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{{quote|'''Ryan:''' Can I stay with you for a while? We could tell your landlord I'm gay.<br />
'''Colin:''' Boy, ''that'' would be zany!|''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?]]''}}
{{quote|'''Liz:''' What made you think I was gay?<br />
'''Jack:''' Your shoes.<br />
'''Liz:''' Well, I'm straight.<br />
'''Jack:''' Those shoes are definitely bi-curious.|''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]''}}
{{quote|''There were three things that people assumed upon first meeting [[Our Angels Are Different|Aziraphale]]: That he was intelligent, that he was British, and that he was [[Unusual Euphemism|gayer than a tree full of monkeys high on nitrous oxide]].''|''[[Good Omens]]''}}
{{quote|'''Dean:''' Of course, the most troubling question is why do these people assume we're gay?<br />
'''Sam:''' Well, you are kind of butch. They probably think you're overcompensating.|''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'', ''Playthings''}}
{{quote|'''Cpt. Peter Lassard:''' I need to get my hands on some healthy young men.<br />
'''Cmd. Eric Lassard:''' ''(awkward)'' ...I guess there are places you could go ...certain bars and so on...<br />
'''Cpt. Peter Lassard:''' Eric, what are you talking about?<br />
'''Cmd. Eric Lassard:''' Does Margret know about this?<br />
'''Cpt. Peter Lassard:''' Eric, I'm in trouble here and I need some new recruits!<br />
'''Cmd. Eric Lassard:''' Oooooh! ''That's easy!''|''[[Police Academy]] 2''}}
{{quote|'''George:''' Look, we're not gay.<br />
'''Jerry:''' [[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That|Not that there's anything wrong with that!]]<br />
'''George:''' No, no, of course not!|''[[Seinfeld]]''}}
{{quote|'''Lancelot:''' We were in the nick of time, you were in a great peril.<br />
'''Galahad:''' I don't think I was.<br />
'''Lancelot:''' Yes, you were, you were in a terrible peril!<br />
'''Galahad:''' Look, let me go back in there and face the peril!<br />
'''Lancelot:''' No, it was too perilous!<br />
'''Galahad:''' Look, it's a duty of a knight to sample as much peril as I can!<br />
'''Lancelot:''' No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. Come on!<br />
'''Galahad:''' Well, let me have just a little bit of peril?<br />
'''Lancelot:''' No, it's unhealthy.<br />
'''Galahad:''' Bet you're gay!<br />
'''Lancelot:''' No, I'm not.|''[[Monty Python and The Holy Grail]]''}}
{{quote|'''Val:''' Hope you don't mind my saying, Doctor, but you look ever so sweet. You and your partner and the baby.<br />
'''Doctor:''' "Partner." Yes, I like it. [[Comically Missing the Point|Is it better than companion?]]<br />
'''Val:''' Sounds old-fashioned. There's no need to be coy, not in this day and age.|''[[Doctor Who]]'', "Closing Time"}}
{{quote|'''Frank the Magikoopa''': Now on your brooms and think happy thoughts. Like titties!!<br />
(Hal and Jeff try to use the brooms and end up plummeting to their doom.)<br />
'''Hal and Jeff''': Ahhhhhh!<br />
'''Frank the Magikoopa''': What are you.... Gay?!|[[Bowser's Kingdom]], episode 2}}