No Problem With Licensed Games (Sugar Wiki): Difference between revisions

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*** Before that even, there were Interplay's ''[[Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (video game)|25th Anniversary]]'' and ''[[Judgment Rites]]'', two excellent [[Star Trek: The Original Series|TOS]] based adventure games with the occasional starship battle (although the one at the end of the first game was [[Nintendo Hard|nigh impossible to finish]]).
** Star Trek: Invasion, a PlayStation space combat game that is surprisingly good, featuring a thrilling, self-contained and original story in the [[Star Trek]] TNG saga, a simple yet addictive gameplay mechanic, a somewhat [[Nintendo Hard]] difficulty (full-fledged [[Nintendo Hard]] if you choose the Lieutenant difficulty), excellent level design with [[Unexpected Gameplay Change]], lush, eye-candy visual and excellent audio quality. The only things you can fault this game is the flawed control and... well, [[Nintendo Hard]].
** [[Star Trek Online]], the [[Star Trek]] [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]], is a little bit on the [[Your Mileage May Vary]] side, but it has ''gorgeous'' graphics, and at least intended to capture some of the feel of the original series. Additionally, the space combat is some of the most playable of any Star Trek game - having been compared favorably to the later [[Star Trek Starfleet Command]] games.
** ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' also got one good game in ''The Fallen''.
* The recent [[Lego Adaptation Game]]s -- ''Lego [[Star Wars]]'', ''[[Lego Indiana Jones]]'', and ''Lego [[Batman]]''—despite being ''double''-licenses, are quite fun and are well received by critics. This is in part because [[Affectionate Parody|they don't take their universes seriously]] ''at all''. In fact, the games probably wouldn't ''work'' if they happened in an original universe. If you could attribute a problem to them, it would only be that [[Capcom Sequel Stagnation]] is beginning to set in; nothing connected to this trope at all.