Metal Gear/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Awesome.MetalGear 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Awesome.MetalGear, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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** All the above counts, but this troper was seriously impressed when after Raiden says "I just don't fear death," and escapes, he performs a copecera spin with two Gekkos attached to his legs.
* The {{spoiler|microwave corridor}} in Metal Gear Solid 4 is both this and a [[Tear Jerker]], as {{spoiler|a weak and weary Snake struggles to cross a tunnel that blasts searing-hot microwave radiation, boiling his insides and causing his suit to explode and injure him during the process. He manages to eventually crawl to the end by sheer willpower and manliness alone, even when his Solid Eye optic explodes in his face, his Life bar being totally depleted and his Psyche draining at the same time. At the same time, you are shown all of Snake's allies fighting their respective battles, reminding you that you, as Snake, are their only hope for winning. All this whilst Otacon, through the Mk. III, is constantly pleading you to ''keep moving''. It's both fantastic and agonizing}}.
** I remember thinking, when the scene ended and the cutscene started "This is either one of the most brilliantly made cutscenes I have ever seen, or [[ItsIt's a Wonderful Failure|the most depressing game over screen in history]]"
** {{spoiler|The microwave hallway}} is so incredible and heartbreaking, that is quite possibly Snake's most awesome moment in the entire series. Yeah, it's really that powerful.
* Either Snake vs. Ocelot battle in Metal Gear Solid 4. {{spoiler|Metal Gear on Metal Gear action at the end of Act 4 -- "Twin Suns"}} and {{spoiler|the epic, nostalgia-driven final fistfight [[Shout Out|shouting out]] to all three previous games' Snake vs. Liquid/Ocelot encounters}} were enough to make [[Manly Tears]] flow like rain.
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*** Hell, Metal Gear Solid 4 manages to pull one off in ''[[Crowning Moment/Super Smash Bros|another game entirely]]''....
** This is also counts as CMoA for Mei Ling. If you remember, Otacon makes fun of her position in Missouri, joking that she used a "special arrangement" and has a "thing for older guys". Otacon, we wouldn't care how she got into position, but she ''definitely'' [[Took a Level In Badass|had her homework done]].
* For gameplay [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Crowning Moments]], in MGS4 it'd have to be the Big Boss Emblem, which if achieved gives you the [[Infinity Plus One+1 Sword|Patriot]]... whose own trope is subverted by the BBE's requirements (instead of going off and grinding, you have to play the "ultimate" MGS game on the hardest difficulty). In fact, there are online guides and a section in the official paperback strategy guide just about achieving the BBE.
* This troper feels that {{spoiler|Roses plan revealed}} in MGS4 {{spoiler|1=would definitely be a crowning moment of glory. Hear me out - after MGS2, it was pretty much confirmed that the Patriots would stop at nothing to get what they wanted - kidnapping children had worked so well, that it was pretty clear that since Raiden had proven himself such a great fighter, all they needed to do was take one hostage and they'd have their own private supersoldier. Rose knew this, and knew there would be no way to hide their child from the Partiots. The only option would be to make their child useless to the Patriots, by making Raiden think the child was dead - if the Patriots contacted Raiden and told him they had his child, he's just laugh at them. She could tell that Raiden had his doubts about her immediately after the GW tried to get into his brain and make him question reality, so if she gave him one last push, he'd be sent over the edge. She made him crazy to protect him.}}
* In ''Guns of the Patriots,'' the Missouri's Marines are hella awesome, if you think about what's actually going on here. By the final act, we know that many soldiers from non-Outer Heaven-owned [[PM Cs]] as well as state militaries are deserting because of SOP withdrawal, and those are the ones who ''aren't'' so slammed with battlefield trauma they're permanently broken or suffering heart attacks. Thus, the Missouri's Marines [[Fridge Logic|must all come from two groups]]; either combat veterans who are in the minority of those able to ''barely'' hang on without SOP, or total rookies who have ''never seen combat,'' let alone ''ever fired their weapon at an enemy'' since getting out of basic training. And they ''still do their job,'' holding the line long enough for Snake to get the job done despite being overwhelmed in numbers and firepower, by an enemy with more experience and the advantages of SOP, watching each other be gunned down by Haven troopers left and right. ''Semper Fi.''
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*** And to make it even better, {{spoiler|the mission ends with things getting tight for Snake, up 'til when the Sanadistas arrive, gunning down all the enemies in one of the best [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments in the whole series. Cue to Amanda finally being recognized as "Comandante", and after she hugs Big Boss, everyone starts cheering for him.}} It's '''''such''''' a moment of glory.
** Mixed with [[Crowning Music of Awesome]], the background music while you fight {{spoiler|Peace Walker is also another one that really pumps you and fills you with determination to win the freaking battle. Though you'd better have some friends to do it, or [[Marathon Boss|it'll take a good half-hour to beat]].}}
** The QTE at the end of Infiltrate the Underground Base. The prompts are so fast it's borderline impossible to avoid losing (and continuing to the next mission), but Big Boss' CQC [[Foe -Tossing Charge]] (not to mention stealing Strangelove's ID card to escape later on upon completion) is totally worth it.