Network to the Rescue: Difference between revisions

standardized subhead text
m (→‎Tabletop Games: wrong link)
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== Anime/ and Manga ==
* ''[[The Big O]]'' pretty much flopped in Japan, and for a long time it seemed like the season one cliffhanger would [[Left Hanging|leave viewers hanging.]] [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|Fortunately, the show was much more popular in America]], and [[Cartoon Network]] paid a chunk of the cost to make the second season happen. This would later come back to bite the show when Cartoon Network began its [[Network Decay]], and they ended up [[Screwed by the Network|screwing up the airing of a couple episodes (including accidentally airing a repeat over the]] ''[[Screwed by the Network|finale]]''[[Screwed by the Network|) and ended up canceling the show before a reportedly expected third season]], despite it having paid off financially.