Never 7: Difference between revisions

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* [[AB Negative]] - {{spoiler|When Haruka is hit by a car in her route, she needs a transfusion of B-. As it turns out, the only person with the same blood type is Kurumi, Haruka's original.}}
* [[Actor Allusion]]- The scene where Makoto talks to Izumi at the pool is titled "You Were A Fish In Your Past Life!?" [[Kikuko Inoue]], Izumi's seiyu, claims that she was a fish in her previous life.
* [[Arc Number]] - 7, though nowhere near to the extent as in [[Ever 17|later]] [[Remember 11|titles]] of the series.
** Seven characters
** Seven days
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* [[Replacement Goldfish]]- {{spoiler|Haruka was one for least until the latter was found.}}
* [[Rich Bitch]]- Saki.
* [[SchrodingersSchrödinger's Cat]]: {{spoiler|Used as a metaphor to describe how Cure Syndrome works.}}
* [[Second Love]]- {{spoiler|Makoto becomes this to Yuka and Kurumi in their routes.}}
* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]]- {{spoiler|The goal of every route (except Izumi's Route).}}