again, so can a basket-weaver once he completely masters basket-weaving.
* Ambient magic in ''[[Circle of Magic]]'' books ''is'' this trope. Ambient magic is when people have magic that reacts to certain activities -- such as gardening, metalworking, dancing, making clothes, you name it. Anything to do with that activity, that ambient mage draws power from it. Most of the time, ambient mages just work away at their own crafts, but when you get in a fight... well, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|just watch out, okay?]]
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== Live-Action TV ==
* A variation appears in an episode of ''[[Sliders]]'' on a world where they have "seers" for every imaginable field -- medical work, law enforcement, even politics. (But presumably ''not'' gambling.)
* ''[[The Goodies (TV)|The Goodies]]'' episode "Kung Fu Kapers" featured the Lancashire martial art of Ecky-Thump, which consisted of hitting people with black puddings.
* John Belushi's famous series of Samurai sketches on ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' in the 1970s, in which he portrayed a samurai running various mundane businesses (Delicatessen, Tailor, Hotel, Bakery, etc.) and speaking only (fake) Japanese.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Exalted (Tabletop Game)|Exalted]]''
** Among the many martial arts presented by this [[Tabletop RPG]], there's "Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style" for fighting while being refined and social, "Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style" for fighting with medicine and poisons, and "Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style" for combining sorcery and martial arts. "Laughing Wounds Style" includes fetish gear as a form armour, and uses whips and chains as a form weapon. Popular among lesbian stripper ninjas, as is Pearl Courtesan. Let's not even mention some of the [[Fan Work|fanmade]] Martial Arts.
** And of course Second Edition canonised Martial Arts ''Sailors'' (Seafaring Hero Style), Martial Arts '''Orgies''' (Orgiastic Fugitive Style) and even Martial Arts '''''Psychiatrists''''' (Border of Kaleidoscopic Logic Style, one of the most powerful in the game).
** The Quicksilver Hand of Dreams Style, which involves the manipulation of dreams and imagination and the imposition of same upon concrete reality, and the Obsidian Shards of Infinity Style, which can best be summed up as Martial Arts '''''[[Alternate Universe|Parallel Universes]]'''''.
* The ''[[Diana Warrior Princess]]'' [[Tabletop RPG]] includes the ancient numerology-based martial art known as The Way of the Exploding Grid, or Su Doku.
* Parodied in ''[[Ninja Burger (Tabletop Game)|Ninja Burger]]'', where characters use their ninja skills for fast food delivery, losing honor if they're seen or late. Their slogan? "Guaranteed delivery in 30 minutes or less, or we commit seppuku!"
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|Dungeons and Dragons]]:
** ''Complete Warrior'' [[Drunken Master]] prestige class. 'Nuff said.
** In ''D&D'' versions 2 and up you can really get creative if you felt like it. This troper remembers making an elf fighter who carried a big ass sword... and never used it for anything other then intimidation. Instead, he specialized in the simple throwing dart as his weapon of choice and had the non-weapon proficiency "wild fighting". Imagine a pointy-eared [[Conan the Barbarian|Conan]] dropping his sword and throwing darts at people. When your 7 or so darts per attack deal 1d3+2 damage (and HP in the second edition was not as padded as in its future incarnations), landing even 2-3 of those darts could seriously mess someone up.
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== Video Games ==
* ''[[Fruit Ninja]]'', well, the title says it all, really. The game is about using your cool katana to chop up fruit.
* The plots of [[Nasuverse|Type Moon's]] ''[[Melty Blood (Video Game)|Melty Blood]]'' [[Fighting Game|Fighting Games]] are driven by the reality-warping Night of Wallachia. Among other crazy things, this phenomenon transforms Kohaku and Hisui from simple maids into [[Martial Arts and Crafts]] masters capable of fighting half-demons and ancient vampires by using dustpans and potted plants. Basically, a justification for [[Competitive Balance]].
* ''[[Disgaea]]'': Chaos Fire Style Kitchen Fist, [[Verbal Tic|Boom!]]
* In ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'', civilian miners can be drafted into the military in an emergency, and are actually quite useful. The game uses their (quickly trained) mining skill instead of a weapon skill, their attributes are often much higher than your slower-working carpenters and masons, and pickaxes are fearsome [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|organ-lacerating]] weapons.
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** No, that honor has to go to the sociopathic teddy bear [[Played for Laughs]]. NMS, by the way, has ninja bookkeepers. Not just bookkeepers who are ninja, but people ''trained in the art of ninja bookkeeping''. Both bookkeeping with ninja skills, [[Ambiguous Syntax|and]] keeping ninja books. *stage whisper*: They really only call it that to make the extremely elderly bookkeepers feel better about not reliably being [[Badass Grandpa|Badass Great-Great-Grandparents]].*/stage whisper*
* Thief, in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'', has a squad of Law Ninja. They kill anyone that violates his forged contracts. They also wear [[Highly-Visible Ninja|bright red]] and [[Conservation of Ninjutsu|are, as Thief describes them,]] [[Red Shirt|"inherently disposable"]].
* ''[[Freefall (Webcomic)|Freefall]]''
** The [[McNinja|French ninjas]] of "Le Restaurant des Ninjas" run their restaurant without being seen. Everything from directing patrons to their tables, to delivering [ menus], [ food] (including [ desserts], [ drinks] (including [ refills]), and the [ bill], all while being completely stealthy. Well, ''[ almost]'' [ completely]. They're so effective at hiding, [ they hide their restaurant.]
** Ninja accountants appear on-screen in [ Goats].
** Oddly, this plays into a real life example, with [ Ninja New York], an actual ninja-themed restaurant in which your servers will appear from nowhere, and you might just get assassinated.
* Played with in ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|The Order of the Stick]],'' where a waitress, upon sneaking up on her customers and startling one, admits that she's waiting tables to pay for ninja school.
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* Chaka, at [[Super-Hero School]] Whateley Academy in the ''[[Whateley Universe]]'', has the superpower of Ki control, and has invented new [[Martial Arts and Crafts]] at the drop of a shuriken. When given detention, she invented (on the fly) martial arts mopping (instant cleaning by attuning her Ki with the mop), martial arts linen folding, martial arts grime scrubbing... She has used her martial arts skills for healing problems beyond medicine, like Doctor Heavy's inability to turn off his local 8-G gravity field (she turned it into a local 0-G field by accident). And she has developed all kinds of martial arts weapons for herself, including sewing needles, forks, playing cards...
* ''[[Fighters High]]'' sports this as an essential part of the eponymous school's culture. Within the first 10 minutes of the first episode, we've seen the school's cook face off against a student, blasting him into a wall using a fireball generated via spatula.
* ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall (Web Video)|Atop the Fourth Wall]]'' features a ninja-style dancer.
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Futurama (Animation)|Futurama]]'', Leela's martial arts are applied in grossly inappropriate situations; she has even been known to shout "HI YA!!" when unplugging a refrigerator.
* ''[[Kim Possible]]'' of course has the standard Mountain Temple Ninjas, Monkey Ninjas, and [[Mighty Whitey|Aristocratic Englishman Monkey Ninja]]. It also has Embarrasment Ninjas. Dr. Drakken speculates that in that field it pays to specialize. And don't forget [[Square Race Round Class|Sumo Ninja.]]
* In the first episode of the original ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 (Animation)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' series, the turtles walk through the "ninja district" of the city and, after finding their original destination (Ninja Pizza), see signs for Ninja-run dry cleaning, shoe repair, video rentals and ''dentists''. At said Ninja Pizza, the food is thrown like shuriken at the customers (and either you catch it or it ends up all over you).
{{quote| ''(a ninja throws a dagger with a piece of paper at the Turtles' table, landing smack in the middle; Raphael picks it up)''<br />
'''Leonardo:''' What is it, a threatening note?<br />
'''Raphael:''' Worse than that... it's the check! }}
* ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants (Animation)|SpongeBob SquarePants]]'': In one episode, it is revealed that SpongeBob is nigh-obsessed with karate, driving his boss Krabs to nearly fire him from his frycook job due to the fact this obsession is interfering with his work... until he realizes that SpongeBob's karate can also be used to mass-produce burgers and to put on a very entertaining show for customers.
* In one episode of ''[[Wakfu (Animation)|Wakfu]]'', kung-fu baking becomes pretty [[Serious Business]].
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', the various bending techniques are shown to have various practical applications. These range everywhere from the sensible (i.e. using firebending to set stoke a boiler, earthbending for stonemasonry, and waterbending to propel river boats) to the somewhat ridiculous (i.e. using earthbending to send mail).
** Cases such as the latter double as [[Awesome Yet Practical]], because it really is an effective system.
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* When there wasn't anyone to spy on or assassinate, the [[Ninja]] worked as gardeners.
** After Tokugawa Ieyasu became shogun (and started the centuries of seclusion) the ninjas of the time found their job opportunities, i.e. assassinations, were running out. The shogun, not wanting a bunch of well-trained killers angry at him, made a large chunk of them into his personal spy network, answering only to him and the Emperor of Japan. To hide their ''real'' job they often worked as carpenters and gardeners in the homes of their lords.
*** In the ''[[Command and Conquer]]'' game ''[[Command and Conquer Red Alert 3]],'' if you click on the ninja unit enough times, he says "We work in the Emperor's Garden!"
** They did this as a "social stealth" tactic as well... no one looks at the peasant gardener.
*** [[Monty Python's Flying Circus|NOBODY expects the]] [[A Worldwide Punomenon|Spinach Infiltration!]]
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* A lot of weapons started out as agricultural and gardening tools including scythes, flails, and even kunai! In fact, the French Revolution was mostly fought with farming equipment.
** In fact, save for obvious exceptions such as swords and firearms, most weapons have mundane predecessors. The spear and bow were originally hunting tools, for example, and axes and hammers were and still are construction tools.
*** Gunpowder was invented in an alchemy experiment that was ''trying'' for an [[Immortality Inducer]], and a sword is just a longer knife. A great many battles have also been fought with hunting guns—the sharpshooter units of many European armies are called "hunters" (chasseurs in French, Jägers in German) ''[[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|because that was what they did for a living in peacetime]]''.