Never Trust a Trailer/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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{{trope}}{{Needs Image}}Examples of [[{{BASEPAGENAME}}]] in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
* Generally speaking, many developers like to take a screenshot of the game that was generated over the course of several minutes by a supercomputer and imply that it will look just as good at home with a smooth frame-rate. Such screenshots have been dubbed [[Portmanteau|Bullshots]] by [[Penny Arcade]].
* The new trailer for [[Runescape]]. It shows a warrior, an archer, and a mage having an epic duel with a villian. Once the villian has been killed, they fight off a skeletal horde followed by an intimidating skeletal dragon eating the camera. The armor the heroes wear? Not available in the game. The evil villain? Never mentioned. The skeletal horde? Not a quest. The skeletal dragon? Not an enemy.
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[[Category:Never Trust a Trailer{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:Never Trust A Trailer{{SUBPAGENAME}}]]