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{{quote| '''Person A:''' You have a tail?!<br />
'''Person B:''' Yes, because I am a half-werewolf. We have existed since the 1800s when a man by the name of...<br />
''(Several hours later.)''<br />
'''Person A:''' Okay, I wasn't ''that'' interested. }}
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* [[Twilight (novel)|Edward Cullen]] takes a whole chapter (the infamous meadow scene) to explain vampire lore to Bella.
* In a clunky bit of writing in ''[[Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows]]'', Harry is running down a list of things at Voldemort's command and despite the fact that ''no one asked for any clarification on the word'', he says:
{{quote| '''Harry:''' ...and Inferi - that is, dead bodies animated by a dark wizard...}}
** Although that may have been helpful considering he was trying to impress on the Dursleys exactly how scary Voldemort really is. What would scare you more, a nonsense word you don't know the meaning of (which sounds a little like "fairy") or an ''animated corpse controlled by dark magic?''