"Million-to-once chances crop up nine times out of ten."
And once again, Probability proves itself willing to sneak into a back alley and service Drama as would a copper-piece harlot.
Vaarsuvius, The Order of the Stick
"This operation had an almost zero percent chance of succeeding, but it seems that theoretical calculations are pointless with you."

"Oh come off it. The chances of us getting out are about a million to one."

"Then there's still a chance."
"The percentages mean nothing. A brave heart will overcome any odds."
"Give it your best shot! I am 100% certain you're returning from this battle, Travis. ...In a body bag."
Sylvia, offering her usual "words of encouragement" before every[1] boss battle, in No More Heroes.

The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one

But still, they come!
  1. this was the third. She actually makes the odds less supportive as time goes on, but suddenly becomes nice at two points