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== [[Visual Novel]] ==
* If someone bearing the [[Tsukihime|Mystic Eyes of]] [[KaranoKara no Kyoukai:|Death Perception]] hits you in your point of death, you die. Doesn't matter if you can reincarnate, you are a gestalt entity of six-hundred sixty six different beasts that ordinarily have to all be killed at the same moment, you can locally reverse time to instantly repair any damage done to you, or the world itself actively works to sustain your continued existence, you die. Period.
** Unless, of course, you have the right flavor of [[Plot Armor]]. Arcueid and Souren Araya both manage to overcome this in different ways (the latter by meditatively delaying his death for a considerable time, and the former by simply ''not having'' a point of death at night).
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* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' has many weapons that bypass Armor Saves and a few ones that bypass ''Invulnerable'' Saves. The wording on one of these attacks simply states that the affected model is "removed from play with no saves of any kind allowed".
** A favourite tactic of Chaos players in the days of 3.5 Edition was to create one of these by taking a Chaos Lord with the "[[One-Winged Angel|Daemonic Stature]]" daemonic gift and the "[[Impossibly Cool Weapon|Dreadaxe]]" [[Sentient Weapon|daemonic weapon.]] [[Hilarity Ensues|Hilarity ensued]], then [[Nerf|nerfing]].
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' tends not to have outright remove-from-play spells, instead using spells that require rolls against characteristics not typically used for resisting damage; of these the much-maligned [[Game Breaker|Purple Sun of Xereus]] is probably the most famous.
* If you are level 4 or below in Rules Cyclopedia ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'', if someone casts a Sleep spell upon you, you're as good as sleeping, as it doesn't give you a saving throw against it. If you don't have any friends to protect you or wake you up when you're under the spell's influence, you're pretty much at the mercy of whoever cast the spell on you, as anyone can use a bladed weapon to kill you instantly no matter how many HP you have.
** As mentioned above, the [[Level Drain]] attacks of many [[The Undead|undead]] do not allow a saving throw, except for special circumstances.