Narm Charm: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'' Satoko's breakdown in episode 10 involves her somehow throwing a guy twice her size all the way across the room, with the chair he's sitting on. The voice actor's delivery, combined with the music, is what makes the scene work.
** [[Madness Mantra|"Gomenasai...gomenasai...gomenasai...gomenasai...."]]
* ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]''. Father's expression are often over the top, but he's still the main source of [[Nightmare Fuel]] of all the series... {{spoiler|especially when he looked pregnant of Hohenheim after having just absorbed him... but his [[One-Winged Angel]] form was '''''absolutely terrifying'''''}}.
* Episode 167 of ''[[Naruto]]'' Shippuden. Full stop. It goes into full-on Looney Toons action at various points, including the "hammer person into ground without killing them" and "Road Runner legs" effects. Yet, it can also be absolutely awesome.
** Sasuke's [[Evil Laugh]] in Shippuden episode 214 and manga chapter 483 is Narm Charm. It's hilarious mainly because it's ''[[The Comically Serious|Sasuke]]'' but it also shows how [[Ax Crazy|far gone he is]].
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** For an unexplained reason, Ulquiorra's release has him in a ''dress'' and waist-length hair. {{spoiler|It stops being cute about 15 seconds later when the Arrancar nearly cuts Ichigo's head off with a pointed pole made of energy.}}
** When Ichigo sees {{spoiler|one of Aizen's... "special" transformations}}, he reacts via saying [[Precision F-Strike|"What... the fuck... is THAT...?!]] It should be hilariously out of place, but the context in itself was so odd that it worked—Ichigo was pretty much [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall|voicing EXACTLY what was going on in the readers's heads.]].
== Comic Books ==
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{{quote|''LOCKED! I'm locked in this MAUSOLEUM with... with this THING!''}}
* In ''[[Doctor Strange]]: The Oath'', a critically-injured and unconscious Strange has been carried through the doors of a hospital by his manservant Wong. Though they have obviously come in through a pouring rain, his Cloak of Levitation is at full billow. In fact, it has actually ''opened the door'' to let Wong in.
== [[Fan Works]] ==
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{{quote|'''Anonymous:''' "My Blowjob can't be this Psychological"}}
== Other Film ==
== Film - Animated ==
* The game of peek-a-boo famously played during the Grendel fight in the film of ''[[Beowulf (film)|Beowulf]]''. It makes the whole scene slightly ridiculous, but that's kinda the point: Beowulf's ego makes him do silly things (unless anyone out there can think of a ''logical'' reason for fighting an insane, man-eating giant whilst in the buff).
** [[The Order of the Stick|He thought it would make him invisible]].
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** It might also be justified by {{spoiler|[[Fridge Brilliance|Mater being Lightning's first truly close friend, leaving the racecar unsure how to handle when they get into a fight.]]}}
* In Disney's take on ''[[Sleeping Beauty (Disney film)|Sleeping Beauty]]'', Maleficent awesomely delivers the line "and now shall you deal with ME, oh prince, AND ALL THE POWERS OF ''[[Hell]]''!"
== Film - Live-Action ==
* [[Batman]] films have a fair amount:
** Certain scenes in ''[[The Dark Knight]]'', less by not killing the drama and more for injecting a little realism—not to mention [[The Woobie|pity]]. Not everyone can [[Say My Name|bellow their beloved's name]] and sound bereaved and heroic, you know.
*** And the Joker's socks when he's sitting in his cell. Helps that both they and Heath are [[TV Tropes Made of Win Archive]].
*** Batman's rusty voice. Some people went along with it because he was obviously trying to disguise his real voice, but it became unintentionally funny when he started using it in front of [[Morgan Freeman]]'s character, who already knew who he was.
**** [[Fridge Brilliance|There have been comics that have played with the idea that Bruce Wayne is the mask and Batman is the real person. Perhaps Bruce felt it was best that Lucius would see his true self in order to cooperate]]
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*** "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
** A lot of the enjoyment found in ''[[Batman and Robin (film)|Batman and Robin]]'' is from this and Freeze's puns.
* Every line delivered by Schuler Hensley as [[Frankenstein]]'s monster in the 2004 movie. ''[[Van Helsing]]'' is full of win.
* Richard Roxburgh's ''[[Dracula]]'' is the same, to a slightly lesser degree.
* [[Brian Blessed]] has fans who consider his [[Large Ham]] acting to be the best part.
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* [[Ian McKellen]]'s delivery in ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men]]'' is full of this.
* ''[[Godzilla]]''. [[Godzilla (film)|The 1998 American version]], even more so.
** Speaking of which, any movie by [[Roland Emmerich]] such as ''[[Independence Day]]'', ''[[The Day After Tomorrow]]'' and recently ''[[2012]]'' will applyapplies. He'll [[Did Not Do the Research|get most of the facts wrong]], but you can't help enjoying [[Visual Effects of Awesome|the awesomeness of their visual effects]].
* Nero in ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' tends to be ridiculously [[Large Ham|over the top]] (see: his introduction as "Hi, I'm Nero" and "[[Shout-Out|SPOOOOOOOOOOOCK]]"). It just makes the movie more fun. "FIRE EVERYTHING!"
* ''[[Galaxy Quest]]'': "By Grabthar's hammer... by the suns of Warvan... you shall be ''avenged''." Though in that case the original line was ''trying'' to be silly in an [[Affectionate Parody]] sort of way for ''[[Star Trek]]''. The context the line is delivered in is genuinely [[Badass]] and makes up for it. It helped that it was [[Alan Rickman]] saying the line.
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* ''[[The Neverending Story (film)|The Neverending Story]]'': When Artax starts sinking into the [[Death by Despair|Swamps of Sadness]], Atreyu's reaction is shameless and over the top... but damn if that isn't the key to making that scene ''work'' without viewers wondering what the hell the horse has to be depressed over.
* ''[[Ghost Rider (film)|Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance]]'' is entirely composed of this trope. [[Nicolas Cage]] can [[Large Ham|take the credit for much of that]].
== Literature ==
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* ''[[Little Women]]'' plots a course through [[Mary Sue]]s, [[Purple Prose|wildly extravagant and sentimental prose]], [[An Aesop|Aesops]] (some of them [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|rather questionable]]) in [[Once an Episode|nearly every chapter]]... and comes out as a gripping romantic drama with a deserved place in the highest pantheon of American literature.
* Discussed with an internal example in ''[[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]]''. The old animated show ''Battlecruiser Vengeance'' is this for many Klingons (and it's a nice wink to actual fans of [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Original Series]] ''[[Star Trek]]'' too). One particular episode presents the Klingon hero repelling a Federation boarding party. The episode was produced during the height of tensions between the empire and the Federation, and the party consists of ridiculous, inaccurate computer-generated images of Federation member races. Specifically, the Andorian is more green than blue and has overlong antennae, the Vulcan's ears are too pointed, the Tellarite looks more like an actual boar, the Betazoid has fully blacked-out eyes instead of simple dark irises, the Human has eyes too large and a mouth too small, the Trill has spots covering her entire body, and the Denobulan has misplaced ridges. In the minds of many "modern" fans, the inaccuracy just adds to the joy of it.
* Let's face it: Both the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' books and [[Harry Potter (film)|films]] can be quite [[narm]]ilicious... but the thing is, the quality of it is just so good, it can easily be forgiven. One particular example is the ending of [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|the fifth]] when Harry gives his [[Reason You Suck Speech]] to Voldemort; which basically boils down to "I have [[The Power of Friendship]]. You don't. I pity you (though I still want you to die)". This, coupled with the shots of Voldemort's kind of goofy poses in the visions Harry sees during the film, ''could'' be extremely [[Narm]]y... but it's not. The reason being that when you've spent all this time reading the books and/or watching the films, you'really do understand what Harry is saying no matter how corny it might be. This is doubly true for the movie, which also shows clips from all the previous ones before it, most of those clips being of other Narm Charm moments from the series. This trope can definitely also apply to the ending of the 7th book; After [[Earn Your Happy Ending|all the crap]] that [[Power Trio|The Trio]] has been through, you can't help but feel happy that everything turned out okay (for the most part) in the end... unless you're a fanatic [[Shipping|Shipper]] and the ending defied your [[OTP]]; in that case, the ending of the series was your worst nightmare come true.
** * [[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|"I'll join you when hell freezes over!"]] is one of the cheesiest cliches out there. But considering that this is {{spoiler|[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Neville Longbottom]]}} saying it to {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Voldemort]]}}'s face, and suddenly [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|you don't feel like laughing anymore.]]
* ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four]]''. This conversation was used in the climax of the story. At first it seems to be a trivial discussion about counting fingers, but it's actually about a man being [[Mind Rape|tortured]] into changing his perspective in order to ''[[Two Plus Torture Equals Five|see things that aren't there]]''. Some might say it's worse than [[Room 101]] itself.
** Room 101 is just a means to an end. Specifically, YOUR end...
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'''Winston:''' "Four! five! Four! Anything you like." }}
** [[Room 101]] itself works as an example. We've seen how lesser works have made the "your worst nightmare come to life" less scary than it should. Indeed, at first glance, the idea that, after months of the most devious psychological and physical torture known to man, the thing that breaks Winston is "give up your love, or get your face eaten by rats", still kinda sounds like something out of a ''[[Saw]]'' movie. But when you read it... it works, dammit.
* ''[[Discworld/Thud|!]]'': "THAT! IS!! NOT!!! MY!!!! COW!!!!!"]]
* [[Narm/Star Wars|Pellaeon]], in the [[New Jedi Order]], delivering a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] that ends "You may win the occasional battle against us, Vorrik, but the Empire will ''always'' strike back."
* From ''[[Lord of the Flies]]'', the line {{spoiler|"Roger sharpened a stick at both ends"}} should, by all rights, be laughable (what, is he going to {{spoiler|trip and fall on it}} or something?) In context, however, it's the sign of the boys' complete degeneration into unbridled savagery.
== Film - Live-Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Ugly Betty]]'' is more or less one long deliberate attempt at creating this.
* As is ''[[Pushing Daisies]]''.
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* Japanese remixer [[Hyadain]]'s remix of [ Bubble Man's Theme] from ''[[Mega Man 2]]'' is made of this. Despite the grating use of [[Gratuitous English]] and the fact that it's pretty much about about [[Foe Yay|Bubble Man's love for Mega Man]], the song works anyway, because it's very well arranged, has nice vocal work and,'s not on the [[Tear Jerker]] page for nothing.
** '''All''' of his Robot Master remixes are about confessing love—More or less subtly—towards Mega Man.
** Heat Man's recent theme tops Bubble Man's in this. In it, Heat Man (very passionately) describes what it's like to spend a night making love with him. It has even more [[Gratuitous English]] as well.
* "Infection" by [[J Rock]] band D'espairsRay. This song should have been horrible: The imagery was cliched, the grammar was bad, some of the lyrics made no sense and the rest were drenched in Engrish—but somehow, it still worked and could be considered a tearjerker.
** The PV for REDEEMER. Just... the PV for REDEEMER.
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* Not even ''[[Ring of Honor]]'' is immune: See Rhett "The Thrust... is a Must!" Titus, basically "Ravishing" Rick Rude with more obvious comedy and sexual references. The reason the fans essentially took his side in the Titus-Daizee Haze-Delirious love triangle was because of this. His wrestling wasn't the "best in the woooooorld!" but the sheer lulz and his sheer enthusiasm/sincerity more than made up for it.
* To some fans, this is kinda the point of pro wrestling. [[World of Ham|Pretty much everyone is a]] [[Large Ham]], sometimes the moves look fake,<ref>well, yeah, [[Kayfabe|they kind of are]], but that's not the point</ref> the writing isn't usually much better than any other [[Sitcom]] aimed at the [[Lowest Common Denominator]], but if your [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] remains unbroken, and if someone [[Vince Russo|named]] [[Vince McMahon|Vince]] doesn't book something incredibly stupid, it's actually not bad (except maybe [[So Bad It's Good|in the kind of way that makes it good]]).
== Tabletop Games ==
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** More subjectively, the setting can feel like the writers are just trying too hard. [[Memetic Mutation]] clearly shows that some people love it for that anyway.
** Read any description of something from ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' on this wiki and you find something so incredibly absurd that it becomes absurdly incredible. For example:
{{quote|The Sisters Repentia, that is those who have deemed themselves to have "failed" in some way, charge into battle [[Full-Frontal Assault|virtually naked]], with maybe a few scraps of cloth, prayer votives ''nailed'' into them, and a blindfolding hood (along with a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size|six foot long]] [[Chainsaw Good|chainsword]]) and are lead/chastised into battle by what can only be described as a Dominatrix in [[Power Armor]] that is [[Dual-Wielding]] electric whips...}}
** Really, the whole setting could be summed up by saying it's ''Warhammer'' in space with deliberate over the top Grimdark black comedy and Narm Charm.
== Video Games ==
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* ''[[Symphony of the Night]]'': "What is a man?! A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! ''Have at you!''"
* ''[[Earth Defense Force 2017]]''. Cheap graphics, silly voice-acting, and a buttload of B-Movie monsters to shoot!
* ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' No matter how heart-wrenching the scene where Tidus finds out {{spoiler|what being a summoner entails}}, his voice actor fake-cried as well as Daniel Radcliffe does in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Prisoner of Azkaban (film)|PrisonerHarry of]]Potter [[Film ofand the Book|Prisoner of Azkaban]]'' in that scene.
** The romance between Yuna and Tidus was narmy, with some spotty voice acting in places, but at the same time it had a kind of innocent storybook charm, like two shy schoolchildren awkwardly starting a relationship.
* ''[[Street Fighter (video game)|Street Fighter I]]'' has [[So Bad It's Good|hilariously bad]] voice acting. [[Talking to Himself|All by one dude]].
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* While it is the original [[Survival Horror]] and revolutionary for its time, the original ''[[Alone in the Dark]]'' trilogy is filled to the brim with [[Narm]] like a flask of sweet liquor. The polygonal graphics are extremely cartoonish, contrasting with the darker environments of more modern survival horror games and making the appearance of the [[Off-Model]] characters more frightening than the monsters. The soundtrack, while great listening, isn't what you'd expect from a survival horror nowadays. While the first game focused on puzzle-solving and evading monsters inspired by the [[Cthulhu Mythos]], the other games went in more action-oriented and absurd directions: the second game included the hero [[It Makes Sense in Context|gunning down zombies with a Thompson while dressed in a Santa Claus costume]] while the third had Carnby mowing down [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|cowboy zombies]] [[Gatling Good|with a Gatling gun]]. The cherry on the cheesecake is easily the [[So Bad It's Good]] voice acting: almost every text is read by an over-the-top narrator, often with overblown drama and ridiculous accents.
== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[Questionable Content]]'', the big [[Reveal]]—that {{spoiler|Faye's dad committed suicide in front of her}}—is so dramatic that even the big, cartoony sound effect {{spoiler|"BLAM!"}} doesn't ruin the scene.
* The bits of comedy that ''[[Megatokyo]]'' contains post-[[Cerebus Syndrome]] often slip into this. For example, in [ this] recent strip], Ed is taunting and tormenting Ping with text messages while planning to kill her; meanwhile he strikes up a pleasant conversation with our favorite [[Cloudcuckoolander]] Largo and (among other things), complements him on his [[Nice Hat]].
* ''[ Nuzlocke Comics]'' are designed to be way too over-the-top and silly to be taken seriously, but due to the nature of the challenge it's hard not to feel something for the guy whenever a Pokémon faints.
== Web Original ==
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** [[The Nostalgia Chick]]'s "Dark Nella Saga" was this all the way. Nella left no scenery unchewed, Lindsay's acting is... not the best ever and that's still awesome, both because she knows this and Nella herself can actually act legitimately scary while still being funny.
* ''[[There Will Be Brawl]]'' brings us the famous "Well, excuse me, Princess", said by [[The Legend of Zelda|Link]] himself. However, the way he delivers it, dead serious and even menacing during a falling out with Zelda, definitely make it fit this trope.
== Web Comics ==
* In ''[[Questionable Content]]'', the big [[Reveal]]—that {{spoiler|Faye's dad committed suicide in front of her}}—is so dramatic that even the big, cartoony sound effect {{spoiler|"BLAM!"}} doesn't ruin the scene.
* The bits of comedy that ''[[Megatokyo]]'' contains post-[[Cerebus Syndrome]] often slip into this. For example, in [ this] recent strip, Ed is taunting and tormenting Ping with text messages while planning to kill her; meanwhile he strikes up a pleasant conversation with our favorite [[Cloudcuckoolander]] Largo and (among other things), complements him on his [[Nice Hat]].
* ''[ Nuzlocke Comics]'' are designed to be way too over-the-top and silly to be taken seriously, but due to the nature of the challenge it's hard not to feel something for the guy whenever a Pokémon faints.
== Western Animation ==
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{{quote|'''Lion-O''': [[Punctuated Pounding|THESE BEARS ARE NOT YOUR PROPERTY!!!]]}}
== Other Media ==
== Other ==
* [[Roger Ebert]], [ in his review] of ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'', gave a half-hearted insult to the material through a compliment to Patrick Stewart (or vice-versa): he noted that Stewart has a talent for making completely ridiculous dialogue riveting.
{{quote|'''Ebert''': "It is always said of Stewart that his strength as an actor is his ability to deliver bad dialogue with utter conviction. I say it is time to stop encouraging him."}}
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[[Category:YMMV Trope]]
[[Category:Sublime Rhyme]]
[[Category:Esoteric Trope Names]]