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[[File:BananaNoNana_6806.jpg|frame|Manga cover: Nana of Banana]]
'''''Nana of Banana''''' is a 2010-2011 not-at-all-serious comedy manga starring Nana and Ringo, two girls who are treated like dirt in their village because of their supposedly useless powers. In this world, the strength of your powers defines your status in society: Ringo's strong legs, which let her jump really high, are looked down upon by people who can, say, [[Making a Splash|control water]] while Nana... Nana can [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|manipulate bananas]].
Both had been inspired by Ringo's father's tales of the magical land of Oz (not [[Land of Oz|that one]]), and of the adventurer that found it. They vowed to go on an adventure of their own someday.
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We then see the [[Overly Narrow Superlative|very finest water vs. banana fight ever]], and Nana ''wins'' because [[Heart Is an Awesome Power|she is able to manipulate anything about bananas]], including making a shield strong enough to deflect water attacks, and a ''sword''.
But the chief takes Ringo hostage, demanding she "[[Put Down Your Gun and Step Away|Drop the banana]]!"
Nana asks whether Ringo wants to go with her. Ringo responds by high-kicking the chief into the air. Of course, after that they can't go back home for fear of reprisals, so they take the opportunity to begin their adventure into their strange continent.
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* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Battle Butler]]
* [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size|BFB]]: Nana attacks a bird that's trying to eat them with a Big Fuckin' Banana. {{spoiler|It eats the banana}}.
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: In exchange for very powerful water abilities, the village chief has to lie in a bath for 20 hours a day. If she doesn't do this, she'll die. [[Freudian Excuse|No wonder she's such a bitch]].
* [[Blush Sticker]]
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* [[Cross-Popping Veins]]
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Hoshi Budou becomes Nana's maidservant. [[MissedOffscreen Moment of Awesome|Sadly the process was not shown...]] yet. Then Morishiro and co. fixing their ways (they even plan to rebuy all the girls they sold) after ''Hoshi'' defeats him.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: They don't even try to be subtle about this. [ Um. Er.]
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* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Giving Someone the Pointer Finger]]
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Nana's "Banana Armour" lets her [[GreenImagination-Based Lantern RingSuperpower|make anything out of them]]. Ringo's "Antelope Leg" not only lets her jump high but also [[Super Speed|run fast]] and [[Kick Chick|kick like a mule]].
** Hoshi's power lets her do housework several times faster than the average person - which, since she wields a sword hidden within a mop, also lets her move incredibly fast in battle.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Take a wild guess. (Hint: They can also be used as a shield.)
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* [[You Can't Go Home Again]]: Ringo kicked the village chief into the sky, effectively burning their bridges behind them. Mind you, it's not like they would particularly ''want'' to return to their village.
* [[You Fail Logic Forever]]: Capture and sell off low-level ability users... in order to get the money for a revolution that will set them free. Riiight.
* [[X Meets Y]]: ''[[Darker Thanthan Black]]'' meets ''[[Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Haré+Guu]]'' meets ''[[The Legion of Super Heroes|The Legion of Substitute Heroes]]'' meets ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler]]''.
** ''[[Saki (manga)|Saki]]'' meets ''[[Darker Thanthan Black]]'' meets ''[[Kino's Journey]]'' meets [[Charlie the Unicorn]] meets [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?|crack]].
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Nana sports [[Rank Inflation|Grade B]], but Ringo subverts this trope, as she wears tights. They both wore [[Zettai Ryouiki]] as little kids. [[Ninja Maid|Hoshi Budou]]'s [ outfit] is reminiscent of [[Zettai Ryouiki]].
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[[Category:Manga of the 2010s]]
[[Category:Fantasy Anime and Manga]]
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