My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/The Mane Cast: Difference between revisions

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<!-- %% LOOK CAREFULLY: If it happens to multiple characters in only one episode, you could put the trope in that episode's recap in the Episode Guide. -->
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The [[Fan Nickname|Mane Six]]. These are our heroines. From trying to get along at a slumber party to [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|defeating]] [[Physical God|Physical Gods]] of darkness and chaos, these girls overcome just about any obstacle with the [[Power of Friendship|Magic of their Friendship]]. They're cute. They're awesome. They're the embodiment of the Elements of Harmony and they're here to Love & Tolerate the crap out of you.
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** Rainbow Dash is this in [[Hero Worshipper|Scootaloo's]] eyes although this is also averted by [[Word of God]] who says that she probably wouldn't be the best big sister in the world.
*** She does get moments of this towards Fluttershy in later episodes however.
<!-- %% The Cool Horse trope applies only to horses that exist primarily to provide fast transportation for their owners. A Cool Horse is an accessory, like the High Fantasy equivalent of a Cool Car. The ponies in this show are characters unto themselves, and while they have been pulled vehicles or transported others, that is not their most defining trait. -->
* [[Cool Pet]]: All of the main characters have one. [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/Animal Companions|See here for info on them]].
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: They all have their moments of this with Twilight Sparkle being the most prominent.
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** [[The Lancer]]: Rainbow Dash
** [[The Big Guy|The Big Girl]]: Applejack
** [[The Chick]]: Rarity and Pinkie Pie
** [[The Heart]]: Fluttershy
** [[Kid Appeal Character]]: Pinkie Pie
* [[Town Girls]]: The six form this type of trio x2. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are the tomboys, Rarity and Fluttershy are the girly girls. Pinkie and Twilight are the in betweens.
* [[True Companions]]: Despite their differences, it's clear they have a strong bond between them with it growing stronger throughout the series.
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** And has an even more ''psychotic'' one over the course of "Lesson Zero".
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Despite her history of not socializing by choice, she reveals in "Look Before You Sleep" that she's dreamed about throwing the perfect slumber party and is innocently enthusiastic about getting the chance to try her very first one. This being Twilight, she even has a guide to ensure she does everything by the book.
<!-- %% Mod Note: Twilight does not have a Hime Cut. Her hair style is only two lengths and she lacks the needed ear tails. Do not add the trope back. -->
* [[Humble Hero|Humble Heroine]]: Wants nothing to do with being associated with the greatness of her deeds. Rather she wants to be viewed as an ordinary unicorn unlike her [[Shadow Archetype]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/Antagonists|Trixie]].
** This also makes her a great [[Foil]] to Rainbow Dash.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: In the first two episodes, Twilight eventually brings peace to the ponies representing night and day. Twilight is the time when night and day briefly intersect. Additionally the book on the Elements of Harmony talk about a "spark" needed to ignite their power; this ends up being Twilight '''Spark'''le.
* [[Mind Over Matter]]: And a particularly strong telekinetic too. She can simultaneously levitate a humongous bear ''and'' a huge water tower.
* [[MotifsMotif]]: She tends to be associated with stars.
** [[Symbol Motif Clothing]]: Her dress for Grand Galloping Gala has many stars on it.
* [[Mr. Vice Guy|Ms. Vice Gal]]: Normally even-tempered but Twilight does sometimes have problems with being grouchy and dismissive when something's bugging her. She also has an insensitive streak.
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* [["Well Done, Son" Guy|"Well Done, Student" Girl]]: Her relationship with Princess Celestia has some definite shades of this. Twilight obviously idolizes Celestia and desperately seeks her approval though Celestia's approval is not nearly as conditional as Twilight thinks it is.
* [[When She Smiles]]: Double Subverted, as Twilight ''does'' smile a decent amount, but when she's genuinely happy it really stands out.
<!-- %% WholesomeCrossdresser is addressed on the Luna Eclipsed page. -->
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: If ''Winter Wrap-up'' is anything to go by, she is terrified of snakes.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Well...she's a young adult but she has been shown to be much more effective at leading than the elderly mayor of Ponyville.
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* [[Aborted Arc]]: Attempts to give Spike a [[Catch Phrase]] ("Holy Guacamole!") in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" [[Let Us Never Speak of This Again|have mysteriously vanished]].
* [[Adaptational Heroism]]: While he has plenty of heroic roles and traits in the cartoon itself, the comics tend to play up Spike's kinder, gentler and braver aspects. He's lead a surprising number of charges against evil, and even fought in some major battles side-by-side his friends.
** Zigzagged however. Generally speaking, if a comic doesn't play up his more heroic attributes, they tend to play up his rude/vain/selfish/cowardly side a lot more. In some cases, he's still a heroic-in-nature person but basically useless when anything actually happens, like in the ''My Little Pirate: Friendship Ahoy!'' storyline.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: He has a major crush on Rarity who seems to either not notice this or not care. She never shows any indication she could imagine getting together with him nor of being bothered by the notion and wanting to reject it. Unless she's being really blind to his obvious feelings, it probably has something to do with how the only reason they are even remotely the same ''size'' is because he's still a child or the fact that [[Precocious Crush|he's still a child]].
** This status quo is demolished at the climax of "Secret of My Excess" when Spike finally confesses his feelings to Rarity. {{spoiler|Not only did she know all along, she was deeply moved.}}
* [[All There in the Manual]]: According to [[Word of God|Lauren Faust]] it was Princess Celestia who raised Spike and taught him how to magically send messages. Apparently Ponies know very little about dragons and have never seen a baby one before which is why Celestia decided to take the challenge of raising one herself.
** Possibly [[Subverted]] though, as [[Word of God|Lauren]] had said that this was just a concept that was never actually added to the show yet. So the writers may change his backstory.
** This was more or less retconned in ''Friendship is Magic'' #40, where it showed that while Celestia did raise Spike, it was only for a few months and Twilight pretty much did the rest.
* [[Always Someone Better]]: His initial view on Owloysius.
* [[Audience Surrogate]]: Sometimes ends up getting pulled into the girls' adventures against his will and then ends up enjoying it all in spite of himself. [[Periphery Demographic|Clearly some of us are meant to relate.]]
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Never come between him and Twilight or disrespect Rarity while he's around.
* [[Big Eater]]: Spike will eat almost anything and everything. He's got a ''lot'' of growing to do after all.
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Surprisingly, Spike has done this ''in spades''.
** Spike personally lead the charge against the Diamond Dogs in order to save Rarity, eve though it was revealed she didn't need saving, it was still heroic of him.
** During the ''Nightmare Rarity'' arc, {{spoiler|even after being thrown across the horizon to a distant part of the moon, Spike didn't hesitate to march all the way up to Nightmare's castle to save Rarity and his friends.}}
** Spike has personally helped save the Crystal Empire on two major occasions, leading the kingdom to consider him a celebrity and deemed him "Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious". {{spoiler|He was even willing to throw away his status as a hero in order to protect his friend, Thorax.}}
** During the time when he teamed up with Princess Luna to discover who was causing fires in Fillydephia, {{spoiler|he tracked down the actual culprit (an innocent "fire snail"), managed to save the dragons of Dragon Town from segregation and organized a team of dragons to save countless ponies from the fires.}}
** When he and Zeocra teamed up to save Ponyville from a mysterious disease, he managed to {{spoiler|track down what was causing it and organized a team of Canterlot doctors to save everyone.}}
** At the end of the comic story ''Guardians of Harmony'', {{spoiler|Spike managed to convince Twilight to let him drink a magic potion that let him grow to the size of an adult dragon and ''effortlessly defeat Queen Chrysalis and the entire Changeling army'' by himself. Even cooler when you realize he previously couldn't control his "giant form" at all.}}
** During ''Wings over Yakyakistan'', {{spoiler|Spike's insight and critical thinking skills managed to stop a war between Dragons and Yaks (and possibly Ponies) and allowed the two races to grow closer.}}
* [[Big No]]: He does this after his plan backfires in "A Dog and Pony Show".
* [[Bizarre Alien Biology]]: Normally understated but [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E10 Secret of My Excess|"Secret of My Excess"]] emphasizes that Spike's got some serious physical quirks compared to most creatures that ponies deal with.
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* [[Dogged Nice Guy]]: To Rarity.
** {{spoiler|After the events of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E10 Secret of My Excess|Secret of My Excess]], it's shown that she does know about his crush, but sees him as the sweet little kid he is. Although one must wonder who made that Rarity shirt from "Green Isn't Your Color" in the first place. }}
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: Goes through some cases of this, especially since he does '''A LOT''' of work for the girls, with not too many thanks from them (this is [[Subverted]] only in Owl's Well That Ends Well), and is even mysteriously absent at many of their parties, or adventures. As proven a few times though, Twilight is very grateful to have him around, [[Innocently Insensitive|even if she doesn't always make it apparent]]. It's been shown a few times that the other girls do love and respect Spike to, in their own way.
* [[Eat Dirt Cheap]]: His favorite food is gemstones.
* [[Era Specific Personality]]: G1 Spike was less sarcastic (and in the original pilot was an antagonist before receiving a [[Heel Face Turn]]) while G3 Spike was a 1000 year old [[Stuffy Brit]].
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* [[For Halloween I Am Going as Myself]]: What costume does he wear on Nightmare Night? A dragon costume. [[Sarcasm Mode|Real original]].
* [[Fun Size]]: He's TINY compared to an adult dragon. He could fit in its palm and bring several friends. "The Cutie Mark Chronicles", "Secret of My Excess", and "Dragon Quest" all VERY strongly indicate that Spike will eventually grow to a massive size.
** In the comic story ''Guardians of Harmony'', {{spoiler|Spike used a potion to briefly became an adult and was absolutely massive, though still much smaller than most adult dragons.}}
{{quote|'''Pinkie Pie:''' Little Spikey-wikey! Who knew that big ferocious dragons started out so cutesy-wootsey?}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: He immediately recognizes that Twilight Sparkle's [[Freak-Out]] in "Lesson Zero" will end badly and tries to take steps before it gets too out of hand.
* [[Good Parents]]: Sort of. In a comic story where Spike had to raise an entire species by himself, he didn't do a very good job at it but tried his best and instilled them with good morals, causing the chaotic species to grow compassionate and caring of others.
* [[Greater Need Than Mine]]: He gives Rarity his Fire Ruby that he's been saving for month for his birthday dinner all so she can be happy.
* [[Greed]]: Dragons have an innate predisposition to this fault. Spike doesn't normally show it but excessive gifts can trigger this in him.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Captain Obvious|He's called Spike because he has spikes.]]
* [[Meta Guy]]: He seems to be the only character thus far to [[Canon|canonically]] be aware of the audience (and possibly even the creators of the show) despite [[Fanon]] about Pinkie Pie.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Spike is generally a kind-hearted, sweet, gentle and caring guy. In ''Equestria Girls'', Spike was quick to jump to Human!Fluttershy's aid when she was being bullied by Sunset Shimmer and has gone through great lengths to make sure Twilight, Rarity and his other friends are happy.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Spike seems to have a thing for sweet headgear. Apparently the Animators like putting stuff on his head [[Rule of Funny|because it's funny]].
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Takes this role in "Bridle Gossip" when he comes up with clever nicknames for the girls after they've been affected by the poison joke.
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* [[You Need a Breath Mint]]: According to Twilight, Spike's breath always stinks.
** Brimstone, or sulfur, a common ingredient of dragon fire, smells like rotten eggs.
== Applejack ==
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* [[The Cat Came Back]]: One of her stranger abilities.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: [ "Okey dokey lokey."]
* [[Chocolate Baby|Chocolate Foal]]: Her mother is silver and her father is brown, but she came out pink.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Especially in episode 13, "Fall Weather Friends", where she doubles as a [[Cuckoolander Commentator]]:
{{quote|'''Spike:''' You know, Pinkie; these two ponies have a bit of a grudge match they're trying to settle, trying to prove who's the most athletic.
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* [[Good Feels Good]]: Pinkie genuinely feels her happiest when she makes other ponies happy, whether it be from a joke or from one of her many parties. Her [["I Am" Song]] [ "Smile Song"] establishes this beyond the shadow of a doubt.
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: Comes up most notably in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1/E05 Griffon the Brush Off|"Griffon the Brush-Off"]] where Gilda insists that the party pranks were all part of Pinkie's secret plan to humiliate her.
* [[ChocolateHer BabyChild, but Not His|ChocolateHer Foal, but Not His]]: Her mother is silver and her father is brown, but she came out pink.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: "Party Of One" shows that if she ever feels betrayed and alone, she will perform an emotional 180 and become a recluse. Quite impressive seeing as how until this point, she was probably the flattest character in the mane cast.
** "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" implies that this is actually her original pre-Sonic-Rainboom personality; care of a [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture|Fantasy Counterpart Puritan]] upbringing on a '''Rock Farm'''.
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* [[Rhymes on a Dime]]: Not as frequently as Zecora, but Pinkie still likes to rhyme a lot... especially when she's singing.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
* [[Round Bushy Hair]]
* [[Rule of Funny]]: See [[Inexplicably Awesome]], above, and [[Super Speed]] below.
* [[Sad Clown]]: Pinkie Pie is the Element Of Laughter, and near perpetually bubbly and cheerful. Take that happiness away from her however and the reaction is rather depressing.
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** Something of a variation. Most of their closeness as adults comes from being pegasi and Cloudsdale natives, but as children, it's unclear whether they even knew each other's names.
* [[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Especially in the episode "The Mysterious Mare Do Well".
* [[Closet Geek]]: Of ''[[Just for Fun/Daring Do/Just For Fun|Daring Do]]'' briefly during "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E16 Read It and Weep|Read It and Weep]]." By the end of the episode, she comes out of the closet, [[Continuity Nod|and is seen reading it during]] "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E18 A Friend in Deed|A Friend In Deed.]]"
* [[Color-Coded Characters]] / [[Color Motif]]: She spends a lot of time flying in the sky so naturally she's blue.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: During the fight with the changelings, Rainbow Dash protects Fluttershy by pretending to be a changeling so she could blindside them before they could attack. She also shows hints of this in "Over a Barrel".
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* [[Cool Helmet]]: Wears one while playing Commander Hurricane in "Hearth's Warming Eve".
* [[Cool Shades]]: Wears a pair in "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E03 Lesson Zero|Lesson Zero]]", "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E07 May the Best Pet Win|May the Best Pet Win!]]" and "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E08 The Mysterious Mare Do Well|The Mysterious Mare Do Well]]".
** She wears more in [[The Merch]]. The ''[ Fashion Style Rainbow Dash]'' toy and the ''[ About To] [ Get Magical]'', ''[ Rainbow] [ Juice]'', ''[ Mane Six]''{{Dead &link}} and ''[ Scootaloo and Dash]'' shirts show her wearing different pairs while the ''Radicalness'' [ shirt] & [ hoodie]{{Dead link}} and ''EQD Pony Party'' [ shirt]{{Dead link}} show her wearing the same pair from the show.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Not as much so as Twilight Sparkle but still noticeable.
{{quote|''(When they were preparing to climb a tall mountain and Rarity took out her scarf...)''
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** She's also an expy of the G3 and G3.5 Rainbow Dash (who by the way was a plain and girly Earth Pony).
** Rainbow Dash is also the Mane Character with the most obvious parallel among the [[Powerpuff Girls]] (her fellow tomboy [[Cute Bruiser|Buttercup]]).
<!-- %% The part with Sonic the Hedgehog has been moved to the YMMV page under CounterpartComparison. If it seems like a coincidence, it goes there. -->
* [[Face Palm|Facehoof]]: Has over time become a signature move of Rainbow Dash. Mostly directed at Fluttershy or Rarity.
* [[Failure Is the Only Option]]: No matter what impossible feats of aerial speed or agility she accomplishes, no matter how many members she meets and befriends and no matter how many times she helps save the world, Rainbow Dash will never achieve her stated ultimate goal of joining the least not in any meaningful fashion as doing so would preclude her from being able to adventure around with the other Mane Cast members on a regular basis.
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* [[Vocal Dissonance]]: In the Brazilian dub, her voice sounds male (she's still referred to as female though). Mind you, she's still voiced by a woman in this version, albeit one with a rather low-pitched voice. Probably they cast this way to make Dash sound more tomboyish. Her original voice isn't the most recognisably female one around, either.
* [[Weather Control Machine|Weather Control Pony]]: Her occupation is controlling Ponyville's weather.
* [[Wolverine Publicity]]: Not only has she inherited Firefly's personality but she seems to have inherited this trope as well. She shows up on almost [,3,5=n&p=1 every single official t-shirt] and was the focus of hyping up "Cutie Mark Chronicles", a popular episode expanding on the mane cast's backstory.
** [ The Wall Street Journal agrees.]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have A Rainbow Mane]]
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* [[The Fashionista]]: Played with in that Rarity is never seen gushing about shopping or poring over fashion magazines. Instead she's written as a (somewhat haughty) artist whose medium happens to be clothes. And when she's making clothing, her demeanor changes entirely: She's overjoyed to be in her element and won't stop or cut corners until the customer has ''exactly'' what they want no matter how hard she has to work.
** This was a specific intention by [[Word of God]] to satisfy Hasbro's desire to have clothes to accessorize the toys while still providing a completely counter character to the stereotype: "[ We portray her not as a shopaholic but as an artist.]"
** The [[Expanded Universe]], having [[Depending on the Writer|different writers]], does occasionally give her an interest in shopping. In [[The Hub]]'s game ''[ Adventures in Ponyville]'', one of the problems she needs help with is that she was overloaded with sweets while shopping at Sugarcube Corner and forgot to pay for some that she had already eaten. And in the ''Sparkle World'' [[Tie-in Novel|story]] ''Rain, Rain Go Away!'', she goes shopping with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and even says "I love shopping!"
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Four-Temperament Ensemble]]: Melancholic: work-focused and obsessed with detail.
* [[A Friend in Need]]: While she might stray every now and then ("Sonic Rainboom"), nothing will stop her from helping her friends when they are in need.
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* [[Large Ham]]: She tends to get pretty hammy when she goes into histrionics.
** This is taken [[Up to Eleven]] in the episode "Sonic Rainboom".
{{quote|'''Rarity:''' Look upon me, Equestria for [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|I. AM. RARITY!]]}}
** And in "Lesson Zero"...
{{quote|'''Rarity:''' Of all the worst things that could happen, this is The. [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|WORST!]] [[Running Gag|POSSIBLE!!]] [[Memetic Mutation|THING!!!]]}}
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{{quote|'''Rarity''': '''ALRIGHT I ADMIT IT! I WEAR FALSE EYELASHES!!''' {{spoiler|.... oh and I also took a bite of the cake.}}}}
* [[Light Feminine and Dark Feminine]]: Being vain (though not quite as much so as she seems), Rarity represents the "dark" half in comparison to Fluttershy.
<!-- %% Rarity is not an Alpha Bitch, Loveable or otherwise. -->
* [[Master of Illusion]]: Of a mundane sort. She creates some fairly impressive special effects for her second fashion show in "Suited for Success".
* [[Married to the Job]]
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* [[Tsurime Eyes]]: Highlighted by her blue eyeshadow.
* [[Twitchy Eye]]: Whenever she gets stressed.
* [[Unkempt Beauty]]: Rarity is one of the cleanest and prettiest ponies around but she [ also manages to look great while dripping wet.]{{Dead link}}
* [[Unlimited Wardrobe]]: Has a wide assortment of pretty dresses, hats and accessories, all self-designed.
* [[Vain Sorceress]]: Rarity's pride and obsession with her appearance combined with her magical abilities sometimes borders on this description.
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** She will not let "That...big...dumb...MEANIE!!", a.k.a. Discord, win {{spoiler|, even if it means having to outfly Rainbow Dash (who from what we've seen so far is the fastest flyer in the country) while towing two other ponies in a hot-air balloon}}.
** She stares down a cockatrice that is using its [[Taken for Granite|gaze attack]] to turn her to stone. [[Beyond the Impossible|And it works!]]
* [[Era Specific Personality]]: G4 Fluttershy is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|very shy]]. G3 Fluttershy was an earth pony and a [[PunA Worldwide Punomenon|shutterfly]], basically making her an earlier Photo Finish. Let that simmer for a moment.
* [[Even the Girls Want Her]]: Much to her dismay in "Green Isn't Your Color".
* [[Expy]]: Of G1's Posey, sharing her coloring, mane style and elements of her personality.
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* [[Your Answer to Everything]]: "Uh... panic?"
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