Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)/Fan Works: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Awesome.FanFic 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Awesome.FanFic, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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When [[SturgeonsSturgeon's Law|you come across the ten percent of fanfiction that's worth dying for]] (and even some that falls squarely under [[PoesPoe's Law]]), there ''will'' be awesome.
Please keep in mind that this is a ''very'' subjective trope; what strikes one person as "THAT'S AWESOME!!!!" may strike you as "meh". '''[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|Disagreeing with someone else's opinion is NOT a valid reason to delete their example.]]''' When in doubt, ''leave it alone''.
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* ''[[The Adventures of Irving and Friends (Fanfic)/Awesome|The Adventures of Irving and Friends]]''
* ''[[Ace Combat the Equestrian War (Fanfic)/Awesome|Ace Combat: The Equestrian War]]''
* ''[[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)/The Twilight Hour/Awesome|Ah My Goddess: The Twilight Hour]]''
* ''[[All Things Probable Series (Fanfic)/Awesome|All Things Probable Series]]''
* ''[[Another Brother (Fanfic)/Awesome|Another Brother]]''
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* ''[[Skin (Fanfic)/Awesome|Skin]]''
* ''[[Snow Angels (Fanfic)/Awesome|Snow Angels]]''
* ''[[Soul Chess (Fanfic)/Awesome|Soul Chess]]''
* ''[[Starkits Prophecy (Fanfic)/Awesome|Starkits Prophecy]]''
* ''[[Stars Above (Fanfic)/Awesome|Stars Above]]''
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** Aziraphale gets another moment of awesome at the climax of ''[ When Summoning, Please Watch The Wording]''. Long story short, some wannabe Satanists have crossed the [[Moral Event Horizon]] in truly nasty fashion and then mock Zirah for being the "pathetic lackey of a dead god". At which point Zirah [[Beware the Nice Ones|shows them exactly how "pathetic" good can be]]:
{{quote| Aziraphale's expression was like thunder. "Come to me, my child," he said, his tone as cutting as diamonds. "''[[Go Mad From the Revelation|And I will show you a true wonder of a miracle!]]''"}}
** There are a lot of them in ''[ Arrangements]'', but this troper's favorite has to be when {{spoiler|Crowley and Gabriel are trapped by Lucifer and left to the mercy of a group of human demons. Aziraphale, Castiel, Sam, and Dean are in the same building and fighting hordes of other human demons to get to them, but will never get there in time. Crowley, who at this point is trapped by holy fire and unable to help Gabriel physically, promptly flips out and stops the human demons by transforming into an [[Eldritch Abomination]] and [[Mind Rape|driving pure, unadulterated terror straight into their minds]]. He then goes on to do the same thing to ''every single human demon in the building'', effectively ending the fight without ever leaving his prison. And this is after he'd spent most of the fic being the [[Non -Action Guy]].}} The chapter is very aptly titled [[Big Damn Heroes]].
{{quote| Fear was something else. Fear was something uniquely, terribly ''human'', an immovable part of the psyche. And Crowley was the Serpent of Eden. The first demon humanity ever met. The only reason they ''had'' primal fears was because he'd ''put'' them there.}}
* [ Eyrie Productions] is a site full of fanfics that shine with these.
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** Iruel is held off by Shinji {{spoiler|rapidly altering the diseases in Rei's blood to horrifying extents, followed by being finished off with a psychic attack.}}
** The fight against Zeruel, although {{spoiler|retold as part of Shinji's greatest failure then}}, took the original and made it even more amazing.
** Nearly beat by the MP EVA Units, Asuka {{spoiler|makes Unit 02 go [[Eldritch Abomination|Bloodthirster]] and rips through eight of them before going down, noting while doing so that [[Normally I Would Be Dead Now|she should have been dead twice over]]. Yes, Unit 02 went [[One -Winged Angel]]}}.
** The culmination of {{spoiler|the 40k gods' [[Gambit Roulette]]}} has to be seen to be believed.
* How can we ignore ''[[The Open Door (Fanfic)|The Open Door]]''?
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[after praising him to the rafters by saying he's better than ''his whole society'']"Kid, live your life." }}
**** [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|And he does]].
*** This is followed by Lars giving Skuld a much needed [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]. Again, nothing many of us in the AMG fandom haven't been thinking'...
** The Ghost Riders. It seems [[Ah! My Goddess (Manga)|Skuld]] took ''10'' [[Took a Level In Badass|levels in badass]].
** The ''Stiletto'' {{spoiler|blowing up two [[Battlestar Galactica|Resurrection Ships]] with a single shot}}. After taking city-killer nukes without shields or damage.
** {{spoiler|People of Nesme, I present to you [[This Is My Boomstick|the Kalashnikov!]]}}
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** And In ''Apotheosis Now'', pretty much every one of the good guys gets at least one CMOA. Including SHODAN and {{spoiler|Gendo}}.
** Don't forget {{spoiler|"I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh..."}}
* When Asuka comes back to Tokyo-3 in [ NGE: Walking in the Shadow of Dreams], she moves into the apartment next door to Shinji's. While unpacking, Rei comes by to 'set things straight' with her, though it's mostly to pick a fight (It makes sense in context). Eventually it devolves into a cat fight, which is halted suddenly by Misato taseing them both, which naturally is complete with the [[Bond One -Liner]]...
{{quote| "Crap like this is why I don't let pilots live with me anymore?"}}
** And then of course there's the part where {{spoiler|we learn that Third Impact was averted not by Shinji, but ''Gendo. Ikari.'' "Get away from MY SON!" has often been a standard cry for a CMOA, but considering who says it, and who he says it ''to'', makes it even more so.}}
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* The ''[[Star Trek (Franchise)|Star Trek]]''/''[[Babylon 5 (TV)|Babylon 5]]'' story [ A Thin Veneer] has what almost seems like a Crowning Month of Awesome for Starfleet Captain Acaltha and a group of Klingon ships as their quite-possibly-deranged crews pin a Minbari strikeforce to the wall with a series of more and more deranged dirty tricks, including {{spoiler|decoy Klingon 'ships', using weapons that were obsolete for decades to nasty effect, resonating the Minbari's hulls to overload their communications with Klingon opera and annoyingly cheerful J-Pop, and in the end, giving them the planet... that was abandoned before the Federation/Klingon task force ever showed up.}}
* The first novel of ''Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness'' is, essentially, one long Crowning Moment for Neville Longbottom.
** [[Heterosexual Life Partners]] and resident [[Badass Bookworm|Badass Bookworms]] Michael Corner and Terry Boot have many throughout the novel. In fact, as soon as one (or both) of them make an appearance in the novel, you know that something is going to happen. And it's going to be awesome. {{spoiler|Pity that neither of them [[Kill 'Em All|survived]] the final battle}}.
** There's also poor Dennis Creevey, who never said a word after [[Break the Cutie|realising his parents were dead]], until one of the Death Eaters, Rudolphus Lestrange, killed his older brother, Colin. Dennis then proceeds to {{spoiler|put his wand [[Eye Scream|through Lestrange's eye]], and yell [[Unstoppable Rage|"AVADA KEDAVRA YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!]]}}
** Viktor Krum had one as well. When Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom realize that {{spoiler|the Weasley family is not in their home and wrongly assume they were captured, they disguise themselves as [[Mooks|Death Eaters]] and are caught and sentenced to execution. Percy Weasley witnesses their trial and contacts Ludo Bagman, who contacts Krum, who flies non-stop from Bulgaria to England, takes Polyjuice to switch out with Percy, and then proceeds to spirit Neville and Hannah away while the two of them blast through the doors.}} Bonus points for this little exchange:
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* [[The Land Before Time]] fan fics having a CMOA? ''Hell'' yes!
** [ Land Before Time: War of the Worlds] has a few CMOAs. The most memorable involved an ''amphibious assault'' [ combined with Littlefoot, Ali and Shorty parachuting] into an enemy held island for a commando raid.
** [ Land Before Time: Twilight Valley] also has some CMOAs. One of which was [ Ducky's mother beating the crap out of a stone knife wielding Hadrosaur] with [[Dual -Wielding|twin sticks]].
* [[When Worlds Collide (Fanfic)|This troper would like to think]] [[Danny Phantom|Sam Manson's]] disembodied consciousness leading Charles Xavier and the [[X Men]] to almost certain doom against an army of various [[Face Heel Turn|Dannys-turned-evil]] led by an [[Reality Warper|omnipotent]] [[Omnicidal Maniac|Dark Danny]], and [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|proceeding to win anyways]], and then return Danny from death by [[Power of Love|sheer force of love]] counts, no matter [[Old Shame|how hideous his writing was at the time.]]
* The ''Wordverse'' is a giant crossover fanfic on the [ The Atomic Think Tank] boards. The first story's final fight is John Preston (''[[Equilibrium]]'') and ''[[Batman]]'' vs ''[[V for Vendetta|V]]'' vs {{spoiler|the League of Shadows and Ras Al-Gul}}. And that's the initial story, it gets better later on.
* Naruto gets quite a few in S'tar'kan's epic series [ Team 8]. This troper's favorite is his battle with Neji, where he {{spoiler|uses the Kyuubi's chakra to blow open his closed tenketsu points and beat Neji black and blue in taijutsu.}}
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** Don't forget Haku. {{spoiler|Breaks through the Sound Four's barrier and goes on to fight Orochimaru alongside the Hokage, easily keeping up with them.}}
** Hinata's reaction to finding out just how horribly Naruto was mistreated by some for being the host of the nine-tailed fox.
{{quote| '''Hinata:''' That's ''[[Precision F -Strike|bullshit!]]'' *sudden horrified pause, claps both hands over her mouth*}}
** Arguably, Shino's best CMOA in the entire series is during the preliminaries of the Chunin Exams, immediately following Hinata's harsh beat-down at the hands of Neji.
{{quote| Glancing around, Shino noticed that both Rock Lee and Tenten were staring at him. Looking down, he realized that there was a fine spray of aspirated blood across the front of his jacket. Hinata's blood. He looked back up.<br />
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* Nigh everything written by [ lord of the land of fire]. While I can't endorse the sex scenes, he manages to make some very awesome scenes that readers often fail to fully appreciate the Awesomeness of. "A Few Angry Words" contains a paralel to [[The Bible (Literature)|Revelation Chapter 19 (Yes, that's the Second Coming of Jesus)]], while "The True Monster" contains a rather thorough paralel to World War II! Just when you think this guy has written himself into a corner, he comes out with something even more awesome as a resolution.
* Edward Elric gets one in ''[ Invert]'', a ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]''/''[[Harry Potter]]'' crossover. Bound by magic and being mindraped by Voldemort, Ed breaks Voldemort's concentration by calling up an image of the Gate of Truth, causing it to manifest for a few moments before fading out. In the distraction, Ed breaks Voldemort's grip on him and ''kicks him in the balls'' for good measure.
* [[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Fanfic Recs|Sluagh]], the sequel to the above mentioned "Dumbledore's Army..." has more Crowning Moments of Awesome than the original Harry Potter series combined. Seamus Finnigan, in particular, has become a serious [[Anti Hero|Anti-Hero]], as well as [[Took a Level In Badass|Taken A Level In Badass]] to a whole new degree. For anyone who was disappointed by the Big Bad of the original series being taken down with an Expelliarmus, {{spoiler|this time the - much nastier, IMHO - bad is taken out in a last-ditch wager where the fate of the world rests on a knife fight to the death. "You want to live, I just want you to die." Made of Win.}}
* An OC named Philip gets one in the W.I.T.C.H. Fanfic [ WITCH POWER] by Xen Kenshin when he completely DESTROYS {{spoiler|Nerissa's demonic minions Shagon and co.}} because of an unstoppable rage.. downside? He kills his love interest {{spoiler|Irma.}}
* In ''[[Daria]]'' fanfic, two OC's are living, breathing CMOAs every time they show their faces! ''Jim Vitale'' (especially when written by Scissors MacGillicutty) and ''Black Majesty'' (when written by Roentgen). The pinnacle of the [[Big Bad]], both are superb examples of the [[Manipulative Bastard]] who lives by [[The Plan]]- and while Black Majesty is probably [[Like a Badass Out of Hell]], Vitale is a fusion of [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] and [[Badass Normal]] with his own [[Catch Phrase|CatchPhrases]] (anyone who he calls 'asshat' is in for a world of 'ow', people he calls 'sport' should watch their backs, and as he says, 'the law is just what lawyers do with it'), his own version of the [[Kubrick Stare]], a [[Compelling Voice]] and takes any woman in sight that he wants - because [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]], and he's a amped-up version of [[Draco in Leather Pants]].
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* Post's gigantic ''[[Teen Titans (Animation)|Teen Titans]]'' fic, [ These Black Eyes] is pretty much comprised of CMOA but my favorite is his OC Noir, who has at this point been {{spoiler|kicked out of the Titans after Slade framed him as his Third Apprentice and had been marked with a microchip which Slade could activate and easily kill him at any time, going in to save the Titan's asses. When Slade tries to activate the chip, Noir shows how he got rid of it: by slicing off his own arm. He then proceesed to kill the bastard and save his friends. Hell Yeah.}}
** Don't forget chapter 249 {{spoiler|Dagger's forces are pursuing Robin and Noir, who end up unintentionally leading them into a ambush by the US Army, who were warned in advance by Lex Luthor, and were waiting for Dagger's men to attack.}}
* [ Soldier of Spira] has far too many to count, but several events come to mind. First, [[Exactly What It Says On the Tin|Operation Ratcatcher]] in its entirety, just for the build up and how Auron was written (Whose portrayal in itself is a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] for the writer; few can claim to write an [[Badass|Auron]] who surpasses the original). Second, Starfall in its entirety, for Auron ''and'' Rikku. Third? Auron more or less holds the entire world at ransom just by making a promise. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, in Spira and beyond knows not to goad/enrage/bother Auron. If he makes a promise, then no matter how impossible it seems, [[Magnificent Bastard|he]] [[Determinator|will]] [[Implacable Man|keep]] [[One -Man Army|it]].
** Here's the absolutely epic speech Auron makes, in its entirety:
{{quote| '''Auron:''' Braska? Can you hear me? Yevon? Fayth? Lords of the Living and the Dead? Are you listening? Rikku will not die today. Rikku will not die today. Rikku will not die tomorrow. Rikku will not die in Zanarkand. Listen to me. Hear me all of you. All of your plans and your devices and wars, she has no part of them. She is not here because of you, to help you or to stop you. She is only here because she loves her cousin. Do you even understand such a simple reason? So Rikku does not die today. Rikku does not die tomorrow. Rikku does not die in Zanarkand at all and if she does '''then there is a new side in your forever wars''' and a '''new player''' and {{smallcaps| then I '''promise''' you that at the end of everything, at the end of it all '''no one will be standing.'''}}}}
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''"Okay, moving faster."'' }}
* Ultra Sonic 007's remake of Digimon: Zero 2 final battle between BelialMyotismon and the DigiKnight. Read it [\]: your head will explode from sheer awesomeness.
* In the [[So Bad ItsIt's Good|hilariously awful]] ''[[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]]'' fic ''[[Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami (Fanfic)|Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami]]'', Watari gives us the immortal line "ENOUGH OF YOUR RUDDY FLASHBACKERY YOU SODDING ARSES!" And "THAT FOOLISH WANKER DA'URQ IS IN NEW YORK AND HES KILLING SOME POOR SODS!" And a ton of other superbly ridiculous [[British English]] yellings.
* In the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' [[Fanfic]] [ "The Lie I've Lived"] {{spoiler|after the Dementor fight at the end of Book 3, Harry finds out that, when his dad died, he got all of his memories.}} After that discovery, Harry becomes steadily more badass as the story progresses.
** After the summer is over, Harry is, of course, put in the Triwizard tournament again. In one chapter, he {{spoiler|sneaks onto the Durmstrang ship, where they keep a Geist. Not a mischevious prankster like Peeves, but a full blown demonic entity formed from the fear and dark magical 'residue' of the school and the boat. He gets away from it, which angers the Geist. Later, the Geist chases him and Fleur into the Forest. Harry stays there and stalls the Geist, while Fleur goes to get help...From the HOGWARTS GHOSTS. What follows is a medieval style smackdown. The Bloody Baron with a CLAYMORE, the Fat Friar with a giant cudgel, Peeves (who is actually somewhat demonic), and to top it all off, Professor Binns, wailing on the Geist with his fists.}}
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* [[Halo]]: [ Combat Evolution] has several, but Wa, the Spartan Shock Trooper, gets one just by existing. Everything about his weapons and tactics is designed to scare the Covenant. He is to the covvies at large what the Chief is to the Covenant rank and file, and to the Spartans what the Spartans are to everyone else. He demonstrates this in chapter twenty-five by {{spoiler|walking into a combat situation, saving his teammate, taking a hit from a ''Brute Hammer'' and getting right back up, then tearing the Brute's midsection out. Then he '''rips the top of its skull off'''. The oncoming brutes ''stop dead''.}}
* [ The Faltering of Suzumiya Haruhi] is a CMOA in itself, because the writing style is so ridiculously close to Baka-Tsuki's translations of the original work, that it could be a lost original short story or something like that...
** And it give Kyon a HUGE CMOA, when he {{spoiler|fight against the dude Haruhi dumped after five minutes. Said guy was an [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]] and roughed Kyon up, eventually threating to do the same thing to everyone else in the SOS Brigade...}} [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|BAD]] [[Berserk Button|IDEA]]! According to Nagato´s [[Techno Babble|explanations]] later, at this point Kyon {{spoiler|unlocked his [[Humans Are Special|human talent]] to [[Heroic Resolve|manipulate data]] to [[Tranquil Fury|CRUSH his opponent!]]}}
* There are several by [ Thrythlind]:
** [ Divine] [[Divine Blood (Fanfic)|Blood]] Chapter 11. {{spoiler|Ranma "Braiding Tornadoes"}}
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''"He grows on you." Fate smiled and had Bardiche load another cartridge.'' }}
* [ Kingdom of Chaos], a ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' fic set after ''Chain Memories'' (written before ''Kingdom Hearts 2'') has a wonderful Crowning Moment at the hands of {{spoiler|Larxene. The Organization has been betrayed and hung out to dry by Axel (whose convoluted plot to restore his heart to him has just succeeded) and most of their members have been killed by a [[Deadly Upgrade|Deadly Upgraded]] Sora. About all that's left is Marluxia, who takes Axel to task for his betrayal and starts kicking his ass. Finally Axel is on his last legs and, as Marluxia delivers the killing blow, Larxene, combining a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] and a CMOA teleports into the space between Axel and Marluxia's scythe, saving him at the cost of her own life. Marluxia is so astonished that he actually offers Axel an elixr that can save her life en exchange for his surrender.}}
* Proving that [[SturgeonsSturgeon's Law|there is always the other 10% that's]] [[So Cool Its Awesome]], the ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' [[Slash]] [[High School AU]] fanfic [ Boys] contains a ''major'' one for Sora in chapter 20: The Day I Tried To Live. The fic deals (professionally) with the difference between real and fake, the importance of [[I Am What I Am|owning up to what you are rather than fighting it]], and the connections between the two. Sora finally reaches a conclusion on the matter, and {{spoiler|kisses Riku right on the lips in the middle of the senior hall, thereby proclaiming his acceptance of the story's events and indicating how little he cares about anyone who has a problem with them.}} It's written and presented so that the response, even for the most devoted of [[Yaoi Fangirls]], is not to [[Squee]], but to stand up and cheer.
* [[With Strings Attached (Fanfic)|With Strings Attached]] has a ton of these, including:
** When each of the four gets his magic, particularly when John flies.
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{{quote| Osborn waved a hand in my direction. "You're nothing more than a common thug who decided to do the right thing for once, Schultz. That doesn't clean the slate of all the crimes you committed, Herman. One day as a lion does not balance out a lifetime as a jackal."<br />
Under my mask, I raised an eyebrow. Oh, thank you for hubris. "You're right, Norman. Absolutely right. All the good things I've done don't matter a lick compared to the bad. You're the expert on that topic, aren't you, Green Goblin?" If it wasn't for the persistent hum, you could have heard a pin drop. I think Ms. Marvel let out a low whistle at the comment. }}
*** Let's not forget the moment when Herman actually {{spoiler|: stops the living dead from coming back to life}} by giving {{spoiler|: the Darkhold}} a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] speech {{spoiler|: and uses the theory of electrical resistance to shut down the brain of every single zombie on the planet}}.
* The [[Neon Genesis Evangelion]] fic ''Father'' has one in Chapter 5, when Asuka's [[Abusive Parents|father]] Erik (and his wife "Mrs. Soryu") visit after hearing rumors (true ones) that Asuka has gotten pregnant. Long story short, things devolve quickly, leading to Mr. Soryu [[Moral Event Horizon|shoving his pregnant daughter with such force that it slams her into a nearby wall hard enough to knock her unconscious]]. Before anyone else knows what's happening, [[Berserk Button|Shin]][[Papa Wolf|ji]] (Asuka's fiancé) has one-hit-KO'd Mrs. Soryu (being grazed by a bullet fired by her) and pinned Mr. Demon-Dad to the wall by the throat, having fully given himself over to the [[Unstoppable Rage|inner berserker]] and trying to crush the man's neck with his bare hands. Later, as Mr. Soryu storms up to Gendo in his office and threatens all sorts of retaliations, Gendo calmly and efficiently shoots down each and every one of the man's threats with logical and legal rebuttals. And when the man disowns Asuka and states that he'll leave her penniless and alone, Gendo reveals that Kyoko had left Asuka her entire estate and (considerably large) fortune to Asuka, ''and'' that SEELE (in this story now a new incarnation loyal to Gendo) have discovered that Mr. Soryu has embezzled/stolen his late wife's - now Asuka's - money, and that Mr. Soryu and his wife are now under arrest. Gendo then closes the conversation and finally [[Not So Stoic|blows his top at the man]]:
{{quote| "On a rather more personal note, allow me to tell you this: ''Do not mess with my family''! You brandished a gun in my son's home, with the proof being a wound on the back of his hand! You throw my future daughter-in-law against the wall, endangering her and her baby! I may be considered a total bastard by everyone else, and I gladly use members of my own family to further our goals, [[Papa Wolf|but I will NOT allow anyone else to jeopardize their lives]]! And despite what I may wish, your daughter is about to become family, thus she is under MY protection! Is this understood, Soryu? She is to become an Ikari, no questions asked."}}
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* [ FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814], an offshoot story of [[Takamachi Nanoha of 2814 (Fanfic)|Takamachi Nanoha of 2814]], has Archer fighting the Wolkeritter by himself. Through a combination of Tracing, emotional manipulation based on his memories, and Unlimited Blade Works, he starts creating [[Green Lantern|power rings]]. He starts with enraging the Wolkenritter by threatening Hayate, using their rage to make a Red ring (and making a giant angry construct of Rin), drawing on their love for her to make a Violet ring, and using Signum's will, Vita's hope, and Zafira's compassion to make Green, Blue, and Indigo. Despite bleeding from everywhere from the strain, he blasts them all with a Ring-Construct [[Lyrical Nanoha|Starlight Breaker]] big enough to be seen from orbit and uses their fear to make a Yellow ring.
** {{spoiler|Of course, all of that was to free them and the Book of Darkness from Angra Mainyu's corruption, upon which he willfully surrenders his Linker Core to help save Hayate's life. Even if you don't like him, you have to admit he always has style.}}
* A series of novelisations of the ''[[Half-Life]]'' games, ''[ The Black Mesa Incident]'' and ''[ Welcome to City 17]'', are full to the brim with this trope, mostly by virtue of [[Badass Bookworm|Gordon Freeman]] being [[One -Man Army|Gordon Freeman]]. Even by his standards there are plenty of exceptional moments, including Gordon destroying a Gunship by dropping a piece of a bridge on it, destroying another Gunship by directing it into a Strider's warp cannon, then destroying that same Strider by ''riding on top of it and jamming a grenade into it'', and killing the Nihilanth using nothing but his trusty crowbar, driving it straight into its brain.
* In the ''[[Touhou]]'' fanfiction [[Imperfect Metamorphosis (Fanfic)|Imperfect Metamorphosis]], an indestructible being that can absorb any form of attack thrown at it, soon acquiring the abilities of another being that [[Walking Wasteland|kills most things just by being near them]] and whose touch is potentially deadly to absolutely anyone, is loose in Gensoukyou. It swiftly dispatches its millenia-old creator, a [[Reality Warper]], two stupidly powerful magicians and a bearer of impervious [[Plot Armor]], leaving only Suika to fight it. After her treasured gourd is crushed in the battle, Suika acts [[Boisterous Bruiser|exactly like Suika]], proceeding to ''pound the ever-loving crap'' out of the life-ending monstrosity, leaving it (temporarily) broken and unconscious in a crater. Moral of the story: never force an oni to be sober.
* Thirty H's. All of it.
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** Chapter 9: Tavros out-raps Dave. That is all.
** Chapter 12: All {{spoiler|eleven}} trolls team up to beat {{spoiler|Gamzee}} AND THEY MANAGE TO DO IT WITHOUT A SINGLE PERSON GETTING KILLED.
** Chapter 13: Everybody teams up, gives {{spoiler|Doc Scratch}} an epic [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], culminating in Sollux {{spoiler|blowing up Doc Scratch's typewriter.}}
** Chapter 14: Can be summed up with the closing line: {{spoiler|TG: lets kill us a First Guardian}}
** Chapter 15: {{spoiler|Everybody teams up to beat Doc Scratch, but the best part has to be Aradia's awakening, which happens in the only way it could possibly be cooler than in canon: Aradia fools Doc Scratch into destroying her robot body while Derse explodes, wakes up, single-handedly engineers almost every major event since the timeline splintered, then goes back in time to mere seconds after she left, ''riding Bec''. '''Hell yes!'''}}
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** The same fic has [[Magnificent Bastard|Lelouch]] beat Aizen by {{spoiler|waiting until he's caught in Negacion and Geassing him to kill himself.}}
* The Disney [[Dark Fic]] [ Lost Tales of Fantasia], the Headless Horseman is bearing down on the king, when his servant steps up and empties all of his bullets into him.
{{quote| '''Lumiere''': You want more!? [[Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?|BE]] [[Dying Moment of Awesome|MY]] [[Ironic Echo|GUEST!]]}}
** And Eddie Valiant's following fight with the Horseman, managing to use his [[Lethal Joke Item]] to [[Disney Villain Death|push the horseman off a flying ship]].
{{quote| The Horseman decided he hated this human more than any other being in any other world, and by the time he hit the ground, he had decided not to cut off his head, but to systematically break and destroy every single fibre of his being, starting with his toe tips, and continuing up to his neck, keeping him alive until the very end, and then wearing his head as a trophy during the Red Queen's gallas.}}
* The final battle in the [[Kingdom Hearts]] fic ''[ Omega Dawn]''. The entirety of the battle is a continous CMOA, but the real thing happens when {{spoiler|Kairi regains her Princess of Heart powers and Riku getting all maximum power: after Kairi delivered a [[In the Name of The Moon]] speech, she [[Drop the Hammer|drops the hammer]] (summoned literally from the [[Hammerspace]], [[Light 'Em Up|made of pure light]], surrounded with flames from Riku's keyblade) against the cowering Ruxik}}.
* Poland, in the Hetalia fanfiction ''[ 1940: Lithuania]''. He spends the first two thirds of the story alternating between being forced to work in a factory making uniforms for German soldiers and getting beaten up by Russia and locked in his room for several days at a time for not knowing when to shut up. Then Lithuania sneaks into Poland's room and finds out that Poland has been ''running an organized resistance movement from his closet this whole time'' and mailing instructions to his rebel forces by climbing out of his second story window and sneaking off to the post office, mailing the coded letters, then climbing back into his room, despite the fact that he is ''seriously'' weakened because Germany and Russia are killing so many of his people. Also, he blew up one of Germany's ammunition factories offscreen.
* Fate/Black Reflection. [[Bleach|Ichigo Kurosaki]] vs. [[Fate Stay Night|Saber]]. [[Sword Beam|Getsuga Tenshou]] vs. [[Wave Motion Gun|Excalibur]]. {{spoiler|The end result is a stalemate.}}
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* The ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' fic ''[ Invisible Road]'' gives us this awesome [[Badass Boast]]:
{{quote| ''The Sontarans call me a warrior. The Cybermen call me a threat. And the Daleks called me the Fiveslayer. I have faced down ghosts and blood-drinkers, sun-eaters and world-burners. And if you, or any of your silly little ships, want to take anyone off this planet,'' '''you tell them {{spoiler|1=Ace McShane}} will be waiting for them.''' <ref>Oh, and she's beating the living shit out of a Sycorax with a [[Continuity Nod|BASEBALL BAT]] while she's saying all this.</ref>}}
* In Kuann's Disney fic [ The Merging of Worlds: Night of Ashes], Atticus is an atheist boy who, for some reason, attends a Catholic school. He is critical of the monks and religion, saying they sit on their pulpits all day long preaching God, but never allow for the fact they might be wrong. When Atticus meets the head of the school, Father Joseph, he loses his temper and tells him that the prefects have no interest in his programs, and they plan to do nothing with their lives but join the War and die after graduating from school. He tells Father Joseph he preaches perfection, but is blind to the reality around him. Atticus is then shocked to see that Father Joseph isn't phased at all. He calmly gives Atticus this breathtaking ''[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]'':
{{quote| ''Your passion has done little to change my perception of you, young man, other than to make me realize that you truly believe in foolishness. That is a shame all the more; your father said you were intelligent. You have said enough. I have a high tolerance, but my patience is depleted in the case of your "righteous" crusade. You claim of yourself what you like, but you are no different than the myriad of children that have preceded you. I am well aware that the passion for academics does not exist in the vast majority of my students; not even those before me now. But the difference between them and those that are like you is that they live their life with their own purpose and meaning, no matter the pointlessness of that goal. There have been many like you, Atticus, and you are not the last that will come to me before I pass on. They may lack your details, your acuity, even your bravery, but they all have one thing in common: their dissatisfaction. Boys like you exist for no other purpose than crush the beliefs of others, to make them squirm with gifts of intellect or courage. It may work with the young men that surround you, but not with me, and not with my brothers in Christ. We know who we are; that is a solidarity that you will never touch."}}
** Atticus is left utterly speechless.