My Girl Is a Slut: Difference between revisions

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* Many of [[John Donne]]'s poems and essays are about how wonderful women are who sleep around. Seeing as how this is John Donne, (see [[Unreliable Narrator]]) it's difficult to tell whether he was being serious or sarcastic. Throughout history, people have argued both ways.
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Saving Grace|]]'': Grace Hanadarko]], oh my. At one point an attorney digs up every guy Grace slept with over the summer and drags them into the police station. Grace remarks that they'd have to get a new building if he dug up the fall and winter guys too.
* Belle on ''[ Bedtime Stories]''.
* Samantha Jones on ''[[Sex and the City]]''
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{{quote|Barney: "Girls whose names end in -ly are always dirty. Holly, Kelly, Lily..."
Marshall: "Hey! That's... no, that's true." }}
== [[Music]] ==