My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''I... actually kinda like this. [[Just Here for Godzilla|Don't really care about what's going on,]] but it has decently timed gags, [[Awesome Art|fluid motion,]] voice acting that doesn't make me cringe. I'm scared, /co/. Hold me.''|The first brony? From the [[Image Boards|4chan/co/]] [ thread] (kinda NSFW) that's regarded as the beginning of the fandom. ([ Found here.])}}
{{quote|''And so ends Part 1, with our main protagonist descending into what appears to be the fire depths of Hell itself.''
''[[Sarcasm Mode|Yep. Definitely a show only for little girls.]]''|'''[[Tropers/K 9 Thefirst 1|K9Thefirst1]]'', Youtube comment on the end of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1]]}}