Metal Gear/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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* Gene gets a CMOA for his sheer badassery by his effortless asskicking of Null at one point, ending with a one sentence command that basically amounted to [[Kneel Before Zod]]
* Elisa gets a CMOA by using [[Car Fu]] to kick Cunningham's ass so Snake and crew can avoid getting shot to death.
* Hell, Colonel Skowronski gets a small CMOA by damn near killing Gene and [[Large Hamm|Large HammingHam]]ing his brief moment of Captain Ahab style glory when he temporarily hijacks Metal Gear RAXA. Bonus points for giving Big Boss, Elisa, and Gene a massive WTF reaction.
* In game, Big Boss gets a CMOA from all the soldiers present for kicking Metal Gear RAXA's ass, more or less reinforcing his [[Badass]] reputation.
* Hell, the player can easily give Big Boss CMoAs which are never, technically, in continuity. This MGS fan once went into the Town to get recruits, and decided to capture every single soldier as Big Boss. I'm sorry, I should have said ''Big Boss once captured an entire town full of soldiers, and convinced every single one of them to join his personal army.'' '''By himself.''' Big Boss, you are indeed worthy of your reputation.
** Speaking of Portable Ops; the stats that your soldiers get when you recruit them is more or less up to chance. For example, it's highly likely to recruit a politician who is absolutely crap at fighting, but a total dead-eye (s-ranked) with a sniper rifle. But you can go further. This troper recently recruited a female glasses-wearing scientist with an A-rank in CQC and handguns with a B in shotguns. And [[Glass Cannon|sixteen HP]]. This troper proceeded to deck her out in body armor, a shotgun, an M1911 and a MK 22 and unleash her upon the unsuspecting enemy.
== Metal Gear Solid 4 ==