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** Definitely love. "''[[Shout-Out|And who could say?]] [[The Lord of the Rings|Beyond the circles of the world, there might indeed be more than memory, even for creatures not designed to die]]''" is straight out of ''The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen''.
** Aziraphale gets another moment of awesome at the climax of ''[ When Summoning, Please Watch The Wording]''. Long story short, some wannabe Satanists have crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in truly nasty fashion and then mock Zirah for being the "pathetic lackey of a dead god". At which point Zirah [[Beware the Nice Ones|shows them exactly how "pathetic" good can be]]:
{{quote| Aziraphale's expression was like thunder. "Come to me, my child," he said, his tone as cutting as diamonds. "''[[Go Mad From the Revelation|And I will show you a true wonder of a miracle!]]''"}}
** There are a lot of them in ''[ Arrangements]'', but this troper's favorite has to be when {{spoiler|Crowley and Gabriel are trapped by Lucifer and left to the mercy of a group of human demons. Aziraphale, Castiel, Sam, and Dean are in the same building and fighting hordes of other human demons to get to them, but will never get there in time. Crowley, who at this point is trapped by holy fire and unable to help Gabriel physically, promptly flips out and stops the human demons by transforming into an [[Eldritch Abomination]] and [[Mind Rape|driving pure, unadulterated terror straight into their minds]]. He then goes on to do the same thing to ''every single human demon in the building'', effectively ending the fight without ever leaving his prison. And this is after he'd spent most of the fic being the [[Non-Action Guy]].}} The chapter is very aptly titled [[Big Damn Heroes]].
{{quote| Fear was something else. Fear was something uniquely, terribly ''human'', an immovable part of the psyche. And Crowley was the Serpent of Eden. The first demon humanity ever met. The only reason they ''had'' primal fears was because he'd ''put'' them there.}}
* [ Eyrie Productions] is a site full of fanfics that shine with these.
* I'm surprised ''[[Fairly English Story]]'' isn't here. Episode 72 is where it kicks into overdrive.
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* ''[[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]'' is perhaps the fanfiction king of this trope, with every single chapter containing at least one and every single character getting their own moments to shine. Shinji? Walking awesome factory. Rei? Never, ever cross her, ever. Asuka? Three words: {{spoiler|'''GIGA! DRILL! BREEEAAAKEEEERR!'''}} Kaworu? Everything that Shinji is, but on the opposing side. Misato, Ritsuko, Gendo? There's a reason they are still in charge after everything going FUBAR on a constant basis. Maya becomes a [[Amazon Brigade|Sister of Battle]]. Mana becomes a Commisar with her own personal Dreadnought. Hikari becomes an Inquisitor, with Stormtrooper Suzuhara as her retainer. There is even the original characters, including-but-not-limited-to a military genius that almost led China to world domination, and a [[Badass Normal|regular solider]] with collossal titanium balls that has survived a [[Zombie Apocalypse]] and being absorbed by an [[Eldritch Abomination]] and is far from finished. Pick a character, pick a chapter, pick a ''page'', and this trope is almost certainly there. Enjoy.
** For a specific example, Shinji gets one when he consecrates EVA-01 as his personal Titan.
{{quote| '''Shinji:''' "Cast in the shape of man! Made to fight humanity's enemies! You shall carry our will unto eternity! I NAME YOU!" ''He leaned over the railing.'' "EVANGELION! I NAME YOU; TITANICUS! ''PRINCIPIO ETERNUS!''"}}
** The author also has this little habit of [[Serial Escalation|topping himself]]. ''[[Holy Shit Quotient|Over and over and over again]]''. In the latest chapter, Shinji {{spoiler|had a [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment, where he rescues some PDF soldiers that were going to be killed by angel-made zombies, by charging in with Leman Russ tanks, and then deploying what amounts to ''[[Super Soldier|Space Marine]] [[Powered Armor|Terminators]]''. And then used his [[Psychic Powers]] to just vaporise an enemy unit that got a ''little'' too close to him}}.
*** Don't forget the {{spoiler|'effing Grey Knights, even if it was a suicide mission.}}
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** Makoto Hyuga in the following chapter, dressed like a chainsword-wielding priest for some studio art production and coming out to stop a riot from erupting with some frothing oratory and one helluva bluff.
** Rei. One word: {{spoiler|"Waaagh."}} Or maybe its when she beats Shinji in a sim by knocking his Eva to the ground and {{spoiler|stomping on his head repeatedly before kicking it like a football}}. Or turning into {{spoiler|Apocalypse Rei when Shinji and Maya get held for ransom.}}
{{quote| "I propose we level this city section by section until we find him. I am capable of this and can begin within the next hour. I estimate it will only take me two days and four hours until it is completely assured that I have isolated where Ikari-kun may be."}}
** Chapter 2.2. "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!" This troper happened to own the ''[[Dawn of War]]'' soundtrack and was listening to [ the Space Marines' theme] when he read that part, which combined with the [[Tear Jerker|narrative]] made him shed [[Manly Tears]].
** In order to provide some context and clarification as to exactly ''how'' awesome this story is, the very first Crowning Moment of Awesome, the one that all successive Awesome Moments exceed by increasing magnitudes, is when eight-year-old Shinji has his Warboss figurine stolen by three larger boys, and he proceeds to attempt to ''beat the living crap out of them'', and ''wins'', despite being nothing but a big bruise by the end of it. The boys are so impressed by his sheer balls that from then on they refer to him only as "Da' Boss".
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** Practically everything Lars does.
*** His best moment by far isn't any of the later stereotypically badass accomplishments. It's in [ Chapter 31], when he listens to Keiichi's account of his life. He says, before showering him with praise, what every fan of AMG has been thinking:
{{quote| "Marry her, and make sweet, sweet love until the Grim Reaper himself taps you on the shoulder to let you know that you should take a break before overdoing it."<br />
[after praising him to the rafters by saying he's better than ''his whole society'']"Kid, live your life." }}
**** [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|And he does]].
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** When NERV finds Sahaquiel, they {{spoiler|1=send Jon and Asuka's EVAs into space to fight it. And after that, when Jon's EVA is damaged and can't make reentry, Asuka cuts the Entry Plug out of it and carries the Plug back to Earth behind her own reentry shield}}. This event is what starts getting them to really trust each other.
** Rei confronting Gendo in episode 3:4:
{{quote| '''Rei''': {{spoiler|I'm unarmed. I have no armor, no defenses. If you want DJ and Asuka dead, then kill me.}}}}
** In episode 3:7, DJ Croft manages to defeat an AP Eva with ''Jet Alone''.
** Shinji gets one in episode 3:8. After a near-miss by a plasma weapon near Jon's head, Shinji thinks Jon is dead and goes into [[Unstoppable Rage]] with a plasma rifle of his own. He stands there, shooting unflinching even when a shot goes for his own head... {{spoiler|and is deflected by Shinji's AT field}}.
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** Don't forget {{spoiler|"I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh..."}}
* When Asuka comes back to Tokyo-3 in [ NGE: Walking in the Shadow of Dreams], she moves into the apartment next door to Shinji's. While unpacking, Rei comes by to 'set things straight' with her, though it's mostly to pick a fight (It makes sense in context). Eventually it devolves into a cat fight, which is halted suddenly by Misato taseing them both, which naturally is complete with the [[Bond One-Liner]]...
{{quote| "Crap like this is why I don't let pilots live with me anymore?"}}
** And then of course there's the part where {{spoiler|we learn that Third Impact was averted not by Shinji, but ''Gendo. Ikari.'' "Get away from MY SON!" has often been a standard cry for a CMOA, but considering who says it, and who he says it ''to'', makes it even more so.}}
* In the Tortall/Torchwood crossover [ Guardian of the Gates] both Jack and Ianto get CMOAs when the Graveyard Hag, a powerful trickster goddess tries to use Ianto as a bargaining piece to make Jack wipe out some alien refugees. Just prior to this, she claims the alien's will bring others if they live, Jack just laughs at her and shoots down her argument in 2 seconds flat. When she brings out Ianto, Jack tells him what is happening, and to the Graveyard Hags fury, Ianto tells him not to do it and walks out, with a parting snark attack.
{{quote| '''Ianto:''' "I'm not in your jurisdiction. I came here of my own free will, and I can leave of it as well." }}
This attempted manipulation also causes Jack to flip out, big time.
{{quote| '''Graveyard Hag:''' "You have no power here."<br />
'''Jack''': *draws revolver furiously* "Wanna bet? You wanna fight a man who can't die? Seriously? You may be a god, but let me tell you something; fighting me is the worst idea you could possibly have." }}
* In another Gregg Landsman Eva fic, ''[[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|Nobody Dies]]'', Misato is given the one Crowning moment the series, and most fanfics, denied her in the seventeenth chapter against the Angel {{spoiler|ADAM}}.
{{quote| "My name is Misato Katsuragi," she says, "Lieutenant Colonel of NERV. Daughter of Shiro Katsuragi, the stupid son of a bitch who woke you up. I am the daughter of a murdered man and the only human being to look on you with their own eyes and live to tell about it. I am the right hand of retribution and the last human being you will ever see, you glow in the dark mother f___er. Now smile asshole. Because this, is my seventeen years of f[[Sound Effect Bleep|___]]ing ''payback!''"}}
** {{spoiler|Asuka}} gets the second half of chapter 24 and all of chapter 25 as a protracted CMOA. Having been thoroughly [[Break the Cutie|broken]] by parental neglect and emotional/mental abuse before the fic began, and spending much of the fic itself as a [[Shrinking Violet|stammering, timid]] [[The Woobie|wreck]] - [[It Makes Sense in Context]] - her rampage of awesome begins in a deliciously just fashion when she '''''chairshots''''' {{spoiler|Kyoko}}, the parent in question. And then she ''really'' gets started....
** She tops this one in ch. 38 (at least in a teaser) when {{spoiler|her various personality splits come to life to help her fight the Angel Iruel.}}
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** Janeway becomes quite the {{spoiler|Magnificent Bitch}} after {{spoiler|becoming the Sith Lord the Oracle}}. Her fight with Ben Skywalker is definitely the high point.
* The Doctor gets one in the ''[[Doctor Who]]''/''[[Firefly]]'' cross-over [ A Life Less Extraordinary´] where he is pushed one inch too far:
{{quote| {{spoiler|"Yes, I think war is a fool's game. Yes, I believe life - all life - is precious. But tell me something, Vharaj - did you ever listen to my ''enemies''' tales of me? If you did, it's obvious you weren't paying attention. The Daleks do not have emotion, Vharaj. They don't know fear. But do you know what they called me? ''Ka Faraq Gatri''. It means 'Destroyer of Worlds'. I am the Bringer of Darkness, Vharaj. The Oncoming Storm. I've watched worlds and galaxies fall, and rise, and fall again. I fought the Vampires at the dawn of Creation, and I may yet witness the end of the Universe. I brought about the destruction of my own race, the deaths of my children, my grandchildren, my siblings, my friends, all in the name of peace, to save this Universe. So you tell me, Vharaj: ''what do you think I am capable of?''"}}}}
* A crowning moment of awesome for the author, who managed to fit well over a hundred 'Emergency!' episode titles into the text of [ this ] Doctor Who fanfic.
* The ''[[Star Trek]]''/''[[Babylon 5]]'' story [ A Thin Veneer] has what almost seems like a Crowning Month of Awesome for Starfleet Captain Acaltha and a group of Klingon ships as their quite-possibly-deranged crews pin a Minbari strikeforce to the wall with a series of more and more deranged dirty tricks, including {{spoiler|decoy Klingon 'ships', using weapons that were obsolete for decades to nasty effect, resonating the Minbari's hulls to overload their communications with Klingon opera and annoyingly cheerful J-Pop, and in the end, giving them the planet... that was abandoned before the Federation/Klingon task force ever showed up.}}
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** There's also poor Dennis Creevey, who never said a word after [[Break the Cutie|realising his parents were dead]], until one of the Death Eaters, Rudolphus Lestrange, killed his older brother, Colin. Dennis then proceeds to {{spoiler|put his wand [[Eye Scream|through Lestrange's eye]], and yell [[Unstoppable Rage|"AVADA KEDAVRA YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!]]}}
** Viktor Krum had one as well. When Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom realize that {{spoiler|the Weasley family is not in their home and wrongly assume they were captured, they disguise themselves as [[Mooks|Death Eaters]] and are caught and sentenced to execution. Percy Weasley witnesses their trial and contacts Ludo Bagman, who contacts Krum, who flies non-stop from Bulgaria to England, takes Polyjuice to switch out with Percy, and then proceeds to spirit Neville and Hannah away while the two of them blast through the doors.}} Bonus points for this little exchange:
{{quote| '''Hannah''': But ''why''? Why risk your life for us?<br />
'''Krum''': You are Hufflepuff, yes? Like Cedric?<br />
'''Hannah''': Yes.<br />
'''Krum''': Then you know vy. }}
** Ah, hell, the entire story is just packed with Crowning Moments for just about all of the characters involved.
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* The ''Wordverse'' is a giant crossover fanfic on the [ The Atomic Think Tank] boards. The first story's final fight is John Preston (''[[Equilibrium]]'') and ''[[Batman]]'' vs ''[[V for Vendetta|V]]'' vs {{spoiler|the League of Shadows and Ras Al-Gul}}. And that's the initial story, it gets better later on.
* Naruto gets quite a few in S'tar'kan's epic series [ Team 8]. This troper's favorite is his battle with Neji, where he {{spoiler|uses the Kyuubi's chakra to blow open his closed tenketsu points and beat Neji black and blue in taijutsu.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Neji:''' That's impossible.}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Naruto:''' Just as impossible as fighting against fate. Just as impossible as fighting a Jyuken user hand to hand.}} }}
** What makes that moment even more awesome is that he actually doesn't {{spoiler|use the Kyuubi chakra, he just brute forces it open with his own chakra, a skill learned practicing with Hinata. Compared to the fact that he DOES call on Kyuubi in canon}} makes that even more awesome.
** Another moment: Naruto vs Sasuke. {{spoiler|One punch, right in the jaw.}}
*** Here's an extension of the aforememntioned spoiler, just to put into perspective just how awesome that moment was:
{{quote| {{spoiler|When the examiner said "Begin!" there was a green blur of motion that ended in a loud crack.}}<br />
{{spoiler|Naruto was standing in the space formerly occupied by the Uchiha, fist extended. Shino noticed that his eyes were a much darker shade of blue than normal, almost a deep purple.}}<br />
{{spoiler|As for Sasuke, he was flying backwards, landing in a boneless heap three and a half meters behind his starting position. There was a large lump already forming on the side of his jaw as he bounced once before sliding to a halt. To Shino's untrained eye, it was quite apparent that the last Uchiha had sustained a broken jaw.}}<br />
{{spoiler|Gekkou Hayate stared at the clearly unconscious boy as the one who struck him turned and began marching toward the exit. Clearing his throat, he announced, "Winner, Uzumaki Naruto."}} }}
** Don't forget Haku. {{spoiler|Breaks through the Sound Four's barrier and goes on to fight Orochimaru alongside the Hokage, easily keeping up with them.}}
** Hinata's reaction to finding out just how horribly Naruto was mistreated by some for being the host of the nine-tailed fox.
{{quote| '''Hinata:''' That's ''[[Precision F-Strike|bullshit!]]'' *sudden horrified pause, claps both hands over her mouth*}}
** Arguably, Shino's best CMOA in the entire series is during the preliminaries of the Chunin Exams, immediately following Hinata's harsh beat-down at the hands of Neji.
{{quote| Glancing around, Shino noticed that both Rock Lee and Tenten were staring at him. Looking down, he realized that there was a fine spray of aspirated blood across the front of his jacket. Hinata's blood. He looked back up.<br />
"What variety of flowers would be appropriate?" he asked in the calmest, most matter-of-fact tone of voice he could muster.<br />
"What?" Tenten asked, rubbing a bruise on the side of her head that she'd sustained in her loss to Temari. To their credit, both of them appeared upset with the outcome of the last match, but Shino still had a point to make.<br />
"For your team mate's funeral," he clarified.<br />
Lee paled. }}
*** My favorite Shino moment, after a great deal of cold anger at the village for the way they've treated Naruto: Kurenai casually mentions the Kyuubi in front of Naruto's entire team and the Hokage, who gets very angry before he realizes that Naruto's team knows Naruto's secret.
{{quote| "And we did not run screaming into the night," Shino murmured.}}
** Kurenai gets one when she {{spoiler|manages to break out of Tsukuyomi, a feat normally reserved for Sharingan users or demon gods.}} Sadly {{spoiler|Itachi, who is a straight up villain here, kills her after she breaks his strongest genjutsu.}}
* "[ Black Flames Dance in the Wind: Rise of Naruto]". The whole story is filled with Crowning Moments Of Awesome and Crowning Moments Of Funny.
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* [ Soldier of Spira] has far too many to count, but several events come to mind. First, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Operation Ratcatcher]] in its entirety, just for the build up and how Auron was written (Whose portrayal in itself is a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for the writer; few can claim to write an [[Badass|Auron]] who surpasses the original). Second, Starfall in its entirety, for Auron ''and'' Rikku. Third? Auron more or less holds the entire world at ransom just by making a promise. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, in Spira and beyond knows not to goad/enrage/bother Auron. If he makes a promise, then no matter how impossible it seems, [[Magnificent Bastard|he]] [[Determinator|will]] [[Implacable Man|keep]] [[One-Man Army|it]].
** Here's the absolutely epic speech Auron makes, in its entirety:
{{quote| '''Auron:''' Braska? Can you hear me? Yevon? Fayth? Lords of the Living and the Dead? Are you listening? Rikku will not die today. Rikku will not die today. Rikku will not die tomorrow. Rikku will not die in Zanarkand. Listen to me. Hear me all of you. All of your plans and your devices and wars, she has no part of them. She is not here because of you, to help you or to stop you. She is only here because she loves her cousin. Do you even understand such a simple reason? So Rikku does not die today. Rikku does not die tomorrow. Rikku does not die in Zanarkand at all and if she does '''then there is a new side in your forever wars''' and a '''new player''' and {{smallcaps| then I '''promise''' you that at the end of everything, at the end of it all '''no one will be standing.'''}}}}
* ''[ Sherlock Holmes defeating Edward Cullen.]'' Without any special powers. It just proved that [[Sherlock Holmes]] is a [[Badass Normal]]. Edward Cullen, the Vampire from ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''. Getting his ass kicked by Sherlock Holmes. I can't stress that point enough.
* ''Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past,'' chapter 27. Lucius Malfoy has just lost his house-elf Dobby and is pissed at Harry because of it. He spins towards Harry, ready to curse him with his wand...and stops. "Because an inch from the end of his nose was the end of Harry's wand, rock steady even with his arm at full extension. Five other wands were out as well, as a handful of children silently threatened to hex him and his son if they made another move." There are several others throughout the series, but that one always stands out to me.
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*** Actually doing so about twenty chapters later. Under a series of plot circumstances so that the concept by then seems feasible rather then if you just posed the concept on its face.
** This line:
{{quote| '''Shocker:''' "...being a meta with no direction in New York in the Eighties? Bad times: the Sentinel Program, Galactus's second and third visits, the Green Goblin's reign of terror, Ghost Rider, the Scourge of the Underworld, the Avengers going from seven members to seven hundred (I think I could've joined and they wouldn't have even noticed)..."}}
** Herman showing mob boss/supervillain Hammerhead what happens if you push someone just a touch too far with your dismissive arrogance.
** Secondary character Martin Blank aka the Gibbon gets one when he successfully steals the armor of the Crimson Dynamo in mid-fight.
** Which happens when a few hundred supervillains and mercenaries are trying to claim a massive bounty on the Shocker's head for the shit he's stirred up. Shocker, with a little help from some friends he's picked up and a tricked-out hideout, survives. That may not seem like much, except when you recall he was being hunted by a FEW HUNDRED SUPERVILLAINS AND MERCENARIES. AT ONCE.
** Despite being surprised by Scorpia, an assassin, Herman defeats her in an elevator and causes her to cut off her own arm. The elevator is covered with blood and is starting to flood. The door opens. Two old ladies are waiting for the elevator. Herman's reaction?
{{quote| '''Shocker:''' "Bitch wouldn't cook me dinner."}}
** Herman himself states that The Rhino once had one when he told The Kingpin that [[Thou Shalt Not Kill|he refuses to act as an assassin]].
** This troper thinks the moment that Shocker proves he really did invent his suit and gauntlets to Tony Stark was awesome. Stark and Reed Richards spent pretty much the entirety of their appearance up to then convinced that Shocker couldn't possibly have really invented the suit and gauntlets, that he MUST have stolen them from someone smarter. The moment that Stark realises that Shocker did actually invent them, and Shocker replies with a smug smile "That's right" was just great to see.
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* [ This chapter] of this ''[[Fairly Oddparents]]'' fic, ''The Hollow Halloween'' by AmandaArtiste, presents one for Remy Buxaplenty, in which he shows us all that you simply should '''not''' try to brainwash Trixie Tang (and her friend) while he's around.
* The Master has many in the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' AU Fic ''[ Season Four]'', but his finest moment is in Chapter 13, {{spoiler|where he and the Doctor confront the Rani - who plans to establish a New Gallifrey for the currently human Time Lords in her possession at a psychiatric ward with the help of the Doctor and Master.}} The Master laughs hysterically at this and has this brilliant rebuttal:
{{quote| {{spoiler|"Oh, come ''on'', a Time Lord empire? Founded by the three of ''us''? There goes ''that'' policy of neutrality! No, wait, I've got it! I can make more black hole converters, you know. I can be Rassilon. Lucy, my dear, you get to be Omega, that would be fitting. Oh, Doctor, that leaves you as the Other. Yes, that sounds about right. I can rule for a thousand years of terror and the new Eye of Harmony will have all sorts of gadgets to keep it in check and they'll all be named after me! The Sash of the Master and the Key of the Master and the Seal of the Master. While we're at it we might as well have a bloody Trouser Press of the Master. Does that sound nice? Does that sound fun? Yes, come on, let's build a new Time Lord empire!"}}}}
* Akane in "Road Trip", one of John Biles' ''[[Mai-HiME]] Future'' stories, when original character Mitsu is about to be tricked into summoning her Child so it can be killed:
{{quote| "I won't let you fight alone! This time, we're not going to be picked off one by one! NOT THIS TIME!" (...) "I won't lose again! THIS I DO SWEAR! We will defeat you and protect those we love! FOR I AM THE BATTLE PRINCESS OF THE WIND STORM! AND TOGETHER WE WILL DEFEAT YOU!"}}
** From the same series, "Afraid To Fly Part 2" gives us Shiho's moment of awesome. Her regret over how she used her Child in the original ''Mai-HiME'' has meant she's been unable to summon it ever since, but when someone else tries to summon her own Child against her, she reclaims control of it by confronting and overcoming her own past negative feelings.
{{quote| "I am a Princess. And you are my Prince. And now it's time for us to slay some monsters together."}}
* New Beginnings, New Fate by FreetheKyuubi, this scene made both hilarious and awesome by the amount of skill implied.
{{quote| ''"KAWAII!" All the girls (except the blonde and pink haired girls that were fighting earlier though even they looked like they were seriously fighting the urge) screamed in unison and launched themselves at the very surprised blonde. The glomping that ensued was one of legends as girls piled on top of each other in attempt to get to the boy beneath them.''<br />
''A good natured chuckling suddenly came up from beneath the pile of girls and every one looked down in shock to see the aged face of the Hokage just visible. "Well, it has been a while since I was glomped by such attractive young ladies." The old man said with a smile. "But it is getting somewhat hard to breath. So would you all mind allowing this old man to get up?" The girls had to have set a new speed record in their haste to get themselves off the village's leader.''<br />
''As the old man stood back up, a loud laughter filled the air and every looked over to see Naruto rolling on the ground holding his sides. "I...I can't...believe you...replaced yourself..with...the old man!" Naruto wheezed out as he laughed.''<br />
''"I can't believe you replaced yourself with me, you little bastard!" Jagaa said heatedly from next to Kakashi. Naruto started laughing harder and Jagaa glared at him. Kakashi was using every ounce of will power he had not to join the sunny blonde. Seriously, how often does one see the most powerful man in the village get used as a replacement and then glomped? It was certainly a first for him.'' }}
* Eyes of the Broken Soul, a story that has so far extended Naruto's Academy life to about 37+ chapters, while still remaining awesome, a CMOA for the author by default. This scene is taken from a rather recent chapter where Naruto is on a survival trip (read: camping trip/death trap) with his class and they need to catch their own food. Naruto decides to fish last, being unsure of himself in front of Ino, Sakura, Choji, Shikamaru and their fathers, and unintentionally, completely, ''shows everyone up.''
{{quote| "What the hell!?!?!?!" Sakura shouted, almost causing the boy to lose his balance and fall over. "How the hell can you walk on water!?!?!?!" Naruto just shrugged his shoulders before scratching the back of his head with embarrassment.<br />
"Ehehehe... well, the thing is I can't really swim that well." He mumbled sheepishly, somewhat embarrassed by his own "shortcomings". The pink haired girl just deadpanned.<br />
"So... you just decided that defying the laws of nature and walking on water was easier..." She replied sarcastically. Naruto just nodded his head nervously, wondering why everyone looked so surprised by that.<br />
"Yeah... that and I wanted to make sure that my dragon didn't get wet either..." he added lamely, trying to to escape the sittuation that he had gotten himself into. Ryuukimi just rolled his eyes before falling into his own blank expression }}
* This troper, of course, has to mention the [[Blood]] fanfic ''[ Blood 2: The Unforgiven]'', by Eric Juneau. Specifically, the last few chapters of Part 2. That part, mostly taking place in a CabalCo-controlled prison/mental ward, just drags on and on after a while, slowly taking my sanity and love of reading with it. And then it does ''a complete and total 180, as the main character is [ rescued by Caleb himself,]'' leading into the best chapters of the entire fanfic.
{{quote| ''"Move faster," the man commanded.''<br />
''"It's a winding road," Avery said.''<br />
''He heard the click of the revolver.''<br />
''"Okay, moving faster."'' }}
* Ultra Sonic 007's remake of Digimon: Zero 2 final battle between BelialMyotismon and the DigiKnight. Read it [\]: your head will explode from sheer awesomeness.
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** [ Divine] [[Divine Blood|Blood]] Chapter 11. {{spoiler|Ranma "Braiding Tornadoes"}}
** [ Kodachi and Mousse vs the Oni] from [ The Amazon and the Moneylender]
{{quote| "It did not understand whom it was facing."}}
** [ Fighters of a New Day]; Kurumi vs Kiba in chapter 5.
** [ Kiyone Muyo!]; Quote Kiyone Chapter 10: ''"Let me explain to you the facts of life," Kiyone started. "You've lost."''
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** One is a threefold Crowning Moment to Ranma near the end of the Nanoha Classic arc, when Precia claims the last of the Jewel Seeds and starts on her [[Motive Rant]]/[[Hannibal Lecture]] to Fate and the TSAB. Moments after she starts talking, Genma notices that Ranma has disappeared from the ''Asura'''s bridge just as Lindy's troops move in to aprehend Precia. Precia, naturally, nukes the [[Red Shirts]] and keeps ranting, only for Ranma to make his reappearance. The [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|AWESOME]] is how {{spoiler|he slipped off the bridge, through the teleporter, and into the Garden of Time, dodged an area of effect spell potent enough to put down several squads of TSAB [[Space Marine|Space Marines]] and then escaped Precia's notice as long as he did.}} The [[Crowning Moment of Funny|FUNNY]] was {{spoiler|stealing the Jewel Seeds ''literally'' out from under Precia's nose ("''Yoink!''") and then running away with them, [[Mahou Sensei Negima|Miyazaki Nodoka]]-style.}} The [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|HEARTWARMING]] was how this affected Fate, {{spoiler|who snaps out of the [[Heroic BSOD]] she'd been going into and manages to crack a smile despite everything she'd been put through in the last two minutes.}}
** Another is during the A's arc, on the desert world with the giant worms. Signum sets up a barrier to trap Fate and Ranma, and since Ranma can't fly, he's stuck as worm fodder. Of course, Ranma isn't Ranma if he doesn't find some crazy way to turn things around, {{spoiler|and in this case, he applies his aptitude for movement magic to create a spatial hole and them sucker the worm through it. Ranma then spawns the hole's end point right in Signum's face.}} The knight's reaction?
{{quote| ''Signum's mouth worked for a moment before she chuckled. "I do believe I like your little knight."''<br />
''"He grows on you." Fate smiled and had Bardiche load another cartridge.'' }}
* [ Kingdom of Chaos], a ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' fic set after ''Chain Memories'' (written before ''Kingdom Hearts 2'') has a wonderful Crowning Moment at the hands of {{spoiler|Larxene. The Organization has been betrayed and hung out to dry by Axel (whose convoluted plot to restore his heart to him has just succeeded) and most of their members have been killed by a [[Deadly Upgrade|Deadly Upgraded]] Sora. About all that's left is Marluxia, who takes Axel to task for his betrayal and starts kicking his ass. Finally Axel is on his last legs and, as Marluxia delivers the killing blow, Larxene, combining a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] and a CMOA teleports into the space between Axel and Marluxia's scythe, saving him at the cost of her own life. Marluxia is so astonished that he actually offers Axel an elixr that can save her life en exchange for his surrender.}}
Line 372:
** [[Enemy of My Enemy (Fanfic)|See it here]].
* ''[ The Doctor's Nightmare]'' gets one with this ending speech:
{{quote| '' {{spoiler|"I'm going to kill you in order to release all these souls inside you and then I'll find a hole in the fabric of time and space and put your body inside the void. Once I seal it up, it won't matter if these dream demons bring you back to life because you'll be trapped forever between universes and there'll be nothing there for you to kill. You never shoulda messed with me, Krueger. You shoulda run and hid the moment you figured out I'm not an average human. You think you're humanity's worst nightmare? Well, I'm yours. Because when I get through with you, you'll wish you'd never been born."}}'' To clarify what has just happened, the Tenth Doctor has just beaten {{spoiler|Freddy Kreuger}} and he's telling him what will happen.}}
* Chapter 13 of the ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' fanfic ''[ Outcast]'': {{spoiler|"That boy just so happens to be ''my'' gormless, Yankee, muggle. So. Kindly. Step. OFF!"}}
* Despite the fact that it's a Crossover [[Crack Fic]], [[Nanoha Striker S|Deed]] manages to get one of her own in [ Time Loop] when she {{spoiler|[[Defeat Means Friendship|Befriends]] Kodachi with her "Twin Blade Breaker"}}
Line 379:
** Really? Read it and I'd say {{spoiler|the evil [[Ass Pull]] that sees the whole group killed by a Strider was better... cos it actually turns out that the supercomputer has finally used the teleportation technology which is apparently so wonderfull for the Domarians, and it hasn't been forgotten about. That and the saw-it-coming-but-loved-it-anyway reunion ending}}
* ''Sailor Moon: Millennials'' by The Judge seems determined to give a couple dozen of these to each of the Senshi, but one that stands out in particular comes from ''Hotaru'' of all people. During a sequence in which the Senshi are scattered across time and space thanks to a mishap with the Gates of Time, Hotaru finds herself alone in a tropical jungle in the Jurassic period, and the situation is ''testing her patience''. She's tired, she's sweating buckets, and she's quite thoroughly pissed off about the whole incident, so when a T-rex decides to take an interest in her, little firefly snaps and gives it a DEATH GLARE FROM HELL.
{{quote| '''Saturn:''' Don't. Even. Think. About. It.<br />
'''Rex:''' *Turns and runs for its life* }}
* [ Zero vs Kira], this crossover fic is basically an epic win from the start, on behalf of our favorite [[Villain Protagonist]] Light. As soon as he teleported into ''[[Code Geass]]'', first thing he does is to trick the guards, commander, and the scientist who is responsible of his presence to write their names and the commander's cause of death?
{{quote| '''Light:''' It says "George Taurus: orders his men to write their names down in a book, will succumb to an overwhelm fear for his own life and will follow any command given in order to save himself, dies in 30 minutes."}}
* [ Harry Potter: Raven,] a crossover fanfic of ''[[Harry Potter]]'' and ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'', has one in [ Chapter 14,] when the demon Axilano, who has unleashed an army of demons in Jump City and has been attempting to capture Harry Potter/Raven Azar for his master Trigon, finds himself on the receiving end of a massive ass-kicking. The original Titans, Terra, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Dr. Light, Zatanna, Doctor Fate, Hawkgirl, Batman, Etrigan, and a Harry ''from another universe'', most of them ''very'' pissed off at him for picking on Raven, proceed to beat on him like he owes them money. And who gets the final blow? Harley Quinn. The Omakes at the end of the same chapter probably qualify as [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].
* The entirety of [ Edward Vs Edward], a ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''/''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' crossover, is pretty much a CMoA for Edward Elric. Most of the dialogue is Edward Elric bashing Edward Cullen's insults with ease.
{{quote| '''Edward Cullen''': I'm practically perfect in every way.<br />
'''Edward Elric''': I don't NEED to be perfect for people to like me. OR fall in love with me.<br />
'''Edward Cullen''': I've got the most beautiful, perfect, delicious girl in the world. Her name is Bella Swan...<br />
'''Edward Elric''': Heh, really? I thought her name was [[Mary Sue]]. }}
** Later...
{{quote| '''Edward Cullen''': Pfft. You're just a dumb anime character...<br />
'''Edward Elric''': Well you're just a fake vampire - no, strike that. You're a carnivorous disco ball. }}
** And then Armstong comes along... and Edward C loses all composure of someone having more sparkle power than ''him''.
{{quote| '''Armstrong''': FOOL! These sparkles and this godlike figure have been [[Memetic Mutation|PASSED DOWN THE ARMSTRONG LINE FOR GENERATIONS!]] This was my shtick before you even EXISTED, lover-boy!}}
* From ''The Hokage's Will'' by Airhead dude, we have the long anticipated Naruto vs Sasuke match. {{spoiler|Naruto basically outclasses Sasuke in taijutsu-with Sasuke having no defense against Sage Mode Phantom Punches, so Sasuke amps up the ally by going fully incomplete Susano'o, thinking he has it won now. Know what Naruto does? Toss the Rasenshuriken into the Susano'o...and completely and utterly SHATTERS it like glass.}} So. Awesome.
* The ''[[Fruits Basket]]'' Western fic (That's right, you heard me!) ''[[The Swordsman and The Gunslinger]]'' is made of this, and gives each protagonist a CMOA. The first one is when Kyo Sohma, the titular swordsman, takes out three gunmen win thirty seconds, armed only with a ''katana''. This establishes him as the premier [[Badass]] of the fic.
Line 408:
*** See Chapter 21, "One Shots," for examples of Doctor Octopus, the Wizard, Deadpool, and many more doing just this.
** Ms. Marvel gets one near the end of the tale, starting with the line "...I think she just hit terminal velocity."
{{quote| '''Ms Marvel''': "You wanted the Avengers. Well, you got one. Come on, {{spoiler|Electro}}. I've got a package for you, special delivery. Sign on the dotted line so I can hand you your ass."}}
** Ares. On the firing line of SHIELD's last line of defense. Mowing down a horde of zombies. [[More Dakka|While dual-wielding M61 Vulcan mini-guns]]. The mini-guns they put on helicopters.
*** Just to bring it to absurd levels of awesome, he's scoring ''headshots'' with every shot from those miniguns. He has to be ''braced by Ms Marvel'' while firing.
** The whole of "Polarity" is a long, slow-building story of redemption for Herman Schultz in the face of the world's end, with several CMoAs for the long time butt monkey.
{{quote| Osborn waved a hand in my direction. "You're nothing more than a common thug who decided to do the right thing for once, Schultz. That doesn't clean the slate of all the crimes you committed, Herman. One day as a lion does not balance out a lifetime as a jackal."<br />
Under my mask, I raised an eyebrow. Oh, thank you for hubris. "You're right, Norman. Absolutely right. All the good things I've done don't matter a lick compared to the bad. You're the expert on that topic, aren't you, Green Goblin?" If it wasn't for the persistent hum, you could have heard a pin drop. I think Ms. Marvel let out a low whistle at the comment. }}
*** Let's not forget the moment when Herman actually {{spoiler|: stops the living dead from coming back to life}} by giving {{spoiler|: the Darkhold}} a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] speech {{spoiler|: and uses the theory of electrical resistance to shut down the brain of every single zombie on the planet}}.
* The [[Neon Genesis Evangelion]] fic ''Father'' has one in Chapter 5, when Asuka's [[Abusive Parents|father]] Erik (and his wife "Mrs. Soryu") visit after hearing rumors (true ones) that Asuka has gotten pregnant. Long story short, things devolve quickly, leading to Mr. Soryu [[Moral Event Horizon|shoving his pregnant daughter with such force that it slams her into a nearby wall hard enough to knock her unconscious]]. Before anyone else knows what's happening, [[Berserk Button|Shin]][[Papa Wolf|ji]] (Asuka's fiancé) has one-hit-KO'd Mrs. Soryu (being grazed by a bullet fired by her) and pinned Mr. Demon-Dad to the wall by the throat, having fully given himself over to the [[Unstoppable Rage|inner berserker]] and trying to crush the man's neck with his bare hands. Later, as Mr. Soryu storms up to Gendo in his office and threatens all sorts of retaliations, Gendo calmly and efficiently shoots down each and every one of the man's threats with logical and legal rebuttals. And when the man disowns Asuka and states that he'll leave her penniless and alone, Gendo reveals that Kyoko had left Asuka her entire estate and (considerably large) fortune to Asuka, ''and'' that SEELE (in this story now a new incarnation loyal to Gendo) have discovered that Mr. Soryu has embezzled/stolen his late wife's - now Asuka's - money, and that Mr. Soryu and his wife are now under arrest. Gendo then closes the conversation and finally [[Not So Stoic|blows his top at the man]]:
{{quote| "On a rather more personal note, allow me to tell you this: ''Do not mess with my family''! You brandished a gun in my son's home, with the proof being a wound on the back of his hand! You throw my future daughter-in-law against the wall, endangering her and her baby! I may be considered a total bastard by everyone else, and I gladly use members of my own family to further our goals, [[Papa Wolf|but I will NOT allow anyone else to jeopardize their lives]]! And despite what I may wish, your daughter is about to become family, thus she is under MY protection! Is this understood, Soryu? She is to become an Ikari, no questions asked."}}
** And then [[Cool Old Guy|Fuyutsuki]] punches Soryu in the stomach hard enough to K.O. him, just for good measure.
{{quote| '''Fuyutsuki''': Sorry, Commander. It seems my fist slipped. I apologize.<br />
'''Gendo (dismissively)''': Ah. Well, don't let it happen again. By the way, Fuyutsuki, make sure he and his wife leave Japan as soon as possible. I think there is a military cargo flight bound for Germany leaving shortly. See to it they are on it before it leaves, will you?<br />
'''Fuyutsuki''': By your command. }}
* The Evangelion/DBZ crossover fic [[Eva Possibilities and Fusion Pandemonium]] has a few good ones, such as Vegeta utterly dominating Shamshel and then making a one-Saiyan siege to rescue his captive son from Gendo's clutches. Also, {{spoiler|Gogeta vs. Bardiel}}.
Line 447:
* The absolutely wonderful ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fic ''[ The Moment It Began]'' begins with a CMOA: Severus Snape, given the chance to go back and re-live his life starting from the day he pushed Lily away, not only never says "Mudblood", but hands James and Sirius their asses when they let their guard down, more than paying them back for every time they tortured him in his first life. It also ends with the most awesomely ironic death ever: {{spoiler|Voldemort gets ''[[Just Shoot Him|shot in the back of the head]]'' by Severus's reformed father, Tobias, in full [[Papa Wolf]] mode}}.
* From the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' [[Dark Fic]] "[ Psycho Savior, qu'est-ce que c'est?]", five words:
{{quote| '''Ninth Doctor:''' Ha, ha! ''Drank your death.''}}
* In Chapter 34 of [ Task Force 43], the titular Starfleet task force aides the Earth Alliance in fighting off the Minbari at Proxima. The Minbari later get a crowning moment of awesome when Delenn helps Mars by not allowing Earth Force from attacking them after Mars had joined the Federation.
* Avengers fanfic [ Legends] is made of this. Every time somebody dies, or almost dies, or dies in a flashback, is either this or a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|CMOH]]. [[Stan Lee]] gets one in the first chapter without even appearing, and then in the last chapter [[Grant Morrison]] and [[Alan Moore]] get theirs, {{spoiler|Beating up [[Joe Quesada|Quesada]]}}. But it really picks up in the climax, starting in Chapter Six; In Which Things Get Serious, and ending in Chapter Nine; In Which It Is Clobbering Time. The alternate title is Chapter Nine; In Which There Is Much Awesomeness. I'm not kidding you here, and niether is the title.
{{quote| Captain America: [[This Is Sparta|Avengers! Assemble!]] [[Let's Get Dangerous|This! Ends! Tonight!]] {{spoiler|it does}}}}
** Daredevil {{spoiler|killing the Kingpin [[Eye Scream|WITH HER EYES!]]}}
** [[Famous Last Words|IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIIIIIIIIME!]]
Line 458:
* [ The Moment It Began] by Sindie can be a bit polarizing, but then you get to the end: Tobias Snape {{spoiler|kills Voldemort by [[Just Shoot Him|shooting him in the back of the head]].}} [[Papa Wolf|Hol. Lee.]] ''[[Let's Get Dangerous|Shit]]''.
* [ Children of the Blue], a ''[[Blue Gender]]'' fanfic, features the scene where Yuji's son is kidnapped, and two of the kidnappers have been caught and are now being interrogated. The interrogator? [[Badass|Marlene]] [[Lady of War|Angel]], who happens to be the kidnapped boy's [[Mama Bear|mother]]. The kidnappers decide to cop an attitude. Anyone who's watched the show knows exactly how well ''that's'' going to work.
{{quote| '''Marlene:''' Where did they take my son?<br />
'''Kidnapper #1:''' Bite me.<br />
*Marlene [[Pink Mist|shoots him in the face]], and casually points her gun at Kidnapper #2.<br />
'''Marlene:''' Where did they take my son? }}
Line 469:
* Thirty H's. All of it.
* When the Silent Ones, the lords of [[Troper Works/Ultimate Sleepwalker|Sleepwalker]]'s race, are ready to execute him for his crimes, Sleepy's human host Rick Sheridan intervenes and refuses to let it happen:
{{quote| '''The Silent Ones''': You are advised to stand aside, human.<br />
'''Rick''': And what if I don't? Can’t do much to me in my own mind, can you? That’d really screw up the tenets of the Sleepwalker race, wouldn’t it?<br />
'''Sleepwalker''': Rick, you must not-<br />
'''Rick''': No! Killing Terren’sk isn’t going to bring back Mom and Dad! Killing Terren’sk isn’t going to stop Psyko if he ever comes back! Killing Terren’sk isn’t going to protect Julia from Lightmaster, if he ever comes back! Killing Terren’sk won’t do a thing for Sv’ara, or any of the other Sleepwalkers!<br />
'''The Silent Ones''': Explain yourself, human.<br />
'''Rick''': It happened, alright? My fusion with Terren’sk, Mom and Dad’s deaths, all of it! It happened, and I wish it hadn’t, but it did! There’s nothing that’ll change it, and it’s a part of who I am now. Besides, who’s to say there isn’t a way to break the bond? Kill Terren’sk, and you lose a warrior, you lose someone who’s put his life on the line against Cobweb time and again, you lose someone who’s saved who knows how many lives, both in the Mindscape and on Earth! Besides, you think of all the criminals he’s iced, they’re not going away on their own! ''(To Sleepwalker)'' Until you can return home, we still need you. }}
* ''ALL'' of <s>Chapter</s> Episode 15 of ''[[Power Rangers GPX]]''.
* [ prodigy]. This story is actually pretty insane, and not just for the fact that it's a crossover between, ahem: Harry Potter, Crime Scene Investigation, House MD, Grey's Anatomy, Numb3rs, Psych, Law and Order:Special Victims Unit, Naval Criminal Investigative Services, and possibly even more. No, I'm not kidding. Nearly the entire story (Which is 140,841 words, if I may add.) is so awesome. Words don't describe it, while it does have the thin base of a lot of HP AU's (Harry Potter's twin is named BWL, Harry is ignored.) If runs away with it and crashes that idea into a building, then lights the building. This is easily a '[[Crowning Moment of Funny]]' as well.
* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'': [ Deterioration of Reason] features an OC!Gabriel fighting a demon who had kidnapped, tortured and humiliated Castiel. Gabriel's [[Berserk Button]] was [[Big Brother Instinct|already pushed]] and he was already [[Curb Stomp Battle|beating the crap]] out of the demon. But the moment the demon implied that he did [[Rape as Drama|something else]] to Castiel, even '''God himself''' has had enough. This sentence said it all.
{{quote| It was the response of [[Papa Wolf|an incensed Father]] to the torture and ridicule of one of his sons, it was the vengeful mark of the Lord himself.}}
* [ Not a Typical Civil War] gets one when {{spoiler|Doom reveals that he [[Magnificent Bastard|manipulated the entire superhero community into going to war]] brags about how he is going to kill their families, and unleash every Supervillain in 42 to kill them in a desperate fight for their lives, and how when the whole ordeal is over [[Batman Gambit|he won't have to take over the world because the world will be begging him to take over]]. When told by [[Iron Man]] that there was no way they would let this plan succeed, he subverts [[Just Between You and Me|his villain monologueing]] and reveals that while he was distracting them with the grand reveal he was pumping an undetectable gas into the room so when the villains came to tear them to pieces they'd be helpless.}}
** This is followed by Spider-Man, who was {{spoiler|hit with the same gas as everybody else}}, perserveres through sheer force of will and {{spoiler|beats up almost every super villain in 42}}. He proceeds to go on for another chapter, sustained solely by concern for his family.
Line 496:
** Chapter 15: {{spoiler|Everybody teams up to beat Doc Scratch, but the best part has to be Aradia's awakening, which happens in the only way it could possibly be cooler than in canon: Aradia fools Doc Scratch into destroying her robot body while Derse explodes, wakes up, single-handedly engineers almost every major event since the timeline splintered, then goes back in time to mere seconds after she left, ''riding Bec''. '''Hell yes!'''}}
* In the [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]] / [[Mahou Sensei Negima]] crossover fic, [ Equal and Opposite Attraction] Negi, of course, gets one. After finding {{spoiler|Hayate trapped in a [[Mind Rape]] dark dimension,}} he procedes to {{spoiler|deliver one hell of a Badass Boast, channeling his inner Kamina, before obliterating said dark dimension with a Jack Rakan Signature Finisher, Eternal Negi Fever}}
{{quote| Negi: {{spoiler|"Whoever you are, whatever you are, I hope you're listening...I am Negi Springfield, offspring of the Thousand Master and the Queen of Ostia. I have been trained by the greatest masters of combat and magic, and have never failed to impress them. I have faced demons, madmen, cyborgs, and gods themselves, all for the sake of others. I have traveled the world in search of one man thought dead. And I found him." He paused before continuing ... You think the darkness scares me? You think I am just some child? You think I would back away from anyone who would hurt my students? JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?"}}}}
* The [[Code Geass]] fanfic ''[ My Queen]'' uses the premises that {{spoiler|Kallen chose to stay with Lelouch instead of the Black Knights}}. During the Battle of Kaminejima, {{spoiler|alone, she takes on the Royal Guard and the Knight of Twelve alone, defeating without much problems. She stands up against the Knight of One fairly, however, when the Knight of Six almost pulverizes the Shinkiro, where Lelouch was, [[Let's Get Dangerous|things get ugly for her enemies]]. With '''INSANE''' levels of [[Hot-Blooded|hot-bloodedness]], she beheads the Mordred, much like [[Mythology Gag|Orange-kun]], with her Radiation Wave, destroys and entire division of the Black Knights, destroys the Zangetsu, almost killing Todoh (he shouldn't have called Lelouch a demon) and destroys the Galahad, even Bismarck's Geass couldn't save him.}}
{{quote| '''Todoh''', after the battle: {{spoiler|...[[Power of Love|if his feelings for her are true]]...then Kallen Kozuki has become the most dangerous warrior on this planet..."}}}}
* The [[Glee]] fanfic [ And Innocents], which involves a Columbine-esque shooting at McKinley, is chock-full of these.
** There are so many in the shooting alone. First, Will Schuester {{spoiler|reacts to the oncoming shooters by [[You Shall Not Pass|blocking the doorway to his classroom]] and [[Dying Moment of Awesome|taking every bullet the shooter unloads at him]].}}
Line 509:
* The Family Guy fic [ Payback from a Pipe] has Stewie beats up Quagmire after he [[Kick the Dog|beat Brain in Quagmire's Dad]] then he calls Glenn out on his hypocrisy over the stuff he said to Brain and deals him a [[Reason You Suck Speech]] and makes Quagmire apologize to Brain. Fro those who hate how Glenn has been treating Brian lately this is perfect for you.
* In a cutway in ch.38 of [[Family Guy]]'s [[The Spellbook]] which a I call "Aquaman's Revenge"
{{quote| '''Peter dressed as Black Manta''': Surrender, you fool! We all know that you have no powers out of water!<br />
'''Aquaman''': Outrighteous! I can't believe that you don't know that this is ''[[Batman|The Brave and the Bold]]''!<br />
'''Peter''': Ohhhhhhhhhhh shi- }}
* An AU story set during Marvel's [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]], "[ Addition To The Fray]" by Adrian Tullberg, has [[Doctor Doom]] confront [[Fantastic Four|Reed Richards]], via hologram, to find out why he has chosen to side with [[Iron Man]], given his more liberal views in the past. Reed reluctantly informs Doom that SHIELD had sent spy-bots to infiltrate the Baxter Building, take photos of Franklin and Valeria and sent them to Reed, with an implied threat that he should side with them to keep his children safe. Doom, recalling that he had declared Valeria to be under his protection, decides to take matters in his own hands, and a Doom-hologram suddenly appears at SHIELD headquarters.
{{quote| "Bear Witness. You and your masters shall realise your sole purpose in this life. To serve as a warning to whoever, and whatever shall soon replace you and your organisation. To threaten that child--is to invite Doom."}}
* The Code Geass/Bleach crossover [ Soul Chess] has Lelouch, a mere 5th seat, save Renji, Momo, Izuru, and Hisagi from a menos by using a [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|Kurohitsuji]].
** The same fic has [[Magnificent Bastard|Lelouch]] beat Aizen by {{spoiler|waiting until he's caught in Negacion and Geassing him to kill himself.}}
* The Disney [[Dark Fic]] [ Lost Tales of Fantasia], the Headless Horseman is bearing down on the king, when his servant steps up and empties all of his bullets into him.
{{quote| '''Lumiere''': You want more!? [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|BE]] [[Dying Moment of Awesome|MY]] [[Ironic Echo|GUEST!]]}}
** And Eddie Valiant's following fight with the Horseman, managing to use his [[Lethal Joke Item]] to [[Disney Villain Death|push the horseman off a flying ship]].
{{quote| The Horseman decided he hated this human more than any other being in any other world, and by the time he hit the ground, he had decided not to cut off his head, but to systematically break and destroy every single fibre of his being, starting with his toe tips, and continuing up to his neck, keeping him alive until the very end, and then wearing his head as a trophy during the Red Queen's gallas.}}
* The final battle in the [[Kingdom Hearts]] fic ''[ Omega Dawn]''. The entirety of the battle is a continous CMOA, but the real thing happens when {{spoiler|Kairi regains her Princess of Heart powers and Riku getting all maximum power: after Kairi delivered a [[In the Name of the Moon]] speech, she [[Drop the Hammer|drops the hammer]] (summoned literally from the [[Hammerspace]], [[Light'Em Up|made of pure light]], surrounded with flames from Riku's keyblade) against the cowering Ruxik}}.
* Poland, in the Hetalia fanfiction ''[ 1940: Lithuania]''. He spends the first two thirds of the story alternating between being forced to work in a factory making uniforms for German soldiers and getting beaten up by Russia and locked in his room for several days at a time for not knowing when to shut up. Then Lithuania sneaks into Poland's room and finds out that Poland has been ''running an organized resistance movement from his closet this whole time'' and mailing instructions to his rebel forces by climbing out of his second story window and sneaking off to the post office, mailing the coded letters, then climbing back into his room, despite the fact that he is ''seriously'' weakened because Germany and Russia are killing so many of his people. Also, he blew up one of Germany's ammunition factories offscreen.
Line 527:
* The scene where {{spoiler|Kirby destroys Dark Matter}} in ''[[The Dream Land Story]]'' is undeniably awesome. {{spoiler|Kirby manages to catch ''Dark Matter'' (which had previously shown itself to have almost perfect reaction time) off guard, giving it a ruthless beatdown with the Star Rod.}}
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fic ''[ Invisible Road]'' gives us this awesome [[Badass Boast]]:
{{quote| ''The Sontarans call me a warrior. The Cybermen call me a threat. And the Daleks called me the Fiveslayer. I have faced down ghosts and blood-drinkers, sun-eaters and world-burners. And if you, or any of your silly little ships, want to take anyone off this planet,'' '''you tell them {{spoiler|1=Ace McShane}} will be waiting for them.''' <ref>Oh, and she's beating the living shit out of a Sycorax with a [[Continuity Nod|BASEBALL BAT]] while she's saying all this.</ref>}}
* In Kuann's Disney fic [ The Merging of Worlds: Night of Ashes], Atticus is an atheist boy who, for some reason, attends a Catholic school. He is critical of the monks and religion, saying they sit on their pulpits all day long preaching God, but never allow for the fact they might be wrong. When Atticus meets the head of the school, Father Joseph, he loses his temper and tells him that the prefects have no interest in his programs, and they plan to do nothing with their lives but join the War and die after graduating from school. He tells Father Joseph he preaches perfection, but is blind to the reality around him. Atticus is then shocked to see that Father Joseph isn't phased at all. He calmly gives Atticus this breathtaking ''[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]'':
{{quote| ''Your passion has done little to change my perception of you, young man, other than to make me realize that you truly believe in foolishness. That is a shame all the more; your father said you were intelligent. You have said enough. I have a high tolerance, but my patience is depleted in the case of your "righteous" crusade. You claim of yourself what you like, but you are no different than the myriad of children that have preceded you. I am well aware that the passion for academics does not exist in the vast majority of my students; not even those before me now. But the difference between them and those that are like you is that they live their life with their own purpose and meaning, no matter the pointlessness of that goal. There have been many like you, Atticus, and you are not the last that will come to me before I pass on. They may lack your details, your acuity, even your bravery, but they all have one thing in common: their dissatisfaction. Boys like you exist for no other purpose than crush the beliefs of others, to make them squirm with gifts of intellect or courage. It may work with the young men that surround you, but not with me, and not with my brothers in Christ. We know who we are; that is a solidarity that you will never touch."}}
** Atticus is left utterly speechless.
* ''[ A Happy Ending]'', a ''[[LA Noire]]'' fanfic taking place after the ending, has Jack Kelso {{spoiler|killing Roy Earle}}.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Roy Earle}}''': Los Angeles is a big city, Jack. The police will find you, I swear it!<br />
'''Jack Kelso''': Then I don't care.