Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S04/E13 The Sword in the Stone Part II: Difference between revisions

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Merlin leaps out in front of Agravaine and runs away, though he rushes straight into a dead-end. He turns to face his enemies with regret and sadness in his eyes, knowing that there's only one way out of this situation.
{{quote| '''Agravaine''': Where's Arthur?<br />
'''Merlin''': Be careful.<br />
'''Agravaine''': What are you talking about? Where's Arthur? Tell me. Now! Or I'll have to kill you.<br />
'''Merlin''': I don't think so. }}
Agravaine steps toward him. Without a word or a gesture, Merlin's eyes glow, and the entire gang of mercenaries is thrown backwards off their feet. Merlin looks resigned as Agravaine gets back up on his feet.
{{quote| '''Agravaine''': You have magic!<br />
'''Merlin''': I was ''born'' with it.<br />
'''Agravaine''': So it's you. You're Emrys!<br />
'''Merlin''': That is what the Druids call me.<br />
'''Agravaine''': And you've been at court all this time. At Arthur's side. How you've managed to deceive him. I am impressed. Perhaps we're more alike than you think. }}
He steps toward Merlin with his hand outstreched. Merlin raises his own in a "stop" gesture. Agravaine looks as though he's about to back down, when he suddenly draws a knife and makes to stab Merlin. Again, without a word, [[Slow Motion|Merlin flings Agravaine backwards through the air]]. He lands on the ground, already dead. Merlin quietly takes in his body, and then turns away to find the others.
Back with the others, Arthur hears the tumbling of rocks, and decides to go back for Merlin, much to Tristan's surprise. Arthur and Merlin find each other, and Merlin asks if he came back specifically for him.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': Alright, it's true. I came back because you're the only friend I have and I couldn't bear to lose you.<br />
'''Merlin''': Really?<br />
'''Arthur''': Don't be stupid. }}
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Back in Camelot, Helios's forces are marching through the courtyard. In the jail cells, Gwaine is sitting shirtless in the corner and Elyan is tending to Gaius. The guards march in and pull Gwaine out of the cell to the throne room where Morgana hands him a small wooden sword and once again orders him to fight for some food.
In the forest, Tristan taunts Arthur as they collect firewood, telling him that he's no one special. As Arthur wanders off, Guinevere goes after him, but already agitated, Arthur tells her that everything that he once cherished between them is over. Near tears, Guinevere leaves him.
Gwaine is thrown back in the jail cell, and Morgana chucks a small loaf of bread afterwards, telling them that it may be their last meal. Elyan tries to get Gaius to eat something, but Gaius confesses that he's near death and that Gwaine needs it more than him.
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Arthur is sitting against a tree, deep in thought, when Merlin joins him.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': I trusted the wrong people. <br />
'''Merlin''': They betrayed you, that wasn't your fault.<br />
'''Arthur''': No, I was a fool. I misjudged everyone. My uncle. Morgana. Every decision I've made has been wrong.<br />
'''Merlin''': You're being too hard on yourself.<br />
'''Arthur''': I should be more discerning. Wise. A statesmen, a king. Tristan's right, there's nothing special about me. I'm just like everyone else. <br />
'''Merlin''': You're not. You're a worthy king.<br />
'''Arthur''': I'm good with a sword. That's all.<br />
'''Merlin''': Your people love you.<br />
'''Arthur''': Most of them are dead. Because of me.<br />
'''Merlin''': No, most of them escaped. They'll be here in the forest, I'm sure of that.<br />
'''Arthur''': If they are, they'll have to find themselves a new king. }}
By night, [[Slow Motion|Merlin runs through the forest]] and calls for the Dragon. As he lands, Merlin thanks him for his help but tells him that Arthur has lost the will to fight and lead. The Dragon tells him that Merlin alone can restore Arthur's faith by making him believe that he's a worthy king. Merlin gets a glimmer of an idea in his eye. He asks the Dragon if he knows where the people of Camelot are hiding - and the Dragon says that they shouldn't be too hard to find.
The following morning Merlin wakes up Arthur and leads him through the forest. Merlin tells him a story: that Arthur's ancestor, the first king of Camelot united the Five Kingdoms and created peace. Arthur has heard this story, but Merlin elaborates. While on his death-bed, this king asked to be taken out to the forest where he plunged his sword into a rock. If his lineage was ever questioned, only a true king of Camelot could pull the weapon free. Arthur seems sceptical, but Merlin has led him to a familiar looking clearing.
Before them is Excalibur, waiting in the stone. From the forest emerge the people of Camelot, Leon and Percival among them. Merlin assures Arthur that he alone can pull out the sword, and he's going to prove it to everyone. Arthur approaches nervously and wraps his hands around the hilt. Though he pulls, nothing happens.
{{quote| '''Merlin''': You have to believe, Arthur. You're destined to become Albion's greatest king. Nothing, not even this stone can stand in your way.}}
Arthur changes his grip; instead of forcing it with both hands, he gently wraps one hand around the hilt, closes his eyes, and pulls. Merlin's eyes glow, and [[Slow Motion|the sword rises smoothly out of the stone]]. Arthur holds it above his head, and the light of it shines on Merlin's face. Sir Leon smiles and shouts: "Long live the King!"
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In the forest, Arthur is discussing options for retaking Camelot with Leon, Percival, Gwen and Merlin. Arthur dismisses the three-to-one odds, and Leon agrees with him.
{{quote| '''Leon''': It is you the people love, and you they will lay down their lives for. I know I would ride into the mouth of hell for you. <br />
'''Percival''': And I.<br />
'''Merlin''': And I. }}
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Helios tries to comfort Morgana, telling her that Emrys has fled in fear and that she should get some sleep. Nervously she goes to her bedchamber and lies down, oblivious to the fact that the [[Voodoo Doll]] hangs under her bed. It fades away to Merlin's face. He's smiling to himself as Camelot's army prepares for battle. Tristan and Isolde approach Arthur and tell him that they've decided to fight by his side. As Arthur looks over his sword, Guinevere walks to him and says:
{{quote| '''Guinevere''': Arthur. If anything happens to us, I want you to know: I understand why you can't forgive me. But I never once stopped loving you. Never once.}}
[[Slow Motion|Arthur's army takes up their weapons; everything from swords to pitchforks]]. The camera pans over the line up: Merlin, Guinevere, Tristan, Isolde, Leon, Percival, and finally Arthur. He raises Excalibur, and signals them into battle.
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Sir Leon leads a small group of men to a postern gate and a knight takes out the Southrons on the battlements with a crossbow. Elsewhere, Tristan, Isolde and Percival dispatch another group of Southrons at another entrance. Percival doesn't even have his sword drawn, he just throws a man aside with his bare hands and gestures for the rest of the knights to follow. Arthur dispatches two Southrons on a grassy verge outside the castle and sends them rolling down the hill where Merlin and Gwen finish them off. Each team converges on the palace as the warning bell begins to ring. Helios enters Morgana's bedroom.
{{quote| '''Helios''': It seems we have company.<br />
'''Morgana''': Emrys!<br />
'''Helios''': Arthur.<br />
'''Morgana''': My dear brother. We must welcome him home. }}
Morgana leaves the room with him, still unaware of the [[Voodoo Doll]] under her bed.
[[Slow Motion|Tristan and Isolde leap out from behind two pillars and defeat a Southron together]]. Helios and Morgana take up their positions in the council chamber, knowing that Arthur will make his way there. Down in the dungeons, [[Slow Motion|Percival kills another Southron]]. In the main citadel, [[Slow Motion|Leon and the other knights fight]].
In the dungeons, Gwaine and Elyan hear Percival coming. Percival unlocks the cell, [[Ho Yay|breezes past Gwaine and checks on Elyan]].
{{quote| '''Percival''': Are you alright?<br />
'''Elyan''': I've been locked up with Gwaine for a week. }}
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Arthur, Isolde, Tristan, Merlin and Guinevere approach the throne room, where a group of Southrons guard the doors.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': One each. Pick your man. On me!}}
He rushes forward and fights a Southron. Gwen hits another in the face with the hilt of her sword. Inside the council chamber, Morgana rests her cheek against the throne, waiting almost peacefully for the confrontation. Tristan and Isolde take out the last of the guards, and Arthur commends Merlin on the power of his new sword. He stands at the door and takes one last look at Merlin and Guinevere, asking them if they're ready. They nod, and all burst through the doors, shouting: "For the love of Camelot!"
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Morgana sits on the throne, Helios behind her. For the first time in over two years, the half-siblings approach one another and meet in the centre of the hall. Arthur sheathes Excalibur, and looks over Morgana.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': What happened to you, Morgana? I thought we were friends.<br />
'''Morgana''': As did I. But alas, we were both wrong.<br />
'''Arthur''': You can't blame me for my father's sins.<br />
'''Morgana''': It's a little late for that. You've made it perfectly clear how you feel about me and my kind. You're not as different from Uther as you'd like to think.<br />
'''Arthur''': Nor are you. }}
Morgana steps back, declaring that she's going to enjoy killing him. She raises her hand and chants a spell. A strange whispering fills the air. Nothing happens. Morgana tries again, confused. Still nothing.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': Not so powerful now, my lady.}}
Helios steps forward and pushes Morgana back, challenging Arthur to a fight. Morgana flees the room in terror, Gwen and Merlin in hot pursuit. Southrons burst through the door behind them; Tristan and Isolde fight them off as Arthur crosses swords with Helios. [[Slow Motion|Morgana strides through the halls of Camelot]] with a sword, fighting off knights of Camelot as she goes. One leaps out of an alcove and manages to slice across her belly with his sword before she kills him. Holding her side, Morgana stumbles away.
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Guinevere turns a corner of the castle. Morgana emerges from the other end. They begin to parry.
{{quote| '''Gwen''': What did I do to make you hate me so much?<br />
'''Morgana''': It's not what you did, it's what you're destined to do. I'm sorry Gwen, but I can never let that happen. }}
[[Slow Motion|Gwen's sword goes flying from her hand]] and Morgana points the tip of her sword at Gwen's throat. She is about to be killed when Morgana [[Slow Motion|is forced backwards through the air]] by a magical force. Merlin stands behind Gwen, his eyes still glowing. They take a few steps forward and Gwen questions what happened. Not seeing Morgana in the rubble, the two hurry back to the council chamber.
They enter to find [[Died in Your Arms Tonight|Tristan holding Isolde on the ground]], Arthur watching with tears in his eyes.
{{quote| '''Isolde''': I'm sorry.<br />
'''Tristan''': Shh.<br />
'''Isolde''': Our dreams... <br />
'''Tristan''': Isolde, don't.<br />
'''Isolde''': I wish...<br />
'''Tristan''': I wished...<br />
'''Isolde''': Hold me. }}
She dies, and Tristan gently tips her head back for a [[Last Kiss]]. Arthur and Gwen look up at each other, both with tears in their eyes.
Some time later, Gwen is picking up toppled furniture when Arthur enters the room.
{{quote| '''Gwen''': If you want me to return to Ealdor...<br />
'''Arthur''': I want you to stay. Guinevere...<br />
'''Gwen''': You don't have to say anything...<br />
'''Arthur''': Whatever's happened between us...<br />
'''Gwen''': Please, Arthur, I can't forgive myself.<br />
'''Arthur''': I don't care. I just don't ever want to lose you. }}
Line 161:
The doors to the throne room open, and Morgana's [[Dreaming of Things to Come|prophesy is fulfilled]]. [[Slow Motion|Guinevere walks down the aisle of the throne room and kneels before Arthur at the dais]]. Arthur takes up the Queen's crown and holds it above her head.
{{quote| '''Arthur''': By the sacred laws vested in me...I crown you Guinevere...Queen of Camelot.}}
He lowers the crown onto her head and offers her his hands. She takes them and he lifts her to her feet to join him before the thrones. [[The Big Damn Kiss|They kiss,]] and Arthur presents her to the assembly, shouting: "Long live the Queen!" Merlin, Gaius, the knights and the court take up the chant.
The scene abruptly changes to the forest. Morgana stumbles through the trees, holding her side. Her hair looks awful (''really'' awful). She collapses to the ground, looking near-death. The sound of wings fill the air and a shadow falls over her face. Aithusa, looking much creepier than when we last saw him, lands on a rock beside her and breaths over her still body. Morgana opens her eyes and looks up in wonder at the baby dragon. A tiny smile crosses her face, and she watches as Aithusa flaps his wings and takes off into the air...
Line 174:
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: {{spoiler|QUEEN Guinevere}}.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Arthur might just have reached Morgana, had he not pointed out that she was very much like Uther.
** Morgana is about to kill Guinevere, which causes Merlin to throw her backwards down a corridor in what is possibly the biggest telekinetic "air push" ever featured on the show.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Tristan and Isolde bursting into the throne room yelling: "For the love of Camelot!" Kinda falls flat when the expected resistance is not there, just Morgana and Helios.
* [[The Big Damn Kiss]]: Arthur and Guinevere. It's their best yet.
* [[Book Ends]]: Arthur is crowned King at the beginning of the season, Guinevere is crowned Queen at its end.
* [[Brick Joke]]: Kind of. In ''[[Merlin (TV series)/Recap/S04 /E08 Lamia|Lamia]]'', Arthur mocked Merlin for getting his life saved by Guinevere, stating that he'd rather die than be saved by a girl. Here, {{spoiler|Isolde saves his life at the cost of her own.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: [[Excalibur]], first introduced in 1x09, is finally wielded by its rightful owner over three seasons later.
* [[Cleavage Window]]: Morgana in the forest in the final scene.
Line 184:
* [[Continuity Snarl]]: Apparently it's common knowledge that Arthur is the latest in long line of the Pendragon dynasty, starting from an ancient king that founded Camelot and united the Five Kingdoms. Last year Uther proclaimed that he had conquered Camelot.
** It's clear that Merlin is making up parts of this legend, which Arthur calls him on more than once, but even if it is mostly true, it is ''never'' stated that the Pendragons continuously held Camelot. It's entirely possible Uther ''could'' have reconquered it after they had lost the throne.
* [[Cry for Thethe Devil]]: It's hard not to feel just a ''wee little smidgeon'' of pity for Agravaine. After his heartfelt plea to Morgana in the last episode about how he is her one and only true friend, she casually sends him on a mission to kill the [[Power Trio]] and then barely reacts {{spoiler|to news of his death}}.
* [[Diabolus Ex Vacuus]]: {{spoiler|Aithusa}}, weirdly enough. [ At least according to the writers].
* [[Dies Wide Open]]: {{spoiler|Agravaine}}
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: {{spoiler|Debatably, Agravaine. His death and the immediate aftermath of Merlin realising he's killed him is an important, dramatically staged moment, but it occurs seven minutes into the episode and he's only mentioned once in passing in the rest of the episode by a minor character.}}
* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Calling it now: the frequent mentions of King Lot is foreshadowing for his appearance in series 5.
* [[Excalibur in Thethe Stone]]
* [[Faceless Goons]]: The mercenaries, most of which wear black masks over the lower half of their faces.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Isolde, Helios, Agravaine}}.
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