Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG: Difference between revisions

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* [[Non-Lethal KO]]: Applies not just to your party members, but also to your enemies as well (unless otherwise dictated by the plot). Though unlike your party, enemies can't revive each other.
** The Angel Halo presumably causes this, as in the previous game.
* [[Not Me This Time]]: Invoked upon first-timers of Paradox that completed the original MGQ Trilogy. Most might expect that most events occurs as they did in the original MGQ Trilogy, to varying degrees of reaction. For instance, expecting {{spoiler|Alma Elma}} being the one causing the storm between the sea section of the Ilias and Sentora continents? {{spoiler|Sorry, wrong number pal.}}
* [[Notice This]]: Places that you should investigate are marked with sparkles.
* [[One Hit KO]]: There are four types of instant death in the game: 'normal' Instant Death, Ascension, Climax, and Predation.