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{{quote|''Monsters are real.''
''They exist.''
''Vampires, werewolves, witches, mummys and other night creatures... All of them are real.''
''But... Chsssst! It's a secret.''
''They're cities that officially don't exist. They don't appear in any human map. They're inaccessible places, protected by impregnable mountains, laberintic forests, terrible rivers and ancient magic. But they're beings that can get there... and live there. Beings that have something in common: they want to live peacefully, far away from humans, that plague that spreads across the entire planet.''
''That beings are... Monsters! And they populate these cities throughout the world: Miedópolis, La Nuit Noir, Aaaah! City, Monsterland, Bloodgrad, Forever Halloween, Maldiciünd...''
''But we are interested in another city. Maybe is not one of the biggest, since only live there fifty monster families. Maybe is not one of the most famous, since even in some monster maps doesn't appear. But as you get to know it... Sure it'll become your favourite! It's Villa Susto... where they reach the adventures of the Mini Monsters. Who are the Mini Monsters? If you want to know... keep reading.''}}
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* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: Billy and Quasim, though they have very good reasons to be in this trope.
* [[All for Nothing]]:
** Due toIn the [[Wham Shot]] describedsecond belowalbum, it becomes evidently clear {{spoiler|Miss Hit never had any chance to truly erase Henrietta and fulfill her plans even when she technically succeeded.}} The subsequent [[Villainous BSOD]] afterwards is not surprising at all.
** A [[Laser-Guided Karma|karmic]] example happens with {{spoiler|Victor}} in the fourth album. {{spoiler|He betrays Frank's Gang and suffers numerous indignities at the hands of Morty's Gang to get tickets to come back to Miedópolis, only for Morty to reveal he had no intention of giving them to him and was using him as a means to hurt Frank.}}
* [[All There in the Manual]]: There's several information about the characters and setting that isn't present in the comics.
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* [[Brick Joke]]: In the third album's longest story, Frank makes a joke at his sister Francesca's expense by telling her [[Big Friendly Dog|Victor's dog Chopped]] is someone suited for her. Four pages later, we see her playing with said dog, and looking happy about it.
* [[Brilliant but Lazy]]: Lupo is slow due to his constant sleepiness, but he is very far from being stupid.
* [[Bring My Brown Pants]]: Happens to Frank twice, with the second one leading to the birth of his pet Caca ("Poo") Einstein.
* [[The Bully]]: Quasim is the fearsome bully of Villa Susto, being a [[Dumb Muscle|dumb]] [[The Brute|brute]] with [[Super Strength]] who picks on little kids (particularly poor [[The Cutie|Gus]]). The only one who has been able to knock him out is Henrietta's evil [[Split Personality]] [[Jekyll and Hyde|Miss Hit]].
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Frank and Henrietta definitely have feelings for each other, but they can't tell their feelings because of [[Twice Shy|shyness]]. Also, [[Super Powered Evil Side|Miss Hit]] does not help at all. Unsurprisingly, all people think [[Everyone Can See It|they're a couple]], and Frank constantly [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|denies it]].
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** [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: The villains are not exempt from screwing up either.
* [[Not So Different]]: The comic's [[Power Trio|spotlight trio]], [[Spoiled Brat|Victor]], [[Gadgeteer Genius|Frank]] and [[Cute Witch|Piruja]], are wildly different from one another, yet they have some things in common. Both have to deal with [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]] (who are [[Good Parents|well-intentioned]], but still), and they have very dysfunctional pets as their companions.
* [[Not So Similar]]: Victor and Morty. One would think that, with both being self-centered [[Rich Bitch|Rich Bastards]], they would get along instantly. The fourth album shows this couldn't be farther from the truth.
* [[Odd Friendship]]: Victor and Frank, constantly picking each other. Also Lupo and Momses, but they get along much better than the other two. Basically, all the members in Frank's Gang, really.
** Piruja and Guillotine. Very little in common, yet they're best friends.