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* ''[[Baldur's Gate]]'' zig-zags this trope. If you perform enough heroic acts and get your [[Karma Meter|reputation]] high enough, shop prices start going down (to a maximum of 50% at 20 reputation) as the shopkeepers realize you're probably going to use the ludicrously expensive items for a good purpose (on the opposite side, being evil makes store prices higher). You still sell items for less than a fraction of what they're being sold for, and nobody ever just ''gives'' you items no matter your need. This creates a few [[Fridge Logic]] moments, such as Drow (evil underground elf) merchants giving you lower prices based on your heroic deeds on the surface, as well as having to buy items from a priest in an elven city you're currently saving from an [[Evil Sorcerer]].
* ''[[Brave Soul]]'' Averted with Coolbough and his associates (the <s> hotel owners</s> Innkeepers). Though they don't let you stay in their inn for free because you're going to save the world at some point, but because the Hero's father saved Coolbough's life.
* ''[[Castlevania]]''
** ''[[Castlevania]]: [[Portrait of Ruin]]'' The monk, Vincent, will sell you various supplies. During a plot event, he'll be {{spoiler|bitten by a vampire, and he'll run back in asking you to heal him. When entering his shop menu, he usually says "I'll make you a deal!", but when he's sick, he literally says "I'll lower the price... I'll lower the price!" However, he doesn't, and after you heal him, your characters ask him if he ''will'' lower the price--to which he responds that he's gotta make a living.}} Bummer.
** [[Justified Trope]] in ''[[Castlevania (Nintendo 64)]]'' where the shopkeeper is a [[Deal with the Devil|contract that you made with the demon Renon]], who couldn't care less about saving the world from vampires. Of course, we all know how well deals like that go...
** Also justified in ''[[Symphony of the Night]]''. The Librarian is actually in the employ of Dracula, and only helps Alucard at all as he's a greedy bastard. And if you use any of the extra characters, he'll refuse to deal with them at all; Alucard is permissible because he's the Master's son, estranged or not, but dealing with the Belmonts would be outright treason.
** Zigzagged in ''[[Lament of Innocence]]. The alchemist Rinaldo tells you up front that he can't give out his wares for free. Sure, he's helping you to avenge his family who Walter murdered (something he doesn't tell you until later) but this might be justified in that simply making them requires funding. Still, the most valuable item he has - the Whip of Alchemy, which eventually becomes the Vampire Killer - is given to Leon as a gift.
* ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' You can rescue a falsely imprisoned shop clerk from a dungeon. When you visit the shop later, the clerk will slip you some free potions when the shopkeeper isn't looking.
* The ''[[Command & Conquer]]'' series often has opposing forces mining resources on the front lines of battle, with commanders more often than not conducting battle with minimal support from their factions.
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* ''[[X-Men Legends]] II'' Beast and Forge will charge their friends for health, energy and powerups. Pretty mercenary, especially considering that the X-Men and Brotherhood are using these items to defeat Apocalypse. Partly justified in that they accept not money, but "tech bits" (little pieces of [[Applied Phlebotinum]] dropped from enemies and destroyed objects), but come on.
* In the Diablo clone ''[[Throne of Darkness]]'', you can rescue a blacksmith who then joins your home base. To improve his inventory, you have to give him found equipment that he can take apart. You can then buy better gear. That's right: you have to ''give'' him tons of stuff for free, but he'll ''charge'' you money for stuff you want. Note that the game takes place in a shogunate-era Japan overrun by demons and monsters, he works for you (or rather your master), and you ''saved his life''.
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