My Hostage, Not Yours/Awesome: Difference between revisions

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** At one point, {{spoiler|Iggins}} attempts to confront Zim in an empty auditorium, by carrying out the cliche of revealing himself when Zim enters the darkened room and turns on the lights. However, Zim has excellent night vision, easily spots {{spoiler|Iggins}}, and sneaks up on him in order to blindside him.
*** At the same time this is happening, Gaz is fighting an assassin sent by {{spoiler|Iggins}}, who actually manages to hold her own against her. At least until Gaz realizes Zim is in danger, at which point she finishes the fight quickly.
** During the climax, Gaz manages to break free of the [[Big Bad]]'s {{spoiler|[[Mind Control Device]]}}, and proceeds to unleash such a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] on him that {{spoiler|Iggins is left catatonic, and has to be institutionalized}}. This really should be a [[Moral Event Horizon]]... but after everything he put her and her loved ones through in the story, it was so very [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|satisfying]] to read.
* ''My Hostage, Not Yours 3: The Inevitable Takeover'':
** During the battle of Washington, Zim and Gaz put up a great fake fight in order to boost [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity|Gaz's public image]]. But what's really impressive is that while this is going on, [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome|Dib is fighting GIR]], who's in a [[Humongous Mecha]], and somehow tricks him into triggering the mech's [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]]. The resulting explosion consumes our protagonists, only for Zim to protect them with a forcefield, and the two even have time for [[Big Damn Kiss]] in the process. It's one of those things you have to read yourself to get the full effect of.
** Gaz's [[Hannibal Lecture]] to Dib during her interrupted wedding.
** The "demonstration" the Tallest ask for from Gaz. She takes on some sort of alien beast in an arena, and defeats it without much effort. In fact, the only time she's wounded during the match it's because she gets cocky, allowing the animal a lucky shot.