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* [[Actor Allusion]]: This isn't the first time [[Mugihito]] ended up [[Mega Man X|causing a catastrophe involving nukes]].
* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: {{spoiler|The Boss AI decides to drown itself to prevent an all-out nuclear war, much as the real Boss sacrificed herself. This only annoys Big Boss again, having already rejected The Boss's own sacrifice as a betrayal to what The Boss taught him as a soldier.}}
* [[AKA 47]]: Despite being named and credited properly in ''Portable Ops'', the AK-47, AUG, and vz.61 are rendered into [[Bland -Name Product|Bland Name Products]] here. The similarity between As and Rs/Vs and Us in ''Peace Walker'''s various inventory fonts makes this tricky to spot, though.
** The AK here is [[Handwaved]] with being a variant, and the other weapons, you have to get blueprints for.
** Some weapons appear in this game before their [[Real Life]] counterparts did. For example, the Steyr AUG was not developed until 1977, yet the MSF has access to it in 1974. However, it should be noted that the game hints that they developed the weapons based on design specs, meaning they most likely developed them first in-universe.
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** Battle Cries provide varying effects that can help your team or yourself in some fashion, but using a Battle Cry means you won't get a S Rank. Ditto the Sidekick skill, though it applies only in CO-OPS play.
* [[Backstory]]: The Data Files provide large amounts of this, including two different retellings of the same sequence of events by different people. Unusually, most of these are revealed only after the A-Plot is resolved.
* [[Badass Decay]]: Invoked. Big Boss, easily the Metal Gear universe's most renowned badass, was revealed to once have been a quirky and eccentric yet supremely capable soldier during [[Metal Gear Solid 3|MGS3]], leaving his tragic descent into vengeful obsession with war open to interpretation. While he is melancholic and humble in Peace Walker, he still has his segues into goofy behaviour, yet this doesn't stop him from founding the world's first international Private Military Company, destroying {{spoiler|four}} Metal Gears and taking on a massive army all single-handedly ([[Co -Op Multiplayer|sometimes]]). However, his mythical ruthless prowess is slightly undermined by the fact that his reputation as a legendary soldier that mercenaries flock to increases in relation to how ''merciful'' he is with his enemies. (The game charts your reputation with a Heroism Rank, which doesn't increase as much when you kill enemies in the line of duty - murdering an entire level full of them will usually net you zero or negative hero points.) Even volunteer soldiers will say they joined up ''because'' BB spares soldiers!
** The soldiers joining Big Boss because he spares his enemies was also implied in ''[[Metal Gear 2]]'' by Kyle Schneider, where he (and presumably the rest of the {{spoiler|surviving}} members of the resistance) felt a lot of gratitude towards Big Boss despite his being the one who led Outer Heaven specifically because he saved their resistance from the NATO bombing of Outer Heaven, even though they were technically his enemies.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Played straighter here than any other point in the Metal Gear timeline; Peace Walker has a complete absence of supernaturally empowered human boss characters, and a random soldier or Big Boss must take down gigantic mecha... several times... by himself. Even lampshaded by Kaz during the fight with the Cocoon - "If anyone can do it, it's you, Boss!"
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* [[CIA Evil FBI Good|CIA Evil, KGB... Still Evil]] the reason the MSF got involved in the first place is because a KGB operative hired the MSF to investigate Costa Rica as to what the Peace Sentinels, a CIA group, was up to and then drive them out. The CIA group in question was not very nice, to say the least. KGB was also proven to be just as bad, and in fact was technically allied with them until they [[The Starscream|changed the target of Peace Walker's retalitory strike to Cuba]]. They're actually rogue (though the sentinels have no idea), with the fact that Coldman was actually an exile at that time, as well as his trying to convince the CIA to give funding for his brainchild, Peace Walker's mass production, as well as the fact that he intended to launch a live nuke via Peace Walker just to step up negotiations with the Peace Sentinels.) The CIA was also implied to be not good in EVA's tapes.
* [[Climax Boss]]: After the fist-pumpingly-awesome Get To The Control Tower mission, it seems like it'd be hard for the final battle with Peace Walker to top that. [[Two Words Obvious Trope|Two words: it's better.]]
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: Strangelove electrocutes Big Boss in order to gain information on why he had to kill The Boss (either by lightning rods or by laughing rods, depending on whether you're talking about the English or Japanese version). It's also heavily implied that she did not like having to torture Big Boss at all, as future torture sessions have her becoming more reluctant to continue/kill Big Boss, and later she actually apologizes to Big Boss for her part (English version only, the Japanese version, for [[Executive Meddling|obvious reasons]], simply had her apologize without specifying why she is apologizing to Big Boss).
* [[Colossus Climb]]: The "Cocoon" AI weapon is so huge and so covered in guns that you can --and must-- climb all over it to get to its AI pod. The weapon appears to have been designed with this trait in mind--it's completely covered in gun turrets and missile launchers, and there is no place on it where you're safe. Even hiding underneath it isn't safe; it's got a long flexible robot arm with a chainsaw and machine gun to attack you there too, if it doesn't decide to just lower itself on you and squash you directly.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: During a [[Motive Rant]], Coldman cites an incident during the Cuban Missile Crisis where a Soviet commander refused an order to nuke an American ship as an example of why deterrence is flawed. In fact, that one incident sums up WHY deterrence works; no one wants to kick off the chain reaction that kills the world.
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** {{spoiler|Kaz}} is ''both'', depending on your gender or sexual orientation. Kojima forces you to play {{spoiler|his}} level before you can see Paz (or, heck, the rest of the important Females on Mother Base) in her/their bikini(s).
** In addition, the swimsuits are a LOT more revealing for the males than the females.
* [[Family -Friendly Firearms]]: In order to receive a lower rating in Japan, a certain scene had to be censored. {{spoiler|Instead of lightning rods to torture, laughing rods are used.}}
** Big Boss has traded in his knife for a stun rod since the last game; no more throat-slitting for him! That didn't stop the Peace Sentinels or KGB soldiers from using knives in close quarters when Big Boss or an MSF soldier is caught/raised an alert, however...
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Strangelove (pre-Chapter 4) was evidentially of this trope. However, {{spoiler|Paz/Pacifica Ocean}} qualifies for the entire game, in a way that would shock a lot of players when this is found out.
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** Actually, that last part isn't gameplay and story segregation at all, since {{spoiler|both the CGI and Graphic Novel cutscenes for the scenes directly relating to Big Boss's fight against Paz/ZEKE had him wearing the bandana as well.}}
* [[Gaussian Girl]]: Amanda sees Naked Snake as this when learning his true identity. Like in Snake Eater with Ocelot, this is justified, as she was losing consciousness at the time.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: {{spoiler|A rare ''mechanical'' case of this. Peace Walker is activated in bipedal mode and after being blown about by a few rockets from Snake, seems to malfunction and starts to lose it. A passing helicopter with Coldman inside fires a couple of shots at it, which seems to bring it to its senses; it shifts into its much-stronger quadrupedal form and remembers it has to go to Nicaragua.}}
** Kaz also performs one of these to Snake in regards to the Boss. Snake remains distraught over the ending of Operation Snake Eater, but Miller reminds him that it was ten years ago and that Big Boss should leave it behind him.
* [[Genre Shift]]: The gameplay model in Peace Walker is a derivative of Monster Hunter and Metal Gear Solid 3, with RPG style "Ranking Up" of individual weapon skills, linear equipment upgrading and grinding missions for resources. This change has introduced a greater emphasis on repetitive battles with large enemy vehicles with multiple weak points that can be looted based on a luck/damage system. Unfortunately this change has lead to a complete absence of the boss fights the Metal Gear Series is perhaps best known for: Solo combat against creative and bizarre human-sized adversaries. Thankfully, the new gameplay elements seem to have won over the fanbase.
* [[Get Back Here Boss]]: The Chrysalis, a flying Unmanned Weapon that shifts between a hovering Attack Mode and a Flight Mode that lets it zoom around the landscape. In its Attack Mode, you can't land good shots with missiles because it will [[Flash Step]] out of the way, and it likes to hide beneath the horizon (or in the fog) while in Flight Mode. Bottom line: Get something powerful, preferably one with anti-air homing capabilities, or you're in for a long, hard fight.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Your soldiers in Outer Ops, once you develop the Kampfpistol. With it, they can destroy even custom vehicles in a few shots, but of course, they can't take much facing missile launchers or vehicle fire.
* [[Good Colors, Evil Colors]]: As a rule of thumb, yellow denotes good and red denotes evil.
** Which heavily implies interesting things near the end of the final ending-screen-slash-exposition, plus your saved game preview image color changed from yellow to red (which happened in other games in the series, but still)...
* [[The Guards Must Be Crazy]]: Played straight with the Peace Sentinels, in typical ''[[Metal Gear]]'' fashion.
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* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Although Big Boss was shown to be feeling remorse at The Boss's death in ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3]]'', it is implied in this game from various intrusive flashbacks to Tselinoyarsk and reacting with shock at someone referring to "Jack" and {{spoiler|learning about The Boss AI's existence}} that the [[Heroic BSOD]] he earned in the ending of Snake Eater had worsened significantly by this game.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] / [[Redemption Equals Death]]: The Peace Walker's Mammal Pod, after fighting Big Boss twice, decided to not carry out Coldman's final will in regards to leaking the NORAD data (especially when it was going to cause a nuclear war), and allowed Big Boss in so he could remove all the uplink drives in the Mammal Pod, and when that didn't work, decided instead to drown itself in order to short-circuit the transmission of the false data, and it is also implied that because of these actions, The Boss was cleared of all charges of treason.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]:
** In the Japanese dub, Paz is voiced by [[Nana Mizuki]], and she had the honor of singing the first image song for [[Metal Gear]].
*** In the English dub, Paz is voiced by... [[Tara Strong]], who also voiced Rikku from ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' (whom coincidentially Paz shares a similar face model with).
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** Donna Burke, the singer who sings "Heaven's Divide" is the voice of [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha|Raising Heart.]]
** Ramon Galvez Mena/{{spoiler|Vladimir Alexandrovich Zadornov}} is voiced in the Japanese version by [[The Matrix|Agent Smith]].
* [[Historical in In-Joke]]: Probably not that surprising given one of the things MGS is rather infamous for, but in one of the briefing tapes, specifically the rather [[Crowning Moment of Funny|infamous one]] involving Big Boss mentioning that he believes in Santa Claus, the conversation had him mentioning that he thought NORAD tracked Santa Claus, referring to a real life event in the early fifties where, due to a mistake in printing phone numbers, a tracking Santa phone number intended for a Sears Department Store was mixed up with the phone number for NORAD, which spawned a tradition called "NORAD tracks Santa."
** The Football War was briefly referenced by Paz/{{spoiler|Pacifica Ocean}} in one of her briefing tapes.
* [[Humans Are Bastards]]: Hinted to be one of Coldman's beliefs due to the tattoo on the back on his head depicting a wolfman holding a peace symbol also including the phrase "Homo Homini Lupus", which is a latin phrase that translates to "Man is a wolf to [his fellow] man", although this also may be a form of [[Lampshading]] on his part about his characterization as an unrepentent [[Complete Monster]]. In addition, Paz hints that humans are naturally inclined to battle each other and thus be absolute jerks towards one another, both in her Peace-loving act and {{spoiler|in her true self}}.
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** {{spoiler|Pacifica/Paz's dedication to the mission is extremely similar to The Boss's dedication to the mission. Though, Paz was scared out of her mind of what would happen if she betrayed Zero, compared to The Boss's total dedication to the US despite knowing what would happen to her, and kept denying she hated the MSF, and eventually gets her ass kicked with little fanfare (besides Chico's grieving and what-ifs and Miller's grumbling about her betrayal - which he caused).}}
* [[Just Between You and Me]]: Shockingly reversed at the beginning of the game, then hugely played straight multiple times later on. Before the first mission proper, Galvez reveals himself as a KGB spy [[I Knew It|after Big Boss calls him on it]], ''and still hiring him to help usurp U.S. control of Central America to trigger a massive socialist revolution that will allow the USSR to destroy America'' (Although to be fair, he also conveniently leaves out the fact that he also intended to use an experimental mech to essentially frame the United States for nuking Cuba, and makes it seem as though the primary reason he wants to hire them was to investigate the CIA's activities besides driving out the Soviet presence). As Big Boss is a mercenary (and Galvez waved a small child at him) he doesn't have too many moral qualms about this and takes the mission anyway (and it is strongly implied that one of the main reasons he decided to undergo the mission initially was to investigate if The Boss had indeed survived).
** Later on {{spoiler|Coldman exposits most of his plan to Big Boss ''twice'', both on occasions where Big Boss was at Coldman's complete mercy and Coldman had nothing to gain from either keeping him alive or letting him know what his plans were (excluding his false data/NORAD gambit, which would probably have been unnecessary had Big Boss known nothing at all). Indeed, if Coldman had kept his mouth shut and/or [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|double-tapped Big Boss on sight]], MSF would have had no idea that a large nuclear bomb was about to fall on them until it was too late.}}
** {{spoiler|Then Vladimir bursts in and exposits about how he's going to kill Big Boss and let him act as a martyr as Che did, buying MSF enough time to kick the doors in and stop their collective scheming. And Vlad [[Sanity Has Advantages|didn't even have the insanity excuse that Coldman had]].}}
*** {{spoiler|It gets better. Then ''Paz'' talks about how [[Gambit Pileup|everything was either planned or funded by Cipher, an organization created by Zero. If she hadn't let ''that'' on it's likely BB would never have found out and his world-shifting feud with Zero would never have started.]]}}
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* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Source of the "controversial" "Vic Boss" "joke".
* [[Mythology Gag]]: Around the time of the main villain's death, {{spoiler|the doomsday weapon ends up being activated and is going to fire a nuke at its programmed targets, thus forcing the main character to fight it within a time limit?}} [[Snakes Revenge|Now where have we seen this before?]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] / [[Gone Horribly Right]]: Big Boss fires some rounds at Peace Walker's direction to prevent it from going through the Nicaraguan border. It worked, as it aborted the previous command temporarily. Unfortunately, it also replaced its command with entering small-scale threat suppression threat mode, meaning that Big Boss, as a result of his actions, just got himself into a fight with Peace Walker.
* [[No Body Left Behind]]: Subverted and played straight; dying, unconscious or stunned guard soldiers remain on the ground so the player can use the [[Enemy Mine|Fulton Surface-To-Air Recovery System]] on them, while dead soldiers disappear after a few seconds, presumably so the player doesn't accidentally use a balloon on them. On alert or elimination missions, stunned or sleeping enemies disappear after a few moments with a non-lethal blue version of the "near death" skull.
* [[No Fourth Wall]]: It wouldn't be a Metal Gear Solid game otherwise. This one gets down to business immediately; we start off with a drill instructor angrily shouting at the troops (and the player, since Big Boss is joining the training exercise) that we need to press the X button to change stances, tap the X button to crouch, and keep it held to lie down. "DON'T FORGET IT!"
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** Also, with Paz, for unknown reasons, despite her diary tapes explaining that she was actually raised in America (and also implied that she is of Latino descent), she seems to speak with a distinctly Russian accent when unveiling her true colors to him.
* [[Not So Different]]: Inverted in one of the Briefing Tapes: Big Boss expresses concern about Huey allowing him to place a nuclear warhead on ZEKE, as he thought this was no different than what the CIA Peace Sentinels did with Peace Walker. Huey then explains the fundamental difference between the CIA and Big Boss: The CIA charms people into helping them, yet as soon as things get hairy, they stab them in the back, whereas Big Boss is honest about his intentions, hence why Huey was willing to do so in the present.
* [[Nuke 'Em]]: Coldman's favourite policy. {{spoiler|How do you assure world peace? Prove you are insane enough to irradiate Central America and the Caribbean Sea! How do you deal with a poorly organized mercenary force with barely over a hundred soliders based in an easily-destroyed sea plant? Drop an IRBM on their faces!}}
* [[Oh Crap]]: Big Boss' [[Start of Darkness]]. {{spoiler|Not only does he denounce the Boss as a fraud because she put down her gun and wanted to embrace peace, Peace Walker also sees the rise of Outer Heaven, thanks in part to Zero trying to screw around with him yet again.}}
{{quote| Big Boss: "We will forsake our countries. We will leave our motherlands behind us and become one with this earth. We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We go where we're needed, fighting not for country, not for government, but for ourselves. We need no reason to fight. We fight because we are needed. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are soldiers without borders, our purpose defined by the era we live in. We will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services. If the times demand it, we'll be revolutionaries, criminals, terrorists. And yes, we may all be headed straight to Hell. But what better place for us than this? It is our only home. Our Heaven and Our Hell. This is Outer Heaven."}}
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* [[Omniglot]]: Big Boss, aside from knowing Russian and English, is shown to be fluent in French (he says a phrase in French to attempt to calm Cecile Cosima Caminandes down when meeting her), and both Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller are implied to be, if not fluent, at least knowledgeable in Spanish (Big Boss uses various spanish phrases when communicating with the Nicaraguans, he also mentioned that Miller was gifted in Spanish in a briefing tape regarding how they met, and the motto for Militaires Sans Frontieres during their operations in Colombia was "Liberte O Muerte", which is Spanish for "[Give me] liberty, or [give me] death"), and the latter of the two is good at speaking both Japanese and English (the former being his native tongue). Big Boss, in a briefing tape with Chico regarding Trenya, also implies that he subconsciously learned how to speak cat. Aside from knowing Russian and presumably English, Vladimir Zadornov is also implied to know Spanish, as well (he uses various spanish words when talking, and it is implied that he was the one who directly recruited the FSLN), as is Paz/{{spoiler|Pacifica}}, who spoke with various spanish phrases and English, and it is implied that she is capable of speaking Russian as well (when {{spoiler|unveiling her true colors}}, Paz is speaking in a distinctly Russian accent).
* [[On Site Procurement]]: Surprisingly averted in regards to the weapons and most of your equipment, considering the fact that the [[Metal Gear]] series was the [[Trope Namer]]. You actually have to gain design specs and create weapons and most of your equipment from scratch after gaining the design specs (some of which [[Guide Dang It|are also extremely]] [[Fake Longevity|annoying to get]]). Rations and ammo (sometimes ammo that belongs to weapons you have yet to develop [IE, Railgun Ammo]) are played straight, however.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: Not a human character, but Peace Walker transforms from a biped to a quadruped after beating it at the mine base. It should be noted that this is the closest [[Metal Gear]] has ever canonically gone to invoking the trope. The series overall, however, had Big Boss going [[One -Winged Angel]] in the non-canonical [[Snakes Revenge]].
* [[One -Woman Wail]]: The AI Weapons in ''Peace Walker'' all ''sing'' an eerie, haunting song even as they attack you. Cecile also implies that the AI Weapons (barring Peace Walker) used Strangelove's voice.
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: Dr. Strangelove is named after the movie and never reveals her real name. "Huey" Emmerich never says his real name either.
* [[Pacifist Run]]: A heck of a lot easier to attempt than in previous MGS games, simply because the game is broken up into bite-sized missions. So you can S-Rank one or two missions here or there, and get back to the ones where you were forced to take lethal action later, aided by non-lethal weapons you've collected and developed since the last time.
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* [[Truth in Television]]: Big Boss and some other major characters look up to Che Guevara. It isn't that far from the truth in real life, where t-shirts are actually sold of Che Guevara.
** Also, it is heavily implied by some soldiers remarks that they were abandoned by their government after they risked their butts in fighting the Vietnam War, hence their reason for joining the Peace Sentinels. This was actually quite true, as many Vietnam veterans ended up being very much treated very badly, being referred to as "baby killers," among other things.
* [[Two -Timer Date]]: Kazuhira Miller, according to one of Paz's briefing tapes, intentionally went on a date with two female members of MSF at the exact same time. Paz implies that this wasn't the first time, or, well, not even the fifth time, Miller has done this. Naturally, it doesn't end too well, as the girls report to Big Boss about it, causing Big Boss to go and beat up Kaz in the showers.
* [[Suspiciously Similar Substitute]]: Kaz, just like Roy in ''MPO'', is a blond-haired womanizing combat buddy of Naked Snake who becomes his second-in-command throughout the course of the game.
* [[The Mutiny]]: {{spoiler|What ended up happening when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, under Naked Snake's advice, decided to call off the retaliatory strike due to the realization that the nukes are fake.}}
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* [[Weapon of Peace]]: ''Peace Walker'' herself, with "peace" being the nuclear deterrence definition.
* [[Welcome to Hell]]: Big Boss tells Amanda this word for word when he tells her that she'll have to treat Chico like a soldier and not simply her brother.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: A rare protagonistic example: Amanda, the leader of the Sandinistas, is willing to kill others, and as she stated, is willing to go to hell for her actions, as long as it at least allowed her native country, Nicaragua, to be free from a stranglehold over a very terrible government who frequently neglects its own people.
** Strangelove herself may qualify. Her intention was to find out The Boss's true intentions and then clear her name of treason if it wasn't treason she committed. However, to do this, she agreed to partake in a project headed by a monster, and also torture Big Boss for information.
** Miller wanted MSF to expand, so he worked as a neutral business associate with Cipher to ensure it expanded. Of course, when it became apparent that Cipher was willing to actually ruin MSF by having one of their agents frame it with a nuclear strike against the USA, he went against them.
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** Also, Peace Walker was originally supposed to heavily resemble Metal Gear REX, down to the railgun and even the design of its hangar was supposed to mirror REX's hangar on Shadow Moses. In addition, Paz and Zadornov would also have been discovered earlier to not be trustworthy (especially Paz), where Paz and Zadornov are overseeing its construction, and Big Boss discovers their affiliation to the Peace Sentinels by eavesdropping from a window in a manner very similar to how Solid Snake eavesdropped on Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot's conversation in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' before Coldman finds and surrounds him. Also, Coldman was intended to be killed by Zadornov alone with a gun to the head, and at some point later, Paz would actually [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|do the very same to Zadornov]] before hijacking ZEKE. If some of the storyboard sketches were anything to go by, Big Boss was apparently going to actually lead his troops on a sneaking mission rather than going in alone. An entire character model, the AI lab workers, who were implied to be of German origin, was also cut.
** Also an In-Universe example: according to Strangelove, Had Hot Coldman not died, and had the Peace Walker project finished with a success. He was going to kill off his own unit, and Strangelove also intended to commit suicide after the project was finished. The Boss's sacrifice obviously changed her decision in regards to the last part.
* [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]: The Metal Gear Solid games of the past averted this, but this one averts it harder than all those before it. Paz pleads with you to try to spare the lives of the enemies gunning for you, and your rank goes down if you kill an enemy or leave an injured enemy to die. A mortally wounded enemy may be rescued by another one who injects him with life-saving medicine and gratefully says "You saved my life!" Not to mention, every enemy you spare is a potential recruit.
** They've also got their own hopes and dreams... or arguments about Santa existing... or bug catching... or trying to hit on Big Boss... or being creepy...
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: Cecile disappears from the main story after her rescue, except for optional CODEC calls. Granted, there's not much for her to do other than to offer information on local birds, since she's a civilian and has no real reason to leave the safety of Mother Base after this.
** It's implied in Paz's diary tapes that she was working on Mother Base as a chef. In addition, she also had a somewhat strained relationship with Kazuhira Miller, apparently reaching its breaking point when Miller, trying to emulate French customs in what is evidentially a method to impress Cecile, obliviously picked the absolute worst year of French wine to stock Mother Base with. Also, one of Cecile's briefing files (specifically the one relating to her role on Mother Base) heavily implied that Big Boss assigned her to be a scout due to her experience as a birdwatcher being very similar to the standard operating procedure of scouts.
** [[What Happened to The Mouse?|What Happened To The Fox?]]: The rest of the soldiers that joined up with Snake at the end of Portable Ops - and Campbell, and Null, and everyone else that made it out - are... gone.
*** Justified in that they became members of FOXHOUND at the end of [[Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops]]. It's possible that some of them went with him when he left (thus, forming the MSF), but many others stayed, including Campbell, Null et al.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: {{spoiler|Mammal Pod is full of butterflies! Which become the pale petals of Rokovoj Bereg! The final butterfly becomes a peace symbol upon contact with water! Hideo Kojima is a genius stop looking confused!}}
* [[With This Herring]]: Some Extra Ops missions require you to hold up and immobilize entire patrols armed only with a banana.
* [[Wild Teen Party]]: Every month, the Militaires Sans Frontieres throw birthday parties for soldiers whose birthdays fall on that month, and Paz implies that the parties are nothing more than an excuse to cut loose and drink alcohol. Similar to the Wild Teen Parties, it primarily consists of heavy smoking, heavy drinking, eat meat, tell tasteless jokes (at least one of which is mooning) and crude insults. It's subverted slightly in that it rarely gets serious.
* [[You're Insane!]]: Miller's reaction to Coldman when {{spoiler|the latter managed to activate Peace Walker and nearly drove the world into an all-out nuclear war in his attempt to make retaliation inevitable}}.
** Amanda also has this reaction when she realizes that the Peace Sentinels are actually continuing the drug trafficking route they originally used and were turning their own country, America, into junkies.
* [[V Sign]]: The [[Arc Words|V-sign.]] Also used in a [[Stealth Insult]] by Zadornov towards Snake, twice - palm-inwards is the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger in Britain and Australia.