Nagasarete Airantou: Difference between revisions

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{{spoiler|'''Karaage''':}} '''''Who's''' the monster?'' }}
** Ikuto himself became this when the Leaders narrate their experiences with him to Shinobu before the latter ever met him.
* [[Shy Finger Twiddling]]: Done by {{spoiler|Suzuran in reaction to Takatora's request to marry her, she then bruatallybrutally attacks him, though in a loving way.}}
* [[Sibling Rivalry]]: Ayane and Machi.
* [[Sibling Yin Yang]]: Ayane and Machi.
* [[Silly Me Gesture]]: Yukino does this even though she lives on an island cut off from the outside world which makes it confusing where she picked it up from.
* [[Slapstick Knows No Gender]]: Everyone: males, females, youkai, half-youkai, animals, ghosts, ectetc takes a turn at being the brunt of slap stick humor. Ayane probably takes the most turns though.
* [[Sneezing]]: On one infamous occasion, it was combined with a [[Nosebleed]].
* [[Something They Would Never Say]]/[[Not Himself]]: Suzu figures out that Ikuto {{spoiler|was replaced by Genjumaro because of Ikuto's [[Arbitrary Skepticism]], which Genjumaro didn't possess.}}
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* [[Tempting Fate]]: After the ''many'' times Ayane tried to one-up her sister, you'd think she'd ''ever'' learn? ''Noooo...''
* [[Tenchi Solution]]: Machi once said she considered an affair with another woman to show a man's worth, so she wouldn't mind. Not that he's actually with her though.
** {{spoiler|Rin's father}} advocates this.
* [[Thanks for The Mammary]]: Ikuto.
* [[Through His Stomach]]: Most of them do this.
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*** [[Justified Trope|Justified]], since she's [[Half Human Hybrid|half-]][[An Ice Person|Yuki]][[Youkai|-onna]].
* [[Training From Hell]]: Apparently Ikuto had this in the past from his grandfather.
** Mei-Mei, Suzu, and ShinboShinobu decide that Ikuto needs this to overcome his fear of bathing with people. Although it's more like training from [[Incredibly Lame Pun|marshmallow]] [[Marshmallow Hell|hell.]] Actually it did just about kill [[Nosebleed|him.]]
** Karaage went through this to learn how to fly. Although being a chicken that goal is impossible, but it did turn him into an amazing fighter.
* [[Tsundere]]: Most notably {{spoiler|Suzuran, Suzu's mother.}} She is never honest with herself, especially with regards to her crush {{spoiler|Takatora, who's Suzu's father.}}
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** Typical for the anthropomorphic talking cats (and [[Catgirl|Suzu]]), they are prone to make "~nya" sounds when they speak.
* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]: Suzu. Episode 22. That is all.
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: Shima-tora's wife, Myaa, who can change her appearance between [[Captain Obvious|a cat]] and [[Catgirl]]. She spends most of her time in catgirl form, because she tends to eat too much and her cat form is a tad overweight. Shima-tora can do it, too, but it's best that no one ''sees how he does it'', as Suzu and Tonkatsu found out the hard way.
* [[Wacky Marriage Proposal]]: Takatora to Suzuran. Wacky as in not to how he proposed, but on how she ''reacted''.
* [[Weak but Skilled]]: Ikuto is one of the physically weakest people on the island, at least at first. moreMore arguably now, but that does notdoesn't stop him from fighting at all.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Heinous]]: Kaarage reflects on his "delinquent past" in chapter 76, only for Ituko to tell him that in the outside world, it's ''normal'' for birds to go around and eat people's crops.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes|Why Did It Have To Be Heights, Ghosts, Age, Kappas, Worms, Ane-san...]]
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{{quote| '''Kagami:''' ''Karaage-chan, who is the same age as you, already had his own family. But you-''<br />
'''Taka-Taka:''' '''''Shut up!''' Living a single life is my principle!'' }}
** Shimatora remarks that Taiga's wife left him for being too stern, and Shimatora's wife [[Cats Are Mean|adds with a smirk]], "It's been about half a year now, hasn't it?"
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: In the case of Suzu, even [[Lampshaded]].
* [[Your Cheating Heart]]: The East Leader tries to take Mei Mei in as his bride, so the South Leader decided to snitch onto his wife. [[Hilarity Ensues|The results were not pretty, ... for the]] [[Butt Monkey|East Leader,]] [[Hilarity Ensues|that is.]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Chikage's outfits follow this trope frequently. Really it shows up a lot.