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** None of this is helped by the fact that each episode is a self-contained story that is clearly already in progress, with no recap and zero exposition. That or a Yungian nightmare, take your pick, either one is both valid and complete bullshit.
* ''[[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]]'' is more or less constructed from this trope. The various episodes follow vague premises with more Mind Screw moments and [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|Big Lipped Alligator Moments]] then virtually any other show. A particularly memorable one though, is at the end of an episode where they unmask a villain (bare in mind he's adult-sized) to reveal... an earthworm.
{{quote| Billy: "Wait what?"<br />
Mandy: "Billy, if you had been [[Insane Troll Logic|paying attention the whole time you would have figured out he was obviously an Earthworm]]." }}
* In ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'', the first episode where you see Pearl does not seem weird... [[Fridge Logic]] ensues, as you ask yourself, "How the heck can a crab father a whale?!"
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* ''[[Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy]]'': in "One Plus One Equals Ed", the titular trio try and know everything so they can become super-smart and famous. In their quest for knowledge, however, all of reality breaks down- trees are flat as cardboard, Eddy eats the sun, Nazz turns into a dinosaur, and on and on. The madness only ends when the Eds are flying on a balloon that gets popped by the animator's giant pencil. [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|And they never speak of it again.]]
* Parodied in ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'', where an advertising company produces a TV advert for Homer's plowing service, featuring a opera-singing woman screaming at a snow-globe before smashing it on the pavement. In black and white. The family's response sums it up well.
{{quote| '''Lisa:''' Dad, was that your commercial?<br />
'''Homer:''' ...I don't know. }}
** Pictured above is the Itchy-and-Scratchy replacement "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR7m-4Vc3MU Worker and Parasite]" from "Krusty Gets Kancelled". Krusty's reaction [[Lampshade Hanging|("What the hell was that?!")]] [[Audience Surrogate|is dead on.]]
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* ''[[The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat]]'' is probably one of the most [[Mind Screw|Mind Screwiest]] western animation films ever. And unlike [[Fritz the Cat (animation)|the film it's a sequel to]], [[Ralph Bakshi]] had absolutely nothing to do with it.
* One in the Time Travel episode of ''[[Gargoyles]]'', to quote [[The Nostalgia Critic]]:
{{quote| '''NC:''' Basically, they make it back to Manhattan, but it turns out Xanatos took over in the forty years they were gone, but then it turns out that it isn't Xanatos at all, but a computer with Xanatos' memories, but then it turns out it wasn't the computer, but ''Lexington'', who was overtaken by madness, [[Overly Long Gag|but then it turns out]] that the whole thing was an illusion created by Puck to get the time medallion, but then it turns out that it was all a dream, but it may not have. Interesting? Yes. Confusing? Oh, '''hell yes'''.}}
* At the end of the ''[[Super Mario World (animation)|Super Mario World]]'' episode "The Yoshi Shuffle", Luigi's brain is apparently melted (giving rise to the [[Fan Nickname]] "Retard Luigi") following this exchange:
{{quote| '''Luigi:''' Uh, did I catch the ball?<br />
'''Mario:''' Whaddaya mean, ''catch'' the ball? [[Baleful Polymorph|You]] ''[[Baleful Polymorph|were]]'' [[Baleful Polymorph|the ball!]] }}
* ''[[The Matrix|The Animatrix]]'' is an animated series inspired by ''[[The Matrix]]'', but "half of it couldn't even be understood unless you were crazy or an art major."
* Parodied in ''[[Family Guy]]'' in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B64mI-FfT7w&feature=related "Oceans Three and a half]
{{quote| '''Brian:''' I am not folowing the story here.<br />
'''Stewie:''' Shut up. }}
* The Canadian short ''[http://www.nfb.ca/film/La_Salla La Salla]''. 15 seconds in, the main character is shooting replica cows at paintings for no obvious reason.