Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Difference between revisions

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Compare [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]], [[Hoist by His Own Petard]], [[Two Rights Make a Wrong]] (those two when the villain's defeat is directly caused by self), [[Villain Ball]], [[Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work]], [[Poke the Poodle]], [[Phlebotinum Rebel]] (when the villain ''creates'' the hero).
{{examples|Examples. [[Spoilered Rotten|Most Are Spoilers.]] [[You Have Been Warned]].}}
{{Unmarked Spoilers}}
== Anime/Manga ==
== Anime/ and Manga ==
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'s'' Team Rocket has had a few moments of this, such as when Delibird accidentally healed a critically wounded Pikachu.
* In ''[[Digimon]]'', BlackWarGreymon is nearly destroyed when he slams Angemon into a holy artifact, causing Angemon to evolve/Digivolve into the stronger Holy Angemon/MagnaAngemon and nearly suck him into his Gate Of Destiny. Vamdemon/Myotismon was strong enough to beat all seven of the Chosen Children/DigiDestined and could have done so, if he hadn't spent so much time searching for the eighth, and allowing her to find her Digimon. Devimon accidentally triggers the one Digimon that could beat him into evolving/Digivolving by threatening its partner's life.
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** And when assigning a loyal assassin to {{spoiler|act as a safeguard against possibly rebellious people that you're using in some diabolical plot under the cover of being their sibling}}... Don't make their cover so good that even ''they'' forget that they aren't a {{spoiler|loyal, loving brother.}}
* In ''[[Space Pirate Mito]]'', Aoi wears a bracelet that he believes is a good luck charm and the audience is lead to believe is the key to a powerful weapon. He also starts having [[How Do I Shot Web?|random bursts of powerful energy]] when the bad guys attack. Near the end of the series, [[Big Bad|Ranban]] removes this bracelet and tells Aoi it was an enhancer that brought out his powers, making him helpless without it. Cue Aoi causing an explosion with [[I Am Not Left-Handed|power even greater than he used before]], and Mito telling Ranban that the enhancer was actually a [[Power Limiter|limiter]] to keep Aoi's powers in check.
* Sesshomaru from ''[[Inuyasha]]'' has a tendency to inadvertently help Inuyasha almost every time he fights him. He attempt at obtaining [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size|Tessaiga]] for himself led to Inuyasha getting it (and Sesshomaru losing an arm), and his subsequent attempts to take or later destroy it led Inuyasha learning how to use the Wind Scar.
** Admittedly, after the first few instances it becomes increasingly difficult to tell how much of what Sesshoumaru does with regards to Inuyasha is this trope and how much of it is actually [[I Was Just Passing Through]].
* In ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'', [[Nietzsche Wannabe|Shinobu]] [[Big Bad|Sensui]] {{spoiler|kills Yusuke}} toward the end of the [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|Chapter Black]] saga, causing him to {{spoiler|come back from the dead as a [[Half-Human Hybrid|super-demon]] }} and kick ass on a nearly-cosmic level. Especially funny since it follows directly after a [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]], when said hero insisted on fighting [[Magnificent Bastard|Sensui]] at his full, [[Knight Templar|Shinobu]] strength, so he could have a good fight, rather than wiping the floor with [[Split Personality|'I Do The Sick Work' Kazuya]] and saving the world.
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* In episode 4 of [[Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!]], a thief breaks into the school where Hakone and Iono attend. He steals both the student council's funds, along with Iono's gift to Sento, Hakone's brother. Plug and Sento decide to help Iono out of her depression by trying to find the thief, but have no luck whatsoever. Arresta, a coworker/rival of Plug, meanwhile watches them a little bit, then decides that while its noble of him to help her out, she's got a job to do. She decides to continue her job of [[It Makes Sense in Context|zapping people]], and one of the people she zaps suddenly decides he's going to turn himself in. Although she's wondering what the heck she just did, she inadvertently caught the thief and helped recovered the stolen money and Iono's gift.
* In ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'', {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Mr Maverick]] pats [[Mega Manning|Kaede]] on the head when he meets her, unwittingly transferring his memory-altering power to her. This later allows her to restore the memories that Maverick had scrubbed from the heroes as part of his plot to frame Kaede's father for murder. Thanks, Mr. Villain!}}
* In ''[[One Piece]]'', Kaido is one of the biggest contenders for the title of [[World's Strongest Man]] although [[Ambiguously Human| the man part there]] is debatable, and one of the most powerful pirates in the world. He's a giant, is ''so'' tough that his odd hobby is finding new ways to try to kill himself (never succeeding) and on top of it, his Mythic Zoan Devil Fruit lets him assume the form of [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons| a freakin' dragon]], for Pete's sake. The first three times Kaido fought Luffy, he curb stomped the hero badly, and during the third, during the Wano County Arc, {{spoiler|he actually ''kills'' the Straw Hat captain. Well… kills his mortal body anyway. This event is what triggers the true power of Luffy's ''Gumo Gumo no Mi'' Devil Fruit, causing him to be reborn as the Joyboy, an embodiment of the sun god. He quickly proceeds to not only [[The Worf Effect| beat the ever-living crud out of Kaido]], but [[Humiliation Conga| utterly humiliate him]] by doing so. In one part of the battle he actually grabs Kaido (who was in dragon form) and uses him as a jump rope! While Kaido does realize [[A Good Way to Die| this is the great battle he has waited for his entire life]], this was the very reason the World Government was so concerned about Luffy, and it seems Kaido has seriously made what was already a big headache for them far more of a threat.}}
== Comic Books ==
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== Fan Works ==
* In the ''[[Deva Series]]'', the {{spoiler|Al Hantheans}} were an unknown factor. Only the Yagami Academy and the Circles were unambiguously aware of the threat they posed to Earth; other nations and parties might have considered trying for non-aggression or even collusion. Then they tried to kill off {{spoiler|Noriko and the Japanese Imperial family}}, hoping to take one of Earth's nations and one of Hayate's fighters out of the picture. However, the attempt did not completely succeed, and with their villainy exposed, the survivor gave a speech that will probably rally the nations of Earth into properly uniting against them. One of the higher-up villains even does some [[Lampshade Hanging]] on this.
* In ''[[Light and Dark - The Adventures of Dark Yagami|Light and Dark The Adventures of Dark Yagami]]'', assuming that [[Villain Protagonist|Dark]] is the hero, L does this when he shoots and kills Light, but accidentally revives him with the Life Note. Light then seeks out L for revenge, enabling Dark to trick them into killing each other.
* In the ''[[Pony POV Series]]'', Discord's [[Mind Rape]] of the Mane Cast before his downfall leads to the entire Mane Cast becoming better off than before hand, with such things happening as Applejack becoming a [[Living Lie Detector]] and Pinkie Pie becoming much more [[Crazy Awesome]] than normal by {{spoiler|performing a [[Split Personality Merge]] and healing herself of a serious mental condition}}, which wouldn't have happened if he ''hadn't'' done it. Not only that, but thanks to him {{spoiler|the Mane Cast gets ''two'' [[Sixth Ranger]]s and new Elements of Harmony, one of which he ''made himself''.}}
* ''[[Ponies Make War]]'': Near the latter end of the story, [[Big Bad|Titan]] captures Twilight Sparkle during an attack on the Loyalists' base and proceeds to torture her. But in the process of doing so, {{spoiler|he causes her [[Split Personality|split personalities]] to fuse back together and restore her full power}}. This proceeds to [[My Name Is Inigo Montoya|really]], ''[[Physical God|really]]'', [[Curb Stomp Battle|backfire on him]].
* In the ''[[My-HiME]]'' fic ''[ Stain]'', Nao tells Shizuru that her killing her mother enabled the [[Reset Button]] that happened in the last episode to ''bring her out of her coma'' in addition to resurrecting her.
* Appears several times in the ''[[Harry Potter]]/[[Sailor Moon]]/[[Ranma ½]]'' fanfic ''[[The Girl Who Loved]]'':
** Draco's attempt to assassinate ghost!Usagi with a stone imbued with the power of Death not only fails, it results directly in her [[Back from the Dead|''resurrection'']].
** In fact, on a larger scale, every attempt Voldemort makes to reassert his power and dominance in the course of the story backfires on him -- starting with his involvement in the original plan to put Harry under Snape's power at its start. And once Usagi is resurrected, his failures ultimately undermine his base and support among British purebloods and drive him in desperation to Jusenkyo. The closest he gets to a success is imbuing Bellatrix with avatar-level power... only for her to end up banished to Nemesis to found the Black Moon Family.
== Film ==
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** Syndrome programmed the Omnidroid to adapt to any situation. Then he arrogantly stopped during his fight with it to boast to the bystanders, giving the robot the time to figure out it was being controlled by Syndrome's bracelet. It then removed it from him, and the heroes used it to destroy the robot.
** Before Syndrome, the Parr family was in a rut, trapped by monotony, dead-end jobs, and the memories of what once was. Even Bob and Helen's marriage was on the rocks. And for superheroes in general, public opinion was negative, and they had to live in hiding. After Syndrome, superheroes were allowed to operate openly once more, the public liked them again, and, most important of all, the Parrs were happy, proud, and very closely-knit, making them even ''better'' superheroes than they ever were as individuals.
* ''[[UHF (film)|UHF]]'': In an earlier scene, R.J. Fletcher gives a penny to a panhandler, who thanks him sincerely. It turns out that the penny was extremely rare and valuable, so the panhandler was able to sell it for enough money to buy several shares in the station Fletcher was trying to close down.
** The panhandler was also able to buy a really neat watch. [[Humiliation Conga|It's a Rolex™!]]
** [[Brick Joke]]: When George gave the flithyfilthy-looking man some change, the fellow thanked him and gave George a dollar bill back. He wasn't a panhandler at all, just a ''very'' dedicated coin collector.
* In ''[[Kung Fu Hustle]]'', the protagonist, Sing, is rewarded for his [[Heel Face Turn]]... by getting his face beaten into a pulp by The Beast. This however, clears up his chi flow, turning him into a true Kung Fu master, and he soundly defeats the Axe Gang and The Beast.
* In the ''[[Ghost Rider (film)|Ghost Rider]]'' movie, Ghost Rider is unable to use his [[Mind Rape|penance stare]] on Blackheart because Blackheart doesn't have a soul. Then Blackheart absorbs a thousand damned souls into himself. The Rider proceeds to render him catatonic.
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* Scar has Simba utterly on the ropes in ''[[The Lion King]]'' and is about to knock him off the edge of a cliff, when he insists on making a [[Just Between You and Me|But Before You Die]] speech.... freeing Simba from the guilt he had been carrying around and giving him the heroic resolve needed to stop Scar. Doh!
** Later, when trying to bargain with Simba for his life, some hyenas are about to help him. Then he goes and ruins it by trying to scapegoat the hyenas, making them back away in anger. Not only does this mean that he has to fight Simba without any backup, but it also gets him torn to ribbons by a pack of justly angry hyenas.
* In the first ''[[Back to The Future]]'' film, Marty and George's plan to make Lorraine fall for George goes awry when Biff shows up and tries to have his way with Lorraine. Although intimidated, George stands his ground against Biff. He tries to throw a punch, but Biff intercepts it, then begins twisting his arm. Lorraine tries to intervene, but Biff forcefully pushes her aside. After he does so, [[Evil Laugh|he laughs]]. This gives George the [[Berserk Button|resolve]] he needs to [[BackCrowning toMoment Theof Future/Awesome|punch Biff out]] and later, win Lorraine's heart.
** For that matter, Marty's original plan- pretending to have ''his'' way with Lorraine, only for George to [[Date Rape Averted|jump in and play Superman]] - was failing hard because Lorraine wanted to jump ''him''. Biff's intervention unwittingly set things back on course.
* In the live-action ''[[Popeye (film)|Popeye]]'' movie, the eponymous sailor-man hates spinach, so Bluto force feeds him an entire can, just to be mean. You can probably guess what happens next.
* In Disney's ''[[Hercules (1997 film)||Hercules]]'', [[Big Bad|Hades]] had succeeded in rendering Hercules unable to stop him from taking over the universe, not because he robbed him of his strength, but because he revealed that his [[Love Interest]] Meg was working for him, thus breaking his spirit. Then he had to go and send a cyclops to destroy him before his strength came back. By doing this, Meg went after Phil, who convinced Herc not to give up. Then the icing on the cake was that Meg got fatally injured, which broke the deal, causing the hero to get his strength back, allowing him to stop Hades.
** Not to mention when Meg died, Hades offered to trade her soul in exchange for Herc's, if he could get her out of the fatal river Styx. Unfortunately, this was just the deed Herc needed to reclaim his godhood, thus allowing him to save Meg and send Hades flying into the river Styx. Major ouch.
*** Actually, none of this could've happened if Hades hadn't sent Meg to discover what Hercules weakness was, thus resulting in the two falling in love. The icing on the cake was that he released Meg from her [[Deal with the Devil]] with him, thus enabling her to help the good guys stop him.
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* In the movie ''Ultraman Zearth'', Zearth is stricken with an overwhelming fear of dirt and germs. Benzene Seijin, in a bid to conquer Earth, decides this is the perfect way to beat him, and torments him with tar the entire film. However, he puts the final nail in his own coffin by forcing Zearth to cross a lake of tar to save his friends. This gives [[Took a Level in Badass|Zearth the motivation he needed to overcome his fears, kill Benzene's pet monster, and kick Benzene himself into orbit]].
** In the sequel, his wife, Lady Benzene, has Zearth's spirit crushed after her robotic copy, [[Evil Counterpart|Ultraman Shadow]] defeats him with ease, making him unwilling to transform. Then, she has to go call him out to try and stop her so she can destroy him. Her taunting causes Zearth to train, [[Took a Level in Badass|take another level in badass]], and overpower Shadow. Then, she goes and broadcasts the fight around the world to try to crush humanity's spirit, this backfires when Shadow finally has the upperhand, the people of Earth [[Say My Name|all chant Zearth's name]], giving him to strength to destroy Shadow once and for all.
* Luke is struggling with the dark side in ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'', but the Emperor's constant taunting keeps Luke from going over. Even ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'' [// spoofed this], with Vader complaining he could get Luke to turn if the Emperor would just stop butting in.
** This is made explicit, when a Sith tries to turn Luke's son Ben to the [[Dark Side]], in the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe|Expanded Universe]] (specifically [[Fate of the Jedi|Fate of the Jedi: Allies]]):
{{quote|*Ben catches the Sith by surprise with a round-house-kick*
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* In ''[[The Dark Knight Saga|Batman Begins]]'', when Bruce Wayne goes to confront mob boss Carmine Falcone at his favorite hangout, Falcone gives him a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]. It's intended to break his will, but Bruce actually agrees with everything Falcone says about him. He immediately leaves the restaurant and embarks upon his journey to become [[Batman]].
* ''[[Monsters, Inc.]]'': [[Engineered Public Confession|"I'll kidnap a thousand children before I let this company die!!!"]]
* ''[[Toy Story (franchise)||Toy Story 3]]'': The moment {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Lotso]]}} smashes [[The Dragon|Big Baby's]] locket. {{spoiler|Cue Big Baby becoming ''extremely'' pissed and throwing Lotso into the dumpster.}}
* Yet another Pixar example: In ''[[Cars|Cars 2]]'', had {{spoiler|Miles Axlerod}} not spilled oil onto the carpet, Mater wouldn't have become a spy and foiled his evil plan!
* Lord Farquaad, the [[Big Bad]] of the first [[Shrek]] movie, did this on a ''series spanning level''. He sent Shrek to rescue Fiona, which messes up his own plan by {{spoiler|allowing Fiona to meet her true love that would break the curse and allow Donkey to meet Dragon, who would help Shrek and Donkey stop his wedding and eats Farquaad.}} In the second movie, Prince Charming's goal to rescue Fiona {{spoiler|and thus Fairy Godmother's intention to rule Far Far Away through him}} are foiled because Farquaad sent Shrek to rescue her already. Most importantly, it foiled Rumpelstitskin's attempt to get Fiona's parents to sign a [[Deal with the Devil]] with him, {{spoiler|letting him erase them from existence and conquer Far Far Away}} because Shrek rescued Fiona and rendered the deal pointless. Even further back, the only reason Shrek interfered ''at all'' in any of this was because Farquaad's deporting all the fairy tale creatures to his swamp ticked him off. Really Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!
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== Literature ==
* This is [[Spenser]] and [ Baldwin Furnshill's] chief method to solving crimes without evidence. Annoy people until they try to kill you, then find out who they worked for. Though Baldwin doesn't actually try to annoy people; usually the bad guy who falls into this trap hates him for his rank and title, or his loyalties and suspected beliefs, said series taking place in a particularly hectic time of English history. Spenser, on the other hand, is actively trying to invite this trope a lot of the time. A lot of his cases would have been a lot shorter (and unsolved) if the villains had been smart enough to just shut up and leave him alone.
* ''[[The Draka]]'': after the Final War nearly destroys the eco-system the Draka respond by invoking strict environmental standards to ensure stablity. Nature preserves are created from entire continents and the population levels are kept low.
* The ''[[Swallows and Amazons]]'' book ''Great Northern?'' has a textbook example of this. The protagonists, while sailing through the Hebrides, encounter what they're pretty sure is a rare bird, but have to leave before they can verify it, and accidentally let its existence—but not location—slip to an egg-collector, Mr. Jemmerling. Captain Flint, their designated adult supervision, is going to make them leave before they can go back, leaving Jemmerling free rein to find the birds. Instead, Jemmerling tries to convince and then bribe Captain Flint to tell him where the birds are, and succeeds only in convincing him that they're worth going back to find.
* In the [[Dale Brown]] novel ''Plan of Attack'', the Russians conduct nuclear sneak attacks on the US, supposedly to create nuclear parity. Our [[Military Maverick]] protagonist Patrick McLanahan for once obeys an explicit order of the POTUS to hold on a retaliatory strike against the Russians. When the Russians prove their continued hostile intentions by attempting a nuclear bombing of the base Pat had forward-deployed to, one that had no nuclear weapons, it shows them for the liars they are and gives him a [[casus belli]].
* In the [[Andrew Vachss]] Burke book ''Terminal'', one character describes how gangs putting out hits on suspected rats leads to cons ratting out for real.
* In [[Harry Turtledove]]'s ''[[The Guns of the South]]'', Afrikaaners use [[Time Travel]] to [[Make Wrong What Once Went Right|help the Confederates win the]] [[American Civil War]], hoping to build a strong white supremacist nation that they can ally with in the future. Though their plans are impeded by Robert E. Lee, who wins the presidency of the Confederacy on a platform of gradual slave emancipation, there are still enough Pro-Slavery Confederate citizens and congressmen to defeat any sort of government action to actually end slavery, and there is even talk amongst some states of seceding from the Confederacy and starting their own nation (again) to preserve slavery indefinitely. However, the AWB then launches an assassination attempt against Lee on his inauguration day, which slaughters dozens of civilians and many ranking members of the government, which unites the entire country behind Lee and gives him the political clout to ram through his gradual emancipation bill.
* In ''[[The Wheel of Time|A Crown of Swords]]'', Moghedien freaks out upon catching sight of Nynaeve in Ebou Dar and loses character long enough to [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|balefire]] the boat she had just gotten on, trapping Nynaeve in the rapidly sinking wreckage — at which point the resulting despair causes Nyaneve to permanently break free of the mental block that had been preventing her from channeling at-will since the beginning of the series.
** Moghedien's mission actually was to balefire Nynaeve while she was on the boat. The award for Nice Job Fixing It, Villain actually goes to Moridin, who decided to stroke Moghedien's [[Soul Jar]] at that moment, causing her to involuntarily convulse and nearly miss.
* In ''[[Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn]]'', [[Evil Sorcerer]] Pryrates' attempt to pull a [[Faustian Rebellion]] on the freshly summoned [[Big Bad|Storm King]] at the climax of the story [[Evil Is Not a Toy|fails spectacularly]], as one might expect. However, his attack and subsequent [[Karmic Death]] have the side-effects of weakening the Storm King at a critical moment ''and'' freeing two of the heroes from paralysis, leading directly to the Storm King's defeat.
* In ''[[Harry Potter]] and the [[Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]'' the heroes spend most of the story in vain searches for the [[Big Bad]]'s [[Soul Jar]]s. At one point they are captured by the villains and, long story short, one of the villains suspects that they might've sneaked into her bank vault. She freaks out so much that that her dreadful master might find out about it, and spends so much effort torturing the heroes just to find out whether they did or did not, it gives Harry an inspiration for a leap of logic, and he correctly deduces that the [[Soul Jar]] must be in the vault.
** More directly, later in the same book, the Big Bad "kills" Harry himself... only not only did he also destroy another of his own [[Soul Jar]]s in the process, [[It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time|his brazen act of vanity in an earlier book allows Harry to survive anyway]]. A two-for-one deal!
** And then [[Big Bad]] does this AGAIN''again''. In order to... make an example out of a rebellious youngster, it seems, [[Makes Just as Much Sense in Context|he summons the Sorting Hat, puts it on the kid's head and sets it on fire]], but the Hat, as it turns out, can provide the weapon needed to kill his last [[Soul Jar]].
** And in general, his decree that no one was to kill Harry. Thus his minions' hands were basically tied when dealing with Harry, even though he and his friends would frequently run into those minions.
** Earlier in ''[[Harry Potter and Thethe Order of Thethe Phoenix (novel)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]],'' Voldemort stops dueling with Dumbledore to take possession of Harry's body, using it to both mock Albus and torture the boy. Doing this opens Voldemort up to the feelings of grief Harry is experiencing over Sirius, [[Good Hurts Evil|causing him so much pain he's forced to flee the battle.]]
** Voldemort's love for [[Cruel and Unusual Death]]s proves fatal in ''[[Deathly Hallows]]'': He believes that Snape is the master of the Elder Wand, having killed the previous master (Dumbledore), and thus must die so Voldemort can have the wand. Does Voldy hit Snape with [[One-Hit Kill|Avada Kedavra]] on the spot? Nope! He has his pet snake Nagini bite Snape's neck, then leaves. This allows Snape to pass on critical information to Harry in his final moments.
* The original [[Dracula (novel)|Count Dracula]] forced Mina Harker to drink his blood to form a [[Psychic Link]] between them that he could use for [[Mind Control]] and to spy on the rest of the heroes through her so he could see whatever they were planning against him next. Unfortunately for him, the link worked both ways, allowing Mina to warn the others when he was coming their way and figure out where he was hiding or heading during the climactic [[Stern Chase]]. He gives the heroes a ticket to his mind that he can't revoke even when he eventually tries to do so.
** Ironically, many later versions of this story have picked up the weird trope that Mina and Dracula had some kind of love between them; in the original Mina loathed the monster and was probably second only to van Helsing in importance in bringing about his downfall.
* A minor version in Lin Carter's ''The Quest of Kadji'': the [[Big Bad]] has captured one of the two young people who've independently sworn to destroy him, and taunts her that her sweetheart won't be able to act while she's his hostage. She gloomily says the boy is ''not'' in love with her. The villain can't resist sneering that, ''just like her'', young Kadji is under a "no-fooling-around-until-you've-killed-the-bad-guy" vow, which is the only reason [[UST|neither has made serious advances to the other]]. Yes, in an attempt to mock her, the villain has actually raised the girl's morale.
* In [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''[[Vorkosigan Saga]]'' book ''Falling Free'', the heroes at one point want to rescue someone from the villain. Since they're in outer space, they need the help of a spaceship pilot, and the only one they've got is not one of the heroes; he's helping them for pay, and is unwilling to risk himself on some harebrained rescue scheme. One nasty phone call from the villain later, and he's on the heroes' side. This is not the last time someone helps the heroes due to the villain's [[Jerkass]] tendencies.
* In "Death Masks," book five of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'', Harry Dresden is in a [[Duel to the Death]] with Paolo Ortega, Warlord of the Red Court of Vampires who has [[Hero-Killer|already killed half a dozen wizards]]. The duel is going solidly against Harry, and likely would have fairly resulted in his death in honest combat, but then Ortega attempted to threaten him into submission and ''allowing'' himself to be killed. [[And Your Little Dog, Too|Ortega did this by explaining that, should he (Ortega) die in the duel, his feudal retainers had been sworn to hunt down Harry and kill not just him, but also all his friends and loved ones]]. This statement, which went directly against their agreement to not seek retribution in the aftermath of the duel, gave Harry the rage and motivation to turn the tide of the duel against Ortega.
* Vicar Zahspahr Clyntahn's actions throughout the ''[[Safehold]]'' series tend to do as much as help the Empire of Charis as it does to hurt it. A specific example occurs in ''How Firm a Foundation.'' The island Empire of Charis needs an ally in the mainland, the Republic of Siddarmark would be perfect, but they're right next to the Temple Lands, which are content to leave them be, and even let them get away with ignoring a Church-imposed trade embargo against Charis, so long as they don't act outright against the Temple Lands. Cue Clyntahn going behind his fellow Church Leaders' backs creating riots in Siddarmark ''forcing'' them to go independent and opening the door for Charis and Siddarmark to ally at the earliest opportunity.
* In ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', Saruman ordering his Uruk-hai to take Merry and Pippin to Isengard, instead of Mordor as the Morgul orcs wanted, practically saved the entire quest. If Merry and Pippin were taken to Mordor there would have been no chance of rescue on the way, and Sauron would have soon found out that Frodo and Sam were heading straight for him with the Ring. They would have been intercepted and Sauron would have got the Ring. Instead, on the way to Isengard the Rohirrim unknowningly saved Merry and Pippin, and Sauron didn't find out about the 'destroy the Ring' quest until it was too late.
** It bites Saruman in the backside in a more personal way, too. Taking them towards Isengard meant Merry and Pippin ended up in Fangorn Forest, met up with Treebeard and helped convince him and the Ents to join the war against Saruman, resulting in the [[When Trees Attack|Huorns]] wiping our Saruman's armies at Helm's Deep and the Ents themselves storming and capturing Isengard, effectivlyeffectively ending Saruman's involvment in the War of the Ring.
* In ''[[Pride and Prejudice]]'', Lady Catherine is so affronted by the idea of Mr. Darcy marrying Elizabeth Bennet that she confronts Elizabeth and tries to extract a promise from her not to accept Darcy's proposal; when Elizabeth refuses to promise any such thing, Lady Catherine has a similar confrontation with Mr. Darcy... which gives him reason to hope that he still has a chance with Elizabeth even though she rejected his previous proposal in very emphatic terms. Had Lady Catherine not seen fit to get involved, each of them could have gone on indefinitely believing that any chance they had with the other was long gone.
* In ''[[The Night of Wishes]]'', an evil sorcerorsorcerer and his witch aunt brew a potion on New Year's Eve which grants the ''opposite'' of any wish spoken aloud after a drink, gleefully intending to make a grant show of fixing the world in front of their unassuming pets, while actually wreaking havok. Only those are onto them, find a loophole in the spell, and with a little outside supernatural help manage to destroy the reversing part of the potion without the villains noticing. The world's people are not gonna believe how much luck and prosperity they are going to have next year.
* One of [[Fred Saberhagen]]'s ''[[Berserker (Literature)|Berserker]]'' stories involved a pacifist trying to negotiate with a planet-sized [[Turned Against Their Masters|Artificial Intelligence battleship programmed to destroy all life everywhere]]. Pretending to be impressed by his arguments, it meanwhile takes a sample of his flesh and tailors a disease meant to wipe out humanity. Well, no; the sample was actually {{spoiler|of his '''cancer''', and at the end he finds the Berserker's engineered disease is '''curing''' him}}.
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* At the end of ''[[Angel]]'''s "permanent midnight" mini-arc, Angelus, being [[Chaotic Evil]] and all, decides to double-cross the [[Lawful Evil]] villain who'd [[The Night That Never Ends|blotted out the Sun]] over Los Angeles. The Beast is [[Nigh Invulnerability|nigh unvulnerable]], until Angelus uses a bone dagger made from its body to kill it. Unfortunately, as foreshadowed by a mystical dream Angel had earlier, that undoes the spell and brings the Sun back. Hundreds of rampaging vampires die instantly, and Angelus is sent scrambling for the nearest safe shadow.
{{quote|'''Angelus''': Aw crap! You mean killing the Beast really ''does'' bring back the Sun? I thought that was Angel's retarded fantasy!}}
*:* Then there's the series finale, where Hamilton, newly favored by the Senior Partners of Wolfram & Hart, beats the crap out of Angel... until his boasting reveals the source of his power, to a ''vampire''.
{{quote|'''Hamilton:''' Let me make this as clear as I can. You cannot defeat me. I am part of them, the Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart. Their strength flows through my veins! My blood is filled with their ancient power!
'''Angel''': (grins and pops his fangs) Can you pick out the one word there you probably shouldn't have said? (drains Hamilton's blood, beats the crap out of him)}}
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' special "The End of Time", things look bleak when {{spoiler|the Doctor has just crashed through the skylight of the Naismiths' mansion and is badly hurt, and the Master has just copied himself onto every person on earth, then brought Rassilon and the Time Lords through the Time Lock and caused Gallifrey to come crashing down through the Earth's atmosphere. The Master is all ready to join the Time Lords on their [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|plan to bring about "THE END OF TIME ITSELF!!"]], but Rassilon, the Lord President of the Time Lords, tells the Master he's [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|outlived his usefulness]]. ''Not'' what you want to tell the Master, who isn't quite sane at the best of times and has just won the [[Superpower Lottery]]. Then Rassilon lets slip that ''he'' is responsible for [[Ear Worm|the drumbeat]] that the Master's heard all his life and that has [[Sanity Slippage|driven him steadily more crazy]]. The Master [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|tells the Doctor to "get out of the way"]] and uses his life force to electrocute Rassilon, protecting the Doctor from him until they all disappeared back to the Time War.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''The Master''': YOU DID THIS TO ME. ALL MY LIFE! [[Continuity Nod|ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!]]}}}}
*:* Again in the Weeping Angels [[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E04 The Time of Angels|two]]-[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E05 Flesh and Stone|parter]]. {{spoiler|The army of Weeping Angels are having their power drained by the crack in time, so they start draining power from the crashed ship they're currently on, the Byzantium, in order to survive. This has the side-effect of deactivating the ship's artificial gravity, causing the unprepared Angels to fall into the crack and be erased from existence.}}
* ''[[Gossip Girl]]'' has Blair, who seems to create this and [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]] in other people (depending on whether she's the good guy at that point or one of the bad ones). Chuck gets her latest boyfriend's mother to come break them up? In one party Blair gets her approval. Chuck tries to seduce her only to be caught by said boyfriend? Blair finally gets laid by new boyfriend. Jenny tries to beat Blair and become Queen B? Within a few weeks, she's back and ''dangerous''. Vanessa tries to blackmail Blair? Humiliated by episode's end. Vanessa tries to break up her and Nate? They're closer than ever by episode's end. And most of this is just the first two seasons! She's still going - at the end of Season 4 Serena's attempt to hurt her actually leads to her relationship with the prince becoming public, her being approved by his mother, and finally her getting engaged to him. Lampshaded by Dan - "Only Chuck and Blair could go to war and end up happier than when they started." Also, his attempt to attack them that episode? Ended up with Chuck and Blair having fantastic sex on a piano. Let's face it, no one can hurt Blair without helping her.
* ''[[Dollhouse]]'': Alpha's entire goal in "Briar Rose" and "Omega" was to turn Echo into a composite like himself. Composite!Echo's first act was to hit Alpha with a pipe.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'',
* In the final season of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', [[Big Bad]] The First, who's basically pure, unconcentrated evil, is taunting Buffy during a battle. The First starts quoting Slayer lore about "one girl to stand alone against evil." "There's that word again. ''Alone''," says The First. The First goes on to mock Buffy for always being alone as the Slayer and never being able to fully connect with anyone. This gives Buffy an idea. Sick of being the lone Slayer, she cooks up a plan with Willow. {{spoiler|Before the final battle, Willow uses her magic to turn all of the potential Slayers ''in the WORLD'' into full Slayers, complete with all of Buffy's powers. Needless to say, this newly formed army of Slayers makes quick work of the First's army of prehistoric vamps in the final battle.}} Man, [[Joss Whedon]] seems to really love this trope!
** In the second season [[Halloween Episode]], Giles' old enemy Ethan is running a costume shop, and simply [[For The Lulz]] (being, in his own words, an “agent of chaos”) puts a curse on his merchandise that [[Baleful Polymorph| transforms anyone wearing one of them]] into what the costumes depict. Buffy, Willow, and Xander all fall victim to this, Buffy’s personality switching to that of a noblewoman from the Renaissance [[Damsel in Distress| (meaning she has no motivation to fight)]], Willow turning into an actual ghost, and Xander gaining [[Semper Fi| the skills and personality of a Marine]] (and even worse, his toy gun accessory [[My Little Panzer| turning into a real one]]). The spell is eventually broken, but in a later episode, it seems Xander still retained some memories from the transformation, so much that when the Judge (a powerful demon who is immune to “all weapons forged”) is unleashed, he is the one who figures out that modern weaponry can harm it, and retains enough military knowledge to bluff his way past a sentry at a military base (with Cordelia’s help) and steal a rocket launcher, which Buffy uses to blow the Judge into [[Ludicrous Gibs]]. Thanks a bunch, Ethan, your prank may have saved humanity.
** In the final season of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', [[Big Bad]] |The First]], who's basically pure, unconcentrated evil, is taunting Buffy during a battle. The First starts quoting Slayer lore about "one girl to stand alone against evil." "There's that word again. ''Alone''," says The First. The First goes on to mock Buffy for always being alone as the Slayer and never being able to fully connect with anyone. This gives Buffy an idea. Sick of being the lone Slayer, she cooks up a plan with Willow. {{spoiler|Before the final battle, Willow uses her magic to turn all of the potential Slayers ''in the WORLD'' into full Slayers, complete with all of Buffy's powers. Needless to say, this newly formed army of Slayers makes quick work of the First's army of prehistoric vamps in the final battle.}} Man, [[Joss Whedon]] seems to really love this trope!
** Don't forget that the First also dug up the Scythe that allowed Buffy to execute this plan in an attempt to use it for itself, and then revealed the location of said Scythe by luring Buffy into an ambush where it was held (rather than, say, * any other location in Sunnydale* ). The First basically spent the last 5 episodes of the series juggling multiple [[Idiot Ball]]s in order to make its eventual defeat remotely plausible.
*** Chalk it up to Caleb being enough of a [[Card-Carrying Villain]] to lure Buffy into an ambush with "I have something of yours" so that he can get in extra [[Evil Gloating]] about this being true and her being unable to recover it.
{{quote|'''Caleb:''' ...Darn.}}
*:* Also used in season 3, where the Mayor's attempt to clean up loose ends by having a volcanologist who could give the Scoobies useful information killed backfires by leading them right to that information. Being a Joss Whedon show, this is [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]], with said lampshade hanging immediately mocked as such.
{{quote|'''Wesley''': Ah. By attempting to keep a valuable clue from us, the Mayor may have inadvertently led us right to it.
'''Buffy''': What page are you on, Wes? 'Cause we already got there. }}
*:* Later in the same episode, Faith poisons Angel to keep him out of the fight and keep Buffy distracted looking for a cure. Ends up backfiring as the cure turns out to be Faith's blood. Also, considering how they kill the mayor, if Faith hadn't poisoned Angel Buffy wouldn't have been able to lure the mayor into the trap. Joss really, really, really, really, loves this trope.
*:* Another season 3 example. Faith (before [[Face Heel Turn]]) lures an ancient vampire and his gang to Summerdale. Buffy fights and stakes the vampire twice, to no avail. The vampire taunts her, saying that she'll need a bigger stake. This gives Faith the idea of picking up a wooden pillar and using it as a bigger stake, successfully dusting the vampire
*** Considering how they kill the mayor, if Faith hadn't poisoned Angel Buffy wouldn't have been able to lure the mayor into the trap. Joss really, really, really, really, loves this trope.
** Another season 3 example. Faith (before [[Face Heel Turn]]) lures an ancient vampire and his gang to Summerdale. Buffy fights and stakes the vampire twice, to no avail. The vampire taunts her, saying that she'll need a bigger stake. This gives Faith the idea of picking up a wooden pillar and using it as a bigger stake, successfully dusting the vampire
* In the ''[[Lost]]'' Season Six Finale, it turns out that the Big Bad's {{spoiler|centuries-long}} [[Gambit Roulette]] {{spoiler|worked exactly as planned}} except {{spoiler|it also completely stripped him of all his powers and enabled Jack to beat him to death and toss him off a cliff.}} Also, his murder of {{spoiler|Sayid, Jin, and Sun gives the others the [[Heroic Resolve]] to kill him instead of simply leaving him on the island like they had planned, leading to the above success of his plan.}}
* In ''[[Once Upon a Time]]'', if Regina had not have been completely hellbent on running Emma out of town, she would have left completely of her own volition.
* The primary villain of the Korean series ''[[Strong Girl Bong-soon]]'' takes advantage of her [[Kryptonite Factor]] to deprive Bong-soon of her divinely-granted super-strength by tricking her into injuring an innocent. If he had [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|just killed her outright]] when he had her at his mercy afterwards, instead of coming down with a case of [[Bond Villain Stupidity]] and deciding to torment her a bit, he would not have put her in a position where the Power(s) who gave her the strength noticed she'd been tricked out of it and gave it back.
* On ''[[Bewitched]]'', the malicious pranks that Endora played on Darrin often benefitted him or someone else. For instance, in one episode, where Samantha took an interest in sculpting and Darrin was having his boss and a client (who was clearly an alcoholic) over for dinner, Endora made Sam's shabby bust of Darrin a better likeness, added one of his boss, and then brought them to life. When the client saw them talking, he thought it was because he was drunk, and after making the deal, left quickly, swearing to quit drinking. ("When it goes from pink elephants to talking rocks, it's time to get on the wagon!") Unfortunately,[[Bullying a Dragon| Darrin never seemed able to say "thank you"...]]
== Mythology/Folklore ==
Line 213 ⟶ 220:
== Tabletop Games ==
* In the the world of Innistrad in ''[[Magic:TheGathering\ The Gathering]]'', the angel Avacyn used to lock demons away in an artifact called the Helvault, until she was tricked by the demon Griselband and the two were sealed together. Losing its guardian angel, lots of bad things happened in Innistrad, until the necromancer Liliana Vess decided to break the Helvault to kill Griselband without knowing that it would also release Avacyn.
Line 226 ⟶ 233:
*** Still not a patch on the Ebon Dragon's first classic mistake. Way back at the dawn of Creation, the Ebon Dragon decided that being the biggest asshole in the universe wasn't ''really'' fun unless you had some completely virtuous, honest, and honorable type to be an asshole ''to''. And so he created the Unconquered Sun, precisely so that he could enjoy himself forcing a being of nigh-perfect virtue to serve under him. Which means, of course, that the Ebon Dragon is not only responsible for screwing up the Yozis' chance to escape the banishment they were forced to suffer when they lost the Primordial War but is also bears the lion's share of responsibility for why the Primordial War happened in the first place.
** And, of course, the big one that sets the whole setting off. Creation has been in a precarious position for centuries, with the overworked Sidereals, the Lunars driven to the edge of the world, the heavily corrupt (or absent) gods, the almost equally corrupt Realm, the forces of the Underworld massing, and the Fair Folk being just barely kept in check. Into this comes the person controlling the Realm (and its big superweapon that keeps most of the other big enemies at bay) mysteriously disappearing, bringing it to the verge of a civil war that could tip Creation over the edge. And then... the Neverborn and the Yozis conspire to break open the Jade Prison, and use its captives to make their own Exalted. Half of those captives escape them. They become the Solar Exalted.
== Video Games ==
Line 240 ⟶ 248:
* ''[[Castlevania: Lament of Innocence]]'' shows that [[Big Bad|Dracula]] was the instrument of his own demise, mostly due to his partnership with [[Dragon-in-Chief| Walter Bernhard]] (the most visible antagonist in the game):
** First, five years prior to the story, Walter (a vampire) kidnapped the daughter of a craftsman named Rinaldo, turning her into a vampire. Desiring revenge, Rinaldo crafted a whip that he believed could slay vampires, but could not finish it. Nonetheless, he tried to use it to gain revenge on Walter, but failed. Despite knowing that Rinaldo desired revenge, [[Bond Villain Stupidity| Walter let him live]], hoping his presence in the forest would lure would-be vampire hunters to him to satisfy his sadistic sense of fun.
** Second, [[The Hero|Leon Belmont's]] friend Mathias Cronqvist {{spoiler|who would become Dracula)}} convinced Walter to kidnap Leon's beloved Sara, promising that Leon would be a challenge like none other. Walter complied.
** Third, Leon did indeed come to challenge him after meeting Rinaldo, but fared no better than the older man did. After toying with Leon, Walter returned Sara to him, who had already been bitten and infected with vampirism. Unknowingly, this act backfired heavily at him as Sara willingly sacrificed her tainted soul to Rinaldo's whip, giving it its full power and enabling Leon to defeat Walter. This was what Matthias had intended, and appeared to [[We Can Rule Together| offer the "gift" of undeath to his friend]]. However, Leon's response - now that he possessed the weapon the Belmont family would wield from that day on - sums up why this Trope applied:
{{quote|'''Leon:''' [[Crowning Moment of Awesome| This whip and my kinsmen will destroy you someday. From this day on, the Belmont Clan will hunt the night!]]}}
*:* [[Start of Darkness| And thus it began...]]
* {{spoiler|Wheatley}} in ''[[Portal 2]]'' - very briefly. He only actually creates one test chamber for you, and it merely consists of pressing a button to directly drop a weighted cube onto a button. According to him, it was supposed to be quite a challenge. Had he made the rest of them himself, it would have been easy making your way to his lair. Unfortunately, he ran out of original ideas and resorted to using [[GLaDOS]]'s old test chambers instead.
** Later in the game, when suffering from test withdrawal, he decides a good way to fix it is to {{spoiler|1=move the test chamber Chell and GLaDOS are in as close as possible to his lair.}}
Line 272 ⟶ 280:
* The villain in ''[[Max Payne 3]]'' is Victor Branco. One of the major facets of his plan involves getting his entire extended family killed by local extremist groups, which means he'll inherit direct control of his family's money from his late brother Rodrigo. As such, he needs a security guard who's good enough to protect his family from casual threats, but not good enough to protect them from Victor's conspirators. His solution is to hire Max Payne, a drunken slob with a history of violence. Unfortunately for Victor, Max is very bad at keeping people alive, but he's very, very good at making people pay for their crimes. If Victor had hired almost anyone else on the ''planet'' to be his fall guy, his entire plan would've worked out just fine.
* In ''[[BlazBlue]]:Continnum Shift'', [[Big Bad|Hazama]]/[[Complete Monster|Terumi]] sends his subordinate [[Little Bit Beastly|Ma]][[Genius Ditz|ko]][[Plucky Girl|to]] to [[Reassigned to Antarctica|the far-flung NOL branch in Ibukido]] to keep her away from feuding friends Noel and Tsubaki, furthering his plans to [[Mind Rape]] them both into serving him - the former as [[Omnicidal Maniac]] super-weapon Mu-12, and the latter as a [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] [[Yandere]]. In the end, he ends up regretting this decision ''badly'', as [[Spanner in the Works|young Makoto ends up causing more damage to his plans than pretty much anyone else in the cast]] - and given everything she learned, she stands in a position to do so ''again''.
* ''[[Undertale]]''; in the demo, if you kill Toriel, Flowery will leave a message stating: "YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO SPARE HER, DID YOU?" Obviously, this is intended as [[Evil Gloating]], but to new players, this might be the first indication that it's even ''possible'' to defeat opponents without killing them, so thanks for the tip there, Flowery!
* Overlapping with [[Nice Job Breaking It, Herod]], Kamek in ''[[Yoshi's Island]]''; Kamek's scheme is to prevent the conflict between Mario and Bowser from ever starting by getting rid of Mario and Luigi while both are still infants. If anything, he only accomplished the ''opposite''; in effect, he ''began'' the conflict [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|by getting the ball rolling]], if only because he only nabbed one of them.
* ''[[Saints Row IV]]'': After escaping the clutches of the Zin in a hijacked spaceship, the Boss recognises that the Saints are badly outmatched and just wants to make a run for it. Then the Earth is blown up, which pisses the Boss off enough to decide to damn the odds and get payback.
* The Kurt Irving of ''[[Valkyria Chronicles III]]'' is a skilled and upcoming rookie officer framed for treason and sentenced to a penal brigade by the corrupt general Carl Eisler on the ''chance'' he was witness to evidence Eisler was deliberately working to deliberately prologue the invasion of his own country. Rather than die as intended, Irving manages to turn the previously meat grinder penal colony into a successful and accomplished squad. Desperate, Eisler keeps throwing the penal brigade at more and more blatantly suicidal tasks, all of which fail to kill Irving and instead result in victories of critical strategic importance for the country he was trying to sabotage. Even ordering Irving's group to charge the enemy fortress unsupported to kill the enemy commander, while officially a failure (mostly because he wasn't present at the time), is a strategic victory since it winds up exposing that the fort was left with a skeleton crew and forces the enemy to relocate significant resources to its defense to the point the invasion's offense collapses. These repeated successes get Eisler frustrated enough he just starts sending kill teams after Irving who, until this point, had no indication there was any conspiracy.
== Web Comics ==
Line 290 ⟶ 302:
* ''[[Freefall]]'': According to [[Word of God|the author on the Nice forum]], if Mr. Kornada hadn't interfered with Florence's [ scheduled meeting with Mr. Raibert], she would have been present to hear [ Mr. Raibert ordering the release of Gardener in the Dark to be delayed,] and thus have no need to take further action, while not knowing of [ Kornada's plan to violate the order] to have it released anyway.
* ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' once [ did this] with [[Nice Job Breaking It, Herod|mass infanticide]], of all Evil Plots. It's that sort of a comic.
== Web Original ==
Line 296 ⟶ 309:
== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', Aang has one of his chakras blocked byafter gettinghe is hit by Azula's lightning in the [[Super Mode|Avatar state]]. He can't get to that state anymore, and he's not skilled enough in the bending he's learned to take on Ozai. In the middle of the fight, Ozai knocks Aang against a rock, right onto the scar caused by Azula's lightningbending attack. This unblocks the chakra, allowing Aang to reach the [[Super Mode|Avatar state]] and for [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|epic]] [[Curb Stomp Battle|asskicking]] to ensue. Coincides with [[Oh Crap]], and possibly [[My God, What Have I Done?]], as that's exactly what was going through Ozai's mind.
** Earlier in the series, Combustion Man manages to intercept a messenger hawk headed for the Fire Nation with the information that Aang is still alive, as Zuko wanted to eliminate Aang discreetly. This prevents the rest of the Fire Nation from learning about Aang until the Day of Black Sun.
* In ''[[The Simpsons Movie]]'', the villain traps Springfield in a nearly indestructible dome, then decides it isn't sturdy enough and tries to blow up the town by dropping a bomb in through a hole at the top of the dome. Homer gets back into Springfield through the hole and manages to throw the bomb through the hole to the other side of the dome. The dome absorbs the bomb's blast, but is destroyed as a result, freeing/saving Springfield.
* Happens a few times in ''[[Xiaolin Showdown]]''. Notably [[Smart Ball|Jack had come up with a brilliant and for once successful plan]], convincing Omi that he was destined to turn evil and had to stay away from his teammates at all costs. This was going perfectly until his idiot henchmen blabbed the entire plan, snapping Omi out of his despair and allowing him to win the day.
* In the original ''[[Transformers]]'' cartoon, Starscream 'helps'is frequently a victim of this Trope, "helping" the Autobots win all the time. Sure, sometimes he's [[The Starscream|trying to sabotage]] [[Big Bad|Megatron]]... but sometimes he's just that stupid.
** And the biggest example of this: in the very first episode, when Starscream is "just saying goodbye!" to the unconscious Autobots on Earth, '''he actually revives them.''' Remind me again why Megatron keeps him around?
** [ Oh, he's got a reason, all right.]
**** A list on put the action firing at the ship, and that awakened the Autobots, as two of the five reasons Megatron should have fired Starscream years ago. To drive the point home even more on how bad a henchman he was, all five reasons came from the first episode.
*** Then again, if the other Decepticons followed his lead, they might have won the war right there what with the Autobots being in stasis lock. But given their non-conformist nature and [[Undying Loyalty]] to Megatron, they seem just as guilty of this Trope.
** Probably the best example of Starscream's treachery helping the Autobots is in ''[[Transformers Animated]]''. Megatron probably would have killed the Autobot repair crew and gotten his hands on the Allspark if Starscream hadn't put that explosive on his back
* Same with the original ''[[G.I. Joe|G.I.Joe cartoon]]''; a number of times the Joes are beaten, but Cobra Commander has to drive it in (often at the objections of Destro), somehow giving the Joes the chance to overcome their predicament. Strangely enough, Cobra's high-rankers prefer Serpentor to him because of this attitude, and yet Serpentor occasionally falls into this trope as well.
* The ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' cartoons:
** In ''[[Turtles Forever]]'', the 2003 Shredder is revealed to have one weakness- the Technodrome's [[Death Ray]]. Just as the Turtles manage to push him into it, Bebop and Rocksteady accidentally unplug the thing- as Shredder gloats over his apparent victory, they plug it back in, annihilating him in the process. ''Bebop and Rocksteady saved the TMNT multiverse this way.''
** In the older ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987]]'' cartoon Krang had made Super Rocksteady and Bebop robots, which were incredibly strong and intelligent, and could effortlessly defeat the turtles. Until the regular Rocksteady and Bebop accidentally expose them to lightning.
* In the stop-motion animation special ''Here Comes Peter Cottontail'', Peter Cottontail and the villain Irontail are competing for the job of head Easter Bunny. Whoever delivers the most eggs wins. After missing delivering eggs on Easter, Peter tries to deliver the eggs on other holidays, but to no avail. In an attempt to make sure Peter '''never''' gets to unload his supply of Easter eggs, Irontail casts a spell on them that turns eggs green inside and out. Irontail believes that he's won—no one would want green eggs. But then, the next holiday Peter tries to deliver the eggs on turns out to be St. Patricks' Day. As a result, he successfully gives away all the green eggs, and becomes the head Easter Bunny. Irontail, meanwhile, is forced to sweep the bunny trail in the ending credits.
** In the 2003 version, the Utrom Shredder did a much better job of “fixing it”. Although he committed many horrendous crimes that caused anguish to so many people (murdering Splinter’s master, burning down Casey’s father’s store – and possibly killing him too – and kidnapping dozens of New Yorkers and turning them into horrid monsters), as Donatello explains, he originally put into motion a set of [[Disaster Dominoes]] that led to the Turtles’ very creation and his own undoing. (And the biggest irony is, he never learned this.) To summarize:
{{quote|'''Donatello:''' If the Shredder had never made the Utroms crash in the first place, they’d have never developed the ooze, and if they’d never developed the ooze, we’ve never have been mutated, and if we’d never have been mutated, we’d still be eating fish flakes in some kid’s aquarium right now!}}
* In the stop-motion animation special ''Here Comes Peter Cottontail'', Peter Cottontail and the villain Irontail are competing for the job of head Easter Bunny. Whoever delivers the most eggs wins. After missing delivering eggs on Easter, Peter tries to use a [[Time Machine]] to deliver the eggs on other holidays of the previous year, but to no avail. In an attempt to make sure Peter '''never''' gets to unload his supply of Easter eggs, Irontail casts a spell on them that turns eggs green, inside and out. Irontail believes that he's won—no one would want green eggs, and because he does this on Valentine's Day, Peter is quickly running out of holidays. But then, the nextone holiday Peter trieshas to deliver the eggs onleft turns out to be St. Patricks' Day. As a result, he successfully gives away all the green eggs, and becomes the head Easter Bunny. Irontail, meanwhile, is forced to sweep the bunny trail in the ending credits.
* In an odd twist, Nox, the [[Big Bad]] from ''[[Wakfu]]'', actually purposefully attempts to [[Invoked Trope]] this trope. He's a time mage who kills and drains people of their energy (the titular wakfu) in order to power an attempt to travel back in time to save his dead family. He is able to happily commit countless atrocities, draining entire nations over the years, because he believes that once he successfully travels back in time it will all be undone. {{spoiler|He even manages to kill [[The Hero]] and wipe out an entire race in the finale. Unfortunately, his plan fails, and the wakfu that it took him 200 years to collect is barely able to send him back 20 minutes.}}
* In ''[[The Powerpuff Girls]]'' episode "Forced Kin", an alien force defeats the girls using every single idea Mojo Jojo had ever come up with. Jojo gets so upset at the alien stealing his ideas ("[[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|You've. Ruined. My. DREAM!!!!!]]") that he goes primal and physically forces the alien leader to submit, driving away the attack and becoming the hero.
** Mojo Jojo is really a major victim of this trope. In fact, the most major thing is the fact that {{spoiler|he ended up [[Stable Time Loop|inspiring the Professor to make the Powerpuff Girls]], caused the [[Freak Lab Accident]] that created them, '''and''' gave them the drive to fight crime and making them accepted by the city, which was a crime infested rat hole beforehand}}, pretty much making everything good in the series his fault to begin with.
{{quote|'''Mojo Jojo''': [[Villainous BSOD|It was was was me...]]}}
*** Mojo Jojo did this again when he used the Professor's time machine to go back to the day when he was inspired to create the girls and prevent it from happening. {{spoiler|As it turned out, his kidnapping of the Professor leading to the girls having to rescue him inspired him to try and create three perfect girls of his own. It wasn't until they returned to the present that the Professor realized that the girls that rescued him were his own girls. In other words, if Mojo Jojo had never tried to change the past, Professor Utonium would never have been inspired to create the Powerpuff Girls.}}
{{quote|'''Mojo Jojo''': [[Big No|Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!]]
'''Narator''': Yes! }}
Line 322 ⟶ 339:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Optimus'''}}: "I'm ... armed?"
[[Oh Crap|(Vehicons freeze in panic)]] }}
* [[SpongeBob SquarePants|"The door will only open]] [[Too Dumb to Live|if I say 'open'."]]<!--Certainly more examples than this from the show, and I think there's advice against "quote as examples" in some form.-->
* Gargamel may have been [[The Smurfs]] worst enemy, but there were many cartoons where he inadvertently saved them from certain doom. One of the biggest cases was the "Smurf Quest" five parter. Papa Smurf, Grandpa, Hefty, and Sasette used a magical boot to travel to the Four Corners of the World to collect rare materials needed to recharge the Long Life Stone, but after getting the fourth on a tropical island (inhabited by unfriendly [[Eenie Meenie Miny Moai|Moai-like natives]]) they ran into trouble. The Long Life Stone's power started to wane, causing them to undergo [[Rapid Aging]], and to make it worse, the natives stole the boot and threw into into the volcano as a sacrifice. When all seemed lost, Gargamel - who had followed them the whole story after stealing the ''other'' boot - revealed himself. The natives appeared again, and in his panic, he tripped and lost the boot, letting the four Smurfs grab it and escape, making it back to the Village with [[Right on the Tick|barely a second to spare.]]
* [[Harley Quinn]] is the [[Villain Protagonist]] of her own series, but fits the Trope in the second season, where after an [[Enemy Mine]] with Barbara Gordon, seems to have inspired Babs to become [[Batgirl]]. Harley even seems to think she and her gang "awakened" something in her, right before a cut to a scene showing Barbara using a sewing machine to make her costume.
* ''[[Winx Club]]'': Ironically, the best example of [[Arc Villain|Lord Valtor]] doing this was a time where he proved he had standards, sort of. In one episode, Stormy - out of boredom - tells the brainwashed students in the Cloud Tower cafeteria to mix their potatoes and gelatin before eating it. Valtor appears, and doesn't approve of such petty shenanigans, and after Stormy talks back to him on top of it, he uses the Oppositus Power magic he just stole to flip her personality, making her pleasant and obedient, and ''then'' makes her ''eat'' the potato-gelatin mixture. A brief scene later, Bloom and the other heroines show up gunning for revenge against Valtor, and as the spell on Stormy hasn't worn off yet, she's happy to help them and tell them where he is. While this doesn't exactly help them stand up to him when they confront him, this does give Bloom information he later regrets sharing.
* In ''[[The Incredible Hulk (animation)|The Incredible Hulk]]'' cartoon, [[Dr. Doom]] is directly responsible for Jennifer becoming [[She-Hulk]], his experiment leading to the blood transfusion from her cousin that transformed her.
== Real Life ==
* In [[World War II]], the USA entered the war when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, but President [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]] felt defeating Nazi Germany had to take top priority. So, he had the problem of how to sell to Congress and the public that they have to first fight an ally of Japan who didn't directly attack them first. Then eleven days after Pearl Harbor, [[Adolf Hitler]] declared war on the United States of America, and FDR suddenly had an iron clad self-defense rationale no isolationist could argue against.