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** From ZX to Legends: In the secret ending of ZXA, Master Thomas stated that the world needs to be reset. In Legends, after the great flood, there were no humans left, save for the master himself, the rest of the world was populated with carbons, a race of robots that basically had the specs of a human. In essence, the entire humanity was sacrificed in order for reploids to evolve into the ultimate goal: becoming the same with humans, by basically replacing them.
=== The Cartoon ===
=== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ===
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Rumor has it that one of the plans for Season 3 that Proto Man was going to have a full fledged [[Heel Face Turn]] (rather than the temporary one he had in Season 2), with Wily building Bass and Treble as replacements.
** [ Word of God] confirms it was just a rumor.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: In "Brain Bots", Wily places Mega Man in a [[Death Trap]]. The trap consists of a [[Descending Ceiling]] with spikes. Unlike some death traps, Mega was bound to the floor as it descended. What pushes this into [[Fridge Horror]] is what Wily said about it; he uses it to recycle robots he no longer needs into scrap metal. Meaning he's done this to HIS OWN ROBOTS. What makes it worse is that some robots, like Fire Man and Star Man, were only in one episode and never seen or mentioned again...
=== [[Fridge Horror]] ===
** "The Strange Island of Dr. Wily": Woodman was among Wily's group, until sustaining heavy damage towards the end. He isn't seen escaping with them.
* [[Fridge Horror]]: In "Brain Bots", Wily places Mega Man in a [[Death Trap]]. The trap consists of a [[Descending Ceiling]] with spikes. Unlike some death traps, Mega was bound to the floor as it descended. What pushes this into [[Fridge Horror]] is what Wily said about it; he uses it to recycle robots he no longer needs into scrap metal. Meaning he's done this to HIS OWN ROBOTS. What makes it worse is that some robots, like Fire Man and Star Man, were only in one episode and never seen or mentioned again...
** In "Future Shock", Roll doesn't believe Mega is real at first, saying it's another trick of Dr. Wily's. Meaning Wily may have staged rebellions and incited false hope with a fake Mega Man.
** "The Strange Island of Dr. Wily": Woodman was among Wily's group, until sustaining heavy damage towards the end. He isn't seen escaping with them.
** In "Bro Bots", Wily's plan turned out to be replacing the city's leaders with robot doubles who would obey his every whim. Standard evil villain stuff, until you realize that Mega Man found out about the plan by finding a robot copy of ''Dr. Light''. And given that he'd imprisoned the governor and Light over a pit of ''acid'', Wily may have been going for a [[Kill and Replace]] scenario...
** In "Future Shock", Roll doesn't believe Mega is real at first, saying it's another trick of Dr. Wily's. Meaning Wily may have staged rebellions and incited false hope with a fake Mega Man.
** As noted in [ this review] [[Mega Man X]] pushed Vile and Spark Mandrill through a time portal that ''Sigma'' opened up to receive the [[MacGuffin]] for the episode. Meaning X is going to be deep in enemy territory when he exits the portal.
** In "Bro Bots", Wily's plan turned out to be replacing the city's leaders with robot doubles who would obey his every whim. Standard evil villain stuff, until you realize that Mega Man found out about the plan by finding a robot copy of ''Dr. Light''. And given that he'd imprisoned the governor and Light over a pit of ''acid'', Wily may have been going for a [[Kill and Replace]] scenario...
*** In that same episode, some have raised qualms about X's characterization and the lack of Zero. Things seem to be personal between X and Vile, with the former not caring what condition he's brought back in. And then you remember in ''X1'', Zero died at Vile's hands.
** As noted in [ this review] [[Mega Man X]] pushed Vile and Spark Mandrill through a time portal that ''Sigma'' opened up to receive the [[MacGuffin]] for the episode. Meaning X is going to be deep in enemy territory when he exits the portal.
** In "Electric Nightmare", the cosmetic robot tried to use her razor on Roll, but she ducked. Looking at where the attack lines are and where Roll was in the preceding frame, she was trying to ''slice Roll in half''.
*** In that same episode, some have raised qualms about X's characterization and the lack of Zero. Things seem to be personal between X and Vile, with the former not caring what condition he's brought back in. And then you remember in ''X1'', Zero died at Vile's hands.
* [[Fridge Logic]]: The infamous episode "Robosaur Park" features Wily creating a de-evolution serum that devolves humanoid robots into more ape-like robots. Fansite [ The Mega Man Homepage] put it best: "Why did the robots de-evolve into apes? Shouldn't they have turned into toasters or something?"
** In "Electric Nightmare", the cosmetic robot tried to use her razor on Roll, but she ducked. Looking at where the attack lines are and where Roll was in the preceding frame, she was trying to ''slice Roll in half''.
** If Dr. Wily has a handheld gun that can reprogram or turn off robots, why doesn't he just turn it on Mega Man and Roll? If it wouldn't reprogram them it'd at least shut them off, buying him time.
*** It's likely that Mega Man and Roll are more advanced than the other robot masters. In the pilot episode, he doesn't use the reprogramming gun on them like the others, even after he captures them. Instead he takes them back to his lab for what looks like a do-it-yourself lobotomy to make them easier to reprogram.
=== [[Fridge Logic]] ===
** In "The Day The Moon Fell", Wily's scheme involves a machine called a Gravitron that is pulling the moon out of its orbit. Light reveals that he built a Gravitron in his youth, and he may have some files to help counteract Wily's invention. He finds archive footage of himself and Wily in their college days; turns out college Wily stole the device ''and'' the files without Light knowing. The theft was on the tape. This is apparently the first time Light saw the video. Why would he even make the video if he wasn't going to watch it?
* [[Fridge Logic]]: The infamous episode "Robosaur Park" features Wily creating a de-evolution serum that devolves humanoid robots into more ape-like robots. Fansite [ The Mega Man Homepage] put it best: "Why did the robots de-evolve into apes? Shouldn't they have turned into toasters or something?"
** The entire premise of "Campus Commandos". Why would robots need to go to school, if they can already be programmed to perform specific functions in the first place?
** If Dr. Wily has a handheld gun that can reprogram or turn off robots, why doesn't he just turn it on Mega Man and Roll? If it wouldn't reprogram them it'd at least shut them off, buying him time.
*** It's been suggested that the students want to learn things progressively, like humans.
*** It's likely that Mega Man and Roll are more advanced than the other robot masters. In the pilot episode, he doesn't use the reprogramming gun on them like the others, even after he captures them. Instead he takes them back to his lab for what looks like a do-it-yourself lobotomy to make them easier to reprogram.
** In "Robo Spider", Dr. Light analyzes a piece of the giant spider's web that he took from its initial attack. He says he can invent a device that can turn its energy-draining powers back on itself, but he needs a copy of the web's schematic to do so. Mega Man volunteers to get a copy, using the same [[Mega Manning|technique he uses to copy robot master weapons]]. Cool plot, except for one thing; you already ''have'' a piece of the web, so why did Mega Man and Roll have to travel through hell and high water to copy ''another'' piece of the web?
** In "The Day The Moon Fell", Wily's scheme involves a machine called a Gravitron that is pulling the moon out of its orbit. Light reveals that he built a Gravitron in his youth, and he may have some files to help counteract Wily's invention. He finds archive footage of himself and Wily in their college days; turns out college Wily stole the device ''and'' the files without Light knowing. The theft was on the tape. This is apparently the first time Light saw the video. Why would he even make the video if he wasn't going to watch it?
** In "Curse of the Lion Men" if it was meant to be curse, then why would they be given the ability to turn innocent people into other lion men or women?
** The entire premise of "Campus Commandos". Why would robots need to go to school, if they can already be programmed to perform specific functions in the first place?
*** It's been suggested that the students want to learn things progressively, like humans.
** In "Robo Spider", Dr. Light analyzes a piece of the giant spider's web that he took from its initial attack. He says he can invent a device that can turn its energy-draining powers back on itself, but he needs a copy of the web's schematic to do so. Mega Man volunteers to get a copy, using the same [[Mega Manning|technique he uses to copy robot master weapons]]. Cool plot, except for one thing; you already ''have'' a piece of the web, so why did Mega Man and Roll have to travel through hell and high water to copy ''another'' piece of the web?
** In "Curse of the Lion Men" if it was meant to be curse, then why would they be given the ability to turn innocent people into other lion men or women?