Never Say That Again: Difference between revisions

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(Another SG1 example)
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'''Valerie''': What, Humperdinck?
'''Miracle Max''': Aaahh!
'''Valerie''': Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! ''(et cetera)''|''[[The Princess Bride (film)|The Princess Bride]]''}}
|''[[The Princess Bride (film)|The Princess Bride]]''}}
This trope applies to words and names that when uttered cause a negative reaction on the listener's part. It may result from hearing a certain slang term or after a character gives [[Too Much Information]]—it might even have a potent [[Brown Note|psychological effect]]. Regardless of how it arises, the hapless hearer makes it clear to the speaker that this must not happen again.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[Pokémon]]'', after Brock came back at the end of the Orange Islands arc, mentioning Professor Ivy around him made him huddle in a fetal position and plead "Don't mention that name." [[Noodle Incident|It's never explained why.]]
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*** Wait, how do you climb to the ''bottom'' of a staircase?
*** Doubly strange since posterior actually means "rear"
* [[Discworld]]:
** Detritus in the [[Discworld]] book ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'' does this after an [[Überwald]]ian dwarf calls Cheery Littlebottom "Ha'ak", a dwarfish insult indicating a race/species traitor, "not really a dwarf". Cheery looks hurt, Detritus produces his enormous "Piecemaker" crossbow and growls, "I know dat word he said to her. It is not a good word. I do not want to hear dat word again." This is on a diplomatic mission, remember.
*** Well, he ''was'' being tactful.
** Also from [[Discworld]], in ''[[Discworld/Soul Music|Soul Music]]'' Ridcully threatens to curse the Dean and have him pursued to the ends of the world by terrible demons if he doesn't stop saying "Yo!"
*** Werewolves do not react well to the word "bath." So much so that when Angua takes a shower, she has to pretend it's raining.
*** And in ''Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch'', Ridcully not only forbids the Dean from saying "Yo!" ''before'' they get all kick-ass, but since they're fighting the Auditors with [[Weaksauce Weakness|chocolate]], he cuts the Dean off before he thinks of "Choc and load!" as well.
*** Vimes, forced to deal with werewolves in ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'', reasons that being halfway between a human and a wolf a werewolf would have some characteristics of the other creatures halfway between humans and wolves: dogs. He tests the hypothesis by gauging werewolves' responses to words guaranteed to make a stereotypical dog wince, like "bath" and "vet", and later takes advantage of his findings by {{spoiler|forcing the werewolf [[Big Bad]] into a deadly game of Fetch with a giant signal flare.}}
** Werewolves do not react well to the word "bath." So much so that when Angua takes a shower, she has to pretend it's raining.
** Also from [[Discworld]], inIn ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'' Ridcully threatens to curse the Dean and have him pursued to the ends of the world by terrible demons if he doesn't stop saying "Yo!"
*** Vimes, forced to deal with werewolves in ''[[Discworld/The Fifth Elephant|The Fifth Elephant]]'', reasons that being halfway between a human and a wolf a werewolf would have some characteristics of the other creatures halfway between humans and wolves: dogs. He tests the hypothesis by gauging werewolves' responses to words guaranteed to make a stereotypical dog wince, like "bath" and "vet", and later takes advantage of his findings by {{spoiler|forcing the werewolf [[Big Bad]] into a deadly game of Fetch with a giant signal flare.}}
*** And in ''[[The Science of Discworld]] III: Darwin's Watch'', Ridcully not only forbids the Dean from saying "Yo!" ''before'' they get all kick-ass, but since they're fighting the Auditors with [[Weaksauce Weakness|chocolate]], he cuts the Dean off before he thinks of "Choc and load!" as well.
* [[Harry Potter (novel)|Volde, er, He Who Must Not Be Named]].
** [[Deconstructed Trope]] in the last book, where it turns out that {{spoiler|after Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic, he put a trace on his name such that anyone saying it could be tracked instantly. Meaning that, for the first time, there was a ''real danger'' in speaking the name or hearing the name spoken aloud.}}
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