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May overlap with [[Not So Invincible After All]]. Contrast with [[Mundane Utility]], where something exotic is used to solve something mundane, and [[Weaksauce Weakness]], where a no less powerful individual gets strange weaknesses or power. A favored tool of the [[Combat Pragmatist]]. [[Cut the Juice]] is one particular example of this, as is [[Cutting the Knot]] (the weakness of string is a sharp blade!). [[Percussive Maintenance]] is a subtrope. See also [[Depleted Phlebotinum Shells]], when the weakness is weaponized. Related to [[Muggles Do It Better]].
<!-- Go ahead and post examples that aren't Weaksauce Weakness. -->
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== Comic Books ==
* Similar to the ''[[Smallville]]'' example below, [[Superman]] shuts down [[Psycho Electro|Livewire]] by simply getting her wet enough so she ends up short-circuiting herself. Then there's the rubber suit he put on to prevent her from zapping him and Parasite from leeching his powers for a two-for-one deal.
* In [[The Sandman|The Sandman: Endless Nights]], the people in a castle bar [[Death]] from entering their home with a magic gate, rendering themselves immortal as long as they stay inside. After trying for about two hundred years to get in, Death (who is an attractive [[Perky Goth]]) asks an off-duty soldier for help. Not knowing who she is, but smitten and eager to impress the pretty girl asking him for help, he tears down the gate with brute force.
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== Film ==
* In ''[[Evolution (film)|Evolution]]'' the aliens are killed by Selenium. Found in shampoo.
* In the movie ''[[Star Trek: First Contact]]'', Captain Picard uses a ([[Hard Light]]) Thompson submachine gun to kill the Borg who are immune to the advanced phaser weapons the Federation normally uses.
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* In ''[[Casino Royale]]'', Bond chases a crook who uses acrobatic [[Le Parkour]] to navigate obstacles quickly. Bond doesn't have these kinds of skills, so he uses ingeniously mundane solutions, such as simply smashing through a wall instead of bounding over it.
* ''[[Johnny English Reborn]]'' parodies the classic spy film on foot chase scene with this. While the Vortex agent uses quick parkour movements and dramatic acrobatics to escape, English non-chalantly uses the stairs, elevator, shimmies through a gap on a roof and opens a fence door that the agent leaped over to keep up, and catches him in the end.
== Literature ==
* In the story ''Count Beet'', the Count, an [[Dishing Out Dirt|earth spirit]], can turn beets into whatever items he wishes, or even people, for as long as the life in the beet lasts. The princess he captured and wishes to marry eventually hits on the perfect plan of escape: She tells him she wants a huge wedding with all manner of attendees and decorations, and to that end must know ''exactly'' how many beets the Count has in his garden. While he's busy counting... and re-counting... and re-counting... she simply walks out.
* Very common in the ''[[Discworld]]'' novels, especially where the witches are concerned. The primary example would be Magrat's magic wand in ''[[Discworld/Witches Abroad|Witches Abroad]]'': Magrat has a great many ceremonial athames, covered in filigre and runes and whatnot. Eventually she learns that the most magical knife is the reeeeelly old breadknife that not only can perform all the magical rituals the athame can, but also cut bread.
** The primary example would be Magrat's magic wand in ''[[Witches Abroad]]'': Magrat has a great many ceremonial athames, covered in filigree and runes and whatnot. Eventually she learns that the most magical knife is the reeeeelly old breadknife that not only can perform all the magical rituals the athame can, but also cut bread.
** In the early Rincewind book ''[[Discworld/Sourcery|Sourcery]]'', [[Tyke Bomb]] Coin, the eighth son of a wizard and thus a Sourcerer (a wizard squared, and the reason wizards aren't allowed to get any) not only wields unstoppable magical power greater than anyone else alive but causes a huge rush of magical power to every other wizard on the Disc. Result: impending replay of the hugely destructive Mage Wars. How does Rincewind, self-professed [[Dirty Coward]] and the worst wizard in the world, if not ever, handle this? {{spoiler|He takes the kid on with a half-brick in a sock. It's so patently ridiculous that Coin, for the first time ever, ignores his psychotic late father's order to kill the potential threat, because Rincewind looks so utterly harmless and funny to Coin. The giggles stop when Rinso makes his [[Tear Jerker]] [[Heroic Sacrifice]] at the very end to save Coin from the monsters the boy had attracted from the Dungeon Dimension... still with half-brick sock in hand.}}
** It's mentioned repeatedly throughout the books that being being a wizard or being a witch is all about ''not'' using magic even though you could and instead relying on mundane solutions, because the magical solution will [[Equivalent Exchange|eventually come with a price tag]], and it'll be a bill you can't afford to pay.
** Granny doesn't always get it right; in ''[[Discworld/Wyrd Sisters|Wyrd Sisters]]'', she uses her most powerful Headology on [[Lady Macbeth|the Duchess]] to make her see herself the way she really is, and is shocked when it has no effect. At which point Nanny Ogg hits the Duchess over the head with a cauldron. And in ''[[Discworld/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]'', she spends some time Borrowing to find out what's been happening while they were away, and learns that a group of girls are going up to the Dancers. Nanny, meanwhile, has learnt exactly who they are by just asking her son what's going on.
* In a case similar to the [[The Wonderful Wizard of Oz|Wicked Witch of the West]], in [[Patricia C. Wrede]]'s ''[[Enchanted Forest Chronicles]]'', wizards can be dissolved by soapy lemon water. It is found out that lemon juice is a necessary ingredient. (The wizards do come back eventually, though.)
* In Raymond E. Feist's ''The King's Buccaneer'', Nakor and Anthony confront the Lady Clovis, a very powerful sorceress. Nakor tricks her into erecting very powerful anti-magic defenses, at which point he defeats her by throwing pepper at her then hitting her with a bag of apples.
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* In ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', Gandalf tries to open the gate to Moria for many hours with spells, etc., until he realizes to actually do exactly what the inscription on the gate reads, which is to say the elvish word for "friend". Once Gandalf utters the words, the gate starts to open. (In the film version, it's Frodo who comes up with the solution.)
== Live -Action TV ==
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'': The team's minds were [[Freaky Friday Flip|swapped around]] by a device that can exchange minds, but not exchange them back between the same two people. They overcame this by playing "musical chairs" with each other's bodies until everyone was back in the right place.
** Another episode has Carter, an Ascended Daniel, and Jonas Quinn trying to figure out how to open a secret chamber to find an artifact. Daniel and Jonas look around for clues until Carter, noting how they don't have much time, tells them to get out of the way and blasts the compartment open with her P90.
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* In ''[[Supernatural]]'', {{spoiler|The greatest challenge of season 7, the Leviathans,}} can be temporarily beaten by cleaning solvents containing borax. And decapitation after, but the Borax comes first.
** In season 6, [[The Fair Folk]] can be stalled by spilling grains of salt or sugar, that they compulsively have to count, as in the trope description.
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends ==
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]: In [[Greek Mythology]], King Gordias tied a cart to the gate of Persepolis with a knot that nobody could untie; prophecy said that whoever did untie this would become ruler of Persia. Alexander the Great is said to have solved the puzzle by [[Cutting the Knot|cutting through the knot with his sword]]. (Another account features Alexander merely removing the pin that held the knot and then untangling a little rope. A more thorough, yet no less mundane, solution suggests he fished out one or both ends of the rope and undid the knot correctly.)
* According to Japanese urban legend, if [[Glasgow Smile|Kuchisake-onna]] approaches and asks if you think she's pretty, answering no will get you slashed to pieces in a violent rage. Answering yes will get you slashed to pieces because the word she uses for "pretty" (kirei) is a near-homophone of a word meaning "to cut" (kire). [[Take a Third Option|Giving a neutral answer like "you're so-so" will confuse her into letting you go.]]
** Kuchisake-onna can also be [[Sweet Tooth|bribed with candy]]. Or, in most recent versions of the story, [[Politeness Judo|you can excuse yourself and claim you're too busy to chat with her]].
== Tabletop Games ==
* In ''[[Mage: The Ascension]]'', magic is indeed impressive given enough prep time, but mages taken by surprise tend to be in big trouble, being simple humans with none of the unique physical powers most other supernatural creatures have (vampires, werewolves, demons). That's why having a gun, sword or baseball bat with you always pays off.
* In [[D20 Modern]], there are classes of monsters that are tougher than the standard monster manual fare; to balance the fact that they are functionally invulnerable, they also have a table of unusual [[Weaksauce Weakness]]es, ranging from 'the laughter of children' to 'Elvis memorabilia'.
== Mythology ==
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]: In [[Greek Mythology]], King Gordias tied a cart to the gate of Persepolis with a knot that nobody could untie; prophecy said that whoever did untie this would become ruler of Persia. Alexander the Great is said to have solved the puzzle by [[Cutting the Knot|cutting through the knot with his sword]]. (Another account features Alexander merely removing the pin that held the knot and then untangling a little rope. A more thorough, yet no less mundane, solution suggests he fished out one or both ends of the rope and undid the knot correctly.)
* According to Japanese urban legend, if [[Glasgow Smile|Kuchisake-onna]] approaches and asks if you think she's pretty, answering no will get you slashed to pieces in a violent rage. Answering yes will get you slashed to pieces because the word she uses for "pretty" (kirei) is a near-homophone of a word meaning "to cut" (kire). [[Take a Third Option|Giving a neutral answer like "you're so-so" will confuse her into letting you go.]]
** Kuchisake-onna can also be [[Sweet Tooth|bribed with candy]]. Or, in most recent versions of the story, [[Politeness Judo|you can excuse yourself and claim you're too busy to chat with her]].
== Video Games ==
* The [[Big Bad]] of the Gamecube ''[[Custom Robo]]'', Rahu, {{spoiler|was at first a shapeless, invisible force of destruction that sought to annihilate everything and [[You Will Be Assimilated|adapt their abilities and traits to its own.]]}} At one point it comes across a Robo, which in those days was nothing more than a ''children's toy''. {{spoiler|When Rahu took on the power of the Robo, it took on its form and became tangible, allowing the humans to fight it and, eventually, [[Sealed Evil in a Can|seal it.]]}}
* In the original ''[[Paper Mario]]'' there was a chest in Shy Guy's Toy Box containing a badge that was guarded by Anti Guy, who would let you have the treasure if you gave him a Lemon Candy. This is generally easier than fighting him since he's [[Boss in Mook Clothing|ridiculously strong]].
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* In [[Psychonauts]], mental inefficiency is actually cleaned up with a cobweb duster. It helps that they're [[Literal Metaphor|literally "mental cobwebs"]].
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'' had Gil attempting to catch Zeetha with a [[Telescoping Robot|cage clank]]. Said clank missed, and went on a rampage trying to catch ''something''. After everybody else failed to defeat it using various means, Krosp checks with Gil to be sure that the clank will not hurt whatever it catches, then tosses a little girl into the robot and lets it capture her. Having achieved its objective, the bot promptly settles down and simply sits there, with the little girl happily inside.
{{quote|Little girl: "Yay! Hey Mamma! I'm inna show!"}}
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'''Sparks:''' No, you've already ruined the fun. }}
* In ''[[The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob]],'' after the [[Space Pirates]] of Ipecac have gone to a great deal of trouble to steal some [[Unobtainium]] called borfomite on a distant planet, they realize they have to combine it with plain Earth ''caramel'' to make it power their BFG. This is ''far'' from the only example, as part of Bob's shtick is his knack for hitting upon simple solutions to bizarre problems.
* The ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' took a page out of [[Team Fortress 2|the Engineer's]] book and used a gun ([[Medieval Fantasy|or bow, rather]]) to solve the [[Knights and Knaves]] problem in [ this] strip.
* When the [[Hyperspace Mallet|clue hammers]] in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' were shut down, Susan was suddenly deprived of her habitual method of dealing with [ inappropriate comments]. Enter [ Catalina Bobcat] with a toy hammer...
{{quote|'''Nerd boys''': ''Ow! The plastic, it hurts!''}}
* ''[[Xkcdxkcd]]'' [ tells us how to beat cryptography in the kneecap.]
** Also known as [[wikipedia:Rubber-hose cryptanalysis|rubber-hose cryptanalysis]]. For obvious reasons, this method is unfit for gathering court-admissible evidence.
* ''[[Bigger Than Cheeses]]'' mocked the difference between [[Hollywood Hacking|the way Hollywood stops hackers]], and [ the way] you ''should'' stop them.<ref>Emphasis on "you". There are occasions when the cure is worse than the disease, but any computer unimportant enough that you're allowed to read [[TV Tropes]] on it probably isn't going to be part of them.</ref>
* In ''[[The Adventures of Dr. McNinja]]'', Gordito dealt with Victor, [[Most Definitely Not a Villain|an obvious villain claiming to be a plumber]], by hiring another plumber and firing Victor.
== Web OriginalsOriginal ==
* In ''[[Journey Quest]]'', Perf demonstrates a terribly simple solution to an enemy mage. {{spoiler|He hits him in the head with a rock, causing a [[Critical Failure|spell backfire]] to roast the enemy.}}
== Web Originals ==
* In [[Journey Quest]] Perf demonstrates a terribly simple solution to an enemy mage. {{spoiler|He hits him in the head with a rock, causing a [[Critical Failure|spell backfire]] to roast the enemy.}}
* In [[]]'s ''After Hours'', they point out that that muggles had just known about [[Harry Potter|Voldemort]], we would have solved the problem by simply blowing him up.
{{quote|'''Katie:''' But he has unlimited dark magical powers!
'''Michael:''' Yeah, that he has to aim through a wand! We can fire a thousand missiles. From space. With iPhones. }}
== Western Animation ==
* In [[The Venture Bros]], one of Doctor Venture's actual good inventions over the run of the show was an impenetrable force field. Unfortunately, he gets stuck on the inside with the president, a broken control switch and no way to get what was needed to fix it. Throughout the episode, the White House maid touted the cleaning power of club soda. It turns out to be the only thing that can break up the force field.
** Child, a little club soda can get out ''anything.''
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