Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize: Difference between revisions

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== Films -- Live-Action[[Film]] ==
* In ''[[Hot Fuzz]]'', ''all'' of the supporting cast are famous actors, {{spoiler|and all of them did it. Especially well-versed Tropers will note that all of them are also known for playing villains at one point or another, according to the commentary.}}
* Movie instance in ''Twisted'': {{spoiler|[[Samuel L. Jackson]] is playing the protagonist's foster father and mentor. Naturally, given the types of role Jackson usually plays, he's the killer.}} One viewer was suspicious of the character in question as soon as she identified the actor, and proved correct.
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* Partially averted in ''[[State of Play (film)|State of Play]]'' (the American film): A number of characters are played by recognizable actors but {{spoiler|Ben Affleck}} is too famous, too good-looking and too underused to not be important in the outcome. {{spoiler|Also, he spends the whole plot being way-too-ready to sacrifice his career, mostly because by doing so he expects to avoid jail.}}
* Many viewers of the 2011 film version of ''[[Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy]]'' guessed that the traitor was {{spoiler|Bill Haydon}} on the basis that he was played by {{spoiler|[[Colin Firth]]}}, while the other suspects were played merely by recognizable British character actors.
== Live-Action TV ==