My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2/E13 Hearth's Warming Eve: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Twilight Sparkle:''' I can't believe that Princess Celestia chose us to put on the most important play of the season! Do you guys know what an honor this is? For all of us?}}
{{quote| Written by Merriwether Williams}}
The episode begins with the main characters taking the Friendship Express Train to Canterlot, where they are performing in this year's Hearth's Warming Eve pageant. Despite some backstage bickering over an open window, the mane six quickly start the show...
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* [[Compressed Hair]]: Pinkie Pie somehow manages to keep her tail neatly stuffed inside her costume.
* [[Creation Myth]]: A variant; while the story enacted in the play does not detail the creation of the ''world'', real-life scholarship would recognise in it all the elements of a creation myth, much like it does in the ancient Roman myth about the founding of the city of Rome, to which the same observations apply. The play starts with an initial state of chaos and details how what is currently understood as the cosmos was created to replace it, at the same time giving mythological justification to current values and why they must be preserved to maintain the order of things. It's even (re-)enacted ritually, which is an important complement to mythological thinking in [[Real Life]].
{{quote| '''Spike''' (narrating): "It was a strange and dark time, a time when ponies were torn apart... by hatred."<br />
'''Audience''': [[GASP]]<br />
'''Spike''' (aside): "I know, can you believe it?" }}
* [[Crowd Song]]: Everypony joins in singing a holiday carol at the end of the play.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]:
** Smart Cookie to Chancellor Puddinghead.
{{quote| '''Puddinghead:''' I mean, how would we survive if I just suddenly shut up?<br />
'''Smart Cookie:''' Heaven forbid that should happen, your Chancellorship. }}
** Clover the Clever also has shades of this.
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* [[Fantasy Counterpart Culture]]: Pegasi, as usual, have a Greek bent to their architecture and garb. Their leader is also a commander, suggesting a militaristic culture reminiscent of ancient Sparta. Unicorns and earth ponies both borrow from medieval European cultures, although subtle class discrepancies can be seen between them (Earth ponies look like stereotypical [[Dung Ages]] peasants, while the unicorns can be described as a more romanticized High Middle Ages sort). The unicorn society may also be based off Athens and Ithaca for the earth ponies.
* [[Finish Dialogue in Unison]]
{{quote| '''Chancellor, Commander, and Princess:''' We must find a new land!}}
** And later...
{{quote| '''Chancellor, Commander, and Princess:''' We found our new home!}}
* [[Fisher King]]: If hatred spreads throughout the land, the Windigoes turn a communal version of this into an [[Enforced Trope]].
* [[Flat Joy]]: Fluttershy, as usual. "Woo hoo."
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* [[Go Out with a Smile]]: When the three assistants realize there's no escaping their fate, they decide to become friends before their end so they can at least die as friends instead of meaningless enemies. [[The Power of Friendship|This was a]] [[Circle of Friendship|very wise move.]]
* [[Go, Ye Heroes, Go and Die]]: When Rarity tries to encourage Fluttershy out of her stage fright. It almost works.
{{quote| '''Rarity:''' "Fluttershy, darling, there's nothing to be all nervous about."<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' "No?"<br />
'''Rarity:''' Of course not! All across Equestria, ponies are preparing their own pageants for Hearth's Warming Eve in their own towns. It's tradition.<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' So you're saying they'll be too busy to come to our play?<br />
'''Rarity:''' Well, no. We're in the Canterlot pageant, the biggest, most important production in all of Equestria. A lot of ponies will be coming to watch us!<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' A lot?<br />
'''Rarity:''' Hundreds!<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' ''Hundreds?''<br />
'''Rarity:''' Maybe even thousands!<br />
'''Fluttershy:''' ''(runs and hides in a box of decorations and props)'' }}
* [[Harmless Freezing]]: Even though all six ponies are imprisoned in ice by the Windigoes, none of them are damaged after they break free.