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* [[Arc Fatigue]]: [[Jerry Lawler]] vs. [[Michael Cole]], which lasted ½-a-YEAR: the feud started when Cole cost Jerry his victory against [[The Miz]] in a TLC Match all the way back in November and more or less ended at Over The Limit.
* [[Author's Saving Throw]]: Since the end with his feud with Lawler, he's doesn't bash the divas or go over board with shilling [[The Miz]]. Of course, he still doesn't miss an opportunity to [[Take That|take shots]] at [[Booker T]], King, or JR.
* {{spoiler|[[The Bad Guy Wins]]}}: {{spoiler|Was awarded the win at Wrestlemania, but only by DQ and was still put in an ankle lock and tapped out.}}
* [[Broken Base]]: All over the place, especially after he became a heel in 2010. He's either overbearing or [[Actually Pretty Funny]].
* [[Brown Note]]: Not fear, but just annoyance. WWE seems to be deliberately invoking this to get Cole heat. At one point, he was doing commentary for all shows, and in general, his gimmick as of late is that he ''never shuts up.'' WWE is clearly trying to make Cole's voice as grating and annoying as possible.
* [[Complete Monster]]: His recent feud with Jerry may have turned him into this. Among other actions, he's insulted the man's dead mother and father, beaten up his best friend, and generally made the man's life a living heck without showing any remorse.
* [[Creator's Pet]] / [[X -Pac Heat]]:
** As interesting as his current heel run may be, the fact WWE keep pushing him despite the [[X -Pac Heat]] he receives makes him this. Simultaneously, his segments with Jerry Lawler were also some of the most watched parts of the shows.
** They seem to be making him a deliberate [[Creator's Pet]] in-universe as well. They're piling a bunch of different awards and things on him. Winning several matches in a row, one at ''Wrestlemania,'' giving him multiple Slammy Awards (possibly three in a row,) etc. If it is something he can win and crow about for months after, he'll get it.
* [[Critical Research Failure]]:
** Twice in a recent episode. Cole comments that [[Sheamus]]'s kick was to [[Ron Killings|R-Truth]]'s gold teeth ... even though R-Truth rapped on his way to the ring, so we all know he doesn't have any and the replay shows his rows of white teeth(he did get golds in the future). Later in the show Cole calls one of [[John Morrison]] capoeira kicks a "parkour move" (which is understandable, since Morrison does also perform ''[[Le Parkour]]'').
** He has also referred to Dolph Ziggler's Leg Lariat/Legdrop Bulldog as the 'Zig Zag' on multiple occasions. Matt Striker even corrected him the second time during Ziggler's match against Kaval in Survivor Series. And yet he still does it.
** Similarly, Cole has referred to multiple submission maneuvers that [[CM Punk]] uses (the Koji Clutch and the Leg Choke for examples) as the Anaconda Vise despite that being a completely different submission move. Whether he does this as part of his character or genuinely screws it up is unknown.
* [[Dirty Coward]]:
** Has been milking this trope for all its worth in his feud with Lawler, to the point of commentating inside a plexiglas box so [[Jerry Lawler]] can't touch him. He even does this on Smackdown, where no one is there to threaten him.
** Showed when Jack Swagger finally had enough and abandoned him. Michael goes from [[Smug Snake]] to pleading with Jerry to call off their upcoming match for the rest of the night.
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]:
** Delivered a [[Cluster F-Bomb]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx1PhviIAt4 to a fan who called in simply to bash him.]
** Jack Swagger finally decided to let [[Jerry Lawler]] [[Do with Him as You Will|have his way with Cole]] after Jerry [[Batman Gambit|used Cole's own ego to trick him]] into insulting Swagger's title run and status as a wrestler...[[I'm Standing Right Here|while Swagger was in the ring with them]].
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Ironically enough, Cole and Josh Matthews served as this for NXT, [[Crowning Moment of Funny|especially in season 3.]] The same doesn't apply to his commentary [[Base Breaker|on Raw and Smackdown.]]
* [[Fan Hater]]:
** Oh so much towards the IWC. Basically, if they love it he'll hate it and troll the IWC about it every chance he gets.
** Specifically speaking, He holds [[Bryan Danielson]] and [[Zack Ryder]] in contempt for being [[Ensemble Darkhorse|"Internet Darlings."]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]:
** Fans on the [[Image Boards]] refer to his heel persona as "Michael Troll"
** As well as "Frank Cole." [[Dead Rising|He's covered wars, you know.]]
* [[Harsher in Hindsight]]:
** He calls his fans ([[Ted Baxter|he thinks the whole WWE Universe, as well as a sizeable portion of TNA are his fans]]) Cole Miners. He started pushing this a lot after the [[wikipedia:Beaconsfield Mine collapse|Beaconsfield mind disaster]] and still referred to them as this after several further [[wikipedia:Upper Big Branch Mine disaster|high-profile]] [[wikipedia:2010 Copiap%C3%B3 mining accident|mining disasters.]]
* [[Hilarious in Hindsight]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrgyxPPujZQ This. Just... This.]
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]:
** His reason for hating [[Daniel Bryan]]? "He's a nerd! He's a vegan! He's never had a date in his life!" The last one especially is interesting as he is a fanboy of self professed chick magnet [[The Miz]].
** On the 11/18/11 episode of Smackdown, he claimed that even though Zack Ryder has pinned United States Champion Dolph Ziggler multiple times in recent weeks, he couldn't earn a U.S. title shot because, in his words, "None of those matches were for the title, so it doesn't matter." [[What an Idiot!|Um]], [[Flat What|what?]]
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** If that doesn't qualify, then siccing Jack Swagger on the much-loved [[Jim Ross]] and then putting an ankle lock on him while berating him all the while definitely would.
** [[Dude, Not Funny|What did you do for Mother's Day, Jerry?]]
* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]:
** His Heel/Troll gimmic managed to win over Cole some fans.
** On the other hand, some believe this is the point where he ''became'' [[The Scrappy]].
** It's generally considered to have been awesome until around the build up to TLC, where Cole's gimmick became less of him fanboying over the [[Heel]] and more fanboying over ''himself''. ''This'' is where it got bad.
* [[Smug Snake]]:
** Since [[The Miz]] became champion, Cole has pushed this trope [[Up to Eleven]]. When the GM tried to interrupt [[Dwayne Johnson|The Rock's]] promo, Cole was practically reveling in how much the audience was pissed off.
** He now likes to go on about his "undefeated streak", consisting at the moment of two very narrow and unfair victories.
* [[Snark Bait]]
* [[Straw Man Has a Point]]:
** Doubles with [[Hypocritical Humor]], he's quick to call out the [[Double Standard]] when [[Moral Dissonance|faces cheat to win.]] Of course he also makes a double standard because the heel usually did that beforehand with him loudly defending them.
** During the Kane and Edge feud, where Edge abducted Paul Bearer and kept him strapped to a wheel chair for nearly a whole month, Cole saying that Edge had taken it too far is probably what a face commentator would say if Kane were a face.
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*** Cole turned out to be somewhat correct in a way. Not only did Bryan admit it (as well as explain that plans changed when Henry tried to take him out and make [[Wrestlemania]] a moot point), but he later went on to cash in on Henry again (successfully this time) and turn heel from the [[Acquired Situational Narcissism]] and the pressure of trying to keep the belt away from two hungry giants.
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: For all of his trolling, the only matches he actually buries/interrupts are Diva matches, making it seem as if he's telling the Divas to [[Stay in the Kitchen]]. Fortunately, this stopped after his storyline with King was done.
* [[Unintentionally Sympathetic]]:
** Forgetting about [[Base Breaker|Cole's status]] for a minute, considering that he's been a [[Butt Monkey]] for years to just about everyone Heel ''or'' Face, it's not so surprising that he decided to [[Took a Level in Jerkass|Take A Level In Jerkass]] knowing how far [[Who's Laughing Now?|he's been pushed around]].
** His [[Face Heel Turn]] coupled with his hatred of Jim Ross is [[Fridge Brilliance]] if you remember back to 1999 when J.R. was antagonizing Cole (which was an ultimately futile effort to make Jim Ross a heel).