Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bash Brothers]]: With Rey, after acquiring the Destiny and the Legend, respectively; Shinn fights head-on, while Rey provides long-range support.
* [[The Berserker]]: Shinn's anger is his driving motivation. Throw in a love of close-combat, a huge ego, and little consideration for his own safety, plus access to [[Super Mode|SEED Mode]] and you have a recipe for some ''serious'' face-wrecking.
* [[BFS]]: Shinn is fond of them, on both the Impulse and the Destiny.
* [[Bigger Stick]]: The Destiny is superior to any mech the Earth Forces have, and allows Shinn to run rampant for a while. It thus comes as a rather nasty shock to him when the equally powerful Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice arrive on the battlefield.
* [[Black and White Insanity]]: He's not ''insane'' per se, but his obsessive belief in [[Black and White Morality]] is certainly unhealthy, and is portrayed that way.
* [[Black and White Morality]]: Shinn's biggest problem is his inability to see ''anything'' in shades of grey. He and his friends are right, everyone else is wrong, [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|and away we go]].
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]]: Shinn is fond of them, on both the Impulse and the Destiny.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: Compare his attitude after disobeying orders to {{spoiler|return Stella to Neo}} to that after {{spoiler|her death an episode later}}. And there's his reactions once Kira and Athrun make their comeback.
* [[The Brute]]: Shinn really wouldn't know what "subtle" means even if it slapped him in the face. He's [[Genius Bruiser|far from stupid]], but favors brute force over anything else, and only resorts to tactics when he absolutely has to, making him this to the Chairman, post-perspective flip.
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* [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die]]: [[Dead Little Sister|Mayu]] was already this; then {{spoiler|Stella}} bites the dust as well.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Approaches being a full-fledged [[Jerkass]] as the series progresses, especially after {{spoiler|Stella's death}}.
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: The Destiny—it has a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]] and a [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]], as well as "Voiture Lumiere" system, which allows it to [[Power Gives You Wings|grow wings of light]] and create disorienting aftereffects with its high-speed movement.
* [[Mecha Expansion Pack]]: The Impulse's Silhouette Packs—Force (flight), Sword (melee) and Blast (long-range).
* [[Mid-Season Upgrade]]: The Destiny.
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* [[Mood Swinger]]: Like you would not believe. He shifts from almost catatonically depressed to berserker rage to cheerful and back at a frightening rate. Gets ''worse'' as he suffers his [[Sanity Slippage]].
* [[Moral Myopia]]: Shinn has a lot of trouble understanding or sympathising with the actions of anyone outside his small group of friends. When a ZAFT pilot is killed, it's the actions of an EA monster. When an EA pilot is killed, even if it's just some poor bastard doing his job, it's heroism. This is especially obvious with regards to the Extended—it isn't okay for Kira to kill Stella, who Shinn was in love with, but his own take downs of Auel and Sting (whom he very clearly recognises) were entirely necessary.
* [[Multiform Balance]]: The Impulse's [[Mecha Expansion Pack|Silhouette Packs]]. Force has [[Fragile Speedster|good mobility but its offense isn't particularly impressive]], Sword has little long-range firepower but carries a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]] that dominates in melee, and Blast [[Mighty Glacier|trades speed for power]].
* [[One-Man Army]]: Once he gets the Destiny.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: His mom, dad, and sister were all killed in the previous war.
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* [[Rummage Sale Reject]]: Off duty, Shinn more or less dresses like a homeless guy, mixing and matching scarves, sleeveless shirts, and you name it. Likely justified by his standoffish personality and living as an orphan on a military salary.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: His mental health takes a dramatic turn for the worse over the course of the series. It's not until the epilogue that he even ''starts'' to recover.
* [[Screaming Warrior]]: Usually while hacking things to bits with his [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]].
* [[Second Love]]: {{spoiler|Lunamaria}}, after they each lose their respective first choices.
* [[Skilled but Naive]]: It would be hard to find anyone in this show who's more [[Badass]] than Shinn. It would also be hard to find anyone who's more gullible or [[Unwitting Pawn|easy to manipulate]].
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* [[Action Girl]]: While not as over-the-top badass as the other main characters, Luna holds her own against [[Super Soldier|Extendeds]] and [[Bigger Stick|Gundams]], despite piloting a [[Mecha Mook|ZAKU]] for most of the series.
** [[Faux Action Girl]]: On the other hand, some consider her this because, while competent, she never really does anything particularly ''impressive'', like conclusively defeating another main character. See also the [[Never Live It Down]] entry, on the YMMV subpage.
* [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]: On her ZAKU Gunner.
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]]: On the Impulse. She actually seems better with it than she was with her ZAKU's BFG.
* [[Celeb Crush]]: On Athrun. She seems a tad dissapointed when she meets [[The Cynic|the]] [[Broken Ace|real]] [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|him]].
* [[The Chick]]: To Shinn's [[The Hero]]/[[The Big Guy]] and Rey's [[The Lancer]]/[[The Smart Guy]].
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* [[Ace Custom]]
* [[Badass]]
* [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]: He uses the Gunner model for his ZAKU, which matches his experience with the [[BFGBig Freaking Gun]]-wielding Buster in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]]''.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: His and Yzak's {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]] and attack on the Requiem}}.
* [[The Consigliere]]: Dearka's common sense does a lot to tone down Yzak's [[Hot-Blooded|Hot Bloodedness]]. Yzak needs it.
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* [[Be Careful What You Say]]: In the second episode, when the team is being attacked, Myudi casually remarks that the enemy is being very persistent, to which he replies that they probably want to have fun with her. It doesn't end well.
* [[BFG]]
* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: His rifles can be combined into a [[Wave Motion Gun]], similar to [[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing|Wing Zero's twin buster rifle]].
* [[Big Freaking Gun]]
* [[The Brute]]
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: He wears glasses, but they're just for show