Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness/Physics Plus: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Mohs.PhysicsPlus 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Mohs.PhysicsPlus, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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'''Physics Plus:''' Stories in this class once again have multiple forms of [[Applied Phlebotinum]], but in contrast to [[Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness/World of Phlebotinum|the prior class]], the author aims to justify these creations with [[Shown Their Work|real]] and [[Minovsky Physics|invented]] natural laws -- and these creations and others from the same laws will [[Chekhov's Boomerang|turn up again and again in new contexts]].
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary (Webcomic)|Schlock Mercenary]]'' is almost entirely plausible scientifically, although little of the theory appears in the work. Its placement is primarily due to limiting its [[Applied Phlebotinum]] to gravity manipulation(but not generation — ships are built around spheres of neutronium as sources of gravity to manipulate), taking it for granted that the process is as well developed as electronics, and playing the result to its natural conclusions; ubiquitous [[Flight]], [[Deflector Shields]], [[Our Wormholes Are Different|traversable wormholes]] (one example which [[Justified Trope|justifies]] a [[Time Travel]] storyline), and [[Teleporters and Transporters|quantum teleportation]].
* The ''[[Uplift]]'' series, by David Brin: Hard science mixed with a lot of [[Imported Alien Phlebotinum]] to make one of the 'hardest' of the [[Space Opera|Space Operas]], a sub-genre that is usually very 'soft'. Although, in fairness, there are really two Uplift series. The first trilogy is vastly harder than the second, which degenerates into pure magic alien squishiness by the end -- including aliens wishing their enemies out of existence through reality warping.
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* Arguably ''[[Sword of the Stars]]''. FTL methods are based on esoteric if not outright fictional scientific theories like the so-called "Menisceal Principle", high-end techs include weaponized sub-atomic particle beams and there are bevies of [[Precursors]]-leftover tech that defies current scientific understanding, but much is also feasibly extended from existing scientific knowledge. To its credit, ships are much more modestly sized than in most other series; even the ~800m Leviathans, monstrous by the series's standards, fail to break the kilometre mark common to many other series' capital craft, and definitely are far from the multi-kilometre hulks of higher-end/softer works. However the first game goes to the opposite extreme with FTL capable destroyers that are smaller than [[Real Life]] space shuttles.
** The Liir have no explanation for how their "stutter" drive teleports short distances every few milliseconds, until the second game where the [[Abusive Precursors|Suul'ka]] are capable of psionically folding space.
* The ''[[Mass Effect]]'' series possesses mostly well-researched technology, with an in-game [[Encyclopedia Exposita|Codex]] that goes into detail about the science and technology of the setting. For the most part, the technology is presented consistently, and the physics are kept very close to reality, barring the use of [[Unobtainium|element zero]], which produces the eponymous "mass effect" which allows for the increase or decrease of mass, and subsequently allows for the creation and manipulation of gravity fields. Most of the fantastic elements of the setting stem from the use of mass effect fields, i.e. [[Faster Than Light Travel]], [[Artificial Gravity]], [[Deflector Shield|Deflector Shields]], and [[Stealth in Space]]. There are also the trappings of more fanciful and softer elements of science fiction, like [[Hard Light]], or [[Psychic Powers|psionics]] which are either outgrowths of mass effect technology (i.e. illuminated mass effect fields for [[Hard Light]], naturally developing element zero nodes growing in living tissue due to pre-natal exposure for psionics, etc.) There are examples of unusual biology that allow for mind-reading or manipulation, i.e.[[Green -Skinned Space Babe|asari]] physiology allows for them to "meld" their nervous systems with others', and in the [[Starfish Aliens|rachni]] case they emit sound waves to communicate and their queens can [[People Puppets|puppet]] bodies that are close to death by manipulating their nervous system. The [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|only technologies]] that are not fully explained and explored are those of the [[Eldritch Abomination|Reapers]], be it [[Mind Manipulation|indoctrination]], their "[[Body Horror|huskification]]" process, their ability to [[Villain Override|"assume direct control"]], or how they {{spoiler|construct other Reapers from the "processed" bodies of organics.}} Because of the [[HP Lovecraft|Lovecraftian]] elements of the setting, this is likely deliberate. In addition, both the Reapers and Collectors possess energy weapons, which are impractical on a personal scale for any other species and only used as point defences on starships and large installations, but this is another point that can be put down to [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]] since nothing about them is impossible with current physics, just current power sources and reliability issues.
** As an addendum to the above: The ingame Codex clearly points out that [[Hard Light]] isn't actually hard - it's just a holographic user interface, offering no resistance and interacted with using special gloves or finger implants, which simulate the resistance that would be present if the display were not just a hologram. ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'' has an "omniblade" which ''appears'' to be a holographic blade, but is in reality a transparent and disposable [[Absurdly Sharp Blade|monomolecular]] knife created by a wrist-mounted omnitool's micro-manufacturing plant.
** Another addendum, the "energy weapon" used by Sovereign at the end of ''Mass Effect'' was revealed (via the codex in ''Mass Effect 2'') to be a high tech fire hose. It used a mass effect field to shoot out liquid of iron, uranium and other heavy metals out at speeds similar to other main ship guns.