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=== This is a list of Wild Mass Guesses which are still possibly true. [[Just for Fun]] and silly guesses go on the [[Naruto (Manga)/Silly/WMG|silly page]]. If a WMG is [[Jossed]], please move it to the [[Naruto (Manga)/Jossed/WMG|jossed page]], if it is Confirmed, please move it to the [[Naruto (Manga)/Confirmed/WMG|confirmed page.]] ===
=== This is a list of Wild Mass Guesses which are still possibly true. [[Just for Fun]] and silly guesses go on the [[Naruto/Silly/WMG|silly page]]. If a WMG is [[Jossed]], please move it to the [[Naruto/Jossed/WMG|jossed page]], if it is Confirmed, please move it to the [[Naruto/Confirmed/WMG|confirmed page.]] ===

''Please add new entries to the bottom of the page.''
''Please add new entries to the bottom of the page.''
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** Itachi was anything but insane. The whole time, he was acting a part. He did everything he could to make his own grand master plan (which was not convoluted, just complicated) succeed, but Madara's sheer skill with [[More Than Mind Control]] prevented it from going [[Memetic Mutation|just as planned]].
** Itachi was anything but insane. The whole time, he was acting a part. He did everything he could to make his own grand master plan (which was not convoluted, just complicated) succeed, but Madara's sheer skill with [[More Than Mind Control]] prevented it from going [[Memetic Mutation|just as planned]].
*** Was it? Or was that only what Itachi thought at the end? Because let's be honest here, for a brilliant shinobi, that was one of the stupider plans over all. "Oh, I shall kill my family except my Brother so that he can live a good life and then kill me." is, in my mind, up there with "I know! I'LL TURN THE MOON INTO A GIANT SHARINGAN AND MINDCONTROL THE WORLD!" He may have been acting a part and playing out his own plan, but that plan wasn't any saner than Madara's.
*** Was it? Or was that only what Itachi thought at the end? Because let's be honest here, for a brilliant shinobi, that was one of the stupider plans over all. "Oh, I shall kill my family except my Brother so that he can live a good life and then kill me." is, in my mind, up there with "I know! I'LL TURN THE MOON INTO A GIANT SHARINGAN AND MINDCONTROL THE WORLD!" He may have been acting a part and playing out his own plan, but that plan wasn't any saner than Madara's.
** Maybe he found out that the Juubi was influnceing him and his fight with Sasuke was an attempt at [[Dying As Yourself|ending the Juubi's control over him]] and setting up Sasuke to take out Madara. The crow in Naruto was to deal with Sasuke if he fell under the Juubi's control.
** Maybe he found out that the Juubi was influnceing him and his fight with Sasuke was an attempt at [[Dying as Yourself|ending the Juubi's control over him]] and setting up Sasuke to take out Madara. The crow in Naruto was to deal with Sasuke if he fell under the Juubi's control.

== Sasuke is [[Asexual]]. ==
== Sasuke is [[Asexual]]. ==
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* Or perhaps {{spoiler|Itachi booby-trapped his eyes somehow. Maybe Sasuke will be in the middle of his fight with Naruto, and then suddenly something will go wrong with his eyes.}}
* Or perhaps {{spoiler|Itachi booby-trapped his eyes somehow. Maybe Sasuke will be in the middle of his fight with Naruto, and then suddenly something will go wrong with his eyes.}}
* A seems the most likely to me, with a healthy dash of Sasuke's [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]] being the catalyst for Madara to reveal it.
* A seems the most likely to me, with a healthy dash of Sasuke's [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]] being the catalyst for Madara to reveal it.
* This WMG is like a mini-[[Wish Fulfillment Fic]], [[Dissimile|only it's a WMG and not a Fanfic]]. Sasuke is the patron saint of [[New Powers As the Plot Demands]], and with Sasuke having overused his Mangekyo, him having Itachi's eyes would actually [[Xanatos Speed Chess|''benefit'']] Madara.
* This WMG is like a mini-[[Wish Fulfillment Fic]], [[Dissimile|only it's a WMG and not a Fanfic]]. Sasuke is the patron saint of [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]], and with Sasuke having overused his Mangekyo, him having Itachi's eyes would actually [[Xanatos Speed Chess|''benefit'']] Madara.

== During an important, epic future battle: ==
== During an important, epic future battle: ==
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** ...Does that make the Rasengan concentrated Spiral Energy?! [[So Cool Its Awesome|DUDE]]!!
** ...Does that make the Rasengan concentrated Spiral Energy?! [[So Cool Its Awesome|DUDE]]!!
*** Nope, its just chakra... that can be substituteded with Spiral Energy for a bigger attack. The ''Raikage'', though, is concentrated Spiral Energy.
*** Nope, its just chakra... that can be substituteded with Spiral Energy for a bigger attack. The ''Raikage'', though, is concentrated Spiral Energy.
* Alternatively, the Naruto world is stuck at the tail end of the [[Warhammer 40 K|Age of Strife]]. Chakra is actually a precurser to [[Psychic Powers|psykers]], but humanity's evolution isn't quite there, yet. Furthermore, everyone's at war, and Naruto has yet to face the true horrors of the rest of the world and unite everyone as the [[God-Emperor]] [[The Messiah|of Mankind]]. Or the [[God-Emperor]] of Mankind will show up (perhaps after the Sixth Hokage's [[Despair Event Horizon|death]]) and, unfortunately, [[Foregone Conclusion|kick everyone's asses]].
* Alternatively, the Naruto world is stuck at the tail end of the [[Warhammer 40000|Age of Strife]]. Chakra is actually a precurser to [[Psychic Powers|psykers]], but humanity's evolution isn't quite there, yet. Furthermore, everyone's at war, and Naruto has yet to face the true horrors of the rest of the world and unite everyone as the [[God-Emperor]] [[The Messiah|of Mankind]]. Or the [[God-Emperor]] of Mankind will show up (perhaps after the Sixth Hokage's [[Despair Event Horizon|death]]) and, unfortunately, [[Foregone Conclusion|kick everyone's asses]].
** Conversely, the Naruto world is a colonized planet lost to the Age of Strife, where psykers are accepted as ninja, because the Imperial Truth has been lost to time as the legend of the Sage of the Six Paths. Again, this explains the ramshackle technology and alternative geography we see in canon.
** Conversely, the Naruto world is a colonized planet lost to the Age of Strife, where psykers are accepted as ninja, because the Imperial Truth has been lost to time as the legend of the Sage of the Six Paths. Again, this explains the ramshackle technology and alternative geography we see in canon.

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*** For Minato, would he really get such a response out of Madara? No denying he is powerful, but enough for Madara to consider it mad to summon him? As for how Madara knows what the Sage looks like. Well, the Rinnegan would probably be a dead givaway. And remember, it isn't the actual body of the person that the Ressurection revives, it's merely a vessel created for it.
*** For Minato, would he really get such a response out of Madara? No denying he is powerful, but enough for Madara to consider it mad to summon him? As for how Madara knows what the Sage looks like. Well, the Rinnegan would probably be a dead givaway. And remember, it isn't the actual body of the person that the Ressurection revives, it's merely a vessel created for it.
**** Don't you need the original body too? I was under the impression that's why the bodies Kabuto shows off are all somewhat... rotted looking
**** Don't you need the original body too? I was under the impression that's why the bodies Kabuto shows off are all somewhat... rotted looking
**** The Impure World Ressurection is a pretty weird technique. I'm pretty sure you only need to know what they look like and their name, not their actual body. And the bodies always start off in a minor state of decay, until a fuda tag is placed to completely restore them. It's sort of like a [[Death Note (Manga)|Life Note]]
**** The Impure World Ressurection is a pretty weird technique. I'm pretty sure you only need to know what they look like and their name, not their actual body. And the bodies always start off in a minor state of decay, until a fuda tag is placed to completely restore them. It's sort of like a [[Death Note|Life Note]]
**** You don't need the original body, but you need part of their body. At least, that's what Kabuto says to Madara when he asks the specifics of the jutsu- Kabuto also adds that Orochimaru had a pretty nice collection of dead people dnas, which he probably meant to use for experimenting and/or this technique.
**** You don't need the original body, but you need part of their body. At least, that's what Kabuto says to Madara when he asks the specifics of the jutsu- Kabuto also adds that Orochimaru had a pretty nice collection of dead people dnas, which he probably meant to use for experimenting and/or this technique.
*** As far as Minato goes, Madara already fought him once and walked away. Plus Orochimaru already tried it. There's no reason for Madara to react with shock.
*** As far as Minato goes, Madara already fought him once and walked away. Plus Orochimaru already tried it. There's no reason for Madara to react with shock.
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** You are aware of the Transformation technique that allows one to become a perfect duplicate of someone (or most notably, an inatimate object), right? This really isn't that silly.
** You are aware of the Transformation technique that allows one to become a perfect duplicate of someone (or most notably, an inatimate object), right? This really isn't that silly.

== Naruto and Killerbee will be [[Put On a Bus]] for the next 20 or so chapters ==
== Naruto and Killerbee will be [[Put on a Bus]] for the next 20 or so chapters ==
Naruto being stuck with a fellow Jinchuuriki who can actually control his Bijuu smacks of a training montage, but in order to generate shock value of his new abilities, most of this training will take place off-screen. Meanwhile, we'll be treated to a series of chapters of how the war is going for the rest of the cast. When [[Big Damn Heroes|Naruto and Killerbee finally reappear]], expect a very super-powered Naruto showing off his "Kyuubi mode"!
Naruto being stuck with a fellow Jinchuuriki who can actually control his Bijuu smacks of a training montage, but in order to generate shock value of his new abilities, most of this training will take place off-screen. Meanwhile, we'll be treated to a series of chapters of how the war is going for the rest of the cast. When [[Big Damn Heroes|Naruto and Killerbee finally reappear]], expect a very super-powered Naruto showing off his "Kyuubi mode"!
* Seems likely, but I'd guess Naruto will (as he seems to be doing now) have to go through multiple hoops to get KB to train him.
* Seems likely, but I'd guess Naruto will (as he seems to be doing now) have to go through multiple hoops to get KB to train him.
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== One of the above WMG's is true, but Madara will not be the [[Big Bad]]. ==
== One of the above WMG's is true, but Madara will not be the [[Big Bad]]. ==
The Juubi is [[Evil Is Not a Toy|too powerful]] for Madara to control, and it will [[Hoist By His Own Petard|kill him as soon as he releases it,]] and then go on a rampage. Remember that Pain was confident he could harness the Juubi's power into a weapon that could wipe out an entire country in a single blow, so fighting it would be insanely difficult, unless Naruto found a way [[Chekhov's Gun|to absorb it into himself,]] or [[Book Ends|seal it into Kurenai's baby]] [[Generation Xerox|(or depending on the timeline, perhaps his own child).]]
The Juubi is [[Evil Is Not a Toy|too powerful]] for Madara to control, and it will [[Hoist by His Own Petard|kill him as soon as he releases it,]] and then go on a rampage. Remember that Pain was confident he could harness the Juubi's power into a weapon that could wipe out an entire country in a single blow, so fighting it would be insanely difficult, unless Naruto found a way [[Chekhov's Gun|to absorb it into himself,]] or [[Book Ends|seal it into Kurenai's baby]] [[Generation Xerox|(or depending on the timeline, perhaps his own child).]]

== The power Itachi gave Naruto will negate Sasuke's control over the Kyubi and/or negate or restrict the use of Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan on Naruto, making their eventual fight a fair one. ==
== The power Itachi gave Naruto will negate Sasuke's control over the Kyubi and/or negate or restrict the use of Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan on Naruto, making their eventual fight a fair one. ==
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== The Sharingan is powered by despair ==
== The Sharingan is powered by despair ==
The Sharingan is awakened by despair of being in a life or death situation. The Mangekyou is awakened by despair gained by killing your best friend. The Eternal Mangekyou is obtained by being so desperate that you'll take the eyes of your sibling.
The Sharingan is awakened by despair of being in a life or death situation. The Mangekyou is awakened by despair gained by killing your best friend. The Eternal Mangekyou is obtained by being so desperate that you'll take the eyes of your sibling.
** "[[Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei|I'm in despair! Having to do evil things for the council has left me in despair!]]"
** "[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei|I'm in despair! Having to do evil things for the council has left me in despair!]]"

== Mangekyou Sharingan abilities are passed down within the immediate family. ==
== Mangekyou Sharingan abilities are passed down within the immediate family. ==
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* Wrong Manga-ka.
* Wrong Manga-ka.

== Sakura is based on a girl (or possibly several), [[Writer On Board|that Kishimoto had a crush on, but at best saw him as a good friend, and at worst never gave him the time of day, at least until he got rich and famous.]] ==
== Sakura is based on a girl (or possibly several), [[Writer on Board|that Kishimoto had a crush on, but at best saw him as a good friend, and at worst never gave him the time of day, at least until he got rich and famous.]] ==
He's on the record saying that he thinks women are actually like Sakura, so it's natural to conclude this is the result of bad experiences. Thus, while the unlearned may attribute Sakura's traits to bad writing, this is no accident. Look at the list: [[Deconstruction]] of [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]], highly suspect [[Unrequited Love Switcheroo]], intended to invoke [[This Loser Is You]], [[Faux Action Girl]], the [[Inverted Trope|Veronica]] to an [[Ojou]] in a [[Betty and Veronica]] [[Love Triangle]] despite not being from a major clan and thus not being rich like the [[Rich Bitch|character type normally calls for]]- all this points to serious [[Writer On Board]] either lashing out at former unrequited loves or gloating at their [[Green-Eyed Epiphany]].
He's on the record saying that he thinks women are actually like Sakura, so it's natural to conclude this is the result of bad experiences. Thus, while the unlearned may attribute Sakura's traits to bad writing, this is no accident. Look at the list: [[Deconstruction]] of [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]], highly suspect [[Unrequited Love Switcheroo]], intended to invoke [[This Loser Is You]], [[Faux Action Girl]], the [[Inverted Trope|Veronica]] to an [[Ojou]] in a [[Betty and Veronica]] [[Love Triangle]] despite not being from a major clan and thus not being rich like the [[Rich Bitch|character type normally calls for]]- all this points to serious [[Writer on Board]] either lashing out at former unrequited loves or gloating at their [[Green-Eyed Epiphany]].

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== Naruto will go into the final battle with Sasuke with every intention of either converting Sasuke or fighting to a mutual kill, but he will survive. ==
== Naruto will go into the final battle with Sasuke with every intention of either converting Sasuke or fighting to a mutual kill, but he will survive. ==
Sasuke will come at him full force, and Naruto will counter creating a [[Fantastic Nuke|nuclear-scale explosion]] (if Izanagi is involved, this will go through multiple rounds). In the end, however, Sasuke just isn't that strong in comparison, and so Sasuke [[Hoist By His Own Petard|gets vaporized]] while Naruto [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke|walks away,]] albeit battered and bloody, resigning himself to the fact that the only one responsible for Sasuke's death is Sasuke himself, and that in the end, Sasuke wasn't strong enough morally, mentally or physically to go along with his plans.
Sasuke will come at him full force, and Naruto will counter creating a [[Fantastic Nuke|nuclear-scale explosion]] (if Izanagi is involved, this will go through multiple rounds). In the end, however, Sasuke just isn't that strong in comparison, and so Sasuke [[Hoist by His Own Petard|gets vaporized]] while Naruto [[Slap-On-The-Wrist Nuke|walks away,]] albeit battered and bloody, resigning himself to the fact that the only one responsible for Sasuke's death is Sasuke himself, and that in the end, Sasuke wasn't strong enough morally, mentally or physically to go along with his plans.
* PLEASE let this one come true.
* PLEASE let this one come true.

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* Will the giant worm be [[Gears of War|sinking cities]]?
* Will the giant worm be [[Gears of War|sinking cities]]?

== Kabuto's attempts at using Zetsu to make a new Deidara/Manda is going to [[Spanner in The Works|cause major problems]] ==
== Kabuto's attempts at using Zetsu to make a new Deidara/Manda is going to [[Spanner in the Works|cause major problems]] ==
Firstly, it's clear Deidara isn't particularly pleased with not being able to control himself, and also that he has no idea what the situation is. Further, he's not quite the same as he was. Similarly, Manda 2.0 now has legs, despite being a snake. It's pretty clear that Kabuto doesn't really know what he's doing when it comes to using Zetsu to do stuff, and everything is going to [[Gone Horribly Right|go horr]][[Gone Horribly Wrong|ibly wrong.]]
Firstly, it's clear Deidara isn't particularly pleased with not being able to control himself, and also that he has no idea what the situation is. Further, he's not quite the same as he was. Similarly, Manda 2.0 now has legs, despite being a snake. It's pretty clear that Kabuto doesn't really know what he's doing when it comes to using Zetsu to do stuff, and everything is going to [[Gone Horribly Right|go horr]][[Gone Horribly Wrong|ibly wrong.]]
* I don't know about Manda, but Deidara is just the result of an Impure Resurrection Summoning. He's given some free will unless the Hokages Orochimaru summoned, but he is still dust and ashes bound by his soul covering a sacrifice. No Zetsu involved.
* I don't know about Manda, but Deidara is just the result of an Impure Resurrection Summoning. He's given some free will unless the Hokages Orochimaru summoned, but he is still dust and ashes bound by his soul covering a sacrifice. No Zetsu involved.
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== The Basis of the Sharingan's Power... ==
== The Basis of the Sharingan's Power... ==
... is combining both Experiential and Analytical thinking. Users of even the most basic form of the Sharingan are able to perceive things happening much more slowly than normal (as in Experiential thinking) while retaining the ability to see patterns and formulate plans (as with Analytical thinking). The overall effect of this is that, when active, the Sharingan puts the brain in overdrive, speeding it up to where it can keep up with the user's sight (a good illustration of what would happen without this would be Sasuke's first fight with Lee, where he could mostly see the boy's movements but was unable to do anything about it because his body simply couldn't keep up -- except affecting his brain and not his body). The Sharingan's growth (excluding those fancy-shmancy [[New Powers As the Plot Demands|upgrades]]) simply further combines the two.
... is combining both Experiential and Analytical thinking. Users of even the most basic form of the Sharingan are able to perceive things happening much more slowly than normal (as in Experiential thinking) while retaining the ability to see patterns and formulate plans (as with Analytical thinking). The overall effect of this is that, when active, the Sharingan puts the brain in overdrive, speeding it up to where it can keep up with the user's sight (a good illustration of what would happen without this would be Sasuke's first fight with Lee, where he could mostly see the boy's movements but was unable to do anything about it because his body simply couldn't keep up -- except affecting his brain and not his body). The Sharingan's growth (excluding those fancy-shmancy [[New Powers as the Plot Demands|upgrades]]) simply further combines the two.

However, as the human brain is not designed to use Experiential and Analytical thinking simultaneously, overuse of the Sharingan can be extremely taxing on the user's neural pathways, and in cases of severe overuse it can cause neurons to effectively fry themselves ''en masse''. Symptoms-slash-effects of this can vary from reduced mental faculties due to a drastically reduced brain-cell count, drastic changes in personality due to loss of behavioral inhibitors and/or empathy, amnesia, retrograde amnesia, increased susceptibility to suggestion, sudden development of mental illnesses like paranoid schizophrenia or bipolar manic depression, and rarely even outright degenerative psychosis.
However, as the human brain is not designed to use Experiential and Analytical thinking simultaneously, overuse of the Sharingan can be extremely taxing on the user's neural pathways, and in cases of severe overuse it can cause neurons to effectively fry themselves ''en masse''. Symptoms-slash-effects of this can vary from reduced mental faculties due to a drastically reduced brain-cell count, drastic changes in personality due to loss of behavioral inhibitors and/or empathy, amnesia, retrograde amnesia, increased susceptibility to suggestion, sudden development of mental illnesses like paranoid schizophrenia or bipolar manic depression, and rarely even outright degenerative psychosis.
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== Naruto is Nearing Power-up Critical Mass ==
== Naruto is Nearing Power-up Critical Mass ==
Think of all the jutsu power-ups and new [[Super Mode|super modes]] he has been acquiring lately: Sage Mode, Demon Fox Sage Mode, Neo Tailed Beast/Ninjassiah Mode, Rasenshuriken, Giant Rasengan, Rasenrengan, and now the Tailed Beast Bomb (which is everything the Rasengan is, only kicked [[Up to Eleven|up to eleven]] and given a [[Badass|badass]] make-over). Awesome, right? Well, consider this: the Tailed Beast Bomb is essentially the Rasengan, only with an arbitrarily wonky yin-yang chakra ratio. As far as we know thus far, ''there is nothing to keep Naruto from eventually applying all the boosts and variations he has added to the vanilla Rasengan to the Tailed Beast Bomb itself''. Heck, all he really needs to do to unlock his full arsenal for use in his Neo Tailed Beast Mode is become friends with the Nine Tailed Demon Fox. Think about that for a second: all that Naruto Uzumaki, originator of [[Fan Nickname|Therapy no Jutsu]], whose greatest skill has been stated to be his [[Friend to All Living Things|uncanny charisma]] and [[The Messiah|outgoing personality]], needs to do to achieve an unparalelled level of raw, unlimited power is befriend the demon sealed in his stomach -- a feat that others have managed to do just fine. [[Forgone Conclusion|The outcome is obvious]].
Think of all the jutsu power-ups and new [[Super Mode|super modes]] he has been acquiring lately: Sage Mode, Demon Fox Sage Mode, Neo Tailed Beast/Ninjassiah Mode, Rasenshuriken, Giant Rasengan, Rasenrengan, and now the Tailed Beast Bomb (which is everything the Rasengan is, only kicked [[Up to Eleven]] and given a [[badass]] make-over). Awesome, right? Well, consider this: the Tailed Beast Bomb is essentially the Rasengan, only with an arbitrarily wonky yin-yang chakra ratio. As far as we know thus far, ''there is nothing to keep Naruto from eventually applying all the boosts and variations he has added to the vanilla Rasengan to the Tailed Beast Bomb itself''. Heck, all he really needs to do to unlock his full arsenal for use in his Neo Tailed Beast Mode is become friends with the Nine Tailed Demon Fox. Think about that for a second: all that Naruto Uzumaki, originator of [[Fan Nickname|Therapy no Jutsu]], whose greatest skill has been stated to be his [[Friend to All Living Things|uncanny charisma]] and [[The Messiah|outgoing personality]], needs to do to achieve an unparalelled level of raw, unlimited power is befriend the demon sealed in his stomach -- a feat that others have managed to do just fine. [[Forgone Conclusion|The outcome is obvious]].

Once Naruto does this (and we all know that he ''will''), I for one would not be the least bit surprised to see him [[Curb Stomp Battle|handily defeat the final boss]] with a single [[Word Salad Title|Super Giant Tailed Beast]] [[Calling Your Attacks|Storm Shuriken Bullet Barrage]].
Once Naruto does this (and we all know that he ''will''), I for one would not be the least bit surprised to see him [[Curb Stomp Battle|handily defeat the final boss]] with a single [[Word Salad Title|Super Giant Tailed Beast]] [[Calling Your Attacks|Storm Shuriken Bullet Barrage]].
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== Pain/Nagato was [[Dragon-in-Chief|stronger than Madara]]. ==
== Pain/Nagato was [[Dragon-in-Chief|stronger than Madara]]. ==
[[Exactly What It Says On the Tin]].
[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]].

== Naruto Doesn't Remember Hinata's [[Anguished Declaration of Love|Confession]] ==
== Naruto Doesn't Remember Hinata's [[Anguished Declaration of Love|Confession]] ==
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* Point Two: Naruto, after Pain struck down Hinata, rapidly went through, in this order:
* Point Two: Naruto, after Pain struck down Hinata, rapidly went through, in this order:
** [[Unstoppable Rage|Swiftly transforming all the way up to]] [[Four Is Death|his four tailed form]] and beyond,
** [[Unstoppable Rage|Swiftly transforming all the way up to]] [[Four Is Death|his four tailed form]] and beyond,
** Going through an existential crisis even while being [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|tempted by the Fox]], who offers to [[Deal With the Devil|destroy anything that causes him pain in exchange for being set loose]].
** Going through an existential crisis even while being [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|tempted by the Fox]], who offers to [[Deal with the Devil|destroy anything that causes him pain in exchange for being set loose]].
** [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nearly unsealing said homicidal demon]].
** [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Nearly unsealing said homicidal demon]].
** Meeting his father in the center of his mind.
** Meeting his father in the center of his mind.
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== The White Zetsu clones can be killed if Black Zetsu dies ==
== The White Zetsu clones can be killed if Black Zetsu dies ==
It's kind of like with Piccolo in [[Dragonball]], where a separate being was made from him, and if the host dies, they die.
It's kind of like with Piccolo in [[Dragon Ball]], where a separate being was made from him, and if the host dies, they die.
* Which makes sense, because only White Zetsu has been cloned.
* Which makes sense, because only White Zetsu has been cloned.

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== There will be a 3rd part for Naruto ==
== There will be a 3rd part for Naruto ==
And it will focus on [[After the End|the apocalyptic after-effects of the Juubi's chakra after being released from the moon.]] Needless to say, it will be [[Darker and Edgier|more serious]] than ever, to the point Naruto might end up becoming a [[Knight in Sour Armor|broken idealist]] a la [[Fate Stay Night|Archer]]
And it will focus on [[After the End|the apocalyptic after-effects of the Juubi's chakra after being released from the moon.]] Needless to say, it will be [[Darker and Edgier|more serious]] than ever, to the point Naruto might end up becoming a [[Knight in Sour Armor|broken idealist]] a la [[Fate/stay night|Archer]]

== Madara will extract the Nine Tails chakra from Naruto... ==
== Madara will extract the Nine Tails chakra from Naruto... ==
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** This makes sense, but IMO, it's less shipping disagreements alone and more so about the show painfully, painfully, PAINFULLY lacking cohesive artistic direction. (and IMO, the Bleach and One Piece animes suffer from this too)
** This makes sense, but IMO, it's less shipping disagreements alone and more so about the show painfully, painfully, PAINFULLY lacking cohesive artistic direction. (and IMO, the Bleach and One Piece animes suffer from this too)

== At some point, Tobi will try a [[You and What Army]] on Naruto ==
== At some point, Tobi will try a [[You and What Army?]] on Naruto ==
And then Naruto will answer "This army!" with all the Shinobi from Amegakure. Why? Because it would be awesome. Not to mention what Konan said, that Ame would be loyal to him. And they'll probably be pissed that Nagato was used and had his Rinnegan taken, and that Konan was killed.
And then Naruto will answer "This army!" with all the Shinobi from Amegakure. Why? Because it would be awesome. Not to mention what Konan said, that Ame would be loyal to him. And they'll probably be pissed that Nagato was used and had his Rinnegan taken, and that Konan was killed.

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== Edo-Madara will arise as the final Big Bad and Sasuke will be the responsable. ==
== Edo-Madara will arise as the final Big Bad and Sasuke will be the responsable. ==
He will be a [[Spanner in The Works]] for Itachi and try to kill Kabuto, eliminating all possibilities of stopping the technique. With Kabuto dead, Madara will be free to reassume the control of the Moon's Eye Plan once Naruto kills Tobi.
He will be a [[Spanner in the Works]] for Itachi and try to kill Kabuto, eliminating all possibilities of stopping the technique. With Kabuto dead, Madara will be free to reassume the control of the Moon's Eye Plan once Naruto kills Tobi.

== Karin is faking her reaction to being bitten by Sasuke. ==
== Karin is faking her reaction to being bitten by Sasuke. ==
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* 2. While Kurama still has a chance to save Naruto, either Kakashi or Tsunade seal the fox in Naruto once again.
* 2. While Kurama still has a chance to save Naruto, either Kakashi or Tsunade seal the fox in Naruto once again.
** Who says Naruto would die from being separated from Kurama too long? Sure, Nagato thought the extraction would be fatal, but he didn't know about the nature of the Uzumaki clan powers as it applied to Jinchuriki. It's not even clear Nagato knew he was an Uzumaki. Kushina died from being impaled by Kurama's claw, and both plans for defeating Kurama involved [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
** Who says Naruto would die from being separated from Kurama too long? Sure, Nagato thought the extraction would be fatal, but he didn't know about the nature of the Uzumaki clan powers as it applied to Jinchuriki. It's not even clear Nagato knew he was an Uzumaki. Kushina died from being impaled by Kurama's claw, and both plans for defeating Kurama involved [[Heroic Sacrifice]].
*** Right. Kushina was physically exhausted after the extraction, but still alive. She was going to die by taking Kurama with her using her chakra, but she wound up dying to save Naruto from Kurama's attack. Naruto wouldn't die from the extraction unless Tobi gets some [[New Powers As the Plot Demands]], but Naruto dying at all still seems unlikely.
*** Right. Kushina was physically exhausted after the extraction, but still alive. She was going to die by taking Kurama with her using her chakra, but she wound up dying to save Naruto from Kurama's attack. Naruto wouldn't die from the extraction unless Tobi gets some [[New Powers as the Plot Demands]], but Naruto dying at all still seems unlikely.

== About Tobi's Moon Eye Plan - How to do ==
== About Tobi's Moon Eye Plan - How to do ==