My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E07 May the Best Pet Win: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT: 2012-07-01, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* [[Art Evolution]]: Applejack's freckles no longer disappear as she runs.<ref>this happened in Season 1 due to animators screwing up when they created AJ's standard run cycle.</ref>
** Fluttershy pawing at the ground when nervous is nothing new, but the small clouds of dust she kicks up are.
** The ponies sport expressions that they never had in the first season, although one in particular seemed a bit… odd to some viewers. See [[Off -Model]], below.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: {{spoiler|Tank the tortoise}}.
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: Several of the pet candidates have abilities like this, such as the butterfly's hypnotic wings and the bat's echo.
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'''Applejack:''' ''Exactly!'' }}
* [[Burning Rubber]]: Rainbow Dash does this at one point, leaving a trail of ''rainbow'' flames behind her.
* [[Call Back]]: "...[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E16 Sonic Rainboom|Yay]]?"
** Also all the pony pets besides Opal and Angel, as we haven't seen them in a while.
** In the starting dream sequence, Rainbow Dash's first reaction to Owlowiscious's hoot is "[[WhosWho's On First?|Who?]]"
** At the beginning of the song, we see the mallards from ''Griffon the Brush Off''.
** One of the outfits Rainbow Dash wears in the "Style Competition" includes Rarity's scarf from ''Dragonshy''.
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{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Rainbow Dash:''' But I said whoever crosses the finish line ''with'' me gets to be my pet.}}<br />
'''Pinkie Pie:''' You ''did''! You ''did'' say that! She ''did'' say that! That was the rule! }}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bees|Everything's Worse With Wasps]]: Averted. Fluttershy offers a wasp as a ''pet'' and it acts relatively benign.
* [[Expy]]: The tortoise to the one from "The Tortoise and the Hare." Both were not expected to win, but put forth [[The Determinator|their best effort anyway]], and this tenacity<ref>[[Gesundheit]]</ref> [[Underdogs Never Lose|paid off in the end]].
** However, in a bit of a twist, the tortoise in this episode doesn't actually win the race himself, but comes out on top in a different way.
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** All of the competitor pets demonstrate a large amount of intelligence, awareness and ability, such as the falcon displaying embarrassment when it was pointed out that he didn't come back to get Dash when she was caught under the avalanche; or the montage of the pet's attempts to impress her with fencing, knitting and so forth.
* [[Gesundheit]]
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' Today I learned what the most important quality ''really'' is: a certain kind of spirit, a [[Buffy -Speak|sticktoitiveness]]. A never-give-up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a ''real'' winner! {{spoiler|And this tortoise has it!}}<br />
'''Twilight:''' Tenacity!<br />
'''Rainbow Dash:''' Gesundheit. }}
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** [[Fridge Brilliance|Living with Twilight Sparkle has taught him]] that at any given moment Twilight can [[Super OCD|decide to prepare triple-redundant to-do lists]] or [[Once an Episode|dictate a letter to the Princess.]] [[Crazy Prepared|He's never been caught off-guard in this regard even once.]]
* [[The Hedge of Thorns]]: There is one in the Ghastly Gorge where the pets pass through.
* [[Hoist By His Own Petard|Hoist by Her Own Petard]]: Rainbow Dash's bragging while flying backwards causes the avalanche that traps her. [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E5 Griffon the Brush Off|You'd think Rainbow would have learned her]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)/Recap/S1 E21 Over a Barrel|lesson about not watching where she's flying.]]
* [[The Hypnotoad]]: The butterfly uses his wings to hypnotize Opalescence and easily snags away her toy while she's entranced.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]:
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* [[Insistent Terminology]]: It's a tortoise, not a turtle.
* [[Instant Bandages]]: The tortoise apparently not only lifted the rock but also gave Rainbow first aid.
* [["I Want" Song]]: Wanting a pet may not be as grand a scope as your usual [[Disney Princess]] song, but the duet does a wonderful job establishing all the remaining key plot points for the episode.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Rainbow Dash kicks a turtle!
** [[Insistent Terminology|Tortoise.]]
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* [[Loud Gulp]]: When "Coach" Rainbow Dash instructs the lineup of pets before the games, the pink flamingo gives one with the swallowing motion following all over the many bends and turns of his neck.
* [[Magitek]]: {{spoiler|Tank's helicopter rig}} at the end has the show's distinctive [[Power Glows|aura]] seen with magic.<ref>The color matches Princess Celestia's, though not necessarily on purpose. Solar powered, maybe?</ref>
* [[Meaningful Name]]: {{spoiler|Tank is named because he is "built like a tank," with his tenacity, determination, and [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?|his ability to]] [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|resist]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Opal's non-stop scratching]].}}
* [[Merchandise -Driven]]: Fans were quick to catch that the ''[ Riding Along with Rainbow Dash]'' toy comes with a turtle<ref>[[Running Gag|tortoise!]] (though this one actually is supposed to be a turtle)</ref>. In general, the pony toys come with pets, and Dash was the only "Mane Six" pony without one in the show. Until this one, of course.
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]: Opalescence gets these when the butterfly uses its wings to mesmerize her.
* [[Misplaced Wildlife]]: Fluttershy has an otter and a seal among the woodland critters she cares for. The otter might very well be a river otter, and thus have an excuse. The seal, however, has no excuse for its presence far from any ocean.
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** When Fluttershy "politely asks" Rainbow to let the tortoise compete, she ''shoves him into Rainbow's face.''
** Fluttershy does the same thing earlier during their duet when showing off the "puddy tat" at her house.
* [[Off -Model]]: Rainbow Dash is briefly animated without wings while lounging in a tree.
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: When the race begins, the flying competitors zoom ahead while the tortoise is left to look forlornly at the enormous drop in front of him. Given that he does eventually make it to the finish line, that means that he makes his way down to the gorge somehow, possibly by ''[[Made of Iron|just falling all the way down.]]''
** This would also extend to the fact that the tortoise makes it through all three obstacles (the windy tunnel, the briars, and the Quarray Eels) thanks to his shell and non-flying nature, and eventually gets to Rainbow Dash.
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* {{spoiler|[[Underdogs Never Lose]]}}
* [[The Voiceless]]: The monarch butterfly. He's the only contender who doesn't make any sort of noise ''at all'', not as much as a wing flap. Lampshaded by Rainbow Dash's "I can't hear you!"
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Awesome?]]: During the musical number, Fluttershy gives one pet a grand entrance, including fanfare, curtain rise, and a specially made stage for it to stand on. The pet in question? A squirrel--a flying squirrel, but a squirrel nonetheless. (This may be [[Biting the Hand Humor|a jab at the toy line]]; the basic ''[ Rainbow Dash]'' toy comes with a squirrel figurine.)
* [[What Do You Mean ItsIt's Not Heinous?]]: To Opal, taking her toy away from her is the worst thing you can do, and she makes sure everyone knows [[Cats Are Mean|the consequences]].
* [[Cape Snag|Wing Snag]]:
** A few of the competitors have trouble getting through the brambly section of Ghastly Gorge.
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{{quote| Today I learned what the most important quality really is; a certain kind of spirit; a [[Buffy -Speak|sticktoitiveness]]. A never-give-up, can-do attitude that's the mark of a real winner! And these tropers have it!<br />
Tenacity!<br />
[[Gesundheit]]. }}
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