Mirror Boss: Difference between revisions

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This doesn't have to be exact: in addition to any standard [[Contractual Boss Immunity]] the game employs, "cheats" such as [[Secret AI Moves]] and other tacks from the "[[My Rules Are Not Your Rules]]" playbook may be liberally employed in order to ensure the boss character still presents a challenge, or at the least isn't ''immediately'' cheesed out. It may also depend on the contrast between them and the other bosses - if the [[Player Character]] is humanoid and fights a humanoid boss in a game where the other bosses are say... giant monsters, that boss would necessarily have to share some capabilities with the player.
This trope may occur in [[Meta Multiplayer]] games in a form close to [[Player Versus Player]]-like combat, where the enemy in question is AI-controlled with their build, stats, etc. based on data from another player. If two players are actually fighting each other live with the same character, it's a [[Mirror Match]].